
AbuMubarak #fundie ummah.com

abu talib, the prophets uncle, was a greater help to islam than anyone alive today and he was still a kafir

what i dont get is that islam displays unparalleled brotherhood for everyone in the world, no racism, no sexism, no oppression, fairness, love, coming together of all walks of life, from all over the globe there is nothing even close

and they now want to pick on how we treat kafirs, during the time of islam's golden age, and even as dhimmis, people recognized there was a difference between a muslim and a kafir, it didnt stop people from doing business, or even coming to islam many many groups and nations accepted islam, even though they knew they were kafirs and mushriks before

they WANTED to enter the brotherhood of islam, alhamdulillah today, the kuffar want us to accept them in their infidelity, THIS we cannot do again, we are commanded to be kind and respectful and honest and fair, but NOT to befriend

UmmAbdulMalik #fundie ummah.com

This is something which crosses my mind a lot. I'm actually bewildered at how the kuffar have so much zeal and enthusiasm for living, what do they live for, seriously? I mean when I have days of low Imaan and feel stressed, and feel distant from Allah, I almost have a nervous breakdown. This happens when I fall into sins and the like. I feel lost, confused and I begin to hate life altogether. I just hate life sometimes.

It's cause I've been through many trials in my childhood which I'd prefer not to disclose on here very much. Some days I feel so depressed, and annoyed and just, words can't describe. Sometimes I feel like death is better than living . But then when I regain my Imaan alhamdualilah, I feel better .

But I just sometimes ponder , what worth do the kuffar have to live for? Nothing. Literally. When I feel distant from Allah, nothing ever brings me happiness except to Return to Him. Yet when I see the kuffar, I think: when you wake up in the morning, what do you live for? You don't even say a word of praise to God for even allowing you to wake up. How do you even progress through life's trials?

SubhanAllahil atheem! Ajeeb!

Spicen #fundie ummah.com


Sister i have to disagree. Islam is not becoming more "powerful." Quite the opposite unfortunately.

The reason why europeans hate islam so much, is due to european ego. Europeans have repeatedly tried to conquer the world. Whether it Alexander, or the Roman Empire, the Europeans have always strived to dominate others. But other civilizations hardly could conquer or enslave the europeans.

Islam gave the middle eastern people that zeal to not only resist invasions(crusades) but to actually turn the tables on the europeans. They felt threatened that for the first time another civilization could conquer them.

Its because of this that they hate islam so much. Only the muslims seriously challenged european supremacy. And for that one reason, islam must be brought down.

yakabunbun #racist #conspiracy ummah.com

I observed that too. but what can we do? The whole tech is controlled by Jews. facebook CEO Mark, Google CEO Lary & brown etc are all Jews. They control every content in internet. They decide which to index and make more preferable to be found.

They control Wiki, wordpress ... frankly speaking everything. They even spy on every user. Believe me or not, have you noticed the advertising patterns? How they recognize you to show some specific ads? Because, They observe whatever you do in internet.

Spicen #fundie ummah.com

I think you are young. Its good that they hate us, thats a real middle finger to all thoseliberal/ progressive/ westernized muslims who want religious muslims to get along with caucausian people.

Europeans and committed muslims have been at war for large parts of our history. Let alone islam, europeans will force their "civilised" views on every ideals that reject their views. Its their way. Unless, europeans are tamed, therre can be no peace.

niqaabi_nusrat #fundie ummah.com

Sister, for your own spiritual development if nothing else you would be better to surround yourself with pious believers as friends. As you have said, these people are kuffar and as things stand are destined for a difficult time on the Day of Judgement as they have been told about Islam but have chosen to reject it...so far. Many of us will have gone through similar situations with past friends, but you need to distance yourself from this circle and find some new Muslimah friends who can help you get closer to Allah Subhana wa Ta'alaa.

You know best how to tell them, but unless you feel that there is hope that they are open to dawah then leave them behind for a better future for yourself in sha'Allah. If you do feel that they may be open to Islam then there are plenty of online resources to help you learn how to make dawah. Be especially wary at this time of the whisperings of the Shaytaan who will try and tell you they are good friendships to keep. May Allah make it easy for you to make the right choice.

___ #fundie ummah.com

(This fundie is responding to a Muslim girl who worries about her friends and not being able to convert them)

You need to give up some things for the sake of Allah, and in sha Allah you will be rewarded for it. It's up to Allah who He guides to the Right Path. If you don't feel comfortable preaching Islam to them, you need to let go of these "friendships" and make friends with pious, believers. I am sorry if this sounds harsh but there are many sacrifices we have to make in this dunya, and in sha Allah we will be rewarded for each one in the Hereafter.

"O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Awliyaa’ (friends, protectors, helpers), they are but Awliyaa’ of each other. And if any amongst you takes them (as Awliyaa’), then surely, he is one of them. Verily, Allaah guides not those people who are the Zaalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers and unjust)" 5:51

It is clear what you should do even if it can be extremely difficult for you to do it. May Allah guide you and assist you.

Anthanasia #fundie ummah.com

Befriending them has a lot more negatives than positives. If it was something truly of benefit it would generally be regarded as normal and acceptable. Now keeping küffar between the stranger and friend zone is the best place. If we alienate all of the ummah from the non-Muslims this distorts a balance to humanity and is generally unnatural. If we befriend them and take them as close partners they can easily stray us from continuing on towards a better path.

For example its time to pray...but you are with your friend, who respects the fact you pray but not necessarily that it has a time window to do it in. Even the nicest non-Muslim will stray you into excessive time wasting and ideology changing.

Wasnt it Ali (r.a.) who had said Show me who your friends are and I can tell you of that person??? And as we say in America you are who your friends are. Theres no logic to maintaining relations with non-Muslims but completely outcasting ourselves isnt healthy either. Acquaintances seems to me to be the most logical.

Abu Kamel #fundie ummah.com

Unless Muslims unite on Islam as in a single state with an imam following only Shariah and worshipping only Allah, then Muslims deserve to be disgraced and humiliated like Bani Israil. The problem of the Muslim countries is NOT culture- this is a symptom.

The problem is more fundamental: it's ideological. Muslims are intentionally obstructed from following and implementing Islam by the Tawaghit and their kufr regimes that rule on their behalf over us.

The OPer is from North Africa. All of thos nations function as satellites of Western powers. The absolute worst of them is Tunisia, then Morocco. They are led by secular nationalist regimes that have imposed kufr and corruption for decades without stopping ever since and behalf of their former colonial masters.

Muslims first end that that perpetuates kufr and fasad. Agreed. It is profoundly stupid, exhibiting self- hatred, bigotry, dishonesty, shallowness, ignorance, and worst of all, hypocricy.

You are being generous to the OPer. If someone wants to run away from his homeland to be with Americans and wave their flag, they justify by a post like the OP.

sadia #fundie ummah.com

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullah

Music doesnt feed your emotions, its exactly the opposite. When you listen to sad music, you become sad. When you listen to angry music, you become mad. When you listen to joyous music, you become happy, etc etc.

This altering affect it has on the mood makes it haram. Any thing that can disturb your natural being, like alcohol and drugs, are forbidden in Islam. Why should you be sad when you can be happy? Just because a song has that mood? It controls how you feel to a certain point, which is why it is haram.

Think about it, when you watch a scary movie on mute, its almost ridiculous. With the sound, the atmosphere changes and the situation all of a sudden becomes more dramatic. It is also VERRRRRRRRY addicting, just like alcohol can be...

Proud-2b-MUSLIM #fundie ummah.com

I don't know why people find it so hard to believe that these magicians are working with jinn...it is common knowledge that almost anyone with fame has gained that position by enlisting the help of jinn. Singers, actors, sports stars etc, so why not famous magicians?

Me and my family had close contact with an evil black magician, who came at first as a friendly advisor but actually wanted to ruin our lives. I remember him saying that bush (who was president at the time) actually walks with the devil himself (i.e. lucifer, iblis). apparently thats why bush used to stand hunched forward. Allahu alam if its true, but its not hard to believe, although I wouldn't make a habit of believing what comes out of a black magicians mouth.

Also he said sumat about mike tyson havin a "gift" for 10 years, but he didnt use this gift properly. Obviously some kinda contract between him and the jinn who would help him throw a few punches. So please do educate urselves so u do not fall prey to evil jinn, evil magicians and evil black magicians

BadarR #fundie ummah.com

Salaam guys,

A lot of you guys in posts say that sometimes you come across Taweez which has a grid on it with numbers inside.

This is a mathematical tool called the Magic square. You might see it in Sudoku games. The aim is for all the numbers to add up both horizontally and vertically.

In the case of Sihr, numbers may be attributed to words and they may be added up or vice versa. Some people may add up numbers to get "786". However there is no case for "786" to mean Bismillah or anything of the sort. Numbers were never associated with letters by the pious predecessors.

The magic square is also used among Freemasons who actually use an 8x8 magic square to add up to 33, showing the number degrees in Freemasonry.

Long story short, magicians may use a combination of numerology, associating words (usually words of kufr) with numbers and then incorporating them in a square grid to ensure the numbers add up in rows and columns. So as soon as you see one of these grids: stay away.

Gevurlar Korksun #conspiracy ummah.com

Hm, difficult to say. On their own, definitely not. The CHP only makes up about 20 % of the population, but even then they are mainly concentrated in Izmir and the west and south coasts. The problem is that the Zionist-Imperialists have more than just the CHP operating in Turkey. Turkey has...a lot of problems.

1- The CHP, the secularist, Kemalist party formed by Mustafa Kemal in order to erase Islam in Turkey and make Turkey a Western slave.

2- The PKK, a Marxist-Leninist terror organization, formed as a continuation of ASALA in order to destabilize Turkey, erase Islam among Kurds, and use Kurds as a tool to further Zionist ambitions in the region.

3- The Gülenists, a humanist cult, extremely rich, extremely influental, extremely secretive, extremely global, extremely dangerous. One of the CIAs main weapons in fighting Islam in Turkey and elsewhere. Active in over 190 countries around the globe. They are the modern version of Hassan Sabbah and his assassins. They are most influental in Turkey and poor countries in Africa and Central Asia. @Spicen, they are in Bangladesh, too. Watch out, bro. For yourself and your country. I'm serious.

4- The Nusayris of Hatay. Nusayris, loyal to Assad, living in the province of Hatay. Not many in number, but very militant and certainly ready to cause chaos when needed.

5- The Alawites. Mainly regular people, but recently the Zionists are trying to provoke Alawite aggression and aggression towards Alawites . May Allah make them fail.

Do you know George Soros ? He is a human devil that orchestrated the Gezi terror in 2013. He also orchestrated other civil unrests in many different countries. Currently, he is somewhere in Turkey. He is certainly not there for tourism. Something very foul is brewing. That bastard definitely has plans for a second Gezi terror. Well, we are ready, you Zionist, Jewish, Imperialist pile of feces.

As for the societal build of Turkey. Well, most people are conservative and a sense of Union is definitely widespread. Loyalty and Honour are very important in Turkey. Most people wouldn't be able to be used for civil unrests. But there are certain people listed above who can be. Secular people, dumb Kemalists. They already did in 2013 when they tried to "dethrone" Erdogan. The Gezi terror was a coup attempt.

The risk is that when this secular trash - financed and orchestrated by George Soros - starts another Gezi-like terror, the already fed-up public might respond to their dirty provocations and start fighting them. that would be a nightmare. Since 2013 the Secularists and CHP supporters are seen with more and more enmity. many consider them as traitors.

I just hope that when a second Gezi begins the people will be patient and let the police and army handle everything. The last thing we need is civilians fighting each other. I trust the people, though. We survived the first Gezi terror, we survived July 15th and we will survive this too Inshallah. May Allah protect Turkey from this.

Ali #racist ummah.com

(This fundie is referring to Jews)

The reason is that if corruption spreads amongst the gentiles, the curse of God will be upon them and they will be worthy of destruction, something positive for the religious ones among the jews. They hate it amongst themselves though, and while they've always had this mentality, they never spread corruption save that it surfaces the most within themselves first and foremost above everyone else.

Second, when populations are rotten to the core, they are ripe for manipulating and taking control of. You see that is what has happened in the USA, before when it was a more religious society, they had more control over their affairs. After they took advantage of the civil rights movement and left blacks in the dust, you now see the country is dominated by interest, its populace are all economic slaves, and moral corruption is very widespread in their society such that even basic systems like family are completely fallen apart. Who is ultimately benefiting and pocketing all the wealth? Banks. And who owns them? Israel, in the end, the treasure cave where all that money/weaponry is stashed.

AbuMubarak #racist ummah.com

Another example of one who has been suckered into thinking anything that disagrees with jews makes them the victim

i guess the fact that the jews kill muslims and steal their land has no influence on anyone muslims hatred of jews, now does it?

its all about muslims being anti semitic..........imagine that one? an arab or a black being anti semitic..............its impossible

its funny how far the christians have traveled from their roots

and funnier how jews are still running from theirs

both were forbidden usury, obviously, the jews cared not into the middle ages

and this is what these people call reform and this is what they invite the muslims to do, reform our deen

Saif-Uddin #fundie ummah.com

I'm talking about now, not the leaders of the past,

There isnt a single Nation under the Shariah of Allah ?? ? ?? , the nearest we have is Saudi Arabia and even they are rotten,

Surely you know this,

If you watched the Video then you know and cannot deny that Pakistan is a Kufr state, just like Bangladesh and others,

Telling people to migrate from Kufr to Kufr is not a particularly strong argument,

Lastly we had righteous Muslim rulers in the past, your slandering of them does not support the argument,

Saif-Uddin #fundie ummah.com

AKhi Evolution is a Last resort Theory which they use to console their conscience ...

If they don't propogate this Ba'atil then they (Atheists) will inevitably end up as a Dying breed ...

so it's in their interest to Propogate/Preach this Falsehood ...

vicious L #fundie ummah.com

Nonsense, scientists and archelogists are employees of the illuminati paid to lie,

Shaytan came to Darwin and gave him the theory of evolution teach it to mankind, who ever teach this theory is very dear to shaytan

The Quran is the Word of Allah, the most authentic Book on the face of the earth and the ultimate Truth

the Word of Allah is the Truth and whatever disgree with it is the false

Shaytan would propose falsehood and give it to so called knowledgeble to teach it to the people

They think they are receiving knowledge and proof, if they only knew that they are being deceived by the shaytan and his henchmen scientists

They disbelieved In Allah and His favors, and believed that they have evolved from monkeys, and that the heavens and earth were created by chance,

But Unto Allah is the return.

vicious L #fundie ummah.com

Anyone who believes man evolved from monkeys then he is a disbeliever or a hypocrite(kafir pretending to be Muslim)

Anyone who believes man evolved from monkeys have not seen the evidence for his belief nor examined it because if he did he would realize its a fraud, deception

The disbelievers and hypocrite wish that we disbelieve and go astray like they have, like there isn't a place In jahannam for disbelievers

Lo! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of night and day, and the ships which run upon the sea with that which is of use to men, and the water which Allah sendeth down from the sky, thereby reviving the earth after its death, and dispersing all kinds of beasts therein, and (in) the ordinance of the winds, and the clouds obedient between heaven and earth: are signs (of Allah's Sovereignty) for people who have sense. (164)

1MuslimByChoice #fundie ummah.com

The other day i was told by my brother who was listening to a lecture and said 'you cannot have music and quran in the heart'. It leads to hypocrisy big time.

As for those who find it 'difficult' to give up. 1-make dua 2- collect all you have, thats all the musical material (be it cds/downloaded/mp3/phone) so gather them all together, count 1..2..3 and THROW THEM OUT AND DELETE THEM ALL

It is as simple as that, you aren't gonna stop if you have it. Like if its on your phone,computer,mp3,in your house then you have the ability to GET RID but if you go out and hear it then thats different coz its out of your control but you should still repel the desire to listen to it.

Don't let it draw you, again this is your jihad, reject it and fill your heart with quran instead, not music. You cannot have space for both in your heart its either one or the other.

You are the ones in control, coz you have it on your phones and can get rid of it, but it is alll about you and how bad you want to leave it Especially in this time there is no time for messing around, dont get caught into the trap of shaytaan and dajjal.

Besides this music does nothing, it plays with your emotions makes you feel happy makes you feel excited it is a shaytaan that controls the way you feel. An the messages and words i mean write it down and then read it to yourself, what on earth is it saying, absolutely nothing beneficial.

Its not saying 'put your rubbish in the bin, speak nice to people, remember Allah swt, hate shaytaan' no. It talks about nonsense, and if you do that then it'll make you realise how stupid music is.

Insha'Allah thats helped. May Allah swt help you all and give you all the strength to hate shaytaan and get rid of this music ameen

Sheikh Ahmad Musa Jibril #fundie ummah.com

“Habibty, please mama, wear this hijab for me for five minutes? Please, just for five minutes?” pleaded the mother. The mother had a sorry look on her face. She seemed overwhelmed by the rebellion in her 8 year old daughter’s eyes. “No! It’s ugly! It does not match my pink pants!” Rasha responded as she crouched back in the corner of the leather sofa. Back and forth, back and forth the bargaining droned on.

Embarrassment appeared on her parents’ faces as I stood there witnessing in silent shock. The little girl refused to wear what seemed to her as just a piece of cloth, up until her baba bribed her to wear it for a measly five minutes. Hearing the words “I will buy you a new toy if you do”, the little girl’s face finally lit up.

She tugged his arm and said in a small voice, “Baba is our visitor riding with us in the car? I wanna show her my new Sami Yusuf CD.”

I visited an old family friend I had not seen in many years. I became sorrowful to find that they too had been affected by the wave of corruption that plagues Muslims in the west today.

As my visit went on, it dawned upon me that the couple had also done something strange in their deen. Five years ago, both were clad in full modest clothing waving the banner of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Today, they live on a mortgage and a conscious effort to make their children blend into the western society. They genuinely believed they were improving and doing the right things.

My afternoon finally ended with a ride to a family dinner. The car speakers blasted a blend of Arabic musical instruments and the words of dhikr, the latest “Islamic” CD that’s hit the shelves. The little 8 year old girl sitting next to me winded about her hips to the music.

At that moment, I realized what was killing this little girl’s heart from loving Allah and His messenger.

Watching her imitate half-naked women she has seen on television while doing dhikr of Allah, it was made clear to me the direction her parents were taking their Islam- the confusing version. The little girl was unsure about her Islam, therefore her rebellion no longer came as a shock to me.

I imagined myself living at the time of the prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and telling the people that there will come a day when all the faire and flair of musical instruments of jahiliyah will be merged with the dhikr of Allah. I imagined the reaction, and realized that we have come to that.

Music. The shaitan, indeed, makes what is good look evil and what is evil look good.

McDinky #fundie ummah.com

Asalaimu aleikum brother

I would destroy them if I were you. The guy sell the instrument to could become a great artist and luring many muslims astray with his musical skills and thus making young muslims addicted to his music and causing even more trouble and fitnah for the ummah.

Ask yourself this; What if the guy that buys my guitar will become the next Micheal Jackson? Dont worry about money, Allah is the one that provides and he will certainly reward you for your noble sacrifice.

May Allah give you the highest positions in jannah and forgive you your sins my brother

Umm_Hanzalah #fundie ummah.com

Some of you here are saying that it's ok for Muslim kids to be friends with kaafir kids at a young age. I disagree...this might have been true 20 years ago, but with the way kaafir kids are nowadays they tend to be more sexually aware and have more bad manners. They might say rude things about their parents for example or have an abnormal level of knowledge of things they shouldn't know about or want to discuss cartoons that are unislamic-forget cartoons they probably watch movies with their parents. Some of them may be into music and their parents may have no qualms with them watching anything they like on tv.

I don't have a tv in my house, my son is allowed to watch things that have been monitored...not all cartoons are appropriate. None of us watch movies and it's expected that he speaks in a respectful way. I am, teaching my eldest son (41/2) about Allah and Islaam...basic things. If I was to put him with kaafir kids it will mess all of that up and confuse him.

He can interact with the kuffar as he gets older, but he will have to know that what they do is wrong and not to get close to them. Even "bad" Muslim kids...they would have to be taught not to get close to them either unless they can teach them about Islam.

Also, I just want to mention something about the older generation-they didn't know society as well as we do now since they were from back home (born and brought up there) and so they didn't always have the correct tools or know how to deal with issues that our generation might have had. Many of them felt safe about everything and then got a rude awakening when their child hit their teenage years wanted a bf/gf, took drugs etc..in fact it still happens now where parents think it's ok to teach Islam at home, just salah and how to read Quran and have no idea about how wider society works and feel that their kids will be ok...Not only that, but many of them don't practice what they preach. Islam is just a culture to them

??? ?????? #fundie ummah.com

i have multiple sets of nephews and nieces and the ones who are allowed to mix with kuffar are turning out like them.

i will give you my opinion which i gave them too. its up to you guys to take it or leave it but i will definitely implement this on my kids

Use the same rule for kids as we do for adults, they can talk nicely to kuffar in class when they need to co-exist but they should never be allowed to take them as close friends (going over to each others house).

you are the average of the people you associate with. hanging around with kuffar will make them de-sensitized to kufr and sinns.

the next step is that they start to commit these sins themselves. wallahi, i have witnessed this happen. so take this advice very seriously.

Mich #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming ummah.com

I watch anime and it includes: drawings of men, women, and animals. It is filled with music. Women are always drawn with skimpy cloths and anime will always have at least one episode either at a beach or hot spa so they can draw the women in skimpy bating suits. Do this and putting anime characters into sexual situations is actually named and done purposely... see fan service.

Anime is prompting western dress, western schooling, western ideas, western culture. In recent anime they more than likely either adding a homosexual character in it, and/or homosexual jokes or Homosexual fan service.

So can you tell me why anime would not be haraam?

Constant Hope #fundie ummah.com

You're not meant to watch any movies, TV shows etc. that go against Islamic principles. Like for instance a Hollywood movies got all sorts of things deemed haram, but an Islamic based production wouldn't have Music etc. and such.

The purpose should be educational first and foremost with a bit of entertainment in a halal manner.

I think we all know it's haram, but again it's an issue related to weakness for haram things of the dunya.

-Jibril- #fundie ummah.com

Cause drawing pictures of living things is haram.

I used to like watching Akira and other cartoons when I was younger but then got told by my teacher to grow up and fear Allah.

I was also fanatic about comics, but they also got burnt when I started practising.

But even before practising, I kinda kept it low about these hobbies, cause it wasn't the "cool" thing to do.

My friends used to rib me about these things.

AbuMubarak #fundie ummah.com

The Kuffar want to control you

They want you to define yourself as a muslim the way they define themselves as christian or jew (keep your religion to yourself)

they want you to not wear your religion on your sleeve (dress NORMAL, not with any religious significance)

they dont want you to pray, but if you must, do it privately, not during business hours or during school time, (their priorities are more important than your silly little bowing)

they want you to accept their nationalism (do not have allegiances with muslims based upon religion, but rather have allegiances based upon flags and nation-states)

they want you to abandon islamic brotherhood (do not empathize with muslims from other countries, the country you live in deserves your loyalty more than any foreign muslim)

they want you to care about your nation-state army (support the troops of your kafir or muslim nation, do not care about the muslims they kill, its all for the nation-state's own good)

they do not want you to feel empathy for the muslims they kill (they were militant, radical, fundamenalist, islamists, and worthy of death, even though you never know what they are accused of)

they dont want you to glorify islamic history (thats seventh century backwards history)

they want you to glorify their history (magna carta, declaration of independence. now HERE is history you should be proud of)

they want you to mourn the deaths of the kuffar (july7, sept 11, or any attempted deaths that their intelligence agencies uncover .......which they setup also)

they do not want you to mourn the deaths of muslims (the thousands upon thousands of muslims killed by these same kuffar)

if you dare speak in favor of your muslim brother or sister, you are susceptible to charges of terrorism or supporting terrorists

but if you support their armies, you are a good patriot, who has freed himself from the ignorance of religion and found freedom in nationalism

if you support YOUR TROOPS, you are evil and inciting hatred

if you support THEIR TROOPS, you are a moderate, freedom loving patriotic muslim

Bismil #fundie ummah.com

Yes,they do.

But not as Movies portray them with long pointed hats and flying brooms.

Witches are those women who make pact with satan , and do horrible things for them and in turn get there help.

If its a Islamic State , such women should be executed when caught

Saif-Uddin #fundie ummah.com

maybe not the flying on the broomstick kind, but there have been and still are Men/Women Kuffar/Mushrikun who have delved in Magic,

whether you call them Witches/Wizards/Sorcerers/Druids etc ...

Theres no Good/White Magic, it's all Black/Magic,

any Muslim who delves in such Evil, leaves Islam, as it is Kufr.

typically real Magicians (not referring to tricksters) use Jinns to do their bidding,

we should stay far away from such Evil-doers.

ms.muslimah #fundie ummah.com

All manga's and anime's contain one or several of the following traits: shirk, magic, nudity, cross-dressing, trans-sexuality, homosexuality, free mixing, sometimes zina or something similar to it(implied or explicit), swearing, and music.

It is NOT permissible to watch these animes or read these manga's. And as for people saying that there are some that don't involve any haram, that's not true. Some have less than others, but they all have haram in them. In addition they are a waste of time.

If a person does involve himself (or herself) in these activities the least you can do is not call others to it.

Habibul Mustafa #fundie ummah.com

The Quraan says to not commit Zina, and Zina of the eyes and heart such as looking at bad pictures/graphics Knowingly is Zina in itself.
You do not have to have intercourse or cheat on your spouse to be an adulterer.

Speaking from experience, anime/manga etc have a lot of nudity/graphics that is akin to pornography, the females are portrayed as sexy and dress in sleazy clothing/attire or none at all. The Japanese think this is not considered nudity because they are not "human" and they are magical beings or whatever else.

Considering the Japanese/koreans etc do not even believe in Allah or any God for that matter, for them of course, it is fun and okay. But what you may consider as a temporary innocent fun may actually be detrimental to your life, deen and relationships.

Their bodies however are shaped voluptously and not realistically which twists the reader into fantasizing about the characters etc.
The men too in many cases. This is a big thing.

Even in "clean" anime etc there is some nudity/provocative images. There is tons of cursing/demeaning people, and violence in the martial arts animes/mangas, aside from anything else I have not mentione

This is far from what you read in the Quran.

Aside from all the kufr, magical powers, immortal beings, supernatural beings, shayateen etc
Anime does not bring you any closer to Allah or Islam and instead takes you further from it

For years since my childhood, i used to watch anime/manga until I realized what a childish waste of time it really is...even though you think you may enjoy it, ask yourself, when will it ever matter as iit serves no purpose in your life.

Allah knows best.

Saif-Uddin #fundie ummah.com

Anime ...

* promotes Immoral Relationships,

* Depict men and Women in Immoral Dress codes

* Zina of the Eyes

* Are not beneficial to us, hence a Waste of time (wasting time is not permissible to any Muslim)

* Promote Shirk and Sihr/Magic

Do we still need to ask ourselves if is Haraam?

Lateafha #fundie ummah.com

Allah has sent revelation to thousands of humans throughout history. Some of those revelations were organized bodies of teachings meant to be recorded as "books" whether written or oral to be handed on to future generations. We know the names of five of these books.

They are: the scrolls of Ibrahim, (Abraham), the Torah of Musa, (Moses), the Zabur (Psalms) of Dawud, (David), the Injeel of 'Esa (Gospel of Jesus) and the Qur'an of Muhammad (peace be upon them). Only the last book has survived until the present day. All others have been lost or altered so much so that they are all but worthless.

How can we call the jews of today and the christians of today " the people of the book" ahlul-kitab? how can they be ahlul-kitaab, when they accociate partners with Allah and reject Mohamed as the last messanger?

They're not the ahlul-kitabs that Allah was adressing in the Quraan, it was for the people before them, the people who believed in the Pure-Real books, these people of today are not the followers of the Torah or InjeeL,

the books they have today are Fake. So how can we call them ahlul-kitabs and marry them? I mean the muslim man,

The jews of the time of Musa, and the Christians of the time of Isaa, these people were the real believers, they were the " people of the book" that ALLAH was talking about in the Quraan, not the ones we have on this earth they are corrupted and they follow fake books.

Anyway, alot of people think other-wise and thats really fine, but whoever claims that the jews of today and the christians of today are "the people of the book" they are not only being Illogical but they are lying to themselves and not even alittle.

Abdell #fundie ummah.com

(This was a response to a user worrying that Western Muslims may eventually be placed in internment camps.)

Majority of Western Muslims have given up part lf their deen to love in the west.

Most lf the prople that would be put into camps deserve it.

Sandman #fundie ummah.com

Every Muslim has a healthy hate for Judaism as it is Kufr and an unforgivable sin in the eyes of Allah.

Killing small children is a forgivable sin, Judaism(if they die upon that belief) is an unforgivable sin. So unless someone sees killing children as a good thing it is obvious that we should hate all forms of Kufr, including the religious beliefs of those ascribing to other than Islam.

Rehmat #racist ummah.com

A great majority of Jewry – left, right or religious – according to many opinion polls show, overwhelmingly support Zionist state and, furthermore, overwhelmingly favor legal abortion, sexual freedom, and gay –lesbian rights.
The other common trait they have is not only their centuries-old hatred toward Christianity, but also the Jews, who have converted to Christianity – which is considered one of the worst sins a Jew can commit - as witness Jewish hostility to ‘Jews for Jesus’.

An irreligious or atheist Jew may claim Israeli citizenship at any time, but a Jew who has converted to Christianity may not. Their hatred even covers even the public exaltation of the Old Testament (or the Ten Commandments), as they have been adopted Christians in their New Testament.

Mel Gibson’s movie ‘The Passion of the Christ’ brought this Jewish hatred in the open. Both columnist Charles Krauthammer and ADL president Abraham Foxman blamed the biblical story of crucification being the main reason for Christians’ persecution of Jews for the last 2000 years – and demanded that this story and other Jesus’ anti-Semitic quote should to deleted from the New Testament for a future peaceful co-existence between Christians and Jews.

William Safire of the New York Times virtually blamed the Holocaust on Christ himself, citing the words “I come not to bring peace, but a sword” as evidence of Christianity’s inherent violence. Last year, famous Jewess comedian, Sara Silverman said that she is happy that Jews killed Jesus – and that she would kill him herself if he returns.

Jewish hatred also implies to the literary works of some greatest Christian writers. For example, Shakespeare’s Shylock in ‘The Merchant of Venice’ – is Jewish villain and is called by the Christian characters in the book as “bloodthirsty usurer”, a “wolf,” “misbeliever,” “cutthroat dog,” etc. etc. - for his greed and not for killing their Lord Christ. Jewish Lobby has succeeded in baning the reading of this English literary masterpiece in many western universities including Britain.

Talwaar #fundie ummah.com

(From a thread titled "Survey finds most American Muslims believe 'society should accept homosexuality'")

American Muslims

This message is for you

Most of you are either munafiqs, frauds, murtadds, kazzabs, zanis, thieves, and or slaves to the kuffar

You are the biggest group of cowards I've ever met

Talwaar #fundie ummah.com

Message to EuroAmerican Kuffar

Why dont you wear clothes???

What is this obsession with nakedness??

I'm tired of seeing a sick porn show whenever i walk outside

Animals dont wear clothes either ... this fahisha found in these countries is reflective of devolution and regression rather than progression

And when clothes are miraculously worn they are revealing ... the hadith of Aqaimage come true

And why are you pebble brained Muslims imitating these debased kuffar?

By doing so you submit that the kuffar way of life is betrer than yours ... you admit defeat and surrender

Umar` #fundie ummah.com

There is no friendship between a muslim and kafir, it is impermissible. how can you have love for one who doesnt love Allah swt? by all means show kindnesses and invite to Islam, but as for taking them as a friend, eating with them, asking from them, joking with them and having alliance in any way is clearly impermissible. As mg says, you may on the face of things get on but you dont know what is in their hearts, never will a kafir love a muslim, never, not if you are truly upon the haq, but they may indulge a munafiq (not referring to you fa), even in my family, i can tell deep down in peoples hearts there is not love for the muslims, May Allah swt guide them to the straight path,there is emnity and disavowal between us, as Prophet Ibrahim (as), says in Qur'an, until the last day, this is clear manifest proof of the issue.

Abdul-Aziz ibn Myatt #fundie ummah.com

The kuffar often proudly speak and write about the societies of the West in glowing terms, and contrast their own societies with the lands of the Muslims, claiming all sorts of benefits for these kaffir societies, and claiming how "advanced" and "better" and "civilized" the West is compared to the lands of the Muslims. Thus, they argue, Muslims should "modernize" Islam - get rid of "the extremists" within their ranks - accept democracy, give up Jihad, and then they will enjoy the many benefits of Western society.

What these kuffar fail to tell us is the utter decadence, hypocrisy, dishonour, arrogance, and inequality, which lies at the heart of every single Western nation. That is, Muslims - and others - are being presented with a propagandistic image of the West, by Western politicians, by the Media Thus, we have Amerika, in a secret report, saying:

"The Pentagon's doctrine for psychological operations specifically contemplates actions to convey and (or) deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning. ... In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover, and deception, and psyops." (Taken from U.S. Defense Department's Information Operations Roadmap, a document approved by Donald Rumsfeld.)

The kuffar shamelessly seek to manipulate us, and seek to hide the reality of their own societies - which includes violent crime, increasing and sordid domestic violence and abuse, more and more people in prison; more and more people suffering from mental and psychological problems; and increasing addiction of ordinary people to drugs and alcohol.

They seek to hide the truth that there is a real and ever-increasing division, in the countries of the West, between the wealthy and those who are only just managing to survive, only just managing to feed and clothe themselves and their families.

Let us consider some statistics that highlight some of the major problems of the West. First, Amerika has the highest number of people in Prison - over two million. That is over a million more than China, which has nearly four and a half times as many people as Amerika, and this number of prisoners in Amerika is quite startling if it compared to the number of people in Prison in Pakistan: some 90,000 out of a population of nearly 160 million. That is, in Amerika, there are over twelve times the number of prisoners incarcerated in jails compared to Pakistan, for Amerika has 738 prisoners per 100,000 people, while in Pakistan there are only 57 prisoners per 100,000 people.

In addition, in Amerika, every year nearly twenty million people use an illicit drug and nearly thirty million people receive treatment or counselling for mental health problems. How many people abuse alcohol is not known for sure, but some estimates go as high as fifty million people. This is a great number of unhappy or suffering people.

Furthermore, nearly 100,000 women per year seek treatment in the British city of London alone for violent injuries received in their own homes, and, on average, in Britain, two women per week are killed by a male partner or former partner - that is over 100 women a year. Also, in England and Wales alone, in one year, there are over 600,000 recorded incidents of domestic violence, and every minute of every day the British Police are called by a woman who has been subject to violent domestic abuse. In Russia, in one year, it was recorded that 14,000 women were killed by their partners or relatives.

What do such statistics show us? That something is seriously wrong with the West. That despite the material prosperity of such countries, there are millions upon millions of people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol, and that such material prosperity has not made people happy or solved fundamental social and personal problems, or led men to treat women with respect. Also, let us consider the utter hypocrisy of politicians in the West - like those in Italy where a recent test showed that 16 out of 50 elected representatives had taken cocaine or some other drug.

The simple fact is that the ways of the West do not work except in the minds - in the fantasies - of the kuffar.

How dare the West, in its utter hypocrisy, seek to export, by force of arms, by economic, political and financial blackmail, the ways and values of the West to other lands when it cannot even solve basic social and human problems in its own lands! How dare the politicians and Media lackeys and their supporters hold up the West as some shining example to be followed by Muslims when the societies of the West are full of drug addicts, alcoholics, anti-social behaviour, poverty, injustice, inequality? How dare the Western critics of Islam falsely claim that "Islam oppresses women" when in Britain nearly one hundred women a year are killed by their violent husbands or partners, and where every minute of every day a woman calls the Police because of violence against them by their husband or partner?

How dare the kuffar do this? Easy - for they are utter hypocrites who in their arrogance and ignorance refuse to accept the truth that the ways of the West do not work while Deen Al-Islam does indeed work. A women, for instance, is more safe on the streets of Cairo than she is on the streets of New York or London, even though Egypt is not any longer a land of Islam but only a land where there are many Muslims many of whom do strive to uphold Deen Al-Islam in their own lives.

What the hypocritical, what the arrogant, kuffar fear most of all is the establishment of Dar al-Islam: a land where Deen Al-Islam is implemented. For this land would put an end, once and for all, to the lies of the kuffar and reveal the kuffar to all the world for what they really are: arrogant hypocritical lying cowardly bullies.

These are the cowardly bullies who try to enforce their failed decadent way of life on others by invading and occupying other lands and by imprisoning and torturing their enemies - and who, despite their vastly superior military and financial resources, cannot defeat tens of thousands of poorly equipped and under-nourished Mujahideen. These are the cowardly bullies who, in their failure, cry out for more military hardware, for more troops, for more resources, for more help, to defeat the Mujahideen who they kill in their hundreds by their sophisticated bombs and missiles and tanks, but who refuse to give up - the Mujahideen that the cowardly, dishonourable, kaffir bullies imprison, and humiliate and torture when they are captured.

The simple truth which the kuffar try to conceal is that Islam, as a way of life, works: it produces an ordered, genuinely, civilized, and genuinely fair way of life.

"Do they seek honour from the kuffar? In truth, honour is with, and from, Allah alone." 3: 139 Interpretation of Meaning

This truth is shown by two recent examples. First, by the establishment of Islamic communities in Somalia. In that land, the Sharia Courts movement has brought fairness, and order, after decades of strife and injustice. They have begun to establish just communities led by fair, honourable men whom people trust and respect. They have done this with little or no outside help - inspired and motivated simply by Deen Al-Islam. Left alone by the kuffar, this land would - InshaAllah - become an example of the truth of Islam and thus expose the lies of the kuffar.

But already the kuffar are beginning their war of lies and propaganda against the Muslims of Somalia, as already the kuffar are mobilizing their forces in preparation for an invasion. Across the border in neighbouring Djibouti there is an Amerikan Task Force of some 2,000 troops, and Amerika is arming and giving aid to neighbouring Ethiopia. Soon, we shall hear Amerika and its kaffir and apostate allies call for the intervention of the kaffir United Nations, and soon there will be calls for sanctions against a people who have dared to defy the kuffar and begun to establish an Islamic Way of Life.

Soon, the Media of the West will be full of stories about how bad life has become in Somalia; about how women are oppressed; about how the implementation of Shariah is taking people back "toward barbarism" - as the politicians of the West, and their flunkeys, will give speeches about the need for Somalia to embrace democracy and "respect human rights."

We have seen all this before - with the Taliban. For the Taliban also began to establish, in Afghanistan, an Islamic Way of Life, and brought order and justice to a land where lawlessness and injustice had prevailed. Just like Somalia, Afghanistan was a poor country, a very poor country - but that did not stop the arrogant kuffar from imposing economic sanctions by means of the kaffir United Nations, sanctions which made one of the poorest countries in the world even poorer and which killed thousands upon thousands of Muslims.

What the kuffar did in respect of the Taliban was to conduct a massive, well-funded and years-long propaganda campaign - a campaign of hypocrisy, disinformation and lies. The Taliban were demonized, and tame journalists wrote story after story as tame politicians gave speech after speech condemning the Taliban and their "human rights record" and demanding the implementation of Western values, and the implementation of Western law and of "democracy": that idol, that taghut, of the West.

In the end, this campaign by the kuffar was successful in convincing most of the population of the West to support an invasion of Afghanistan by Amerika and its allies - as their similar campaign against Iraq was successful, for did not Iraq have "weapons of mass destruction" which could be launched against the West? Of course they did not, but that did not bother the dishonourable arrogant kuffar, who used every trick, every deceit, any lie, to get their own way.

For the West does not want to face the facts of their own failure - the fact about the decadence, the rottenness, of the West itself. It does not want people to know or discover the truth about Deen Al-Islam, a truth so evident in the beginning that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan was - a gift from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, as Pakistan might have become such an example of Deen Al-Islam had not Amerika in its fear invaded Afghanistan and forced Pakistan into an alliance by threatening to bomb it "back into the stone age" and by bribing and flattering and giving money to its leader, the apostate Musharraf.

The West cannot afford people to see the real truth about Islam - for the whole existence of the West depends upon lies and hypocrisy; upon the arrogance and bigotry of believing that the failed values of the West are "universal" and must be adopted by Muslims and others.

We Muslims who refuse to imitate the kuffar - who refuse to bow down to them - have Alhamdulillah seen through the lies, the deceit, the propaganda of the kuffar: knowing the kuffar for the hypocritical arrogant liars that they are; knowing the West for the failure it is, and knowing Deen Al-Islam for the perfect Way of Life it is, a gift from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

"In every hardship, there is gain; in truth, with every hardship there is gain." (94: 5-6 Interpretation of Meaning)

We do not covet the materialistic way of life of the decadent West - knowing that if we rely on Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala alone, then Deen Al-Islam, correctly implemented through Sharia and by bayah to an Ameer, can and will solve all our problems, and provide us with that balanced, noble and civilized way of living which we have begun to see in Somalia, which we but briefly witnessed in Afghanistan, which existed in Al-Andalus, and which our beloved Prophet (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) established in Madina. For it is Deen Al-Islam which alone can provide us with a civilized way of living - for civilization, despite the lies of the kuffar, is about Adab, about fairness, honour, and not about material prosperity or consumer goods or about "enjoying yourself" while people elsewhere starve, are oppressed, are exploited, or are killed by hypocritical cowardly bullies. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

"Therefore be honourable: let (this) Deen be your aim, the fitrah given by Allah. What Allah creates, nothing, and no-one, can change. And this is the correct, the perfect, Deen, although many remain in ignorance of this." 30:30 Interpretation of Meaning

"You who believe, be firm in being fair - as a witness for Allah - even though it is not to your own advantage, nor to the advantage of your kin, and whether the matter concerns the rich, or the poor. For Allah is the best protector (of all). Do not just follow your own desires, for you may deviate, and turn away, and Allah is always knowing of all that you do." 4:135 Interpretation of Meaning

The simple truth we must remember is that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is sufficient for us - we do not need the rampant materialism of the West which has caused so much suffering for millions upon millions of peoples in the West, and which has brought so much suffering to others, through the exploitation, the imperialism, the wars, which the West has for well over a hundred years inflicted upon the peoples of this world. The West became rich, wealthy, only because of this - only because of the suffering they have brought to others; only because of their exploitation of others and of the natural resources of this planet; only because of their arrogant interventionism, their wars; their lies; their economic and political blackmail.

In their arrogance and ignorance they have set themselves up to compete with Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala - and, like, Far'uan, they will assuredly be humbled by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

"The help of Allah is near." 2:214 Interpretation of Meaning)

"Undertake combat in the Way of Allah, for you will be held responsible only for what you do. And inspire the believers. It may be that Allah will restrain the dishonourable deeds of the unbelievers. For Allah is the most powerful, in both strength and punishment." 4:84 Interpretation of Meaning

"The life of this world is nothing - only play and amusement. What is best is the dwelling in the Life-to-Come - for those who possess Taqwa." 6:32 Interpretation of Meaning

May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala protect us from all forms of Al-asabiyyah Al-Jahiliyyah, forgive us for our mistakes, and guide us to and keep us on the Right Path.

Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah #fundie ummah.com

The Islamic Verdict on Clapping

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) forbade us from imitating the kuffaar (disbelievers) in their worship, traditions, customs, rituals, ceremonies, events and practices. Muhammad (saw) said, 'whosoever imitates a people he is one of them' [Musnad al-Imaam Ahmad].

Today the reality of clapping hands has become a norm. We witness children applauding audiences at schools all the way to "bravoing" speeches conducted in temples and houses of parliament. However in the days of Jaahiliyyah (ignorant pre-Islamic times) clapping was regarded as a ritual action performed as a gesture to please the gods. This change from a religiously based act to a customary habit has not altered the general Islamic verdict on clapping it is forbidden to clap. Allah (swt) says:

"Their (Quraysh) prayer (Salaah) in the house (of Allaah - Kabah in Makkah) was nothing but whistling and clapping (of hands). (Its only answer can be), Taste the penalty because you disbelieved." [EMQ al-Anfaal, 8: 35]

Tafseer (Qur'aanic commentary and explanation) on this verse by as-Salaf us-Saalih (the pious predecessors); Abdullaah bin 'Abbaas, Abdullaah bin 'Umar, Atiyyah, Mujaahid, Ad-Dahhaak, Hassan and Qataadah (ra) all state that the word Tasdiyyah in the above verse means clapping the hands. A note worth mentioning here is that the Salaf us-Saalih are the best people to understand the Wahy (Divine Revelation Qur'aan and Sunnah) and they are our Islamic benchmark.

Clapping during parties is one of the actions of jaahiliyyah. The least that can be said about it is that it is makrooh (disliked), but the evidence suggests rather that it is haraam, because the Muslims are not allowed to resemble the kuffaar. Allah says describing the kuffaar of Makkah (

It has been authentically narrated that Hassaan bin Thaabit (ra) used his articulate poetic skills to dispraise the idolaters of Makkah by saying whenever you pray you clap and whistle.

Shaykh al-Islam said in al-Fataawa (11/569) I know that in the golden age, the first and best three centuries, in the Hijaaz, in Syria, in the Yemen, in Egypt, in the Maghreb, in Iraq, in khorasan, none of the religious and righteous people, the ascetics and those who worshipped Allaah much, would gather to listen to this whistling and clapping and drum-beating and so on. This was innovated after that at the end of the second century, and whenever the imaams saw it, they denounced it.

It is proven from the Sharee'ah that it is forbidden for Muslims to imitate the kuffaar in their Ibaadah (ritual acts) even if it is intended for a different purpose. Therefore the Muslims are not allowed to clap their hands even if it is for amusement purposes, encouragement or just playing a game. Sheikh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said whatever the mushriks (polytheists) do whether ritually or customarily it is forbidden to do that same action even if the Muslims do it for another reason (i.e. not for the same purpose). [Al-Iqtidaa volume 1, p196]

Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah said clapping is haraam (forbidden) and munkar (evil); by practising it you come out of the Fitrah (natural disposition) and you imitate the kuffaar, all of which Allaah (swt) dispraises, and he quotes al-Anfaal, 8: 35 to prove his case. [Talbees ul-Iblees volume 1, p316]

Abu Umaamah al-Baheeli reported that the Messenger Muhammad (saw) said, 'The people of Loot (as) had ten characteristics; among those ten were clapping and whistling.' [Ibn Asaakir in his Taareekh volume 50, verse 321]. Imaam 'Ali, Qataadah and Hassan (ra) also testify to this.

This hukm (Islamic rule) on clapping applies to both men and women. However some people try to restrict the ruling of clapping as being forbidden for men only in Salaah. Based on an incident where the Sahaabah (ra) of the Prophet (saw) clapped during prayer to attract the attention of Abu Bakr (ra). After the Salaah Muhammad (saw) said, 'The saying Subhaan-Allaah is for men and clapping is for women' [Saheeh al-Bukhaari]. This view is incorrect because if one claims that clapping is not allowed only in Salaah then you need to bring further evidence to say that this only applies in Salaah and not in any other sphere of life; bearing in mind the generality of the evidences consulted above.

Amongst the 'Ulamaa (Islamic scholars of jurisprudence) there is dispute on what constitutes clapping for the women during Salaah, some say it is clapping the thighs with hands, or clapping the palm of one hand against the back of the other hand; the latter being the stronger opinion. However in any case there is evidence to substantiate that women clapped outside of Salaah and Muhammad (saw) criticised them.

Unknown author #fundie ummah.com

Bismillah ir-Rahmaan ir-Raheem, al-hamdulillahi Rabb il-’Alameen, wa salaatu wa salaamu ‘alaa Rasoolillah, wa ash-haadu an laa ilaaha ill Allah, wa ash-haadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluh,

Amma ba’d,

One of the most important aspects of furthering the jihad movement is identifying the ememies of the movement. Some enemies are somewhat veiled, but others are clear. There are also, some enemies within the veiled category that can be turned into clear enemies by demonstrating their association with the enemies which are clear.


The Clear Enemy – A clear enemy is one whose statements and actions are positive propaganda in and of themselves with the general masses.

The Veiled Enemy – A veiled enemy is one whose statements and actions are not necessarily positive propaganda.

The Poorly Veiled Enemy – A poorly veiled enemy is one who is easily converted into a clear enemy, but which requires some explanation in order to turn this page.


There are many examples of each category, but some of them are important to identify and then to explore how to exploit. Even some of the clear enemies can be harmful to the movement if we do not deal with them correctly.

America, U.K., AMISOM, NATO, Canada, Russia, China, Israel, the Afghan Puppet Government, the Iraqi Puppet Government, the Yemeni Puppet Government, the Pakistani Puppet Government, India, and other European countries
Clear Enemies
The killing of civilians should be spread as much as is possible.
Anytime these groups are able to be tied to changing Islam it should be mentioned.
All forms of oppression by these groups should be mentioned.
The words “puppet,” “brutal,” “oppressive,” “kafir,” “corrupt,” “apostate,” “Western,” and “crusader,” should all be put in fron of the word “regime” when referring to these organizations.
Anytime these countries disagree or argue it should be spread.
Any failures that these countries have should also be spread.

Other Puppet Regimes
Clear Enemies (excluding Saudi Arabia which is a Poorly Veiled Enemy)
Any displays of kufr should be highlighted.
Attention should not just be payed to Saudi Arabia, but also to the areas that are more obvious.
Crackdowns on Islamist movements should be highlighted.
All forms of sin and oppression should be made clear and visible.
Whenever they kill civilians it should be published.
Community efforts of Islamist organizations in these areas should be published. It needs to be clear that supporting Islam brings about positive social change, and opposing it brings about oppression.
Torture and imprisonment of the mujahideen, scholars, and du’aat should be exposed.
Government scholars should be exposed and the scholars of haqq should be promoted.

Government Scholars
Clear Enemies
The “government scholars” being referred to here are the ones who are clearly just issuing fataawa on behalf of a government and it is not referring to every scholar who supports a government. These are not “Clear Enemies.”
Their fataawah should be exposed.
Their ties to the governments should be made highly visible.
Whenever they issue a fatwa supporting the forces of kufr against the Muslims, then it should be brought to light.
Issues of taking money for fataawa should be discussed.

Misguided Scholars
Veiled Enemies
First let me clarify that I am not saying they are our enemies, but that they do make efforts to hurt the jihad movement.
Their deviations should be pointed out when they are detrimental to jihad.
Their inconsistencies should also be brought to light.
We should not make takfir of them unless they do something which is clear kufr and the conditions for takfir are met.
If their opposition to the mujahideen is well known, then whenever they issue a fatwa in support of them it should be highlighted.
Any time counter terrorism officials mention them positively, then it should be mentioned.

Counter Terrorism Officials
Clear Enemies
Anytime they say anything against a group of mujahideen it should be mentioned.
Anytime they mention changing Islam it should be mentioned.
Anytime they mention promoting certain scholars it should be mentioned, unless that scholar is well known to be a scholar of the haqq. In this case they are either confused or they are trying to cause divisions, so it should be left alone.
Whoever they mention positively immediately loses credibility, and whoever they mention negatively gains credibility.
Usually these people are significantly behind on trends such as the NEFA Foundation if you have ever read their works. However, we can play off of their theories in order to increase the influence and capabilities of certain individuals and groups. Scholars and du’at who may have faded from the spotlight can be brought back into it by playing off of CT theories.

Moderate Islamic Organizations
Clear Enemies and Poorly Veiled Enemies
Depending on the organization it might be a clear enemy, such as an organization like Muslims for Secular Democracy, or it might be a poorly veiled enemy such as CAIR.
These organizations should be exposed as completely ignorant of Islamic rulings.
Their betrayal of Muslims with their fataawa and statements in support of kafir soldiers when they kill Muslims.
Their love of the kuffar and their hatred of the Muslims should be displayed.
If that is not apparent, then their hatred of the mujahideen should be highlighted.
When an organization is upon clear kufr, then it should be made apparent.
When an organization is run by fasiqeen, then it should also be brought to light.
Their ties to politicians who hate Islam and kill Muslims should be shown.
Their abandoning of the Sunnah should be mentioned.

Salafis Who Abandon Jihad
Veiled Enemies
There are two types of Salafis who abandon jihad. There are the Neo-Salafis such as Abu Khadija, and there are the American Salafis that are found predominantly in the Al-Maghrib Institute.
The Neo-Salafis should be ignored and go unmentioned, because refuting them is not as beneficial as simply ignoring them. They are increasingly viewed as a sect by the general Muslim population, and simply teaching a concept will reach far more people than a refutation of some misguided notion.
The American Salafis should be called out on their platforms.
When they condemn the mujahideen it should be exposed.
When they condemn the kuffar, then they should be called out on condemning the mujahideen, so that the Muslims do not get confused about their beliefs.
When they issue statements condemning jihad, then they should be challenged to produce proofs for abandoning jihad. They will not be able to do this, so it is a good point to make.
We should start calling them “American Salafis,” because their methodology seems to only exist in the United States and Canada.
We should avoid generalizing the entire Al-Maghrib organization or similar groups until all of their leaders have clarified their stances. For example, Muslim Matters can be generalized, because it is clear what its writers are upon. However, not all of Al-Maghrib’s instructors have made it clear what they are upon, and their is evidence from older lectures that maybe some of them are in disagreement, wa Allahu ‘alam.

Nationalist Fighters
Poorly Veiled Enemies
These groups are only able to be turned into clear enemies after they have abandoned jihad or they have attacked the true mujahideen.
If they attack the mujahideen, then they should be condemned loudly.
If they engage in “peace talks,” then they should be spoken against.
They should not be treated as enemies based only on suspicion, but when something clear comes up.
If one is suspicious about a group, because it seems to have nationalistic goals, then their successes should not be tied to them publicly.
Their victories over the kuffar should be mentioned, but one should avoid giving too much credit to these groups.
The mujahideen’s lack of need for these groups and superior capabilities should be emphasized wherever it exists (for example in Afghanistan).
It should be prominently displayed when their fighters leave for the true mujahideen.

“Rehabilitated” Mujahideen
Clear Enemies
It should be mentioned that intention is key when fighting jihad and that it is not surprising that some people fell off of the straight path.
Their gross shift should be mentioned and they should be discredited.
Discussion of folding under pressure of torture should occur.
Also, it should be mentioned how they have sold the akhira for this life.
Their ties to whatever government “rehabilitated” them should be brought to light and exposed.
Even though it burns our hearts to see these people, their words really do benefit the movement and only tie the kuffar and the munafiqeen to a war on Islam in which they seek to change this religion.

In sha’a Allah when I am done with these articles I will turn it into a book with edits and reorganization for the sake of Allah, bi’idhnillah.

Shari'ah Court of the UK #fundie ummah.com

All praise is for Almighty Allah (swt) the Lord of the worlds. There is no animosity except against the oppressors and occupiers and victory is for the Muttaqeen (the pious). I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, the one who sent his messenger with guidance and the deen of truth to make the whole deen prevail over all others, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His messenger, the slave of Allah, the prophet of mercy and the prophet of war, to whom Allah granted victory terrorising his enemy from one months distance and designated his provision under the shade of his spear and decreed humiliation and destruction for the one who disobeys His orders.

After the invasion of Iraq it has become clear for those whether they are closer or further from the region, to discover the hidden agenda of the American government and its alliance: that is, the destruction of Islam and to re-draw the map of the region, which has been manifested in the speech of many American senators who did not keep it secret nor ambiguous.

It is natural to hear that the kuffar (non-muslims) fight the believers because the animosity of the kuffar towards the Muslims is an Almighty tradition that will continue as Allah (swt) says:

"...And they will never cease fighting you until they turn you back from your deen (Islam) if they can..." [EMQ Surah Baqarah,2 :217 ]

The wisdom of Allah necessitates that the believers will be tested by the disbelievers, and the disbelievers will be tested by the believers in order for those who will obey him and fight for his sake to prevail. The one who declines and allies with the disbelievers following their path, will be doomed in hellfire, for Allah (swt) says:

"If Allah wishes, you will be victorious over them, but in order to test you with others. But those who are killed in the way of Allah, He will never let their deeds be lost." [EMQ Surah Muhammad,47 :4 ]

Therefore we are not surprised that the disbelievers are planning to destroy Islam and Muslims, because that is one of their main tasks, even though it is impossible because this plot will always be recorded until the day of judgement. Allah (swt) says:

"We will test you in order to see who is the Mujahid among you and who are firm ..." [EMQ Surah Muhammad,47 :31 ]

Nobody will argue about the animosity of the disbelievers towards the believers, and their plot against them except the ignorant, those whose opinion is meaningless. However what surprises us is to see the Muslims going astray, misled by those who are impressed with the disbelievers and their plots, but nobody is impressed by the disbelievers but the ignorant. Part of their ignorance and apostasy is that they ally with the disbelievers and join their forces, and their being called 'British Muslim' as members of the British army. They travel all the way, not to liberate Jerusalem but rather in order to turn with the disbelievers to harm Islam and the Muslims, in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.

Dear Muslims, it has come to our attention that some Muslims have been misled by other defeated deviant Muslims, who request on behalf of the British government, for Muslims to join the British army in their onslaught and crusade against Islam and Muslims. And a similar example for some Muslims in America who have also started to join the US army, and Allah (swt) forbids that, He says:

"O Believers, do not take Jews and Christians as an alliance, they are only allies to each other, and whosoever allies with them, he is one of them, and Allah does not guide the oppressors." [EMQ Surah Ma'idah,5 :51 -52]

However this alliance with the kuffar (disbelievers) will be one of two, either that they become sinful if they stand with the kuffar, or they become apostate if they engage in fighting against Muslims. Some Muslims in the British and US armies started to participate with them against their Muslim brothers in Afghanistan and Iraq, which is naked aggression against all Muslims, and they are obliged to reject it and resist it, and fight them as a matter of obligation to resist occupation. As for those British Muslims that join the army, they will be apostate, and any one of them that goes to the Muslim countries to fight side-by-side with the UK and US forces against Muslims will become apostate, he is at war with Islam and Muslim, and his life and wealth will have no sanctity. He like the disbelievers is a clear enemy for Islam and Muslims and consequently becomes a legitimate target for the Mujahideen, and if they die they will die outside of the fold of Islam, and they will never be dignified in their death nor buried with the Muslims.

Therefore we warn the Muslims wherever they are, particularly those Muslims in Iraq, not to offer any support, morally or financially or militarily or physically in their onslaught against Islam and Muslims in the region, though they attempt to take the Muslims onto their side. But Allah (swt) designated people in this Ummah that will direct others that go astray, and May Allah protect us all.

And as for those who are allied with the kuffar and work for them as spies, in MI5, in the Metropolitan police or as their soldiers in the army, they spy on the Muslims, fight them and tried to deceive them, we ask them to give up immediately their apostasy. Allah (swt) says:

"And from mankind there are some who say: 'We believe in Allah and the Last day' while in fact they do not believe. They think to deceive Allah and those who believe, while they only deceive themselves, but they perceive not." [EMQ Surah Baqarah,2 :8 -9]

One of their deceptions is that they claim to be believers, yet they spy on Muslims or they go abroad to fight them, or they report against them to the kuffar. If they claim to do so as no more than a job, we remind them of the saying of the Prophet (saw) said:

"Whoever earns a bite of food by reporting or spying on Muslims, Allah will feed him the equivalent in the hellfire, and whoever wears clothes earning from spying against Muslims, Allah will clothe him with hellfire." [Bukhari - Kitab ul-Adab]

And for those who go to fight, remember that the Prophet (saw) forbade for Muslims to point a small knife at another Muslim even as a joke, he (saw) said:

"Whoever points a small knife or piece of metal jokingly towards his Muslim brother, the angels will curse him and he will never smell paradise."

let alone to be involved in carrying machine guns, and driving tanks with the British army, arresting and imprisoning Muslims, fighting and killing them. Muslims will never be secure from his hand, and the Prophet (saw) said:

"A Muslim is the one who his Muslim brother is secure from his hand and his tongue."

So fear Allah O Muslims, bring an end to working as spies, police, soldiers, ministers and politicians for the taghout. Oh Allah, be the witness that we have conveyed the message.

adbulwakil, vicious L, Muslim First, and Abu Dhahabi #fundie ummah.com

(abdulwakil): This would be totally wrong and unislamic behaviour if they are making dua for those people who passed away without having entered into Islam, if anyone of them is actually doing what the title has said.

(vicious L): If only our imams would do the same for our Muslim victim brothers and sisters in Palestine Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, Chechnya and all over the world where Muslims are being massacred, muslim men thrown in prisons and muslim women raped and Muslim children being made orphans

everyday it's a 9/11 in the Muslim world and these imams are silent against the aggression of the kuffar, but when the kuffar blow up ther own buildings and blame it on the Muslims in order to invade and massacre Muslims and steal our wealth

We have to come together on a special day and pray for the victims of the kuffar who died for kuffar to invade Muslim lands.

(Muslim First): My thoughts exactly, kind of reminds me when Bin Laden died these "Muslims" were happy in the media.

(Abu Dhahabi): they are doing it cause they want money from the British Government. We all know how greedy some of these uncles are sitting on the mosque commitees.

vicious L #fundie ummah.com

People are forgetting one thing, there is science which is from Allah of course and there are scientists who are human who can lie or conceal knowledge or fabricate falsehood and say it is true

and we know the ones who fund these scientists and archeologists are illuminati and the illuminati works for the shaytan, and the shaytan aim is to invite to the Fire

Science is the knowledge of how the creation of Allah works but Religion tells us why and the purpose of the creation of Allah

We dont deny science but when scientists lie, we shun them and their lies

Learning how the planets and stars works and how gravity and the earth's rotation and how the creation works is knowledge that doesn't benefit unless you realize that the creator is Great the One who made it work that way thus you fear Him

scientific knowledge is vain Without knowledge of the Revelation of Allah explaining the Wisdom and the purpose behind your creation , Revelation explains the things which are hidden from us such as purpose of life, and the afterlife and our Meeting with Allah

The one who understand how the creation of Allah works but doesn't realize that the Creator is Great and Wise so that he fear Him(the creator) have not benefited from his knowledge

Studying The creation should help you understand the abilities of the Creator that's why studying science should help you realize the abilities and Wisdom of Allah,

scientific knowledge to one who have no understanding is like a car introduced to a group weak minded villagers who can see how the car can move forward and backward but cannot understand the wisdom behind the creation of the car or it's purpose, or realize the wisdom of the one who created it, so they deem that the car came into existence by chance and did not benefit from their knowledge of the car

when i watch the science channel or animal channel it's to see the wonderful creation of the Lord and His abilities, so I become more amazed of Him

AbuMubarak #fundie ummah.com

muslims led the world in science..........so what

it lead to their demise, they got so caught up in the worldly stuff and what did it do for them? they built large masjids, and lost andalusia

we are not here to make large worldly accomplishments, let the kuffar do that, this world is their jannah

we are here to worship Allah, be good people, etc, whether we live in huts or palaces

its just that palaces distract us from the reality of this world (ie, death and the last day)

so the best muslims were not the later generations of scientists, but the best muslims were those who fought and strove in the cause of Allah

later generations stopped the fight and became philosophers.......big deal

how about umar warning his later generations that they did not taste kufr, so they would not appreciate iman?

the people before us, pharaoh, ad, thamud, got caught up in their worldly accomplishments and it distracted them from their Lord

why are you encouraging muslims to follow them into another lizard hole?

AbuMubarak #fundie ummah.com

O you who believe! Take not as (your) Bitanah (advisors, consultants, protectors, helpers, friends) those outside your religion (pagans, Jews, Christians, and hypocrites) since they will not fail to do their best to corrupt you. They desire to harm you severely. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, but what their breasts conceal is far worse. Indeed We have made plain to you the Ayat (proofs, evidence, verses) if you understand.
( ???? ?? ????? , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #118)

it seems to me that if muslims want to remain backwards and ignorant, the kuffar would not care. but there seems to be an insistence from the kuffar that muslims accept evolution


to weaken the muslim mind in accepting Allah as the creator, thats why

to make muslims beholden to the kuffar for knowledge and science, thereby maintaining kuffar dominance over the minds of the muslims

if we have to turn to them for guidance, whether defining human rights, or human origins, they will do nothing but corrupt your deen

neelu #fundie ummah.com

No it doesn't count as islamic governance. Democracy as a concept and ruling system has its origins in kufr and is based on kufr. Prophet Muhammad (saw) only ruled the people by establishing the Khilafah state and implementing the shariah upon them in totality. Democracy puts what laws to choose to a vote and as democracy stands on pillars of other kufr concepts such as freedom of expression (eg what was published by charlie hebdo), free market policies that also permit the sale of alcohol and gambling etc the list of unislamic bases used upon which democracy stands should be enough to realise that it is completely different and incompatible with the implementation of Islam. What has happened in a few Muslim countries like Saudi is that they pick a few Islamic punishments to implement and say that they are implementing shariah when in fact they're not. Or you get countries like Pakistan that claim to be 'Islamic republic' just cos' they misapply some blasphemy laws but at the same time choose to vote for leaders who allow kufaar troops to set up bases in Muslim lands to bomb other Muslims both in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

What has happened is that the Ummah has lost the true Islamic leadership and ruling system for almost a hundred years, so people are so out of touch with the idea of what an Islamic ruling system is supposed to consist of and are so defeatist assuming it's too hard to make it a reality, that instead they seek a 'compromise solution' in which they implement a bit of islam and a bit of kufr and call it 'islamic democracy'- implement a handful of islamic rules to keep the religious lot happy and let the rest of the laws be based on kufr to keep the real leaders in the white house etc happy. There is no such thing as islamic democracy; there is either democracy or there is islam and anyone trying to reconcile the two is deceiving the ummah into compromising a chunk of islamic values.

johnfisher #fundie ummah.com

You don't want to obey a man? How about your don't get married. No man forces his wife to do anything and can call himself a good Muslim. Good Muslim husbands ensure their wife is cared for and she doesn't go against Islam. Islam says a woman shouldn't travel without a mahram, so your husband and you would be sinning if you decided to do that and he allowed it to happen. As for not working, you'll find a lot of men, this includes myself don't want our wives working because we feel it's our duty and ours alone to earn the income and the woman doesn't need. Another reason would be because og the working environment being mixed, we don't want our wives in and amongst men.

Your view of marriage is not healthy.

An obediant wife is one, who will listen and understand what the husband wants. An obedient wife will also realise her duty comes to Allah first then next her husband. A husband being the head of the household has all responsibility on his shoulders, he will be held accountable if his house is in tatters.

If you don't want to obey or listen to your husband, don't get married. With the attitude you have, I doubt any Muslim man would want to marry you anyway.

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