
emh112203 #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

[Scientific proof of God]

Hypothesis: Humans will continue to enter the world through painful childbirth, minus cloning which is not an original human being born but a clone of one that already existed or still exists.

Prediction: We will continue to see people born of painful child birth as the Bible contends.

saccos_cell_phones #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

[David D. G notes 'He makes reference to a link halfway through the post, but does not provide one there; however, he makes a sort of "takeback" reference to it toward the end.']

I came across an insurgent propaganda video on the Internet produced by al Qaida in which they declare they will kill all Americans and why.

In the script of the video, which al Qaida and Muslim insurgents are fond of running in front of their sniper and IED video footage, al Qaida claims that Jesus was a Muslim.

That alone tells me that al Qaida is afraid of Jesus and his Bible thumpers in Christianity. Afraid enough to try and con the world into believe Jesus is a Muslim and not a Christian.

Or it makes a direct connection between Christianity and al Qaida. I know for a fact that US Christians are terrorists but I never thought they were directly aligned with al Qaida and Islam.

Here's the link to the al Qaida produced video on the Internet so you can see for yourselves their claim that Jesus was a Muslim.

It proves to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that all religion is a lie and nothing but a con job.

Well, strke me dead, but I can't find the video any longer. It was either at www.ogrish.com or www.puttfile.com. The Christian terrorists spying on me likely learned I found the video yesterday and made certain it was removed to deter any link between themselves and al Qaida.

But the script at the head of the al Qaida vid clearly stated that Jesus was a Muslim.

I know that Italians are cocksuckers.

singlemomscarrystds #racist news.messages.yahoo.com




You live in ignorance. I hope for your sake it's "bliss". Remember this the next time you get "pissed off" at your bank/credit issuers or ANYthing connected with the banks. Remember this when you pay all those taxes (the ones you manage to see). Remember, the JewBanks enable the taxes to be collected OVER and OVER again. Banks and tax collectors sleep in the exact same bed every night. It's a match made in JewHeaven on Earth.

mutualfundies #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

Finally the Evolios have been exposed!

If these complex mammals were around at the time of the dinosaurs then it would constitute proof that Human Beings existed along side the dinosaurs as well. It is because everything was intelligently designed from DAY ONE!!!

Why have there been no Human fossils found from this time? Obviously there just weren't that many Humans around at that time. If the U.S. military can't find WMD in a little country like Iraq how could anyone expect to find a few dozen Human fossils on the whole Planet?!?!?!

People only believe that the Earth is millions of years old because they have bought into the big lie; that evolution accounts for speciation.

If one believes that evolution accounts for speciation then one also believes that the Earth has been around for a long time because it would take thousands of generations for speciation to occur.

This is a perfect example of the effectiveness of the BIG LIE TECHNIQUE perpetrated on innocent students by leftist "public education".

muslconstruction #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

I don't think so. Lent like most of Catholicism is a pagan import. Want a big fat child molesting fertility God who has all the same letters in his name as Satan. See Santa. Want a pagan fertility Goddess whose worship involved temple prostitutes and pagan fertility symbols like bunnies and eggs, see easter. Want a big evergreen tree as a sign of everlasting life by which you set offerings for your pagan priests see the christmas tree. Some Catholic stuff is in the bible though. Like the pope who as a symbol of satan "is in the temple declaring himself to be god" and having the power to remit sins. The end times apostacy regarding celibates and their forbidding to eat certain meats. Oh maybe that's lent. Plus the worship of graven images, the stealing of scripture ("Satan comes to steal the Word") and other stuff. Remember observing lying vanities forsaketh your own mercy" and see New orleans for what happens to those practicing religious blasphemies and pagan abominations.

muslconstruction #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

I bought a Bible for 99 cents at a "Marcs" discount store. The bible says that there is a devil who will tempt you into partaking in things that wiill kill you while decieivng you into thinking what you are doing is "oh so sophisticated". Just look at the healthy people. Read the slogans, the cigartettes "TASTE FRESH" blah, blah, blah. It's obvious that smoking is a sin glamorized by Jews like Louie B. Mayer, filling the coffers of Big Tobacco, blah blah. The Bible that I paid less than a fdollar for says that the wages of sin is death. Go to the hospitals and see all the women who were promiscuous dying of vaginal cancers. See all the promiscuous homosexuals dying of aids. The smokers on trach tubes dying of throat and lung cancers, the iv drug users whose heart valves were ruined blah, blah, blah. The fact is that sin and death are promoted in an evil world, and the truths of the bible are hidden. Of course smoking kills you.

robaby1984 #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

<a href="http://www.harunyahya.com/evolution_specialpreface.php" target="_blank">http://www.harunyahya.com/evolution_specialpreface.php</a>

Most people think the theory of evolution was first proposed by Charles Darwin, and rests on scientific evidence, observations and experiments. However, the truth is that Darwin was not its originator, and neither does the theory rest on scientific proof. The theory consists of an adaptation to nature of the ancient dogma of materialist philosophy. Although it is not backed up by scientific discoveries, the theory is blindly supported in the name of materialist philosophy.

This fanaticism has resulted in all kinds of disasters. Together with the spread of Darwinism and the materialist philosophy it supports, the answer to the question "What is a human being?" has changed. People who used to answer: "Human beings were created by God and have to live according to the beautiful morality He teaches", have now begun to think that "Man came into being by chance, and is an animal who developed by means of the fight for survival." There is a heavy price to pay for this great deception. Violent ideologies such as racism, fascism and communism, and many other barbaric world views based on conflict have all drawn strength from this deception.

This article will examine the disaster Darwinism has visited on the world and reveal its connection with terrorism, one of the most important global problems of our time.

l3rainzone #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

For it [radiometric dating] to be science, it must be duplicated in the lab. What we believe to be HISTORY is an act of faith... whether in GOD or in no-god.

I hate when they talk about this crap as though it were true. It's just their "FAITH."

seethelightofgod #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

In the Beginning before the Fall, the world was without Sin.

No creature ate another creature.

After the Fall, animals began to eat one another.

One thing the scientists cannot explain is, why do sharks have big, flesh-eating teeth, if they were Designed for a world where animals did not eat each other????

I really don't expect an answer. That one will stump 99.9% of you.

maleficus33 #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

The collective materials that scientists refer to as "dinosaurs" or "fossilized remains" or "dinosaur bones", etc... ware the work of the Devil. These are false images placed here to conguse sinful man. the Earth was created 58,000 yes that thousand years ago. It took our great god seven days to do this. Actually only six because he rested on the seventh day. So, no dinosuars, no asteroid, no terra disaster. Just good old Lucifer and weak faithed, confused people.
Just wanted to clear this up and remind you all that it is your Christian duty, as directed by God to vote for GWB on Tuesday [this post was authored on 28-Oct-04]. He is lead and directed - in fact he communicates every day with the one God that did not create dinosaurs!

qomzghtybnm #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

[Apparently describes natural selection without knowing he's describing natural selection]

The frogs did NOT evolve longer legs in response to it's enviroment. The frogs with shorter legs died off because of competition for food or because they were too slow to avoid their predators. This allowed toads with longer legs more chance to breed and populate the area.

Remember the peppered moth! (evilutionists want to forget about it)

I can't believe these LIARS are believing their own lies - or they are intentionally LYING to people in order to spread their fairy tale of evilution.

ateisuk #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

hate to hating all Christian religions.
This person is another free thinker who is bound by his free thinking to be a CATHOLIC HATER first by grammar history and arrives at being a slave to free thinking. Of course it is always that way with bigots and haters who think they are FREE but WILLED themselves into being another Slavish carbon copy free thinker. A worthless set of words used by CATHOLIC HATERS to think they FREE themslves from CATHOLICS but arrive right where they started; CATHOLIC HATING. And now for the history of that English word SLAVE. AH, SLAVS ARE SLAVES BUT NOT MAD DOG ENGLISHMAN. They are FREE THINKERS united in CATHOLIC HATE who coined the word SLAV to be united forever with those SLAVS who are obviously CATHOLIC. See how deep your hate goes CATHOLIC HATING ENGLISHMAN???

venomous_bird #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

there IS a conspiracy, open your eyes
you think that government and corporations aren't connected?
how much denial do you have?

ever wonder why there is a pyramid with an eye on your money AND on the supreme court of Israel?
and what's up with the washington obelisk monument?

face it, your country and almost the whole world is controlled by the occult of ancient egypt

testingway #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

[When told that there hasn't been a incident of God making an amputee grow back a limb in recorded history]

In all of recorded history? LOL, I guarentee he heals amputees. Don't make statements like that, you can easily find people that this has happened to and talk to them.

Iridium190 #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

['and seeing assholes in Kansas bitch about creationism. In the long term we're screwed by these people']

Nonsense. Darwinism is meaningless when it comes to technology and applied science. No physical scientist pays any real attention to evolutionary theory. At it's best it's a model of past events. Like archaeology, its main application is fodder for PBS shows.
Moreover, it carries with it so many logical fallacies that it's destructive when trying to teach rigorous logic and science.

sx1207 #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

[Responding to an article title "Scientists say magnet therapy is a waste of time"]

The great scientists of the day do not even believe the human body contains an aura (aka, the soul) so they claim that something beyond their understanding does not work because all of their theories and science does not yet understand how the true universe works. The can only observe and measure the world we live in, and even when they do that the results are questionable.

Magnetic therapy has influence on the aura, the aura has influence on the body. The physical body contains an energy body , magnetic waves are energy, how the two interact can have beneficial and negative effects.

As the world once believed that the world was flat, and the universe revolved around the earth, maybe one day scientists will discover the aura, and how magnetic waves interact with it.

roughneck_derrickman #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

['do you honestly believe in a god whose ego is so fragile that without you conducting daily worship of his exsistence he would punish you? What kind of a god is that']

A just God is a God that tells you how to get out of a deadly situation. If he were unjust, he would force you to yield. But, he has given you the roadmap to eternal bliss and lets you decide which road you want to travel.

Free Will? That is a whole lot better than you have it here on this planet.

terasec #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

reproduction seems to go against darwins theory of Evo...
if its more of survival, then reproducing and raising young would go against ones drive to survive,
animals are weaker and vunerable while rearing young,
how does darwin explain the strong drive to reproduce?

trueheretic #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

A) Nylon is just a fancy patented recipe for plastic and plastic has been around as long oil has been oozing out of or onto the ground from animals or plants. B) DNA doesn't transmit inheritance information. Nobody knows what DNA does for sure or what the mechanism is for transmitting inheritance information.

father_thomas_aquinas #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

[<a href="http://news.messages.yahoo.com/bbs?action=m&board=37138539&tid=nmenvironmentbirddc&sid=37138539&mid=409" target="_blank">First post</a>]

Satan didn't place the "fossils" there.

"Scientists" did, in the hope of gaining false-fame.

Unfortunately, it worked for them.

[<a href="http://news.messages.yahoo.com/bbs?action=m&board=37138539&tid=nmenvironmentbirddc&sid=37138539&mid=443" target="_blank">Second post</a>]

"Fossils" are carved from rock, or some are made of plaster.

I have even been told of one case where a skeleton was carved from old soap.

parisletter2001 #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

the universe was created billions of years ago. Man was created only 6000 years ago. Man did not run with the diasours as the movies portray. Nor did dinasours run with man. God created dinasours so we could burn them in our cars, and planes, and trains. Where do you think our fuel comes from. God knew what he was doing long before he did it. Do you know what you are doing?

holes_flow #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

ok hold off on the insults and follow with meon this you don't have to agree just listen... Ibelieve the earth is roughly 7000-10,000 yers old...now i believe increation therefore God created the universe with the APPEARANCE of age and not actual age.

ayatollah_koranhater #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

how much more evidence is needed until all the hand-wringing fencesitters finally face facts?

islam is CANCER on planet earth and must be DESTROYED.

islam has done nothing positive for the world in hundreds of years. I think they came up with some mathematical innovations in the 16th century. since then, nothing but death, murder, and mayhem.

ever see Starship Troopers? how different is islam from the space insects? no much.

islam must be DESTROYED before civilization is ruined.

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