
muslimahhh #fundie ummah.com

Previously submitted fundie asking for advice. New fundie chimes in with some:

Selaam alaykum ukthi.
May allah help you trough these hard times. I will make dua for you sister. I myself don't have much information about shir and Jinn so I found this for you: https://ruqya.co.za/sihr-and-its-effects/
Also the west does not know about Jinn or shir they always blame it on some disorder but that is not true! don't go to a doctor go to a imam.

european muslim #fundie ummah.com

jinn are painting people orange . . .

orange stains

Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatoehoe.

Some people wake up with orange stains on their hands or feet or body.

I read about this as being called al toekaal.
It is supposedly from the jinn blowing something on people if they attempted to place sihr but it did not work.

Other explanation can be the jinn want to mark these people for future victim or cooperation.

Have anyone seen this or heard of this?

Wa aleikum assalaam.

various muslim fundies #fundie ummah.com

A fundie asks how to deal with a jinn stalker:

How to treat an external jinnya who considers herself to be married to a human


The topic is about jinn human relation and how some jinn consider themselves married to a person.
please comment on thoughts experiences both for internal jinn posession and external jinn who remain near the patient all the time.

Advice follows. Apparently jinn stalkers get sent to jinn jail.

In the Jinn laws, no jinn male or female can force himself on a human and say I am married to him or her unless there is approval from the human side. and if the jinn say that it will be as a matter of speech and not reality, Why? because if he or she force themselves on a human by marriage there will be consequences in their world and they might subject themselves to a court and jailed because of this. you have to know that their laws in this matter is very firm so the jinn in this case will try his or her best to make the human accept the idea of marriage by using different methods and if he gets the approval then he will move to the second step in the relation and without this approval from the human side no jinn can force a human to marry him or her and if he say that then as I mentioned there will be a consequences for his or her act.

As long as the jinn is a stalker ,and the human feels his presence, then the easiest way to make him go a way is by reciting the Quran on daily bases which will make the human energy very high to a limit that the jinn can not come near him or he will be burned, specially if the human is addicted to reading the Quran everyday along with reciting ayet alqurssi several times a day specially after each salat. add to that the human can use vinegar to wipe his body with after diluting it in a cup of water when he goes to be, no jinn will approach his as they hate the small of vinegar. also black musk can do the same job but not everyone can buy it as it is not available everywhere.

You have to know that 90% of the jinn stalking will end up as possession specially if the human does not have protection by doing he daily adhkar and reading Quran.

also you have to know that 80% of these types of cases involves a jinn male and a human female specially women these days are walking inside their houses with very short clothes which shows more than it hides from their body or when they shower without making basmallah ,or when they stand in a front of a mirror naked to see her body in order to reduce her weight and other similar situations.

the other 20% happens when the jinn female likes a human male because of his look or his body so she will start stalking him around and at the first chance she gets she will possess him and by doing this she will start having more access to his dreams and the story will start depending on the human reaction to her existence ,specially the jinn can take a very beautiful forms and faces to seduce the human males and from my experience I can assure you that 90%-95% of the human males will fall into a relation with the female jinn willingly.

cloud360 #fundie ummah.com

People say if muslims are not allowed to take non muslim as friends. then how should you convert them to Islam?

There are many ways. We can hide our faith and preach to them, what we can do is lie by saying we can be friends, this is called taqqiya.

or allah can guide them to Islam. Allah says he guides who he pleases, and misguides who he pelases. Allah says that he has blinded some people.These ppl can not ever become muslim or understanding islam. Allah chooses who to misguide.

Muslims are allowed to treat non muslims kindly (Quran 60:8), and that wud NOT be taking them as friends. We are allowed to do that. However, just because allah says we are allowed to treat them kindly.Doesnt mean we shud go out of our way to do this, it is not compulsory. does not mean we should. The verse about kindess was reavealed in the context of Abu Bakr's (RA) daughter and wife. His daughter(who was muslim) did not let her mother (who was disbeliever) enter the house. So allah revealed this verse. Some wud say, muslims are only allowed to treat disbelieving mothers kindly. But in Islam gods word is final.

Shaykh Anwar al Awlaki Rahimahullaah #fundie ummah.com

This Muslim is so aggressive and intolerant with his fellow Muslims but is tolerant and kind towards the disbelievers. He is an extremist with Muslims and a moderate with disbelievers.

Whenever the interests of the disbelievers are threatened or harmed by Muslims he is the first to jump to their defense. He would speak against his brothers and betray them. He may even advise Muslims to spy against one another and report to the authorities. For him fighting for Islam, and for the ummah is terrorism, but he manages to shop for a fatwa that would allow him to serve in the armies of the disbelievers and fight against his brothers. Being a Muslim for the sake of the disbelievers permeates his every action. If he meets a Muslim he frowns and if he meets a disbeliever his face beams with a smile.

Infact there are some Muslims who are so much Muslim for the sake of kuffar that they do not even like Muslims who call the kuffar kuffar!

I mentioned that this is a new phenomenon because this only came about in these later times. The Muslims of the early times would care less about the kuffar, and if they ever did it was for the sake of Allah and not for their sake.

But lets put things in proper perspective:

Allah says about the disbelievers: “They are like cattle, nay, they are even more misguided”

And Rasulullah says about the believer: “Tearing down al Kaaba stone by stone is less than shedding the blood of a Muslim”

A.Basheer #fundie ummah.com

Fundie discussion leads to too many men and women interacting with each other

Re: Riba' in housing


The limit has been exceeded for back and forth posts between the genders in the thread.

Please desist from further activity and minimize the interaction in the future.


abkhmbbs #fundie ummah.com

Poster has a question:

Does this mean that Allah is ALWAYS descended, because since the Earth is round, it is ALWAYS the last 3rd of the night somewhere on Earth?

There wouldn't be any time in which He isn't descended then? It is always the last 3rd of the night somewhere or the other on Earth. And if He is ALWAYS descended, He wouldn't need to descend, but actually just stay there.

This is confusing.

Fundie has a non answer:

The brother is right, this has to do with matters of the unseen. it's tawqeefiyyah. We accept as we've heard it. But this might help a little. The concept of time, space, future, present is nothing to Allah (subhanahu wa ta'aala). Allah created time. Allah can decide to descend at once and it'll be the last third of the night in every city (no matter when that might be to us). Time is inconsequential when compared to the majesty of our Rabb. Our Creator. Please endeavour not to delve too much into matters of the unseen. it leads to destruction and kufr. May Allah forgive all our shortcomings

abusammy #fundie ummah.com

"Muslims are so tolerant of western medicine but they don't realize that a lot of the power of it is also psychological and based in ritual, as if the ummah has been so powerfully brainwashed by colonialism into thinking everything relating to European medicine is automatically halal although there may be doctors, pharmicists, and researchers working with jinn as well, if they are wearing white coats and have degrees from European universities it is all good.

Spicen #fundie ummah.com

Muslim applies critical thinking to islam, asks for clarification/answers. Fundie responds:

Let me give you an advice. You can either accept that the world is much more complex than your Westernized world view which is a load of fantasy. There are harsh realities in this world that you won't be able to comprehend without coming to realism and leaving western fantasies.

Europeans have been lecturing muslims on humanism and yet they treat refugees worse than they treat their animals because of religion.

various #fundie ummah.com

Should a marriage in an infidel country be segregated?

Family refusing to have a segregated wedding

What would you do if your parents and/or your prospect refuse to have a segregated wedding because it's an alien concept in your country and they don't want to make the guests uncomfortable? Would you call the wedding off or is it something that can be compromised?

Avice follows . . .

It is a test of prioritising ppl's wishes over Allah's requirements...your level of iman will determine who wins...

I personally wouldnt go for a man who prioritises ppl over his love and respect for Allah.... who knows, if you find a lady with the same mindset you'll both insist on your choice and make it happen! Having similar mindset can save lots of future troubles...

1. As you're the male, your parents do not have a right to tell you how to get married. You're old enough to get married, that means, you old enough for responsibilities, so you respect your parents as in you be nice to them, but that doesn't mean they control/own you.

2. Why would you want to get married to someone who doesn't understand something as basic as segregation?

3. If segregation is an alien concept in your country, does that mean Islam is also an alien religion in your country?

4. If Islam is an alien religion in your country, I don't think you have a choice in that case, unless you move out of that country and go into a country to get married where Islam and segregation are not alien concepts.

5. Or do you live in a country where people just call themselves Muslims but don't follow Islam?

Segregation as prescribed by Islam is definitely an alien concept in certain Muslim cultures.


Get an Islamic marriage, but that's it. Don't have your little party afterwards if people insist on you sinning.

We're talking about culture here, most people never give up on their cultural beliefs, so I feel you're fighting a losing battle, a battle you can't win. I feel the only way you can win this battle is to not fight it, but instead sidestep it, as in, if you leave the entire culture, leave the country, and move to a country which doesn't have similar cultural beliefs. To fight a battle based on culture is extremely difficult and lonely!


I would like to comment too. As told by my beautiful people.
Just think that whom you want to invite for your marriage function Angels by true Islamic way of marriage or shayateen by nowadays cultural weddings which are totally against islam. Choice is yours that how you want to start your new life by blessings of angels or with in shayateen's presence. I believe nowadays divorce ratio is high because we are so much in to displeasing Allah swt and inviting shayateen instead of angels.
Follow the link for more fundie

various #fundie #homophobia ummah.com

This is a long discussion after the OP. Follow the link to see fundie vs not-so-fundie.

Claim: It is not haram to have homosexual thoughts

This claim is an apologetic one; and it seeks to come to a compromise with homosexuals and their lewdness along with the West and how they promote it and seek to have it accepted and part of the culture.

However, there is no compromise on a subject that the Quran and the Sunnah have already made clear. Thus, the claim that it is not haram to have homosexual thoughts and that one is not considered a sinner until he acts upon it is false. This is the same as saying it is not haram to be gay until you act on it.

It is clear that homosexuality is nothing but a perversion and a disease. There are numerous verses in the Quran about it and how it is referred to as “Al-Fahishah” (Lewdness, an abomination, a vile deed).

“And know that Allah knows what is in your minds, so fear Him”

[al-Baqarah 2:235]

“but He will call you to account for that which your hearts have earned”

[al-Baqarah 2:225].

It is also clear that homosexuality begins as nothing but waswas from the Shaytan. We know that Shaytan and his troops are behind every evil on earth; they entice mankind to commit evil and they beautify shamelessness to them, and that is especially in regards to acts of lewdness in society; so why do we separate Shaytan and his effect on people turning gay? Why do we ignore it and indirectly agree with the kuffar’s claim that homosexuality is a natural cause by saying thinking about it is not haram but only acting upon it is?

With the fact established that homosexuality starts as nothing but waswas from the Shaytan (convincing a person that he likes men or women), it is wajib on a person to repel waswas from his mind and evil thoughts as much as he can. If a person watches pornography, lives in a society where they see homosexuality as normal, doesn’t lower his gaze from looking at the ‘awrah of men and women; then he gets waswas from the devil saying that he likes men; and instead of repelling these evil thoughts, he dwells on them and accepts them; and eventually, he convinces himself that he doesn't like women but he likes men, then the source of the problem is very clear. The means to homosexuality and zina must be cut off, and that includes dwelling upon thoughts regarding them.

As for waswas a person cannot help or just passing thoughts that he does not dwell upon, yes, a person will not be held accountable and there is evidence for that. However, if this happens to someone, he is not considered gay. So a person cannot use this as evidence to say it is not haram to be gay until you act on it. He is only considered gay when he dwells on those thoughts and he accepts that he is not attracted to women, which leads him to act upon it.

Some responses
We are judged by our actions and not our thoughts (as long as we don’t dwell on them). If someone is gay but doesn’t act on it, then how can you say it’s haram? You can’t, because their feelings are not a sin and they didn’t act on it. . . . .

So it’s not an apologetic attitude to have and Muslims really need to do better when faced with these issues, because condemning gay people when they haven't even done anything is stupid and will hurt you and them in the long run.

I say it is haram because he got waswas from the Shaytan and he didn’t repel them. Instead, he dwelt on those thoughts and accepted that he does not like women. For him to accept he does not like women, it is the same as accepting that Allah made him that way. This is the same as saying Allah made him inclined to al-Fahishah. If it is not natural, then it is from the Shaytan. So he must repel the waswas.

I want to say this is a separate post because it obliterates your claim completely:

You claim that being gay is okay until you act on it. That is the same as saying being an atheist inwardly is okay. Both atheism and homosexuality go against the natural disposition, both of them are from the Shaytan, and both of them are irrational and an abomination.

How many people including Muslims get waswas about the Essence of Allah? Shaytan whispers to someone that Allah does not exist -- prove that He exists. If he does not repel these thoughts and he dwells on them, and he lives in a society that accepts it and he is lax with his prayers and connection to Allah, he will eventually become an atheist (as we see many Muslims do today). The same goes for homosexuality.

The only difference is the society you live in has made you desensitized to homosexuality.

From what I have read and asked questions of a scholar, it is not a sin to have a thought and to accept it is wrong and to resist and repel that thought and any subsequent thoughts.

Nevertheless, we must be aware that not all homosexuals are lewd and promoting their condition. Some are struggling to live with a very difficult situation as best they can in submission and obedience to Allah (swt) so we need to be mindful of this group in the way we speak about this topic.

But sister, we cannot call such people homosexuals, these people are simply people who struggle with waswasa and lowering their gaze. Being a homosexual and identifying as such means one has accepted homosexuality. And what’s funny is science is trying really hard to prove homosexuality is genetic (giving it a reason for even existing) but so far, nothing great has come up.

Here’s my thought process, homosexuality and heterosexuality is mainly about sex and attraction. If a straight guy is having urges towards every female around, then he should control himself and say “Allah comes first.” If a gay guy is having urges towards some guys around, then he should control himself and say “Allah comes first.”

If brothers and sisters have issues when it comes to zina, then someone who has attraction to the same gender will feel the same way so it’s best to remind them to control their nafs and remember Allah

That is all.

If you feel like this is not the right approach and instead it’s better to condemn the person and tell them that everything about them is a sin, then feel free to do it. But my approach is better, because we’re all in this together and we all want to go to Jannah.

sis this quote along with the link that describes how someone may be more genetically inclined to being gay means that I do not mean all kids and people who are/were molested will turn out gay, it simply explains why gay people who think they were born like this turned out this way. “I remember when I was 8 I had a crush on a boy” yet the man who says this was molested at age 5, so of course this will mean he will like boys by age 8 if he were gay, but because he doesn't link the incidence with his orientation, he thinks he is “born” like this. AstaghfiruAllah.

Sister you are failing to realize no one is born gay. Did Allah ta’ala create people born with genetic diseases (God forbid this on all of us and future kids) and condemn them? Did Allah ta’ala create people who have mental and physical disabilities and condemn them? Sub’ana Allah. So why would Allah ta’ala create gay people only to condemn their existence? Okay, let’s hypothetically say there is decent proof of a link between genetics and the inclination towards the same sex, but can’t they control who they marry? Can’t they control such urges? I’ll tell you this right now, there is not a single gay man who cannot be intimate with a woman, everything can biologically proceed but it his “preference” that he does not be with a woman.
A person who God forbid, has schizophrenia (genetic mental illness) cannot, for the life of them, control their disease.

And of course, I am nice to everyone. They are just sinners after all. Will they be close friends? Of course not, just like any other person who chooses to openly sin. I do not want to be associated with such people and possibly be influenced. Will I be mean to them and be proud? Of course not. I say Allah yihdeeyon and keep moving.

Much more of this at the link

Abu Jarir #fundie ummah.com

Re: Will man ever go to Mars.
Quote Originally Posted by -qed- View Post

Would it be haram to go to Mars though?

I've thought about this before, and IMO yes because how can you pray from Mars?

glassheart #fundie ummah.com

Bi-polar or jinn- possessed

Assalamualaikum brothers and sister

I am a 30 year old female going through a very hard time because of my mental disorders. I have been diagnosed with Bipolar disorder, paranoia psychotic disorder, and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

I have always been a believer of Islam and I have always loved praying and bringing myself closer to Allah, but I am having a hard time because of my mental disorder. When I have a manic episode, I make irrational decisions which I have no control over. I lose touch of reality and don't realize what I did was wrong until my mood changes. I feel awful. I repent for my sins, but I am also not capable of controlling myself when I am manic. It does scare me sometimes because I don't know what I'm capable when I am in that state of mind.

At this time, I am not being treated. I spoke to a few people at my local mosque and they told me that I am possessed by jinn. I have tried reciting a few surahs; ayat al kursi and a few verses from surah baqarah when I feel paranoid, but it doesn't really do anything. I was told to contact someone to help me, but the lady told me that I had to pay $2,500 for her help. I declined because I don't want to pay that much money and not get any help.

I would very much love to get married and have a family one day. However, right now it's not something that I can think about. I need to focus on my mental health, but the idea of being turned down for marriage gives me stress and makes me feel worse.

At this point, I'm not sure if I should get back on medication or if I should look for an "exorcist". I just want to be happy and want to continue my beliefs in Islam, but I feel like I am being pushed farther and farther away.

I need help. Where can I find someone who understands jinn? I live in New York City. Has anyone ever confused jinn possession with bi-polar disorder before?

I'm open to any advice. I don't want to feel like a failure anymore.

bintlnsaani #fundie ummah.com

Jinns invented television

Found this interesting information a while ago,worth a read:

The Jinn are more technologically advanced than humans – Explained by Shaykh Raslan
Shaykh Raslan:

The Jinn have knowledge of construction and industrialization. And their knowledge of construction and industrialization is greater than the knowledge possessed by humans. They have specific means of building and construction and likewise advancement in industrial development, and inventions, which man has yet to reach.

Allah informed us that He made the Jinn subservient to His Prophet Sulayman—peace be upon him. Thus they would perform a great deal of work for him that requires strength, intelligence skills and knowledge.

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And there were Jinn that worked in front of him, by the permission of his Lord, and whosoever of them turned aside from Our command, We shall cause him to taste of the torment of the blazing Fire. They made for him what he willed of elevated chambers, statues, basins as large as reservoirs, and stationary kettles. (Soorah Saba 34:12, 13)

Thus these things require skills and ability. Perhaps they even reached the level of discovery and invention such as the radio and television and other than that.

Shaykh of Islam ibn Taymiyyah said: ‘Some of the Shuyookh who used to keep contact with the Jinn informed him that the Jinn showed them something shining resembling water and glass, it would present an image inside of it for him, for whatever news they requested from him and whatever news he requested from them.’

This was something resembling water and glass, meaning like a television screen for example. Something shining, resembling water and glass. And the device was with him. So when he looked into it he could see what was desired from it. And he said that was also a means for him to relay information to them, meaning to the Jinn.

He said: So I would be informed of the information from this thing resembling water and glass so I would inform the people of the news which came to me. And the Jinn would relay to me the speech of my friends who were seeking my help, so I would respond to them.

Meaning this device was a means of sending and receiving communications. This was a device used for sending and receiving communications. And this device was with him and he would see and hear the speech of the Jinn that were working with him. And his brothers who were seeking his help could hear his voice. Shaykh of Islam, may Allah have mercy upon him, said: The man said, ‘so I would answer him’; meaning that I would hear the voice of my friends seeking my help.

And this man was from the Shuyookh who used to live with among the Jinn and travel with them. So if his friends were to request directions from him, so they could go to him, one of them would say, O so and so; and he would respond to them. How would he respond to them and how would he hear them? By the communication device which the Jinn invented during the era of Shaykh of Islam ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy upon him.

And he (Shaykh of Islam ibn Taymiyyah), may Allah have mercy upon him, said about himself, that some of his companions came to him—and he is an Imaam of guidance, there was not found in his heart a place for shirk and he was upright upon the religion of Allah, may Allah have mercy upon him. Some of his companions came to him and they said; ‘may Allah reward you with good our Shaykh, and may Allah bless you. He responded: ‘and why do you say this’? They said: ‘we were upon a journey and we became lost in the desert.’ (They had become lost in the desert and the one who is lost in the desert will die of hunger and thirst.) So we began to seek the help of Allah, the Blessed and Exalted.

And then we heard your voice but we did not see you. And you said to us; the path is in such and such direction. (Meaning walk this way and then turn here and you will find the path and the straightway) Thus we used your directions when we heard your voice and we went in the direction you guided us to, so we found our way; may Allah reward you with good. He (ibn Taymiyyah) responded: ‘By Allah I did not hear anything nor did I say anything, and I did not leave from my place; but rather that was a Jinn that loves us.’

That was a Jinn that loves us, and he was beloved even by the Jinn, may Allah have mercy upon him.


various #fundie ummah.com

Sunnis vs Shia

Shia are invading our homes with kafir help and alliances, killing our sons raping our women crushing our children, and we think debating them on TV is a success?

Btw this video is at least 6 years old, if not older. The reality of Muslims is the regimes over us intentionally obstruct Islam for kufr which allows for Shia to grow. When Muslims prefer secular ideologies to Islam the devilish Shia grow. Hence secular ideologies have dominated Iraq & Syria for 30+ yrs and now demonic Shia dominate these lands.

Shi'as always get humiliated in debates with the true Muslims.

Interesting that the '12th Imam' was mentioned in the video. I read some Shi'a narrations where the Shi'as' so-called Mahdi will kill the Sunnis. (Us!)

Never will we unite with the Rawafilth, just look at their crimes and hatred against us.
These nonsenses are not Sahih.
Which one of those imams killed Sunnies that now you expect the twelfth one does this !?
Sunnies and Shias fought besides each other for those imams. However at that time such classification (Sunni,Shia) would not exist but the thoughts and beliefs existed.
Whoever stands against Mahdi he in fact ruins himself he is beyond the sects rather he is beyond the religions, he is the saviour of humanity.
The Shias are led by the Iranians.

And the Sunnis are led by the Saudis and Gulf nations.

Both are motivated by greed and a lust for power. Its unfair to say the Kafirs have helped the Shias alone, the Kafirs have supported both the Shias and Sunnis - its just that the Shias have been able to manipulate things in their favour.

One on one, the Iranians would annihilate the Saudis and Gulf nations - and this is playing out in the Mid-East now.

Sunnis need to change tactics.
I don't agree with your assessment. The Shia are led by Iran, but the Tawaghit powers have been using the Shia against the Muslim Ummah sincerely the 1800s ce.

First, the British built modern Iran after the Persian dynasty was defeated by the Russian empire. Russia essentially had the Persian at knife point and then turned them over to Britain. Britain built modern Iran and used their Occult Masonic knowledge to empower Iran to being an agent of their world order.

After WW2, America replaced Britain as the Taghut power directing the Iranian dog.
The Shia rise to power in Iran was the design of America and France helped America accomplish this.

Iran, the Shia leader, is a tool of America functioning as a mechanism of the American led Taghut world order.

As for the Sunnis,
Kaafir kaafir shia kaafir
Its this attitude that has led ummah at this stage...Blame game.Not once we recognise "ours" mistskes and find logics and explainations for our ancestors wrong doings...And when presently there is a time for unity we are busy igniting the events by believing the propagandas..The level of muslims believing twitters by others is baffling..The level of hypocrisy of gulf countries and some western propagandas and muslims believing them needs to change or they wont find a single ground to stand on in near future...Definitly wars ll not spare sunnis and shias alike besides non muslims but dying without knowing ll be painful to see...
Govts are sold out following the pages of "others" prophecies..Sunnis by and large can do whatever they want but upto them but we choose the path of sunni shia unity.It doesnt bother us a bit if either sunnis stand against our decisions or rawafids...They can do what they want and we ll do what we think is right.

various #fundie ummah.com

When the jinn attacks

Abo Mohammed:

"Quote Originally Posted by Sky Lark View Post

I dont know if Il be able to see it.. should I see it?

Btw, whats your opinion on sleep paralysis?"

Sleep paralysis is cosed by jinn. Mostly from a jinn called in Arabic the Jathoom.



" if u continue on talking about jins too much, they may as well too angry with u ;p
u know they like to stay hidden ,, and dont like people exposing them too much,, most of the people who get attacked r ones who r always talking and scared of them,"

blueflame99 #fundie ummah.com

Muslim fundie asks about taking a job with infidel cooties

Can you work in a haram job if there's no other way to earn money?

Not that I'm planning to but some brothers say they have no choice and the sight of seeing them at the tills with a full beard and a shelf full of wine bottles behind them makes me sick.

Advice from fundies follows, go to link for more.

Red Birdie #fundie ummah.com

An Advice:"Not to Read fictional horror story books"


An Advice to all Muslims & for them to share with others in Muslim community esp West

Many people have habits of reading fictious books esp christopher Pike, Harry Potter,Paul Coelho ,RL Stine etc scary stories that involve devils&their inspired stories.

While reading all this ,as a Muslim, we are aware of the fact,that its all about spine chilling stuff or sorcery etc.

The shaytan that is with every human being takes advantage & tries to Scare people &calls its allies from Devils at times to possess that person.Or scare them in their lives with such absolutely weird stories


Don't read books that contain Shirk,kufr,spine chilling stuff bcs we aren't here to read scary stuff&then let Devils play tricks on us.That it scares Muslims Aqeedah& bring him down.Muslims in West have to maintain enough Imaan to not get scared of people hunting them down etc.

Abo Mohammed #fundie ummah.com

The Siher of Death, done with the Menstrual blood

A poison stronger than arsenic

In this post I will talk about one of the worse kind of Siher , This Siher Is one of the types which subject the effected person to different types of illness and pain and will lead in the end to a certain death if not treated fast.

In this type of Siher the Saher will perform his Siher on different substance he will add to them a Menstrual blood as part of the ingredients. Then this Siher will be mixed with a food or a drink and served to the targeted person.When this person takes this Siher ,the results will start appearing within 24-48 hours depending on the type, the strength of the Siher and the number of sources of the Menstrual blood , some times the Saher will use a blood from one woman and sometimes he will use the blood from 2 or 3 sources. In this type of Siher the patient will start losing weight, his face will always be yellow and pale , he will lose his strength fast, then in the end his organs will start to parlays one by one and this will lead to a major failure in his body functions and will lead to a certain death.

The person who is subjected to this type of Siher ,even if he visits different doctors ,they will not be able to provide him with a cure.

How to cure this type of siher,

The most important thing in treating this type of Siher is to diagnose it in its early stages before the patient reach the Parlays stage because if the patient reach this stage without treatment ,this will leave him with severe organs damages which will need a long time to cure even after he is cured from the Siher.

In order to treat this type of Siher there is a few and limited ways to do it, most of these methods are unknown to may raqies which they depend mainly on Sennah to make the patient vomit in order to bring out the Siher along with the Menstrual blood . The Sennah has a limited or non effect in disintegrating this type of Siher .

I will talk about one old method which is very effective in treating this type of Siher.

you will bring 2 doves and after cleaning them you will put them in a pot after you cut them into small pieces, then you will squeeze on them fresh lemon, you will use enough lemons to cover the meat with the lemon juice. you will use 2 to 3 kilos of lemons to do that depending on the size of the doves. Then you will leave them cooking on a medium fire until they simmer, some of the juice will remain in the pot along with the meat

aidaalej #fundie ummah.com

Sister, it's wrong to say atheists have the right to voice their opinion on such matters. Allah has the right to be worshipped and how can anyone worship Him if they don't believe in Him? It sounds like you're saying they have the right to transgress upon the rights of Allah.

You think they should be allowed call Muslims to kufr? They should be silenced as they will confuse the weak believers and take them to hellfire with them.

And the brother is right in quoting the ayah. Are you arguing against the word of Allah?

All kuffar are like this. They will bring excuses and try to refute any proof you bring them. These kuffar Allah refers to would use the excuse of magic when atheists today would try to refute any signs with "science". You can bring all the evidence in the world but they refuse to believe. In fact, I was giving my sister dawah and she didn't like what she was hearing so she stuck her fingers in her ears like kuffar mentioned in the Quran. The truth has been made clear from falsehood and they refuse to believe.. They do not want to believe and they listen to shaytan

{another quote from the side person}

Either way, what does being an atheist/agnostic and converting to Islam have to do with anything? Do you think ex-atheists are protective of athiests? Only someone with a skewed version of wala and bara would defend them just because they were once like them. I am sure many ex-atheists would agree that kuffar should not be able to convert Muslims. If you truly believe in hell, they why are you okay with the thought of Muslims apostatizing? The kuffar should be silenced and they should not be able to propagate their deen. Censorship is different from execution.

Look, do you think Christians are allowed to come into Muslim lands and propagate their deen? They can believe what they want but they do not truly have a "right" to and they certainly don't have a right to convert Muslims. I can go outside, rob a bank and say I have a "right" to commit this crime and take other people's money, but in the end I will end up in prison

deen 1984 #fundie ummah.com

Tis looks like a science paper posted to a fundie forum.

It may be common for psychiatric patients who are Muslim to attribute their hallucinations or other symptoms to "jinn," the invisible, devilish creatures in Islamic mythology, researchers in the Netherlands have found.

In Islamic mythology, Jinn, or djinn, are supernatural creatures made of smokeless fire. They are frequently found in Islamic folklore and are mentioned in the Quran, the religious text of Islam. Historically, they are portrayed as menacing creatures that can harm humans, or drive them mad. People in Muslim societies have traditionally seen jinn as the cause of mental illness and neurological diseases, especially epilepsy. [Senses and Non-Sense: 7 Odd Hallucinations]

A belief in jinns seems to have persisted despite recent cultural and political changes within Islamic cultures, the researchers said. For example, two recent surveys done in Bangladesh and the United Kingdom in 2011 and 2012 found that many Muslims believe firmly in the existence of jinn, black magic and the "evil eye."

But belief in such supernatural beings may prevent people from seeking help from medical professionals, researchers said. Because patients may seek help from a religious leader, the researchers recommend collaboration between medical practitioners and religious health care workers. "In our practice in The Hague, an imam [a religious leader in Islam] in the service of our psychiatric hospital is available for consultation and advice," they wrote in their review.

However, culture is not the only factor that influences psychiatric patients. Blom and his colleagues previously treated a young Muslim patient who had schizophrenia, and who, contrary to the doctors' expectations, didn't attribute his hallucinations to jinn. Instead, the patient had searched the Internet for cases similar to his experience, and had concluded that he was a werewolf.

"He could not be persuaded to accept any other explanation," Blom wrote in an article describing the case that was published in March in the journal History of Psychiatry.

A response from a fundie:

I read this article recently on a similar psychology website. I found it sophmoric and deficient in actual information. And the reader commentary exposes the evil nature of the zombie masses at war with Islam and who are being positioned to follow masih Dajjal.

Abo Mohammed #fundie ummah.com

An Important secret which protects you from all the jinn and Shayateen

In this article I will talk about a woman which was possesses by one of the worse type of jinn which we called the Marid. this jinn was subjecting this poor woman to deferent types of harm every day.

Her family took her to one of the scholars to do ruqyah and when the scholar saw the woman he said that she will need a long session as the jinn is strong and stubborn. Her family told him do whatever it is necessary and take as much time as you need, the important thing is to help her in getting rid off this jinn. The scholar started the session by reciting Surat Al baqarah and the jinn started talking on the woman's tongue saying to the scholar that he will not leave her even if he reads the hole Quran. The scholar told him, you will leave her with Allah's will, and he continued reading the Quran until he reached Surat Al Saffat and he mentioned the verse (?????? ?? ?? ????? ????) ,the jinn when he heard that verse said do not read this ayah again.

The scholar told the jinn I will continue reading it until you leave her body. and he continued reading it until the jinn was screaming and told the scholar I will leave her body only on one condition and that is I leave her to enter your body.

The scholar agreed on that condition as he was having a strong tahseen and he always make Adhkar in the Moring and evening so he is confidant that he has a strong protection from Allah. When the scholar agreed on the jinn's request the jinn started to cry and said I can not enter your body. The scholar asked him why?. the jinn said I can not because you have a strong fence from light surrounding you preventing me from coming near you.

this fence is there because you always mentioning the dikher ( ?? ??? ??? ???? ???? ?? ???? ?? ? ?? ????? ??? ????? ? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???? ) 100 times every day, and that dihker protects you from all jinn.

So what are these benefits if a person mentions this dihker 100 times a day?.

These benefits are as follows:

1- As he freed 10 humans from slavery or as he donated an equivalent to 100,000 dollar for the sake of Allah.

2-Allah will write 100 good deeds in that person's book. these good deeds nobody knows their magnitude except Allah.

3- Allah will wipe from this person's book 100 bad deeds.

4-It is a protection for this person that day from all jinn and Sayateen, and no one from them as powerful as he can be ,can come near him or harm him.

5- No one will come with a work better than what he did except a person who made the same dikher but with more repetition.

Salaf us salih #fundie ummah.com

Its the sunnah to marry early. Hormones are raging the age of puberty has already been hit. Marry them off early its for their own good help keep them chaste and protect them from the haram. You refuse to marry them off early then wonder why her and the next door neighbors son ali are sneaking around. You wonder why your son was caught watching porn or masturbating. You wonder why. You wanted your daughter to finish her college education now she wants to introduce her kaffir boyfriend John to the family.

Get them married young and quick fifteen or sixteen is not young according to islam your an adult. Girls this age have mense n sexual desires boys this age can emit semen and have sexual desires. What are you waiting for???

.mirror. #fundie ummah.com

The reality is that the boy's manners and upbringing doesn't mean anything, because he is not a Muslim. So, you can basically overlook his "goodness" because his disbelief far outweighs any goodness that he has.

al ruqya wa shifa #fundie ummah.com

Jinn will rape you . . .

The Lustful jinn Attack part 1

The lustful Jinn

The Jinns force human-beings to sexual relationships, there are some ways which they do it.

1. Physical,
2. Dreams,
3. Masturbation.

1. Physical

When physical jinns attacks a person, the person literally feels that there's something around them which is trying to force the person, usually when such things happen the person feels someone scratching, severe pain in privates, pain in chest for ladies, the braided hair of the women open up every night and feels someone is sleeping beside them, someone is sitting on them etc

2. Dreams

The person has sexual dreams or wet dreams in which a men or women has sex with them and it is usually seen as a wet dream.

3. Masturbation,
-making the person do haram

The jinn firstly makes explicit whispers to the person to intimate the person from which the person will watch nasty stuff, when the person starts watching this nasty stuffs the jinn starts whispering to the person regarding how a specific character in the video or a magazine looks and try's to make the person imagine it continuously, the person starts thinking about this specific character and masturbates, now the jinns are unseen and the character which this person has imagined is nothing but the form of Jinn, [as the prophet peace be upon him said "Satan can take any form except mine"], and this is how they do it.

-making the person horny
The other way is to simply make the person horny and make the person masturbate, usually in this situations the person is possessed since the external jinns takes over the mind of the person and make the person play around with themselves.

As Allah says in Quran

"And do not go near zina. It is indeed a shameful and an evil path." (Surah Al Isrâ’, Ayah 32)

And Allah knows best
Al Ruqya wa shifaa
Contact: Shifaa.ruqya@gmail.com
In sha Allah next part will be regarding the cure from lustful jinns

abd-al Rahman #fundie ummah.com

I will say this is true. If you grow up, especially as a Black person in America, you are taught that the worst crime ever perpetrated by American was slavery and the subsequent discrimination against Blacks.

So it is hard for Americans, especially some Black Americans to understand that Allah(swt) allowed slavery though he regulated it, and enslavement is an appropriate punishment for enemies of the deen.

People don't understand that slavery as it is regulated in Islam is a whole universe away from the brutal methods practiced by the european kuffar. However, Slavery is not intended to be pleasant. Allah(swt) legislated that slavery is a punishment for kafir enemies who choose to fight against Islam rather than accepting the deen. Fighting against Allah(swt) and his religion is a terrible thing in the sight of Allah, so he has proscribed the punishment of hellfire for those who die fighting against Islam, and he has proscribed the punishment and humiliation of slavery for those kuffar who survive and their women and children, as well as the seizure of their property.

MS 321 #fundie ummah.com

I have been cured many times yet there is someone who is constantly doing magic and not letting jinns leave my body who is very close member in family i saw him/her in dreams and what he/she was doing and who he/she is. The question is how much knowledge about jinns do YOU and others have if people or raqi can be of any help to me. Are you a believer that "there are jinns living among us" or those who seek a lot of help from jinns? Do you believe in that kind of people? And how jinns are protecting themselves from being revealed to humans and why Quran and religious things not working against them. How jinns are playing withe the humanity does anyone believe it. "The Prophet(PBUH) said do not believe in fire, the fire will eventually show its true color some day and same goes to things that are made of fire."

I have told him/her many times indirectly and directly to stop this kind of things and he/she is not listening. The jinni i got married to is in contact with me using jinns she is constantly doing magic on me i see her face in imagination as if she is speaking to me in person. I can also feel famine touch inside me as if i'm a female or someone inside me is acting and provoking me to act like female. I had read sura Al-Jinn many times to fight the jinns possessing me that is how i came to know many secrets of jinns. The jinns says that they can not live in human world they can not earn as human they are not allowed to do so by Allah and his Prophet(PBUH). For this the jinns has to steal things from humans they do this by stealing human body and heart. This is the case with me the jinns are stealing my ID from my heart and i can not feel my self. The jinns also tells me that they would earn and I would not earn, they would be happy and i will be sad, they live and i die no one cares about me and other blah blah things. i needed help to remove jinnati cures from me that is the reason why i have made this website and thread. I can feel a snake circle around me a white snake with hands which is called waswasa i saw it in my dream then i began to feel it in real. It tried to sqeeze me bit me many times and i also feel dizzy it is leeching my power and energy i feel it all the time. It also provokes me to worship the devil and jinns and get involve in all sort of haram things. The voices tells me that there are many people in the circle of family i belong to, who are seeking help from jinns. i never new untill i got married and trapped in the plot of devil and jinns and then the people around me began to reveal themselves by taunting me indirectly. I can call them mind readers.

doing ruqia is a bit difficult task for me specially when I'm under impression of ulta quran, Jinn or effect of spell. What i want to tell the world is that Jinns are here they are living as human being there are plenty of examples to understand them as a matter of fact there could be many among this forum who are one of the jinns. As long as they are here many schizofreniac people can not be healed why because the jinns living as human would do magic to them once again. Example no. 1. Iblis disguised as Sheikh Najdi to lure the kafirs toward the Prophet (PBUH).2. On the day of war of badar he disguised as another person. In Time of Suleman(A.S.) Sakhar the devil of sea deceived and claimed his throne for 40 days. I KNOW MANY JINNS LIVING AS HUMAN I HAVE SEEN THEM AND I KNOW THEIR FEW SECRETS BUT THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REVEALED TO NORMAL HUMAN. Since 1994 to date jinns are trying to kidnap me i used to see them in dreams. I could never understood the meaning of my dreams just because i was a child now i have some understanding and knowledge of deen and world, my own research about jinns and some among the jinns who told me few secrets because they had to obey someone who is stoping them from harming me and othersI(The Jinns calls people like us a sacrifice, bali for jinns, scizofrenia people are just prey for jinns so that they could full the desire of revenge against human). I didn't sided the jinns they told me to worship jinns, follow dajjal he is also a jinn do kufar. I'm under heavy magic spell and jinnati possession. I'm just writing a simple demonstartion how things of hikmah what jinns told me spoke to me.

alternative trip #fundie ummah.com

how to identify a witch


[How does one identify a witch, as accusing somebody even though they may be a suspect is a grave sin]
Like is there some rules? for example everybody will be nice but how can one identify or stay clear? like say somebody goes to jamat, or does zikr, or come to the mosque frequently does that rule them out? should we stay clear from the ones who have hasad - like if someone does not feel happy when you tell them some good news? but that could cause paranoia as that person is genuinely happy but just shocked at the good news.

A - one can do istikarrah and find out
B - stay away from the ones you see in a bad dream
C - show love to everybody as everybody is innocent in the court of Allah without any evidence and circumstantial evidence is not counted.

I was asked to avoid A as finding out there is no benefit. was told instead to pray salatual hajjah for protection and help. B i'm not sure as the dream could be a devil dream? or a trick from the witch to push me to somebody else? so i think C as they were only the means of the sihr as it was prescribed and decreed and only Allah can cure.

Your input would be great



I heard that they have backward facing feet, and that if you see one, just take of your pants (and underwear) and run as fast as you can.
I heard about the backwards feet thing too, and that they reside in the deep woods. my friend's relative (an elder) apparently saw one, and it was following him but disappeared after he recited ayatul kursi or some other dua.

but I didn't know witches existed, just jinns and shaytaan.
It won't necessarily be ineffective. I know my mom told me about "beggar" magicians who will steal your money with magic if you give them money. But they can't do the magic if you make the money touch their hand when giving it to them. We don't know how magic works so we wouldn't know why certain things work the way they do.
Or, it could be that one guy did that and the witch stopped chasing him and now they think that that's a thing
yeah, I doubt witches exist too since there is no Islamic talk on it at all, and I don't think they're mentioned in the Quran.

But I wanna test it out though

Abu Kamel and snow flakes #fundie ummah.com

A fundie asks, does martial arts inner power come from jinn? Answers follow . . .

Abu Kamel says
Before I was Muslim, I studied one martial art many years ago and in the advanced stages, the sensei invoked pagan shirk beliefs of elementalism which I later identified with Buddhism and Confucianism.

I did not consider the roll of jinn at that time, but in retrospect, I would not put it past some of the mushrikeen practitioners.

But as for enhancing or channelling "inner power, chi", through certain techniques, it could possibly include invocation to jinn. One would need to study and analyze this deeper though.

In terms of exerting power, one can train one's body to do so without committing shirk. The human body can increase and decrease in strength by extensive training.

Superhuman strength is another matter though. Many martial art legends and myths include strories of superhuman events. These are usually mythical stories.

snow flakes says
There was a story of a muslim revert who used to practice in shaolin temple for chi and the stuff when he was not muslim...he had suffered multiple possesions.Ultimately those jinns were removed...in many sessions.He told that its the last step before beinv called as master...that they used to sit infront of idols and channrl demons through body...He was lucky to be saved by grace of Allah ..many arent.

Abu Kamel again . .
Today, the Muslim should be wary of involvement in any traditional martial arts school in the event that occult shirk practices are enshrined. It is known that shayateen jinn colloborate and mislead mushrikeen of all kinds, including martial artists such that a "master" could be fooled into thinking he has special powers until the shayateen trick him and his students into shirk akbar.

One should also note the mythology surrounding an art, such as the concept of "chi" as superhuman power, is really a means of drawing in naive and unknowing students, and the martial bluster against competitors and competing arts.

On the flip side, the utilitarian trend of measuring all martial arts based on MMA effectiveness does not accurately measure the lethality of an art form. There is always at least three variables: the practitioner, the art form, the circumstances.

martyr89 and others #fundie ummah.com

Muslim kills a jinn . .

Today I did my usual 30-45 min ruqyah. Afterward I rubbed ruqyah recited olive oil on my head, arms, legs and lower back to help with the aches and pain. After my ruqyah session I felt very agitated, upset and angry like I was ready to snap at anyone. All of a sudden I felt extremely angry, then I got dizzy and I froze and was very very angry and grinding my teeth and was physically very tense but it was the jinn, not me. Then it just stopped suddenly. After that I was like what the heck?? I felt relief afterwards and more clear headed. I even prayed two rakats and I still feel better hours later. Far from 100% but my brain feels like there's one less jinni. I think a jinni died. What do you all think?

Another fundie had similar experience . . .

I get that,sometimes often sometimes not. sometimes intense and sometimes not so bad
I've fought total and complete strangers over absolutely nothing just because a rage came over me.

Before i came to islam I noticed that I would get angry for no reason at everything and everyone at a specific time in the morning,Called it "morning rage"it went on for years. I had some bosses i worked for in construction that knew that to completely avoid me after 9:30-10:00 until I ate something around 11-12.. Eating seemed to usually killed the feeling for some reason.

I've notices it goes in stages,
1.confusion/irritability then extreme anger/anxiety,
3.partial blackout/paralysis.
5.total loss of consciousness

Sounds like you got to #2 before the jinn ran out of steam or you fought him down.
That's what a full blown attack is for me,all teh way to 5,The various body pains I have get worse,my muscles swell up and inflame. I get very hot also.

I know that I was directly fed magic several times ,I think I'm a bit older than you, was almost certainly wilder in my kafir days than you so I think that is why I get the kinds of attacks I do.

I'm undisciplined ,inexperienced and weak,the jinn is experienced ,strong and well fed.

He blames music as well . . .

I quit music,like completely,erased all my itunes,literally took a hammer to my guitar in the back yard and smashed it to peices,the whole works.

The memory problem is ,I believe, due entirely to the jinn and magic done on me. My memory only really fail when It comes to Islam,Quran etc.

I can remember all the nonsense I memorized from the bible,even my postal code from my house when I was in grade school.

it's a very specific type of "amnesia" I have, I can memorize things other than ayat,surah or hadith easily but those three things I have serious trouble with.

I can watch a halaqa on the fiqh of fasting tonight and have to re-watch it tomorrow but not say a foorball game or who won on jeopardy(just as an example as I don;t watch TV either)

I also do my absolute best to try to avoid uncovered women as I've heard that can affect memory as well and have gone days without seeing anyone so I don't think that's the problem.

I've had lots of MRI's,CAT scans and xrays for my epilepys and there is no lesions,damage,blood flow issues,deformities etc.
I think that the memory issue is a direct result of jinn on the brain due to sihr and that's all.

muz1234 #fundie ummah.com

A fundie asks:
Why are some non-Muslims are smart?
For example, Albert Einstein, who never did sujood in his life. Also, Mozart, Da Vinci, and so on. What do these people rely on to make their brains smart?

SOme of the answers are reasonable, but then we get this:

Salaam brother, saw ur other post about asking a non muslim to make dua,

Are you a muslim ? I hope u really trying to learn and not make fun of the seen.

Anyway, these ppl u mention had intelligence but were not intelligent ( if they died on kufr


And then, their smartness will be of no avail without Imaan. (meaning high IQ doesn't help infidels)

Islam is what turns fools into wisemen

lol use your brain, you don't need to be a Muslim to be "smart" in matters of Dunya. The fact that they may not believe in one God means there lacking intelligence somewhere

startingarabic #fundie ummah.com

[Someone hears noises in his house. Advice follows:]

These noises and actions may come from the jinn. The jinn are part of the creation of Allah whose existence we must believe in, because Allah mentions them in many verses of the Quran,

All nations believe in the jinn and they have had many encounters with them, which it would take too long to describe. No one denies the existence of the jinn except for a very few ignorant philosophers and doctors and the like. [Majmoo’ al-Fatawa]

Allah has enabled the jinn to change shape and to fly, etc, but despite their great powers they have no control over the righteous slaves of Allah. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

You should also purify your house of everything in which there is disobedience towards Allah, such as keeping images and dogs. Abu Talhah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or an image.” [al-Bukhari, Muslim].

Startingarabic #fundie ummah.com

How to make Satan fart:

Hadith no: 582 bakhari

Narrated / Authority of: Abu Huraira
Allah's Apostle said, "When the Adhan is pronounced Satan takes to his heels and passes wind with noise during his flight in order not to hear the Adhan. When the Adhan is completed he comes back and again takes to his heels when the Iqama is pronounced and after its completion he returns again till he whispers into the heart of the person (to divert his attention from his prayer) and makes him remember things which he does not recall to his mind before the prayer and that causes him to forget how much he has prayed."

Eid #fundie ummah.com

A muslim reports his brother is hearing voices, drinking, walking down the street naked and asks for advice. A fundie replies:

That is extremely frustrating; a mental institute would be the inevitable outcome if the problem is jinn related and is diagnosed by a non-muslim...

Another commenter says:
Maybe you could visit your brother with a raqi and he could do ruqyah on him where he is. If it's jinn related, being in a psychiatric ward will just make it worse.


Is he in a hospital with Muslim staff?. If not you should explain that he is seeing Jinns and what Jinns are.

A FSTDTer may have invaded this board. He says:
There is no such thing as Jinn. All were destroyed when God destroyed the nephilim .

samsandman #fundie ummah.com

Person harrassed by jinn asks for advice:

Brother I'm in almost the exact same boat as you,I'm a revert ,only one in my family and am affected by magic. My Grandmother practiced magic on my immediate family and it has had some pretty serious consequences.

I've been struggling with ruqyah for a little bit now and My advice is to take it slow but consistent at first. your gonna want to jump right in and kick some ass but it's better to approach this cautiously. slow and steady wins the race. depending on how long you've been affected it may take time to fix this,be patient. I know you want to solve like tomorrow and move on with your life but it will take effort on your part, and time.

Start by getting all your prayers in on time and maintaining wudu as much as possible. move up to listening to a some ruqyah audios and then try to increase your dua once your comfortable and consistent.
Move up to reciting on yourself

If you think that you've been fed sihr I suggest senokot tablets. Only use for 1 or 2 days and then stop for 2-3 days and repeat this cycle up as many times as needed . If you eaten sihr you will feel a very sharp pain,each time the pain will feel further along your digestive system. I would do a round of this just to be safe.

I have found for each day of audio or self-ruqyah there will retaliation from the jinn the next day. You hurting it by praying,dua,ruqyah etc and it is going to want revenge. Expect it and prepare for it.
If you go heavy and listen to say 4 or 5 hours of ruqyah the first day your getting your ass kicked the next day for sure, When I first started ruqyah on retaliation day I couldn't get out of bed or function at all and couldn't figure out why. start slow and build up.

Think of it like boxing,couple jabs and then jump back and defend yourself.

You will find that they will try to get to your through your dreams,trying to trick you,they may be very frightening or off the charts weird.
Very intense at first but this will taper off as the beat down the jinn and it does not have the strength to mount a good attack.
The more you beat it down the less effective it's attacks will.

There will be days when you want to quit and you may even stop ruqyah but stay on top your prayers.

Other posters follow with more fundie advice.

simply logical #fundie ummah.com

Understanding the dangers of Chi or Xi Gong

For those wanting to know about the dangers of Chi or Xi or Qi or Xi Gong, the following website will be very useful:

It covers also other forms of ancient practises involving jinns, but nowadays packaged under pseudo-scientific labels to appear more modern and more convincing:

The website has been a started by a Muslim brother who un-knowingly took up Xi Gong when he became a student of Chinese Kung Fu. As a result of that, he became possessed and..., (you can read the story in there ....)


Later in the tread:
Re: Understanding the dangers of Chi or Xi Gong

Wow intresting i never knew this, i always though of xi as an imaginary energy force flowing through your body. I didnt know jinns were involved.

I just read it and the stuff about the micro orbs is crazy, ive never heard or such things.


No such thing as Chi. Its just wacky Chinese pseudoscience. No need to worry about it

umar #fundie ummah.com

The topic is don't be naked in your own house because jinn might be there watching you.

I was watching one of the "diary of an exorcist videos" and in the video the guy said that a kid was playing football with his mates and apparently what happened was that he threw something and it hit a jinn and killed it, So that jinns father/mother wanted revenge, So the jinn entered his body and then you know what happens next....

So yes we should be careful.

Abdur Raheem #fundie ummah.com

Just to note, I'm not judging anyone by making this post or trying to act overly religious. Applies to me as well. This is reminder like every other one that I felt required a whole post on it's own due to the prevalence of it. If you are a person who involves themselves in any of these forms of entertainment, please don't be rude about what I have to say.

A large portion of Muslims today still engage in entertaining themselves with haram entertainment and I wanted to have a look at each form explaining why we should stay away from it.

1) Movies

Probably the most viewed form of entertainment out of all them. The whole purpose of movies is to make you forget about your life and just enjoy fiction for a while. The problem here is that people start to lose focus of why they are here by involving themselves with movies to much. We are here to win our Akhira and enjoy as much as possible there. If we spend most of time wasting it on fantasies which are pointless and just pass time, then we will regret it heavily later when we see how much lower our rank in Jannah is by losing out on all those good deeds we could have done.

It is the nature of entertainment media to choose attractive men and women, which immediately negates the modesty required of a Muslim. We should always be lowering our gazes whenever we see someone of great attractiveness since they could induce evil thoughts. It would be pointless to spend half the movie lowering the gaze every now and then.

Then there's obviously the filthy behavior that is being displayed in the movies. Free mixing and zina and partying and zina and foul language and zina and free mixing and all the filthy things you can think of. Young people will start to feel like they are missing out on all the fun of interacting with the opposite gender by watching these movies thinking "What's the worst that could happen?"

Animated movies and "movies for kids" are something terrible as well. Don't be fooled by the "child friendly" approach they try to show you. Small little drops of fitna are poured here and there all over the movie. Let's take "Frozen" for example. A kids movie which grossed over a billion dollars which released last year. Story about a girl who was going to get married to a guy. Has family issues with psycho sister. Guy was evil. Goes for another guy. Happy ending. Seems pretty nice. But it's not.
Subliminally in the story, while this girl was going to marry one man, she travels alone with another man for the sister issues part of the movie, and starts to fall in love with him. But oh dear, they can't be together since she's supposed to marry another man, so obviously the script decides to make him evil, giving her the green light to jump on to the other guy. And the audience is supposed to think this whole thing was ok.

This sort of freemixing showcased in movies shows exactly why we shouldn't be watching them. This was a kids movie that too. Had it been an 18+ movie or real life, we know what major sin they most likely would have done while they were simply travelling together. Then another kids movie made a character homosexual for no reason. Kids growing up to that will think "Gay people are funny and nice ".

2) TV shows

Majority of the reasons have already been stated but TV shows have their own special problem.

More length = More time wasted over years and years.

Then there's the fact that the most popular shows like How I met your mother and FRIENDS revolve around friends committing zina without anything that moves that gives consent all in the name of "Searching for true love". Yes, you want to know you love someone, so you go around committing zina. What's worse is that in their freemixing between themselves as friends, these characters fall in love with each other and commit zina.

And then shows like Game of Thrones showcasing more nudity that the adult industry would be proud of with a side serving of sexual perversions like incest, orgies and other sick things.

Breaking bad? Adulterous wife.

The Walking dead? Adulterous wife.

House of Cards? Adulterous everything.

Entourage? Let's not even talk about it.

And the list goes on and on when it comes to filthy things being displayed on these shows.

It's as if they make the script saying "Hey Louie! This not enough zina in this season. Make this woman an adulteress. We need dem ratings!!" "Sure thing, Franky!"

3) Music

I don't understand why women themselves support the music industry when so many songs and music videos treat women like objects. Last year there was a music video which had completely naked women with fully suited men. In an interview, the woman said that "sometimes a girl just needs to have a little fun with her body". And later that year, Lady Gaga decided to perform a song completely naked. And all sorts of indecent things happen when music is involved. Look at bars and clubs, a place where music is played when men and women just rub themselves against each other which they couldn't do without music ("Bikini is ok on the beach but not in buildings" effect) they have a one night stand and never meet again. This goes completely against the dignity of a human being.

Furthermore, music plays in our head throughout the day if we listen to it. We lose concentration now and then because a song was playing in our head. This could happen when we are in Salah and ruin our kushoo.

Then there's the fact that people lose their minds over the artists. One Direction, Bieber and the rest. Causing people to lose their mind and act so irrationally. Willing to cut themselves for their sake. The worst part being that these celebrities don't even care about them back.

Then there's the fact that majority of songs encourage zina and acts that lead to it. And then there's the fact that so many filthy words are included in these songs.

4) Video Games

While this one hurts the most for me to say, Video games are probably the worst out of all these things. Rasulullah mentioned that people who make images are amongst the worst creations of Allah . Would you pay money for a person who murders? For a rapist? For a thief? Paying money for video games is support for the haram that these people are doing.

Furthermore, video games contains all the problems of all other forms of entertainment.

Music, violence, nudity, foul language, excessive time waste, forgetting Dunya and everything else.

Studies have also shown that playing video games can increase agitation in people. It also makes people more lazy, wanting to sit in one place for hours just watching a screen. Getting annoyed when they are called away for something else.

What many of us don't know is that these things can directly change our imaan. Everything we expose ourselves to can influence we act and think. But we refuse to believe that simply because it is entertainment. Think of all the bad thoughts and ideas that have been put in our minds because of exposing ourselves to these things. It could have been one TV show episode that brought us this much closer to the idea of being ok with zina. The most dangerous thought you can have is "It's not going to happen to me. I can control myself"

We should all keep in mind that whatever we give up for Allah He will give you something better. We could be throwing away so much happiness which lasts forever for extremely temporary happiness. Think about it....aren't we all still going to be sad and depressed about some problem or another even after watching movies, tv shows, listening to music and playing games? Then what was the point of them besides wasting time? In the long run we just lose time and money. Most importantly we lose the immense rewards that we can get for leaving these acts which we will ALWAYS be happy about.

we should try our best to leave these acts for the happiness of Allah and become the best Muslims we can possibly be

candyapple #fundie ummah.com


No you cannot be accepted in islam as Gay
Don't you KNOW what became of the city of Pompeii?
I fear there shall for you soon come a day
-So pay attention, for those of you who say;
"Its not a choice, its in my DNA"
This society seems to think its okay
To accept and welcome people who are gay
A warning for you- the wrath of God may come your way
Just like that of the city of pompeii
Delude yourself, all that you may
Don't you learn a lesson from the raining baked clay?
It wiped out the entire city that very day
And y'all know cause immoral gays were they
A man for a woman, its designed that way
Same gender attraction, NOT okay.
U and I both know this is evil but hey,
You can resist this warning at the end of the day
But -Where will you run to, If God rains baked clays your way?

candyapple #fundie ummah.com

(are muslims superior to non muslims?)

I would say a sinning muslim is miles better than a pious kaffir. Cause a muslim knows his Rabb wheras the kaffir denies his Rabb... and the eternal punishment is a testimony to that. A sinning muslim ev3ntually goes paradise. A pious kaffir got what he wanted in this world hence all that is keft is the punishment. Eternal.

Though people, we should all try our best and imitate the best example, SAW

[Note: "kaffir" is arabic for "infidel" literally "one who covers (up the truth of Islam)"]

nouser #fundie ummah.com

gays should get stoned end of story its on the hadith of prophet s.a.w and laws of sharais why all gays try to find loops around islam to
allow and justify their haram sinful actions? DO you read the Quran Hadith and sunnah The PEOPLE OF LOT??
listen Gays theres no excuse for u disgusting shamful actions personally i will stone soemone whos gay
dig thee hole and blindfold thm just like brothers who follow sharia .. theres no escaping the punishemnt of allah

AbuMubarak #fundie #sexist #transphobia #homophobia ummah.com

as far as "dealing with you on a human level", how can i deal with a murderer, a pedophile, a rapist, an arsonist that has willingly killed, how can i deal with a soldier who has slaughtered innocent people, a doctor who has aborted a baby, a mother who aborted a baby, a transvestite, a sodomite, etc?

now, whats worst than all of them combined? a murtad [apostate from Islam]

LailaTheMuslim #fundie ummah.com

The whole survival of the fittest description of nature is totally false. Animals are not in competition, they are co-operative beings, nature is much more social than they claim. Evolution just reflects the racist capitalist imperialist victorian ideology that was around the time that it was produced, believing that there were biological hierarchies, to justify white colonial rule of the rest of the world. Plus it's still a theory, and what about the whole issue of the transitional fossils?

Flipo #fundie ummah.com

Hammouda has been banned but I will address this point anyway. The problem with people like him is they have a very superficial understanding of mercy. The fact that hell is being mentioned is in itself an act of mercy. How ? Because Allah wants your love but to love something is not something everyone is able to achieve. So what does Allah say ? If you cannot love me, then I am willing to accept your fear. Does it get more merciful than this ? But don't expect the likes of Hammounda to understand any of this.

Muslim123456789 #fundie ummah.com

Semen contains between 95-98% of fructose, prostaglandin hormones, metal and salt ions, lipids, steroid hormones, enzymes, basic amines, and amino acids. Which are all produced in the abdomen! which is between the ribs and loins. Only 2-5 percent of what is in the semen is produced in the testicles.
The Quran says a fluid that is emmited which means to send out or produced. Then the Quran says in verse 7 "Proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs:" . Proceed which means to continue with something and can also mean to come from a source. The source which semen origantes from is the abdomen!

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