
Azayah #fundie forums.military.com

what evedince is there that there is not a Creater?
there is more evedince to support a creater then not. And if there was no god then there is no hope in a evil world. think about it. is it ok to take a baby and tear it appart in front of its mother? there is to much evil to say there is no God and no satan becasue there is more evidence that there is
than not. And why is that only humans no evil and we can sit and think about hurting some one? and why do we have guilt about the things we do. could it be that the bible is true?

Icebabe_2000us #fundie forums.military.com

So you say that there is no way that being a homosexual(or should I say sodomite)is a choice. Well gee than if that theory is true, then that would mean that a terrorist didn't choose to become a terrorist, he or she was born that way.(no they werent born that way but they were raised that way) I have question- If a doctor told you that your child was going to be born a criminal-would you believe him? What is this world comming to. Poeple always want something else or someone else to blame instead of dealing with their choices. You can choose to be a sodomite or you can choose not to. You can choose to believe in God or you can choose not to. You can choose to have kids or you can choose not to. It is a choice. Any person who actually believes that they are a born sodomite or whatever is seriously blind. For all people who are into science-God created all things, humans, the universe, animals so on and so forth. In that he also created science-it is not his fault that people are either too stupid to understand it, or they just want to take something and twist it to condone their behavior. But then again this is just the sick and twisted world we live in and thankfully it will eventually come to an end.

Ranger_b #fundie forums.military.com

God gave mankind the free will to choose. We can choose to believe are not believe. Everything that happens God controls. We see the very small picture, God has the complete order plan that he wrote. God will use our emenies to get his plan working. 9/11 was part of his plan. Those that died didn't die in vain. It got us into a war, were the Christan words could be brought to the middle east. Think of how many souls are being saved everyday from the pit of hell. That is what God wants.

dwgerard #fundie forums.military.com

But looking past that, having no God means that whoever is the biggest, fastest, meanest or strongest becomes the boss. There is no justice other than what humanity comes up with, which is purely in the eyes of the beholder, and even more so the giver. Think of Mao, Stalin, the current leader of Iran.

Scoutsout1 #fundie forums.military.com


It looks like orbitz.com is only willing to cater to the Gay crowd and not any other specific religion or other type of lifestyle choice.

I will now shop at another source for discounts since this company is openly discriminating by not offering the same to others, as well as there recent lesbian commercial crammed on my family as part of the new gay agenda movement sweeping our Country which includes attacks on the DADT policy in the military and teaching gay is normal in public schools.

The gay agenda just added another opponent to their cause (was for civil unions, not any more) for forcing the issue constantly in the public arena against the beliefs of others, while not excepting others beliefs; enough is enough, or we will loose even more traditional families.

4403771 #fundie forums.military.com

I guess that since I grew upi in the 50's & 60's, with different races in our neighborhoods and schools, I do not know what would be threatening about blacks, indians, hispanics.....
So I really don't know how you are comparing open gayness with race issues.
I also do not agree that just because someone doesn't wish to be bunked in the same room/bay with a homosexual, they are bigoted, unless you simply mean "intolerant".
I do not 'tolerate' the drive that most 'open' gays profess. In that I do not approve, agree, desire, tolerate the teaching that 'gay is okay' or that it is not a choice.

Gay is NOT okay.
Gay IS a choice.

You can agree or not, but time will prove this out. Guaranteed!

Reverend_Dave #fundie #homophobia forums.military.com

Homosexuals moral and ethical? By their very nature, they can't be. Homosexuality is an abomination. 73% of our military want the ban lifted? That's a lie from the pit of hell that still smells of smoke. Most GI's that I know would prefer NOT to have gays & lesbians serving next to them and have to worry about getting hit on or worrying if they can be counted on when the going gets tough. Why is this question coming up? Because the homosexuals have to continually shove their sexual proclivities in our faces. If that's the way you want to live your life, fine. Shut up about it. Don't keep pushing that crap on me and my family.

9465552 #fundie forums.military.com

Instead of the question of being born gay or straight, do you even remember being born? There is not a single person on the face of this planet that can remember being born. This fact alone blows the "born gay" theory completely out of the water.

TheGoodOne #fundie forums.military.com

[In response to points about allowing gays in the military]

So you say until they get their way and then their true colors will show. And by the way, the Military is not a place where you can express your desires or rights, the Military is for fighting wars and all this controversy does is help to destabilize our Military, Government, Country and way of life.

So you hate Christians, that is being racist. It would be the same if I said I hate Muslims. I am a Christian and take offense to your comments. This country was founded on Christians principles and if you dont like it, please do us a favor and leave. Go to a country where they accept all the crap you are talking about. And your dream will never come true, because I and other Christians in America will never allow you scum to turn the tables.

Piss off LOL.

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