
Travis Cormier #fundie new.facebook.com

[In response to why God never heals amputees] no matter who we are, or what we are missing God still loves us, and he is not materialistic like our modern society (hence we want the limbs, they are materials that are obviously not a necessity to live so it is not required to have them in order to praise God) so he does not have to give them these.

Brady Oakes #fundie new.facebook.com

There are multiple reasons people are atheists. One, which I speculate is your reason and which you will undoubtedly deny, is because you suffered some sort of Childhood abuse or have been deeply hurt by someone close to you. The reason I make that assumption is because you lash out at the idea of being subject to anyone or anything. The same reason you choose to deny there is a God is the same reason you don’t understand the principles of biblical marriage.

Byron Bayh Jr #fundie new.facebook.com

"Your ignorance and blind hatred are the kind of reasons that Christianity is not taught in public schools. Who wants to learn about a faith that promotes contempt, hate, anger, jealousy, pride, and ignorance? Christians are the face of God on Earth. You'd best be watching what example you make of the God you claim such love for."

It does promote contempt, but only of people who deserve it. We don't hate everybody - just homosexuals, abortionists and athiests, and others who have turned their backs to God. Everybody else is fine.

Eric Rowe #fundie new.facebook.com

[on a thread in the Barr for President group discussing the Constitution Party's platform]

"They want to establish a Republic based and guided on Biblical principles. That is called a theocracy."

No that's not a theocracy. All people are religious, including atheists. And all people have ethical systems that are based on their religion whatever that may be. And all people base their ideas of what government should and shouldn't to on their ethics. It's only a theocracy when they seek to legislate religion itself. Being pro-life is not theocratic. Neither is being for freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Though all of those ideas are ones that Christians hold on the basis of biblical principles.

"That platform states the government should discriminate against gays."

How does it say that government should discriminate against gays? You mean like in the military, which is something government should be in control of and has every right to run according to whatever is best without regard for political correctness, or do you mean that it says the federal government should somehow force the states to punish citizens for being gay? I highly doubt that anything in that platform says the latter.

Byron Bayh Jr #fundie new.facebook.com

NOTHING is outside religion!
And its the teaching of 'so many cultures' that's the problem! Kids in public schools are so busy learning how not to offend a Sikh they don't learn, for instance, how to count, read, write and understand the Bible!

Brandon Go #conspiracy new.facebook.com

We have a duty, as Americans, to stop the teachings of any culture and goverment type but our own. A startling fact has been revealed to me. Did you know that iin preschool and other public education facilites, the Communism Chant of "Sharing is Caring" is being taught to our children. "Sharing is Caring" is the principals of communism and socialism and should be an outlawed phrase in order not currupt our children's minds. Children should instead be taught that taking from other people is caring, since that is the only way they can survive in a competitive work enviroment, and uphold the great American ordeal that is free enterprise. Also, any children's educationtional programs that our caught chanting similar messages should be banned immedietly, and all involved in it's production should be sent to Gitmo for treason. Thank You.

Sam Mason #conspiracy new.facebook.com

It is fact that the next step for the survival of a species trying to navigate the Uranium Age (after creating nuclear weapons) is to create a world government, effectively ending all possibility of nuclear war on the home planet (which would be an extinction event). Perhaps a world government IS beyond the capability of humans. If this is the case then humans are not meant to navigate the Uranium Age and will take the same path of self destruction that so many species have done and will do in our Universe.

Thomas Deng #fundie new.facebook.com

(Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrating family reunion, which falls on Sep. 14th this year.)

Should the MidAutumn Festival be removed?

The origins are definitely unChristian, we can say for sure. It has nothing to do with Christianity, Jesus, or God. It is to do with an archer, a moon goddess, suns or rabbits. It dates back over 3000 years and so to continue with this tradition is very wrong, I feel.

I personally think it should be removed. It is unChristian, nothing do with Christianity. Christians like myself find it false because the true God is jealous if we worship other Gods. “You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God” (Exodus 20:4-5).

I am a firm Christian, believes in the Word of the Bible.