
creationest6 #fundie youdebate.com

One of the major evolutionary problems is that, they claim that creatures evolve into bigger beasts, if so, where does all the extra blood, muscle, skin etc, come from? If muscle evolved into skin, the creature would be 2 week 2 move. if blood evolved into extra skin, the creature would die of blood loss. so, where did all of that stuff come from.

Calligirl #fundie youdebate.com

So doing a detailed study of something requires that one takes a class for it in a university and reads books papers written on it by 'real scientists'? Wow, I never knew that. Thanx for enlightening me.

Calligirl #fundie youdebate.com

Do you know why the creationist students are failing in our highschools and colleges? Because most of them teach evolution! If you don't believe in evolution (or at least pretend to) you're history! I have heard countless stories of my friends getting F's on everything from homework to tests because they didn't use evolution as the premisis for their answers. They used God. That is why they are failing.

Guest #fundie youdebate.com

ive been reading posts on here and it seems that people keep sayin that most Christians are evolutionists and i just want to see if that is true. if there are any Christians that read this and believe creation is wrong im calling youf flat out a hypocrite. if you say you are a Christian than you believe the bible. In the begining God created the heavens and the earth....genesis 1:1. if you are a true Christian then this is what you believe. that is the easiest thing to understand that ive ever read. there is no grey area. it says what it means and if you call yourself a Christian and dont believe this then its just like saying your a Christian that doesnt believe that Christ died on the cross for your sins. If you are one of the hypocrits i speak of then i urge you to get it together. It is plain to see that God created everything and that if you dont believe this your not a Christian so stop lying to other people and yourselves and making us true Christians look like a bunch of idiots.

Calligirl #fundie youdebate.com

I think it is hilarious that you still think that in order to do a detailed study of evolution, you have to read 10 different books on it and take brainwashing classes from a university. Maybe you just like making yourself feel superior to me...who knows...

Beaner #fundie youdebate.com

Not to be rude but your evidence is Crap. You can't say evolution is fact, because there is no one old enough to verify it. You can date all the rocks you want, but who says your method isn't flawed. We date rocks too, and come up with totally opposite numbers.

The concept of "Natural Selection" I can believe BUT let's talk about how the rock became the animal first, and then move on to Natural Selection. As for teaching my children that God and evolution can go hand in hand. That my friend will never happen. What is the point of teaching them to fear their maker and then tell them the universe came to be thru evolution. I might as well tell there is no God.

Debater #fundie youdebate.com

since you follow darwin would it suprise you to learn that darwin's theory is based off the asumption that microbiology doesn't exist and that if microbiology was proven to exist he stated that his theory would be dead

Guest #fundie youdebate.com

Those Christians who do not accept creation have been brainwashed by the school system to believe a bunch of lies. There is no evidence for evolution, however there is very much evidence for creation.