
igiddyup #fundie worldmag.com

I was introduced recently to a women by another women who said "this is my wife" I was taken back and even made distraught by the implication that the word wife could be stolen from me so easily. Yes I said stolen! Wife who's gender is female..is what I became when I married my husband who is the gender male and together under God we become husband and wife. We as the true wife should stand against this mishandling and changing of who a wife is. We must not let them steal our WIFE status. There is only one way to become a wife and that is to marry a husband. Now I believe husband is also being stolen as well. Sometime a women can be called a husband and a man can called a wife. This should not be so and we need to protect these names that are given to us by GOD almighty.

Joel Belz #fundie #homophobia worldmag.com

Yet saying all that, we dare not lose sight of two other facts about the contemporary homosexual agenda. The first is that it is an extreme in-your-face challenge to God's order. We learn that both from the Bible and from common sense. As we've noted here before, if heterosexual immorality is like driving 85 mph in a 35 mph zone, then homosexual immorality is like going 85 mph the wrong way on a one-way street. Never mind what prompts you to drive the wrong way; just doing it is dangerous. We're no more judgmental saying that than we are when we encourage folks to avoid any behavior that is demonstrably destructive—spiritually, emotionally, or physically.

The other important aspect of the current homosexual agenda is its zeal to establish itself as normal. It's bad enough when wrongdoers work hard to keep their wrongdoing secret. When instead they flaunt what they do, and pull out all the stops to make it public, then society has problems of a different order.

For decades now, we've witnessed an all-out effort to portray homosexual behavior as typical and mainstream. It's pointless to worry about battles being waged in literature, the library systems, the entertainment industries, the information media, fashion, higher education, and most of the liberal churches—for the battles in those venues are long since over. When the armies of homosexual advocacy have nothing left to conquer but the kindergarten class down the street, you know you're almost certainly too late on the scene.

Homophobic gay-bashers? Not really, Eric. But realistic about what's happening all around us? Indeed, yes. And I hope we say that these days with a tear—and never anything you might mistake for a leer.

BethB #fundie worldmag.com

I had the same experience as you where you say I was "thinking to shock" and she did not get it. I remember the day same *** marriage was passed in Iowa, I was subbing in a small town. I longed to find someone who was upset...but no one was to be found. I literally spent my breaks walking up and down the halls to find one who would "see" the truth, would stand for truth with me and lament this day, but no one was found. Many noted that they wouldn't do it, but if someone else wanted to, that was their choice. No one was strongly supportive, just resigned, thinking they were being kind, I think. I went to the principal who I thought would get it cause he seemed decent and so were his kids, but he just said, "its their choice, who am I to tell them what to do?"

I tried to argue that we teach them about gravity and they know enough not to walk off roofs of buildings. I thought we were training "good" American citizens who could make wise decisions. At least we could walk them thru the consequences of this deceived lifestyle He would not give me that purpose in teaching. After school I went to the superintendant, someone who arranges assemblies for veteran's Day, a "good" American sort, but he too noted that he had a teacher that he just couldn't judge that way. He just had to let her have her choice.

I tried to ask him whether it would be ok if his kids engaged in that lifestyle. Again, this resigned...not my choice. Does this remind me of a Psalm, what to do when the foundations are crumbling? (Not sure where this thought is found, but I think we keep waging the war and keep inquiring)

John Piper #fundie worldmag.com

Q: ABC’s evening news now has an “America Strong” segment, and after the marathon bombings Bostonians started saying “Boston strong.” Instead of proclaiming strength should we be acknowledging our human weakness apart from God?

A: Whenever the strength of God is not recognized as the source of our strength, we are breaking the First Commandment: Do not have any gods before me. If “Boston strong” or “America strong” is God-neglecting, God-ignoring, God-minimizing, human-exalting, city-exalting, nation-exalting, it’s evil.

Leland #fundie worldmag.com

[Comment on a story that Mark Driscoll engaged an agent to arrange for sufficient sales to put his book on NYT bestseller list for one week so he could call himself a bestselling NYT author. Bill Gothard was suspended by his ministry for sexually abusing girls]

I do not see this as news worthy. Furthermore I am starting to wonder about Warren Cole Smiths motives. He seems to thrive on digging up dirt about some ministries. His artical about Bill Gothard being placed on administrative leave as similar in tone and just as damaging to that ministry. When we are doing something to expand God's Kingdom, the devil will always come against us. Not all of us us are perfect, (thank God) and He does not expect us to be. How many examples are the in the Bible of God working in people in spite of their faults. I can see Warren Cole Smith's title articals Woman saves Israelite Spies from certain death "But wasn't she a prostitute". "King Commits Adultery and murder" yet we read he is a "Man after God's Own Heart". Strongest man alive was a selfish womanizer, but God worked though him to save his people from the Philistines and grant 20 years of peace. "Wisest man on earth can't raise his children right" Lets focus on the log in our own eye before we publicly cast doubts on others character.