
Human_Fighter #fundie animeacademy.com

As an atheist, it is impossible to prove to you even the possibility that God exist. Your mind is predetermined before evidence is given to you. You'd make a horrible legal judge... You dismiss the evidence because you already have your mind set its fake.

Human_Fighter #fundie animeacademy.com

And yes. The more people believe in something, the much more likely it is true or on a path to being true... think of how many things in life we take as true just because people tell us... Who your mother and father are, where Japan is... We do this everyday and it is a valid reason for believing in something.

Knives #fundie animeacademy.com

the government could make abortion costs/fees substantially higher... the aim that with prices being that much higher, the penalty for conceiving an unexpected child would be greater in the people's minds and thus the abortion rates, prehaps the promiscuity levels also, would drop.

Jay #fundie animeacademy.com

now, i'm going to ask something that may be a little sadistic, but would this bloody [and extremely traumatic] slaughter of the fetus via ....coathanger...be a suitable punishment [to the woman] for going along with the abortion for obviously poor reasons... i guess what i'm getting at here is if a woman is heartless and, yes, stupid enough to do such an aweful, do they get what they deserve?

Human_Fighter #fundie animeacademy.com

The biggest mistake atheist make is that they take there opinions to be so called 'truths'... Also, as I was saying before, in atheism, human emotions and thoughts are meaningless... If religion is an opiate, than atheism is flat out stupidity.

Human_Fighter #fundie animeacademy.com

The only reason you believe the things I listed exist are because other people tell you to believe them. But as stated, the second the issue of religion comes up. Your bigotry denies your ability to an ability to believe...

Human_Fighter #fundie animeacademy.com

And how did you learn Pluto exists? or King Tut? Books, other people? Gee, sounds a lot like religion to me... Don't be an idiot. While I give specific examples, you give your own personal beliefs. Everything I listed can be proven to exist? It's a common philosophical fact that the only thing you can prove exist is yourself.

xAlienx #fundie animeacademy.com

My pastor recently stated 'atheist are a dying breed, but everyday there are more and more agnostics'... This is becuase you have to acknowledge something to be able to deny its existence and how can you acknowledge something that you believe does not exist.

Vicious0 #fundie animeacademy.com

How can you prove there is no God? Aethiests always ask believers how can we prove there is a God... everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and to their on beliefs, all im asking is how you back up your beliefs?

adamfoy #fundie animeacademy.com

it states that we evolved in to what we are known to day (by scientist) as Homo sapiens sapiens and all the life forms before it have become extinct due to evolution, yet we are still able to see monkeys walking around to day in jungles, should they not be extinct?

Human_Fighter #fundie animeacademy.com

To say human life is meaningless yet we should still have emotions is pathetic. An atheist states 'god is meaningless and just made up in your head'. Yet he refuses to state 'love and human good are meaningless and just made up in your head'. What he fails to realize, is that they're the exact same thing.

xAlienx #fundie animeacademy.com

... seeing that so many people don't believe in God just makes it more believable that Gods Word(The Bible) is true because man himself has altered your beliefs so that you don't believe in God.

Human_Fighter #fundie animeacademy.com

Excuse the Hebrews for not going to the local O.B.G.Y.N [before pegging a woman as an adulteress]. The Philistines didn't even require a test. All that was needed was a mere testimony of one person against a women for punishment to be served. Blame this on man, not a man.

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