Leland #fundie worldmag.com
[Comment on a story that Mark Driscoll engaged an agent to arrange for sufficient sales to put his book on NYT bestseller list for one week so he could call himself a bestselling NYT author. Bill Gothard was suspended by his ministry for sexually abusing girls]
I do not see this as news worthy. Furthermore I am starting to wonder about Warren Cole Smiths motives. He seems to thrive on digging up dirt about some ministries. His artical about Bill Gothard being placed on administrative leave as similar in tone and just as damaging to that ministry. When we are doing something to expand God's Kingdom, the devil will always come against us. Not all of us us are perfect, (thank God) and He does not expect us to be. How many examples are the in the Bible of God working in people in spite of their faults. I can see Warren Cole Smith's title articals Woman saves Israelite Spies from certain death "But wasn't she a prostitute". "King Commits Adultery and murder" yet we read he is a "Man after God's Own Heart". Strongest man alive was a selfish womanizer, but God worked though him to save his people from the Philistines and grant 20 years of peace. "Wisest man on earth can't raise his children right" Lets focus on the log in our own eye before we publicly cast doubts on others character.