
Peter LaBarbera #wingnut #homophobia onenewsnow.com

"It looks like Wal-Mart has exchanged the Confederate flag for the rainbow flag," says Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality.

Walmart has announced it will discontinue sales of Confederate flag-themed merchandise after the June 17 murder of South Carolina church murders by a suspected racist.

But that announcement rings hollow in the mind of LaBarbera, who takes issue with a Wal-Mart spokesman declaring the retail giant doesn't want to "offend" people.

"And yet Wal-Mart has now embraced homosexual activism very strongly," says LaBarbera, who tracks corporations and their support of homosexual activism.

revanonymoose #fundie #homophobia onenewsnow.com

Disney should be a warning to all who compromise on the homosexual issue. Whether it be an individual, a church, a government, or an organization. Once you start it is very rare to stop! An individual maybe able to repent and start over(Luke 13:1-5; Rev.2:5) but it is very rare for churches, organizations, etc to stop once the ball of compromise on homosexuality starts! I would tell anyone who claims to be saved and in a church that compromises on the issue of homosexuality to do what the Bible says which is to "come out from amongst them and be separate(II Cor.6:14-7:1; II Tim.3:5). I personally believe once a group has gone that far ICHABOD is on its door!

David Eternburn #fundie #homophobia onenewsnow.com

[Regarding Minnesota's legalization of homosexual marriage.]

Living in Washington State, I share Ms. Markel's concern. Every society that has endorsed Homosexuality met its doom, usually within 50 years. Be patient, those of you who think nothing will happen; that God is not real; and that it's ok to mock God. Next week, next year, five years from now - who knows - you will reap what you have sewn.

No, we are not the judge, only the messenger. The message is, homosexuality is more than just a sin, it IS an abomination, right there with beastiality, cannibalism and child sacrifice, all the things the Jews did in 586BC before Jerusalem fell to Babylon. (Fortunately, we have not sunk this low...yet.) Fortunately, there are still enough of us who respect God's laws who pray daily for God to spare His judgement on not just America, but the entire world.

We may see tornadoes in Seattle, or an earthquake in Minneapolis. We may see volcanic eruptions, a meteor, or simply an economic collapse resulting in social chaos and anarchy. A strange virus may be rear it's ugly head. Methinx it will probably be all of the above.

The book of Revelation says that this "stay of execution" of God's wrath won't last forever. He is patient, wanting no one to perish, yet He will respect the choice of those who choose to reject His Son. Supporters of these "alternative" lifestyles will eventually win the battle, and have their way on earth, but ultimately they will lose. The good news is, you have a choice. Which side do you want to be on? The winning side? Then repent and turn to Christ. It's very, very easy to do. Rejecting Christ or not choosing puts you on the losing side. Don't be on the losing side; you won't like it.

Charlie Butts and Peter LaBarbera #homophobia #fundie onenewsnow.com

One example of how desensitizing homosexual content reaches children is a cartoon (see video below) playing on Hulu, "The Bravest Knight Who Ever Lived," in which a young boy rescues a prince and princess, and then marries the prince, who is an older man.

The animated short film, based on a previously published children’s book by Daniel Errico, premiered on May 28 to commemorate Hulu’s celebration of gay pride.

Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality explains that this type of video content is meant to influence how children react to homosexuality.

“It's very sad; they're robbing the kids of their innocence,” he says. “They're only giving them one side of the story. They're manipulating these young minds."

"Kids deserve stories and fairytales that represent the whole spectrum of human love and experience," Huffington Post proclaimed of the cartoon. "Now, one video streaming service is helping make that a reality."

LaBarbera also points to another video involving children that tries to normalize transgender people.

The children are shown photos of Bruce Jenner and "Caitlyn" Jenner, and the story explains that the children's reactions "are more mature and more civil than most people’s who have been taking to Twitter to express their negative thoughts."

“These are radical gender ideologues and their target is our kids,” LaBarbera tells OneNewsNow. “I think most parents are just unknowing and naïve about how great this effort is to push this propaganda."

The result of that propaganda and clueless parents, he says, is "a whole generation is brainwashed on these issues, and it's changing the entire nation.”

LaBarbera says that's all the more reason for parents to know what their children are accessing on television and social media.

More importantly, it's a need for parents to discuss the issue with their children from the standpoint of a biblical worldview.

Bryan Fischer #homophobia onenewsnow.com

The CDC informs us that over 90% of all men who have ever been diagnosed with HIV-AIDS contracted it through having sex with other men (61%), intravenous drug abuse (21%), or both (9%). Homosexual conduct thus is even more of a risk to human health than intravenous drug injection. We should no more normalize homosexual conduct, let alone homosexual marriage, than to normalize shooting up with needles

Coleen Beisheim #fundie #homophobia onenewsnow.com

Jessie....religious marriage yes is very sacred, but when you and others of homosexuality forces the traditional marriage to become equal for the same-sex couples, how do you consider marriage to be sacred then? How do you consider that to be equal when traditional marriage is not equal to same-sex marriage? How does that qualify as equal? Everyone has those same equal rights now, but you are asking for special rights and you are discriminating against those who sees this type of agenda as unnatural, unhealthy, and demoralizing .

Seperate but equal, we do not wish to be second class citizens. Tell me Jesse, who made their decision to be a transgender, homosexual, bisexual, and so on. You and the homosexuals made your own decision to become this way, we didn't force you to become one. Yes, there were circumstances that lead to this, but in all you yourself made that decision to live your life that way. So it is yourselves that have and made you feel like second class citizens, we didn't put you there; you did. So don't be blaming others for what you decided to do with your life. So why should you have those same benefits from marriage when it wasn't set up that way in the first place.

Brama #homophobia onenewsnow.com

Heterosexuals and Homosexuals are already protected under current laws. You can't be discriminated against based on race, color, gender, religion, ethnicity, national origin and age. Which one of those do Homosexuals NOT fall under? Marital Status is not listed because it never is an issue for ANYONE. Homosexuals are not discriminated against just because they can't get married. They have the same right to marry as everyone else. They just don't accept the man & woman definition of marriage. That doesn't mean that they don't have the right to marry. Marriage is not limited to anyone. They just don't want the marriage that is available to them. When the definition of marriage changes, it opens the flood gates of any combination of unions to be legitimately lobbied for: multiple wives, multiple husbands, marriage to animals, etc. Even NAMBLA would have a LEGAL, although morally repugnant, precedence to adult-child marriage. Discrimination in marriage in that instance cannot be partial to anyone or form if you follow the logical repercussions of that argument. But that is an issue that those fighting against traditional marriage want to just ignore and not address.

Unknown #fundie onenewsnow.com

How many monkeys have you seen evolve in your lifetime, or for that matter, in history books (not just a science book)? If your answer is that, that happened millions of years ago and no books existed, then tell me how old homo sapiens (wise) humans are? You say about 200,000 years. When and what was the first form of writing? (we actually agree on this) 3200 BC and Heiroglyphics (which is mainly drawing and symbols that depict a message) So you expect us all to swallow that it took wise humans approximately 197,000 years to accomplish this simple form of writing? Forgive me for saying so, but evolutionists are so stuck on their science that they forget concrete history.

Sandy #fundie onenewsnow.com

I have heard it said and truly believe there is no such thing as an athiest. Put them in a foxhole or in the direct line of fire from Evil Muslims and watch how quickly they become UNATHIESTS. This is for attention only and they do receive the attention otherwise such nonsense would never be put on a screen. Everybody look at the Athiests arn't they just too cute?

Offensive_Bias #fundie #homophobia onenewsnow.com

One of the issues I find with homosexuals is they live that life style because they feel "attracted" to the same sex. I for one would not let me "attractions" affect my life to be normal. I know of formal homosexuals who don't struggle with the temptation anymore, that's all it is. Some people are attracted to younger/older, animals, ect. it's not sinful but when they give in then that's when it becomes sin. God offers a way out. (1 Cor. 10:13). the exception is hermaphrodites because they are born with both sets reproductive organs.

The debate isn't about allowing homosexuals full rights, they already do. It's them creating special rights to bring their lifestyle more into the mainstream. With all the media attention on their side, no one in the media hasn't challenged them scientifically of what makes them homosexual. That needs debating rather their agenda be rushed through.

Peter LaBarbera #fundie #homophobia #wingnut onenewsnow.com

With yesterday’s historic “coming out” by an NBA player, one cultural commentator is very concerned how that announcement may influence children who view professional athletes as role models.

NBA veteran Jason Collins disclosed in a first-person account posted Monday at SI.com that he is “gay.” Collins, 34, is a 12-year veteran of the National Basketball Association and has played for six teams during that time.

“I’m black. And I’m gay. I didn’t set out to be the first openly gay athlete playing in a major American team sport. But since I am, I’m happy to start the conversation,” he states in the article.

White House spokesman Jay Carney on Monday called Collins’ decision to come out “courageous,” and added the White House supports him. The seven-foot, 255-pound center becomes the first active male player in one of the four major professional sports to publicly reveal his homosexuality.

Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality tells American Family News that Collins is actually struggling with homosexual sin.

“He was born with genes that made him tall. He wasn't born with a gay gene,” says LaBarbera. “I feel sorry for this man. He's being celebrated, which will encourage him to stay in his sin, and he needs to leave it like so many men and women have before him.”

The family advocate adds there is "a huge push to have homosexuality embraced in professional sports." Teams in the four major professional sports have special events to draw positive attention to the lifestyle – and LaBarbera contends that is not healthy for children.

“These professional athletes are models for children, whether we like it or not,” he says. “And so this will lead the children embracing homosexuality and saying, Hey, it's good enough for Jason Collins it's good enough for me.”

It is LaBarbera's hope that Collins will encounter Christians who will help him leave the lifestyle by embracing Jesus Christ.

Anonymous Commenter #fundie onenewsnow.com

Porn is porn, it is sick, it is immoral, it is not right. But for people who watch porn, it is like watching horror, you get bored with the same thing and you want something that goes further and further, it feeds a lust in you. So absolutely there is a link between adult porn and child porn. Only a fool could not see that. Just b/c you watch porn doesn't mean you want to rape children, but if you want to rape children, chances are you got your start watching adult porn. How is that so hard to understand? Porn is an evil world no matter where it is coming from.

Dr. Trayce Hansen #homophobia onenewsnow.com

Young adults who were raised by openly homosexual parents were more likely to engage in homosexuality and to later self-identify as bisexual or homosexual -- and it's quite a stark difference," Hansen shares. She notes that 24 percent of children raised by homosexuals or lesbians had experiences with the same gender, while zero percent raised by heterosexuals leaned in that direction.

Anonymous Commenter #fundie onenewsnow.com

[The hypocrisy on this site is unreal. A few articles down you are claiming that a lesbian judge cant be objective due to the gay groups she represents. NOW, when the same thing happens to a conservative judge, its a 'foul'. ... [Y]ou cant have it both ways. If its ok for him, then you cant whine about the lesbian judge's associations simply because she represents a cause you don't agree with.]

The difference between the two judges is that the lesbian is breaking God's law and the other judge is not. God's law trumps the pathetic attempts of man to construct a legal or moral code that ignores or mocks His law. He will show us His idea of fairness when He casts the unrepentant sinners into the hell they chose when they denied Him.

Buddy Smith #fundie #homophobia onenewsnow.com

The Mississippi Religious Freedom Restoration Act – which is to take effect July 1 – mirrors one passed on a federal level during the Clinton administration. It is designed, in part, to protect business owners who don't want to do work to promote homosexual activism.

In response to passage of that bill, owners who want the business of homosexuals are now posting blue, circular window stickers that incorporate the rainbow colors typically associated with homosexual activism.

Buddy Smith, executive vice president of Tupelo-based American Family Association, offers his take on the sticker campaign.

"It's not really a buying campaign, but it's a bully campaign," he says, "and it's being carried out by radical homosexual activists who intend to trample the freedom of Christians to live according to the dictates of scripture.

"They don't want to hear that homosexuality is sinful behavior – and they wish to silence Christians and the church who dare to believe this truth."

Smith offers a word of caution for those who do business with facilities posting the decal supporting homosexual activism. "If you do that, you are agreeing with these businesses that Christians no longer have the freedom to live out the dictates of their Christian faith and conscience," he tells OneNewsNow.

Charlie Butts and Matt Barber #homophobia onenewsnow.com

Prediction for Boy Scouts: Quietly Opening Door for Homosexual Leaders

A pro-family leader is asking whether the Boy Scouts will enforce a policy against homosexual leaders.

A new policy went into effect January 1, allowing open homosexuals as members of the Boy Scouts, but not adults.

Last week, the New York Chapter of the Boy Scouts hired an openly homosexual 18-year-old Eagle Scout to work as a camp counselor this summer.

Matt Barber, an attorney and founder of Barbwire.com, predicts the BSA policy in homosexual adults will change too.

"They are employing an incrementalist strategy here - death by a thousand cuts," Barber says of the Scouts.


[H]e predicts [that] the BSA leaders will slowly allow open homosexuals to take leadership roles within the Boy Scouts, "and take boys on camping trips [...] [T]his will place boys at a risk rate of 10 times the previous rate for being sexually assaulted on these camping trips," Barber warns.

Barber says there is an alternative, Trail Life USA, which is a faith-based organization that began after the Boy Scouts accepted gay scouts.

Dr. Donald E. Wildmon #fundie #homophobia onenewsnow.com

[Alleged beating of elderly homosexual man proven false.]

Dr. Donald E. Wildmon, founder and chairman of the American Family Association (AFA), says he does not expect any retraction of accusations by homosexual activists -- but he does expect them to continue their push for "hate crimes" legislation, regardless of the facts. He recalls similar reaction to a highly publicized incident in October 1998.

"This really calls to mind the incident in Wyoming a few years ago [when] a young man named Matthew Shepherd supposedly ... was beaten because he was a homosexual," says Wildmon. "The truth later came out that the people who beat him to death did not even know he was a homosexual; they were robbing him."

An incident such as the Shepherd case, says the AFA founder, "gets big play early on" -- but despite later findings, "it's planted in the minds of people who don't hear the truth."

Law enforcement authorities in Detroit say they now consider the Anthos case closed. But at least one Detroit-area homosexual advocacy group, the Triangle Foundation, is hopeful the police will take into account the testimony of Anthos and continue to pursue the case, despite the physical evidence casting doubt on his claims.

Conservative and Christian leaders have argued for years that, if "hate crimes" legislation became law, it could become illegal for pastors to preach from the Bible regarding homosexuality.

Tim Todd #fundie #homophobia onenewsnow.com

An evangelist who visits Russia frequently believes the move afoot there to ban the public display of homosexuality is because the nation's leaders -- both political and religious -- have seen the damage American culture has suffered from the homosexual movement.

As an evangelist who works in Russia, Tim Todd tells OneNewsNow that is quite a contrast to America, which has the most pro-homosexual president in the country's history. Todd, who heads Revival Fires International and has worked in Russia, understands that country's stand against the homosexual agenda.

"America is opening the floodgate -- and if you want to know what God thinks about the sin of homosexuality, you can look at his urban renewal development plan in Sodom and Gomorrah," he points out. "It gives you a pretty good idea."

Todd says Russia has had an opportunity for years now to observe the homosexual agenda in America and Europe and learn firsthand what it has done to the culture.

"[In America] there is open, blatant homosexuality on television and on the Internet where the homosexuals have come out of their hideouts in publicly proclaiming their sinful activity," he observes.

Todd adds that he believes Russia has known all along the detriment homosexuality has on society -- and now they have proof in the United States.

Anonymous Commenter #conspiracy onenewsnow.com

We do have the best health care in the world. To the poster who said we're ranked 39th, I would ask why he/she would trust anything the "World Health Organization" has to say. Its just another corrupt arm of the horrendously corrupt U.N. I bet they have Cuba and Venezuela as having better care than us.

OverTheFalls #homophobia onenewsnow.com

Say a state permits gay marriage, AND permits 15 year olds, with permission to marry from parents.

Now, a 40 yr old convicted pedophile man legally marries a 15 yr old boy in that state.

Is that state-sponsored/sanctioned pedophilia, which normally would be a felony?

Should all states honor the marriage, benefits, etc?

Would NAMBLA condone relationships like this?

Nothing will be prohibited including Sharia law multiple wives w/permitted canings; where can this end: Mormons demanding their religious rights to polygamy as well as crazies insisting on tying knots with good old mom and dad. None of that seems so far-fetched now.

We are on a very slippery slope and Target is helping push society down that muddy precipice.

gary morgan #conspiracy #wingnut onenewsnow.com

i wonder who is going to win in this staged, fixed, rigged Presidential Election. when Obama showed the American People his phoney Forged Birth Certificate, is Obama eligible to be in a Presidential Election ? one of the networks of the secular MSM has already placed Obama as the winner of the election, they will report the lies that Obama won with 46% of the votes to Romney's 41% of the votes. Did you know that are several people that lost an election but is still allowed to be an Representative, example, Al Sharpton.

Rob #wingnut onenewsnow.com

"Understanding" or NOT "Understanding" Gay People has NOTHING
to do with Rule of Law and States' Rights. The Federal Government
has been blantantly ignoring the 10th Amendment since Lincoln
first started his War against States Rights with the Civil War.
But, you Liberals want to impose your Communist, radical
and twisted views on everyone, and refuse to make the connection of
INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS= States Rights (ultimately).
I am tired of all of you citing the Constitution, and taking it
It out of Context to suit your agendas. You support Activist
Far Left Progressive Judges that are in essence writing Law
with Many of their decisions. And all of you fools see the Constitution
as a "Living" document. ..

The ONLY way the Framers intended for the Law of the Land to change
was via the AMENDMENT process..... Not Obama's Executive,
Monarchial Orders, ignoring Laws he and Eric Holder don't like and
Activist judges trampling on the Sovereignty and Rights of the States.

Kentucky Baptist Convention #fundie onenewsnow.com

The Kentucky Baptist Convention is calling for change at a ministry for abused children to make sure it's in line with scripture. The change is directed at the head of Sunrise Children's Services, an agency affiliated with the KBC.

The Convention last week issued a vote of "no confidence" in Sunrise CEO Bill Smithwick after he proposed hiring homosexual at the children's ministry – reportedly in hopes of preserving millions of dollars in state and federal funding. Although the Sunrise Board subsequently voted to keep its ban on the hiring of homosexuals, the KBC voted to replace all members of the board.

Rob Muise #fundie onenewsnow.com

In his most recent official statement marking the end of a Muslim holiday, President Obama has raised some concerns that he's not being realistic about the threat Islam poses to America. One voice along that line comes from the American Freedom Law Center.

In his statement Sunday on ending Eid al-Fitr, President Obama thanked the Muslim community for its contributions "to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy." Reacting to that statement, Rob Muise – co-founder of the American Freedom Law Center – tells OneNewsNow the president has apparently ignored Israel's battle against terrorists and Jihadists in other countries targeting innocent civilians, especially Christians.

"It's quite troubling that the president does not recognize that we have a very serious threat across the world and to our nation – a threat posed by Islamic jihadists who support and promote sharia law," he shares.

Muise says the president is apparently ignoring the history of threats as well as the events of September 11, 2001, and the continuing threats against the U.S. The attorney's colleague and co-founder David Yerushalmi did a study on the terrorist threat posed by mosques in America.

"[That study] shows that [in] 80 percent of the U.S. mosques, their imams promote violent jihad against the West," Muise explains. "... Sharia law, which is the foundational law of Islam, is antithetical to our fundamental values and beliefs, particularly the right to free exercise of religion [and] the right to freedom of speech."


Muise says it's inaccurate to suggest the teachings of Islam are consistent with building the fabric of America. "It's just the opposite," he adds, noting of course that not all Muslims support jihad.

Matt Barber #fundie onenewsnow.com

I hope that they will point out that it is the behavior that causes AIDS. That it’s aberrant sexual behavior – male on male homosexual behavior – that is the catalyst for this horrible disease, that it is something that can be prevented simply by not engaging in the behavior that causes it.

Dr. Richard Land #fundie onenewsnow.com

During his visit to Kenya last month, President Barack Obama pressed leaders to accept the homosexual lifestyle and same-sex "marriage."


Such attempts by Obama, says Dr. Richard Land, president of Southern Evangelical Seminary, only further a perception that Americans are "morally degenerate."

"I think it just reinforces in the minds of many more traditional-minded folks in Africa that the United States has gone politically correct to the point of having lost our moral compass and lost our moral way," Land tells OneNewsNow. "And it just sort of feeds into the perception that we are morally degenerate."

As for the president's continued attempts to impose his pro-homosexual agenda domestically, Land emphasizes that elections have consequences.

"In my opinion, President Obama being president of the United States is in itself a judgment of God on the United States – that a God who disposes and proposes has allowed him to become president because of our moral profligacy," the seminary president states.

Alex MacFarland #racist onenewsnow.com

[On Dreamers]

We’ve got to remember that we’re talking about people who have skirted the law, either intentionally or by virtue of being part of a family. We need to use the word ‘felon’ [instead] because people who break the law—especially invading a country without going through the channels—they need to be helped to understand that we do not have open borders.

William Gheen #conspiracy onenewsnow.com

If amnesty for the DACA illegal alien DREAMers passes, they will use that as a strong lever to pass amnesty for all illegal immigrants—which will then give socialist Democrats permanent control of U.S. elections forevermore.

Anonymous Commenter #fundie onenewsnow.com

Women absolutely should not be on subs for these and other reasons not stated here. Sad that some people think it is okay to put a child at risk because they want "equality in the workplace". There are some jobs that women should not be doing and the same with men. Get over yourselves and your "I want what I want" stuff. Be a woman - quit trying to be men.

What the? #fundie onenewsnow.com

I think we have already tried to love [gay people]. They don't want it!!!! You have to have s e x with them them they will know you mean it...... maybe..... they might just have you do a bunch of stuff afterwards, like clime a tree naked, hold a sign in Town Square that says "I am a bigot and I am really a qu ee r"..... then just maybe, just maybe you can be their pet and eat the crumbs of food off their floor.....

Austin Nimocks #fundie onenewsnow.com

For ten years, two women lived together in a lesbian relationship, during which one of them -- Barbara Maniaci -- solely adopted two children. But in 2006, Maniaci left her roommate and the homosexual lifestyle, and later married a man. Following the break-up, the former roommate sued for -- and now has won -- parental rights.

Austin Nimocks, senior legal counsel with the Alliance Defense Fund, tells OneNewsNow that Montana's highest court decided to uphold the demands of a legal stranger.

"What the Montana Supreme Court did was give a third party -- the parent's former roommate and girlfriend -- parental rights...," says the attorney. "And it runs contrary to clear precedent dating back several years in Montana and the United States Supreme Court. [It's] a very, very disturbing decision."

He says that historically courts have upheld the rights of "fit natural" parents. "When we undermine the rights of fit natural parents, it causes harm to families and children," argues Nimocks. "Giving strangers and third parties access to kids is not in the best interest of children or families."

savedbygodsgrace101 #conspiracy onenewsnow.com

When you have government controlling our healthcare like ObamaCare will be doing, you are going to have the type of healthcare that have all sorts of restrictions on what they will pay for and what they will not pay for. There are going to be shortages of doctors, nurses, hospital care in order to save money. What type of healthcare do you think you will get? The elderly will be pushed aside and will not be taken care of properly because the government will turn their backs on them and let them die. The ones with long term illnesses will be turned away and not helped either for the govertment will not pay out for such expensive healthcare. When you take away and cut back on hospital staff, doctors and so on; you will not be getting the proper healthcare that you think you will be getting when the government has your health in their hands.

Anonymous Commenter #sexist onenewsnow.com

I work with a submariner. He thinks it is crazy to put women on subs, too. The amount of money required just to add a bathroom is over the top. The bad air and pregnancy problem is also quite real. Me being a female in the military, I just don't see why women would want to force their way onto a sub when it is not in the best interest of the country they have sworn to protect and defend.

Anonymous #fundie onenewsnow.com

I live just outside Philly. The City has turned completely gay, and now obviously athiest as well. We used to take the kids to the Museums, but not anymore - if you do, you have to let your children see men groping each others testicles in public. Its more dispicable than you can ever imagine.

Bill Schu #fundie onenewsnow.com

So now you have your way because prayer is out of school and all these children think like you do. The result of the lib mind set since the 60's has resulted in what we have now a failing Public School system that many graduate illiterates. You libs did a fine job with the school system huh? I believe we should do an experiment to prove who is really wrong. We should reintroduce the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer a see just what happens.

Shane Clark #fundie onenewsnow.com

There never was and never will be any sort of, "kinder and more reasonable" homosexual. From the beginning of time they have always been aggressive and militant. This is not just true for homosexuality however. All sin corrupts completely, and those who worship it as normal become twisted and evil. Look at all the militant defenders of Planned Parenthood. A literal holocaust, on a scale vastly greater than anything Hitler ever imagined, is going on. Yet PP supporters will defend abortion with the hatred of hell itself.

Sandy #fundie onenewsnow.com

[A North Carolina court ruled that witnesses can take an oath on any text that is sacred to them.]

Isn't this another attempt at forcing Islamic beliefs upon American citizens, soil and court system? This is the U.S., not an Islamic nation, so why again are we catering to this? If it were an American on Islamic soil, do we really believe the Bible would be allowed in that country much less their court system?

Stand For Christ #fundie onenewsnow.com

Considering that Global temperature hasn't risen/changed since 1996 proves that what the schools and climategate are teaching is an out right lie. The BIBLE has historical facts about society and climategate has none it's not hard to see which one is based on factual evidence.

Robert Spencer #fundie onenewsnow.com

"Well, Al Green is nuts," [Robert Spencer] tells OneNewsNow. "He [is] talking about something that's essentially fictional. There are no Christians who are citing the Bible and using it to justify acts of violence and terrorism. There are Muslims all around the world citing the Quran and using it to justify acts of violence and terrorism."

Spencer also says Green was misinformed in asking why the committee did not investigate a blue-eyed, blond-haired, white female who had become radicalized.

"The only blue-eyed, blond-haired, white woman who has been radicalized in recent memory is 'Jihad Jane,' a woman in Pennsylvania who converted to Islam," the Jihad Watch director notes.

Peter LaBarbera #fundie onenewsnow.com

[Does anyone else find this statement completely ironic?]

The president of an Illinois-based pro-family group says many fans of the Fox News Channel would be surprised -- and perhaps even upset -- to know that the network, which describes itself as "fair and balanced," supports a conference for homosexual journalists.

Texas patriot #fundie onenewsnow.com

Lets see, [Obama] had the conviction to change his name to a Muslim name, he bows down to sheiks, he supported placing a mosque on ground zero and naming it the Citadel (the name of the Islamic caliphate capital city), when rejected he went on vacation to the region of Spain where the Citadel once stood, the meetings he held there with the Muslim Brotherhood brought on the Arab spring and overturn of multiple countries, he rejects good American soldiers for Islamic terrorist. Gee, what is he?

marymieres #fundie onenewsnow.com

(about Obama)
false humility beats around bushes. It is OUR JOB to judge righteous judgements.

"do you not know that you shall judge even the very angels of heaven"

The Bible

judge not" scriptures are not for this circumstance.. it was refering to a "BROTHER"

not a worker of iniquity.

peace out


Anonymous Commenter #fundie onenewsnow.com

[Rifqa Bary, a Muslim-to-Christian convert, will remain in foster care, despite the fact that there has never been any evidence that her parents wish to harm her.]

I never see my comments on here and if I don't start I'm going to stop making any. Isalm 'demands' its followers to kill those that convert to another religion who will not convert back. There young lady had a justifiable fear that her parents, if they're good Muslims, would attempt to harm her. They would be bad Muslims if they did not. So, once again, the Religion of Peace is a proven religion of blood and fear. Why do you think their symbol is a sword? Duh!!!

Anonymous Commenter #conspiracy onenewsnow.com

I hope folks are taking note on who is behind the gay movement. The same folks who were behind the miscengenation movement, and are always behind the "hate Christians" movement, behind the "freedom from religion" movement, behind the ACLU, behind the SPLC, behind the abortion movement, and behind the feminist movement. Names like Goldstein and Kruger keep popping up as CEOs and high stakes supporters. Get it yet? WHO is behind the cultural revolution?

shorelineliz #racist onenewsnow.com

The majority of Latino people in the USA are poor. They want more government handouts. This article is absolutely true. The majority favor the Robin Hood Plan. Take from the evil rich white colonizers and give to the sanctimonious poor brown and black people. Because everyone knows that poor people are all good people. They are all holy and spiritual. They are closer to God. And that rich people are all evil and of the devil. My husband worked in Mexico. No one demonizes the rich more than the poor people of Mexico. As far as they are all concerned every rich, white person in the USA is in the paid service of Satan himself while they are perfect little angels and the Lord has a "preferential option for the poor" in every Latino/Latina. Their "brand" of Christianity is Liberation Theology. GEt rid of all the evil rich white people so the poor brown people can rule the Kingdom of God. This is their theology and that is how they vote. If it is white and rich it is evil. They talk incessantly about this, are resentful and bitter and for the majority of them they would enjoy it if every white person was their pool boy instead of the other way around. They often laugh about how they should sit around by their own pools and spas and order little white boys around to cut their lawns. They want revenge not equality. Just write them all a check. They are entitled and owed since they are brown and poor.

Bill Schu #fundie onenewsnow.com

[Judges are not supposed to be accountable to the majority, that is the legislature. Judges are accountable to the law.]

What lib school did you attend?There are 3 branches of government that are beholden to the constitution. Now please google the constitution and tell us the FIRST THREE WORDS of the constitution. Wow you just got the education on the lost information you missed attending a homo function.

Anonymous Commenter #fundie onenewsnow.com

"I think we need a constitutional ammendment to ban divorce and anyone having a child out of wedlock should instantly lose custody of the child. This will put a stop to this destructive behavior that is going to be the downfall of our society."