Here are some clever questions to ask atheists who believe in evolution. You can ask these questions to the YouTube atheists such as Thunderf00t and AronRa, and you can just copy and paste these questions on an atheist chatboard. When they fail to come up with an explanation to these questions, always reference them to John 3:16 and the Truth about The Creation from the Genesis Account (The best selling book about our origins and science in America)! Also be sure to tell them that Jesus loves them, and spread tell them about the Gospels. The atheists will soon come into the light and the blood of Christ.
1. If Evolution is true, then why do scientists call it a theory?
2. If evolution is true, then why can’t I evolve wings when I want to?
3. Have you heard of the man prints that have been found with dinosaur tracks in Texas?
4. If the T.rex was a meat eater, then why do its teeth look as if they were created for crushing coconuts and raking leaves?
5. Why has Richard Dawkins become afraid to challenge Ray Comfort and other Christians in debates?
6. Should we stop going to church, steal, rape, go to strip bars, and do other sins if it is true that we came from monkeys?
7. Why are there still monkeys today if we came from monkeys?
8. Why can’t we see monkeys give birth to humans in the zoos?
9. Did you know that the Piltdown Man was a hoax?
10. If the birds came from dinosaurs, then why have we not seen any fossils that prove that Brontosaurus, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, and T.rex flew? After all, how could the T.rex take off to the air with those tiny arms?
11. Why was Richard Dawkins stumped by creationists when he was asked a simple question?
10. How did the Grand Canyon form?
11. Have you seen a pocketwatch, a painting, an airplane, or a soda can spontaneously form by itself from a junkyard?
12. Are you aware that there are gaps in the fossil record?
13. How could a dog-like creature that was swimming all of a sudden turn into a whale?
14. If the scientific community agrees with everyone about evolution, then why are they divided? For example, many scientists claim we came from monkeys, but people like Lawrence Krauss and Carl Sagan claim we came from star stuff.
15. How can evolution be true if Ray Comfort demonstrated it to be false with a banana?
16. How did some fish all of a sudden decide to walk on land?
17. If evolution is true, then how can it explain our human emotions, gravity, angular momentum, sunsets, or other phenomena we see everyday?
18. Did you know that Communism and Nazism were inspired by evolution?
19. Why has there been no “Missing Link” found by the scientific community for human evolution, bird evolution, whale evolution, or any other evolution claim?
20. Why are there no transitional fossils found if evolution is true?
21. Why is the Coelocanth considered a living fossil and proven to not have changed over these millions of years if evolution is true?
22. How did something complex like the eye or a leaf form?
23. Did you know racism started after Darwin published his Origin of Species?
24. Why do we see no half-human half-monkeys, crocoducks, or fronkeys today if evolution is true?
25. How can we come to understand Christ if we believe in evolution?
26. Did you know that believing in evolution is responsible for racism, pornography, lies, sins, homosexuality, and other sins?
27. Does God matter if we should believe in evolution?
28. How did the planets and stars all of a sudden form by the Big Bang explosion?
29. Why should we consider rape to be wrong if we should believe in evolution?
30. If mutations for evolution are good, then why are they bad for us, such as sickle cell anemia?
31. If evolution is true, why is it not mentioned in the bible?