
stefie #fundie spectator.org

How sad to not have a God by which to judge and guide your life. I have God in my life and have a wonderfully fun and joyful existence.
These scientific types need a near death experience. THAT will make them see how wrong they are.
They should keep their atheistic views to themselves. It offends me.

Frank Natoli #fundie spectator.org

Stephen Ambrose had a superb observation about the Germans, particularly the SS. On many occasions, they could be just as gallant and chivalrous with their enemies as the Allies. But when the Vaterland required something ungallant or unchivalrous, the SS didn't have to think twice. So if that meant killing every bed ridden wounded man in an Allied field hospital between two Allied beaches in Normandy, that's what got done. You can attribute their "reasoning" to their blind loyalty to the state. I attribute it to their absence of conscience, something that is much easier for an atheist, because the atheist does not need to reconcile his conscience to an all knowing Creator. An atheist is his own god.

Stephen Brink #conspiracy spectator.org

*Sniff* *Sniff* I smell a big, fascist rat. So, let's genetically test our babies and if they are going to be conservative, we can abort them willy-nilly, and then if you happen to survive that, if you get too sick, we can kill you willy-nilly.

And I wonder who will make those choices? Probably the government, if they have their way.

It reads like a bad Star Trek episode. Where is Captain Kirk to launch the proton torpedos at Demo-fasci-nazi HQ?

Ben Stein #fundie spectator.org

(On the arrest of the IMF president for charges of rape)

In what possible way is the price of the hotel room relevant except in every way: this is a case about the hatred of the have-nots for the haves, and that's what it's all about. A man pays $3,000 a night for a hotel room? He's got to be guilty of something. Bring out the guillotine.

Jeffrey Lord Jeffrey Lord is an author and former Reagan White House political director. #fundie spectator.org



This election is now being fought openly between, as Whittaker Chambers once described the same fight in a different era, "those who reject and those who worship God." Between those who believe "if man's mind is the decisive force in the world, what need is there for God?" -- and America's own Joan of Arc, Sarah Palin.
