[Topic: In an ideal world, what would be the status of blacks?]
Ideally there would be no negros. Anywhere.
More realistically, hard core segregation, think Jim Crow laws on steroids.
negros confined to it's part of town and not allowed out without a pass.
The White man sponsoring the pass and the other White man approving the pass would have to be willing to face the same criminal penalties the negro faces for whatever mischief it causes. negros would not be allowed outside of its side of town in groups larger than 3
Severe punishment for whatever crimes negros commit. No jail time but fines, floggings, brandings and hangings. Third crime = hanging.
negros would not be allowed to drive or own property outside of it's ghettos. It's medical care and what not would also have to be from negros and inside it's ghetto
negros would not be allowed to live in the country on it's own. negros would be required to live behind walls.
mass punishment for negros when the actual culprit is not caught. For example, if negros set a White home on fire, and the cops can't figure out which negros did it, we burn down 100 negro homes inside the nearest negro ghetto.
negros barred from formal education, expect trade school kind of stuff
negros would not allow to hold any job as long as any White man was unemployed.
Race mixing would be punished by death.
Severe punishment for disrespecting White people. negros would be barred from looking White people in the eyes/ face, would have to refer to Whites as sir or madam, young sir or madam for our youth.
negros barred from owning firearms; no rights to free speech, barred from voting or donating money to political campaigns, running for office or holding any government job. negros would not have freedom of religion, and their preachers would have to be approved by White men. negros would have no freedom of speech or press.
Whites who want to do charity work for negros would have to live in the negro part of town and would hold no legal White privileges. They’d would live with negros and as negros.