
Inzl Kett #fundie theologyonline.com

What have we learned from OWS:

Idiots have a herd instinct, even if it clogs traffic.
Morons behave like animals when you get them En-mass.
Liberals are more of a threat to POTUS than conservatives.
The media paints these bums in a positive light-not reporting their vandalism.
The protest has gathered to detract the public from failed Obama policies.
These gathering don't solve problems--rather they create them.
OWS is nothing more than a mob composed of troublemakers, drug addicts and vandals.
Liberalism appeals to the drug and criminal element.

I ain't no monkey #fundie theologyonline.com

"I can ask an atheist if they are an animal, and either way they answer they are being illogical based on their worldview.

If they say yes, they are an animal, then they must justify why they don’t act like an animal. They set their alarm clock, get up in the morning, look in the mirror, take as shower, get dressed, and drive to work. They live like there are morals, ethics, purpose and meaning. They consider themselves a person.

If they say no, they aren’t an animal then they are illogical in their position because if there is no God and evolution is true then there is no reason why they wouldn’t be animals.

As a Christian I have a valid reason for not being an animal.

God Bless


Inzl Kett #fundie theologyonline.com

There is a subculture out there is that just as sick and twisted as this--they call themselves 'furries'. I met one on another message board. He started a thread promoting his lifestyle. My question is for Wizard of Oz, AB and Fool, would you let a furry, style your hair, change the oil of your car or roof your house?

Homosexuality is not any better than the sick lifestyle of the furry.

Tom from Mabank, TX #fundie theologyonline.com

[in response to poster Abu Rashid, in a thread about a Christian church counselor who raped and attempted to murder a teenage girl]


Yes, Christians sin. But the difference between Christians and Muslims is that our God condemns evil. Your pagan moon god Allah does not even exist. If I could show you one false teaching from Mohammed, would you renounce your pagan moon god and accept Jesus?

You have no standing to condemn evil acts. Good or evil can only exist if there is a Moral Prescriber Who determines what is good or evil. You have none.

Why is the fez always red?

Inzl Kett #fundie theologyonline.com

"Excellent point. I have often thought that myself. Many atheists--not all-- are very hostile and mean spirited in their replies and debates. Such hostile behavior is not as common among Christians. Is it something in their subconsciousness eating away at them that makes them behave that way. My experience with people that call themselves Athiest has been negative for the most part due to the frequent hard, hostile and hair trigger stance that they put on. They are a lot more easily offended then the religious. I have even had friends that were 'atheist'. I still had to be careful not to offend them.

So I think you hit on something, King cobra"

John Ladder #fundie theologyonline.com

"Atheists tend to be selfish bastards, as we see clearly in many of the posts here. Hence the tendency of encountering athiests as single non-parents.

You're missing the point regarding the lack of "controls". If you eliminated the married folks from consideration (or separated them), there would be a stronger bias for suicide among atheists who have no family.

This 2004 study isn't dated at all, and remains quite interesting since there have been no other studies.

How laughable it is to read the bravado of the atheists here. Their overconfidence will not serve them well in the end.

It's quite simple: The typical atheist could care less about God or their fellow man. The rejection of God leaves him with nothing in the moment of severe mental crisis. Having nothing, he wants to become nothing. Persistent doubt now culminates in despairing agony. But there is no God to pull him out. Ignorance was bliss, but now it becomes excruciating pain. Once strong in his freedom, he now finds himself pitifully weak.

In denying God, he denies spirituality. Since he denies his soul and the possibility of spiritual assistance from God, it is quite simply unavailable to him as he contemplates suicide.

There is nothing to lean on, since the atheist denies the Power that established him and sustains him. He's on his own. But the darkness is black. Black. It is cold and terribly lonely.

This is the sickness unto death. But death is not the end. There shall be a reckoning."

Clete #fundie theologyonline.com

Homos are guilty of more than a mere sin, they are guilty of a capital crime. (Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:26-32). Being a homo isn't merely about a perverted sexual act. Homos erode the very fabric of the whole of society, both morally and socially via issues including but not limited to the spread of various diseases, child molestation, drug use, domestic violence, adultery, murder and suicide.

As such, Christians should not treat homos as though they've stolen a grape from the grocery store, or used a curse word in mixed company. They should be treated essentially the same way one would expect to treat a rapist or murderer.

In short, Christians should approach issues of moral crimes with the following three pronged approach.

1. Advocate the re-criminalization of such crimes as adultery and homosexuality and that such crimes should be punishable by death.

2. Impose, as much as possible, a social stigma to these behaviors.

3. Encourage repentance of individual offenders.
The order of those three points is intentional. Point one effects an entire society, point two effects the immediate circle of influence of those imposing the social stigma (usually at most a neighborhood or town) and point three effects single individuals.

Whathastobedone #fundie theologyonline.com

"Just to set things straight:

Banning sex is NOT sinful, banning reproduction however IS. God wants us to reproduce and raise families, it's our lot in life. If anything, the removal of taboos placed on sexuality will cause a downward slide in reproduction. As sex is progressively viewed as a recreational activity, pressure to make anti-conceptive methods more effective builds up, sex becomes more common but reproduction becomes scarce. The solution would be to ban sex entirely whilst making methods of artificial insemination mandatory.

It's not a question of HOW we reproduce but IF. I don't think God would shed many tears if we replaced a primitive and sensual method of reproduction with something more civilized and modest. It's the same concept behind why we rarely create fire by rubbing two sticks together anymore, just with more moral reasoning."

Robert Pate #fundie theologyonline.com

Scientist will never be able to make life.

All life comes from God, who is the author of life. Not only does he give life, he also takes life.

My question for you is why is creation so orderly? The sun rises and sets at designated times. The four seasons come and go right on time. If everything was created by a big bang where did this order come from? Why are all of the planets including the earth so round? If there was a big bang wouldn't they be uneven or jagged.

Agape4Robin #fundie theologyonline.com

My question is this: Even though radiometric dating has the Earth listed as approximately 4.5 billion years old, this method of testing is used to test the age of the materials that the Earth is comprised of. Dirt, rocks and strata. Correct?

If God created the Earth, why wouldn't He use raw materials at His disposal? The materials themselves do not determine the age of our Earth. It cannot pinpoint that moment in time when these materials came together, only the age of the materials that are present.

Am I off-base here?

Prolifeguyswife #fundie theologyonline.com

I don't want to continue to derail the thread, but imagine this:

There is a car on fire. A mother is in the front seat, and her child is strapped in the car seat in the seat behind her. You are the police officer who arrives on the scene first. When you approach the vehicle, the mom yells at you from the front seat, "Save me! Save me instead!"

You pull the mother from the burning vehicle, then pull your gun from its holster and shoot the baby in the backseat, moments before the vehicle explodes.

Yeah. That's what abortion to "save the life of the mother is life." Save them both. You clearly have to save the mother first, anyway, or they both would die. If you can't save the baby, also, it's a tragedy. If you kill the baby intentionally, as Tiller did routinely, it's murder.

Adambassador #fundie theologyonline.com

Liberal hypocrisy re: George Tiller's murder - Today, 01:44 PM
For years, the liberals have tried to reach out to gang members to try and show them a better way to live. To give them opportunities to make it in a life that is not one of violence.

For years, the liberals have tried to reach out to drug dealers and drug users to try and show them a better way to live. To give them help, hope and support to leave their destructive lifestyles.

For years, liberals in the church have reached out to adulterers and other sinners to 'accept them as they are', show forgiveness, and provide restoration through 'divorce workshops' and the like.

For years, liberals have reached out to criminals in this and other countries to open up 'talks' and 'communication' to better understand each other.

SO, NOW PRO-LIFERS ARE BEING CALLED DOMESTIC TERRORISTS? The liberals have been after us for years, trying to get us locked up for supposed insanity, 'violent' nature, and illegal behavior. THEY WANT US LOCKED UP! THEY WANT TO TAKE AWAY OUR KIDS.

Where are our 'talks'? Where's the liberals? Why aren't they reaching out to us in kindness to 'show us a better way' and present 'opportunities to move up in society' and become better people?

That stuff doesn't exist. Do I need to detail the violence and crime against pro-lifers over the years? Dare I say that the God given rights of living persons over the last 42 years have been violated in more way than can be documented?

(Keep in mind after reading my post that I do not consider Scott Roeder and Steve Wetzel from mttu.com as part of our movement. They are not truly pro-life. This is directed at the liberals who think that Roeder and Wetzel are part of us.)

DXPose #fundie theologyonline.com

We were at the abortionist's house during a holiday home visit with members from our church to protest & let all his neighbors know that a serial killer lives among them. We try to do this for every abortionist in CO on every single holiday to remind them of the thousands of babies who don't get to celebrate, along with bringing shame to the butcher and to serve as a deterrent for any med student who is thinking of becoming a child-killer for a living.

On one hand I get criticized for homeschooling my kids and not exposing them to the "real world" - then when I do expose them to the evils in the world I get ridiculed for using them for political gain.

I find it interesting that people will get so outraged over me exposing my children to the horrors of abortion, but there is absolutely no outcry over the fact that babies are getting mutilated in the womb by the MILLIONS.

I've exposed my kids to the harsh reality of abortion since birth so they will understand the evil "choice" made by some women & so my kids will be prepared to fight the battle for personhood throughout their lives. Also to remind them of how fortunate they are to have a mother who loved them enough to choose life...especially since over 1,300,000 children this year alone won't be so lucky!

The innocence of my children has not been compromised in the slightest - they run around outside, play dress up, laugh, paint, jump on the trampoline & have fun like normal kids are supposed to. The only difference is that my kids have a strong moral foundation & conviction of right & wrong that most adults severely lack.

BigJohnson #fundie theologyonline.com

[when asked to provide proof that all acts of gay sex caused physical harm and therefore should be outlawed]

Are you serious?!! When a muscle is misused consistently, it eventually fails to work properly. That's a fact of life. The particular muscle I'm referring to was designed to be an exit only.

Smoking is questionable because it doesn't affect everyone the same way. Drinking does not need to be illegal, but getting drunk should remain so, yes.

Nick M #fundie theologyonline.com

Wrong. The flood was a result of the bursting open of the fountains of the great deep. See the ruptures in the earths crust, such as the bottom of the oceans floors.


When the underwater caverns burst open, the water under extreme pressure shot very high. Some became comets, some hit mars, some of the crust hit the moon. The water falling back was the rain.

Todah #fundie theologyonline.com

Even when King Saul had a demon, sent from God? to torment him, God also sent him the remedy. Only David playing music, on his harp, and singing the Psalms, presumably, soothed his torment.

At the very least you can play some godly Christian music, preferably some psalms put to music, and you will find great relief, just as old King Saul did.

Satan doesn't like godly music, and words, especially so, when they are put together.

OMEGA #fundie theologyonline.com

Archeologists have uncovered fossils of Huge Kangaroos that are much larger
than todays Kangaroos.

But why do we not have those same huge Kangaroos today.

Millions of years ago, God and His angels were experimenting with

all different kinds of Life forms and very slowly genetically altered

their DNA to improve them in various ways. They improved their digestion

process, their bone structure, endocrine system etc etc.

But why were they so big? Because it is easier to see how a their body works

such as a hip joint or heart valve when it is larger. Just as we do today, we

create TV sets that are larger and we make them more efficient and

then we eventually miniturize them and that is what God and His Angels

did with the Animal life that they genetically engineered over the Millions of

years here on the Earth before Satan destroyed the Dinosaurs and Kangaroos

Cattyfan #fundie theologyonline.com

I hear these same idiotic statements over and over. It isn't forcing a child. It's teaching a child.

You wouldn't let your kid make his or her own choice about the rightness and wrongness of things like stealing, murder, drugs, or alcohol. Why would you choose not to educate them on something as important as their immortal soul?

Omega #fundie theologyonline.com

What's to Stop the Atheists from:

Harming you
killing you
dismembering you.

They have no Moral Values because Moral Values come from God
and they don't Serve or Obey God or recognize His Existence.

So, Watch out for the Non Morall Atheists.

Lighthouse #fundie theologyonline.com

[So was slavery acceptable in biblical times and then become immoral in modern times? Whatever is going on, it doesn't sound like an immutable unchanging morality.]

You're an idiot.

Slavery, in and of itself, is not immoral. Kidnapping is. The slavery in the Bible was voluntary. Except in the cases of indentured servitude that were results of the servant stealing [they became servants in order to pay restitution].

The slavery we had in the States was immoral because people were being kidnapped from their homes and forced into it. They did not go into it voluntarily.

And the way many of them were treated was also immoral. The Bible gave guidelines of how to treat slaves and servants properly.

OMEGA #fundie theologyonline.com

How did Panda Bears Evolve

After all they are Marsupials and not real Bears.

They serve no purpose.

You cannot ride them like a Camel or horse.

People do not eat them for food.

They are restricted to eating only Euchaliptus leaves .

Then what is their purpose

Door #fundie #homophobia theologyonline.com

(This whole thread is a gold mine of stupid.)

[Roptom: I posted a link to the study of homosexuality and not one of you have bothered to even look at it, because the bible says this, and the bible says that, take your head out of the bible for just one minute and look at the real world for once!]

Take your head out of the homosexual and look at the Bible for once.

Door #fundie theologyonline.com

[TwilightDF (Ark from FSTDT, Controverse from CF): The way people are acting in this thread is grossly unChrist-like... We are allowed to have our own opinions, but to call someone "more than hateful" when they try to point out the hypocrisy in the way people act in this thread? You might as well call Christ a hateful being. He pointed out the hypocrisies in others, after all... I see hardly any love at all - I see only a vile hatred and intolerance of one another's honest opinions.]

[Roptom: Thank you for showing me that there are some true Christians that have not forgotten what Christ preached, Unfortunately from my own experience, there is not many Christians like you around! I really hope I'm wrong and that there is allot more than i think.]

You're not a Christian. You are a pervert. You are a godless Christ-hating pig.

carolus magnus #fundie theologyonline.com

Athiests, evolutionists, and the like delight in mocking God as a bad designer because mankind sins. If he had made us perfect, then we couldn't sin.

This argument crumbles when applied to anything else. Which reveals what a fallacy it is.

For example, a knife could be a perfectly designed instrument for chopping vegetables, but also capable of killing someone. Does this mean there is a flaw in the design of the knife? Was the designer of the knife an idiot for having made this tool with the side effect of being a weapon?

In much the same way, by making humans a perfectly designed instrument for having a relationship with (freewill), they are also capable of sin.

Of course you atheists cannot believe freewill exists. It is not possible for you to believe in freewill and have any sort of consistency in your philosophy. Freewill requires a force outside of the laws of this universe in order to be enacted.

Carico #fundie theologyonline.com

If scientists had the truth, then of course, they wouldn't need to gather more information, nor would they change their theories every decade. So scientists are in a search for the truth, which means they haven't found it yet.
But as I said, since we Christians have already found it, then we can move on to a deeper understanding of life instead of try to figure out how and why it was formed in the first place.

Carico #fundie theologyonline.com

Sorry, but reality backs up creation. The 7 day creation formed the foundation for the 7 day week. The sun gives light by day, the moon and stars give light by night and are used to mark the months, seasons and years. Each species breeds its own kind and man rules over the animals. Man also turns to dust when his body decays. So reality agrees with creationism on every point.

Science, on the other hand, does not agree with reality. Apes do not produce human descendants in reality nor does any wild beast. As for the age of the earth, it's no coincidence that the dating instruments that date anything before the flood go haywire. That's because since scientists dismiss the flood about which over 200 ancient cultures have written, it's impossible to date any object that's been affected by millions of gallons of water without understanding the affects that that much water has on any object. So their claims about an old earth are bogus because they can't be proven nor verified by any ancient peoples.

Lighthouse #fundie theologyonline.com

No! You idiot! You don't give them condoms! And if they ever do have sex, after being told not to, and given the reasons to wait until marriage, then you spank them! Do you really not get this?!

And if they have questions as to why they should wait, you answer them. And if you don't have an answer, open your Bible! Maybe you'll learn something.

Lighthouse #fundie theologyonline.com

[Most of these don't even appear religious on the outside...I don't like that word religious, so I'll use Christ like. Hell is going to be so full of those who Jesus says this to, depart from me ye workers of iniquity, for I never knew you!!! They will be right along side of the unrepentant homo's. They don't want salvation for the homosexual, they want death!!!]

Another lie! Is it not possible for someone facing death to turn to Christ? Of course it's possible! And that is exactly what I want to see happen! I want them to be saved before they are executed. And that is what I advocate. They should always be given the chance to turn to Christ. Of course, as it always has been, not eveyone will choose Christ. But all who commit capital crimes would still receive capital punishment. Would I mourn the loss of those who did not accept Christ? Of course I would! Just as I would with murderers, adulterers, kidnappers, child molesters, and who ever else committed a capital crime.

Clete #fundie theologyonline.com

(Clete the Truthsmacker blasts a somewhat-less fundie poster for her opposition to putting gays and adulterers to death)

[They refuse to see that God said to obey the laws of the land, which we have a law for death penalty for murderers.]

This comment here is basically a lie. You need to repent.
I have repeatedly stated that no one should ever be executed except by due process of law.
Further, the only thing worse than no death penalty is one that is slow to be carried out and done privately without any pain whatsoever. This country does not have a death penalty that even remotely resembles that which is described in God's word. It is unjust, it is ineffective, and there is some good evidence that it is counter productive. It's no surprise to me that you support this countries pathetic and cruel version of a death penalty.

[All in all, they are blind as a freaking bat!!!]

Mrs. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle. Yes! She's black too!

[They remind me of the Pharisees who appeared religious on the outside, but outside they were white washed tombs full of dead men's bones...Jesus' own words.]

You ignore God, you ignore God's word, you ignore justice and think that you are not only more merciful than God but that you are justified in thinking that! You are a fool and doing so much more harm than you can know, both to the society in which you live (i.e. your neighbor) and to your own soul. You disgust me! You are an enemy of the gospel, an enemy of Christ, an enemy of the Kingdom of God and an enemy of me!

(The entire thread is a nauseating trainwreck)

Lighthouse #fundie theologyonline.com

[So, you started reading the bible about 5 or 6, and you were born in 1980?? Keep studying, because you don't have a lot of understanding about the mercy and grace of God at all.]

I said "over twenty years." I decided that the Bible was true when I was three. And I know that God's grace is efficacious for all sin. And that those who come to Christ will never lose their salvation. But if someone commits a crime, no matter what it is, they should accept the punishment God has set forth. And that God is the authority on what should be a crime, and what should not. And He's also the authority on what the punishment should be. And if the government ignores God, then people will not be punished righteously, but we, as God's children should still want God's rules to be in place. My dad, a former queer, still believes that he deserves the death penalty for what he did. But, since it is not the current law of the land, he is still alive. And if God's rules were to be set in place, they would not be retroactive, so my dad would not die for his crimes, because they were not crimes [under the government] when he committed them. But if he were to commit any crime under God's rule, then he would accept that punishment, even if it were death.

Clete #fundie theologyonline.com

[I can almost hear God now...did you tell the homosexual about my Son? No Lord, we tried to get them executed, even though You wanted to try and save them...PATHETIC!!!]

Executing them is God's idea, not ours, you blitheringly idiotic blasphemous cow!

If homos were executed as God instructs in the Bible then more people would end up in heaven, not less. God has more smarts and mercy in His big toe than you know how to conceive of. You are not more merciful than God, nor could you be if you tried.

Resting in Him,

supersport #fundie theologyonline.com

Why do atheists kill so many people?


Communism is a direct consequence of atheism. They go together like peanut butter and jelly.

Of course I don't think all atheists are monsters, but by the very nature of what they stand for -- or don't stand for -- they often can't help themselves because they simply do not have a moral backdrop. It happens all over. The prisons certainly are not full with born-again Christians. They're bursting at the seem with villains who are infected with moral brain-rot. Of course there are exceptions but generally people who commit violent crimes are lost people.....likewise countries whos people commit wide-spread heinous, immoral, murderous acts are also non-Christian and spiritually lost.

So the question is...why do communists/atheists/non-Christians murder so many people?????


4. 61,911,000 Murdered: The Soviet Gulag State
5. 35,236,000 Murdered: The Communist Chinese Ant Hill
6. 20,946,000 Murdered: The Nazi Genocide State
7. 10,214,000 Murdered: The Depraved Nationalist Regime

8. 5,964,000 Murdered: Japan's Savage Military
9. 2,035,000 Murdered: The Khmer Rouge Hell State
10. 1,883,000 Murdered: Turkey's Genocidal Purges
11. 1,670,000 Murdered: The Vietnamese War State
12. 1,585,000 Murdered: Poland's Ethnic Cleansing
13. 1,503,000 Murdered: The Pakistani Cutthroat State
14. 1,072,000 Murdered: Tito's Slaughterhouse

15. 1,663,000 Murdered? Orwellian North Korea
16. 1,417,000 Murdered? Barbarous Mexico
17. 1,066,000 Murdered? Feudal Russia


With this understood, the Soviet Union appears the greatest megamurderer of all, apparently killing near 61,000,000 people. Stalin himself is responsible for almost 43,000,000 of these. Most of the deaths, perhaps around 39,000,000 are due to lethal forced labor in gulag and transit thereto. Communist China up to 1987, but mainly from 1949 through the cultural revolution, which alone may have seen over 1,000,000 murdered, is the second worst megamurderer. Then there are the lesser megamurderers, such as North Korea and Tito's Yugoslavia.

In sum the communist probably have murdered something like 110,000,000, or near two-thirds of all those killed by all governments, quasi-governments, and guerrillas from 1900 to 1987.

CRASH #fundie theologyonline.com

Let Them Eat Tofu!

Even right-wingers who know that "global warming" is a crock do not seem to grasp what the tree-huggers are demanding. Liberals want mass starvation and human devastation.

Forget the lunacy of people claiming to tell us the precise temperature of planet Earth in 1918 based on tree rings. Or the fact that in the '70s liberals were issuing similarly dire warnings about "global cooling."

Simply consider what noted climatologists Al Gore and Melissa Etheridge are demanding that we do to combat their nutty conjectures about "global warming." They want us to starve the productive sector of fossil fuel and allow the world's factories to grind to a halt. This means an end to material growth and a cataclysmic reduction in wealth.

There are more reputable scientists defending astrology than defending "global warming," but liberals simply announce that the debate has been resolved in their favor and demand that we shut down all production.

They think they can live in a world of only Malibu and East Hampton -- with no Trentons or Detroits. It does not occur to them that someone has to manufacture the tiles and steel and glass and solar panels that go into those "eco-friendly" mansions, and someone has to truck it all to their beachfront properties, and someone else has to transport all the workers there to build it. (And then someone has to drive the fleets of trucks delivering the pachysandra and bottled water every day.)

Liberals are already comfortably ensconced in their beachfront estates, which they expect to be unaffected by their negative growth prescriptions for the rest of us.

There was more energy consumed in the manufacture, construction and maintenance of Leonardo DiCaprio's Malibu home than is needed to light the entire city of Albuquerque, where there are surely several men who can actually act. But he has solar panels to warm his house six degrees on chilly Malibu nights.

Liberals haven't the foggiest idea how the industrial world works. They act as if America could reduce its vast energy consumption by using fluorescent bulbs and driving hybrid cars rather than SUVs. They have no idea how light miraculously appears when they flick a switch or what allows them to go to the bathroom indoors in winter -- luxuries Americans are not likely to abandon because Leo DiCaprio had solar panels trucked into his Malibu estate.

AROTO #fundie theologyonline.com

I agree with your thoughts that our legal system is not very good:kookoo: Wealthy individuals definatley have more advantages in the United States court systems than that of the average person. Most death row inmates that have thier sentences overturned get the decision reversed due to a technicality, not because of their innocense:nono: There are so many examples of "known" killers that are still on death row and will most likely die of old age before their execution can be carried out. I advocate a very swift death penalty in all cases of murder, but I too see the problem being raised by our unfair justice system. A question I would ask, is it better to let hundreds of killers live or for one innocent person to be put to death.:think:

I think it is worse to let the hundreds of killers live!:down:

AROTO #fundie theologyonline.com

I think we actually agree on the fact that lust is wrong and sinful, I am just trying to point out the fact is I believe the act of adultry should be punishable by death. Porno should be illegal and there should be strong punishment as well. [...]

My comments in response to this are to try and show the difference between our thoughts and our actions. God will most certainly judge our thoughts, Here on earth though society needs to show the judgement of our actions ie laws etc. Homosexuality, adultry, abortion, murder, rape and so on should all have very swift death penaltys.:thumb:

Just Tom #fundie theologyonline.com

[Because according to the same laws that advocate the slaughter of homosexuals this is just as worthy of death,I wonder why this topic doesnt get aired much, should adulterers be 'put to the sword'...?]

Yes they should!

How many times have you seen adulterers get together in the street screaming

We cheat on our wives,
We cheat on our husbands,
Get used to it.

Not at all, you see when caught, they still face the shame and sigma of society for doing such a thing. Though it is lessoning a bit but it doesn't have the AAAD* propoganda army promoting it like homos do. But homos think there shouldn't be any stigma for their perversion the only stigma should be for opposing it.

CRASH #fundie theologyonline.com

(Are you saying that all Republicans are conservatives? If so, I've got two words for you:


No. I think all the republicans are liberal also!

Only liberals can succeed in our system. Righteous men are shot down because the people are basically evil just like Jesus said!

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