
Donald Trump #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #crackpot forward.com

Speaking outside the Manhattan courthouse where his trial unfolded over several weeks, Trump blamed Jewish billionaire George Soros, invoking a trope that Jewish organizations have denounced as leading to antisemitic violence.

Trump, the presumptive Republican candidate for president, said the real verdict would come on Nov. 5, Election Day.

Voters “know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here,” said Trump, who is the presumptive Republican candidate for president. “You have a Soros-backed D.A. and the whole thing, I didn’t do anything wrong, I am a very innocent man.”

Multiple Russian lunatics #racist forward.com

March 27, 2018


It didn’t take long for the anti-Semitic accusations to emerge after a movie theater in the Siberian city of Kemerovo caught fire on Sunday, killing 64 people (41 of them children).

Russian social media today has been swirling with blood libels, pointing to the Jews for orchestrating the fire on the eve of Passover.

“There are many questions,” a Kemerovo businessman Artyom Nikiforov, with a large social media following, said in a video he posted on Facebook, which has since gone viral. “I want to draw your attention to this — I do not believe this is a coincidence. This tragedy occurred on the eve of the Jewish holiday of Passover.” Nikiforov noted that several Russian disasters took place around Jewish holidays. “For me, this is clearly ritual sacrifice of the Chosen People. I do not believe in these coincidences.”

“In Kemerovo, there has been a mass slaughter of ‘goy’,” Russian blogger Andrei Ivliev posted on his VK profile. “A question remains: When will the Russians wake up from the [Jewish] narcotic?”


One conspiracy theorist on LiveJournal suggested that among the many corrupt beneficiaries of those who originally built the Kemerovo shopping center are the Jews — “Their holiday is approaching - Pesach. And where there are Jews, there is always blood, violence and evil - the Jews themselves tell about this in the Torah (the Old Testament).” Another blogger, “Notes from a National-Libertarian”, wrote: “The burning of the Russian people in Kemerovo in the shopping center ‘Winter Cherry’ , this is nothing more than a ritual sacrifice, a sort of cherry on a cake.”


“40 children were not burned,” Elena Gushina, a bookkeeper in Moscow, posted on her Facebook. “They disappeared without a trace. We must immediately search for them before the holiday of Passover, when they will be bled, as sacrifices.”

Vladimir Suvorov, a Russian citizen living in New York, posted an image of the Jewish calendar, from the Russian Jewish website Toldot.ru, and noted the proximity of the tragedy to Passover. “Where are the photos/videos of the hospitals flooded with corpses?” he asked. “In our digital era, it is impossible that not a single person didn’t photograph what is being said on the record.”

Trayon White #conspiracy forward.com

A lawmaker in Washington, D.C. reacted to a local snowstorm on Friday by posting a video sharing a conspiracy theory that a Jewish family controls the weather.

Trayon White, Sr., a 33-year-old Democrat who began serving on the D.C. Council last year, posted a short video on his Facebook page narrating from his car as snow falls on the streets.

“Man, it just started snowing out of nowhere this morning, man. Y’all better pay attention to this climate control, man, this climate manipulation,” he says. “And D.C. keep talking about, ‘We a resilient city.’ And that’s a model based off the Rothschilds controlling the climate to create natural disasters they can pay for to own the cities, man. Be careful.”

Jayme Liardi #fundie forward.com

A group for millennials supporting Republican nominee Donald Trump bears striking similarities to another youth movement — Hitler Youth.

Both the group’s name, “Trump Youth,” and its rhetoric evokes the Hitler Youth, a wing of Germany’s Nazi party.

In a video posted to the “Trump Youth” website, the group’s blond leader speaks of having to fight a worldwide “parasite” enemy, which he later identifies as “globalists.” Nazi propaganda likened Jews to parasites and condemned them for their perceived lack of loyalty to their “host” countries.

“Our nations have been commandeered international criminal cartel and this parasite is feeding on our energy. It’s in Japan, it’s in China, it’s in Germany, it’s in America — now, if we don’t throw this parasite off our backs, the world will fall into chaos,” group leader Jayme Liardi said in the video message.

Liardi’s videos also have a jumpy, rambling quality: He also criticizes “fluoride in the water” and “GMOs.” But one of his video has had 20,000 views.

“There will be no peace, if they are successful, if the globalists are successful, if this new world order comes to place,” Liardi said. “It’s up to us, the millennials, the children of tomorrow, to become the hero generation and to save the world.”

The “Trump Youth” website encourages prospective members to include their ethnicity in their applications in addition to other things, such as their biggest accomplishments and how many members they can refer.

The site does not reference the Republican presidential nominee other than in its name.

On his personal website, Liardi implies Hitler and Nazism have been unfairly portrayed through history.

“I wanted to understand the mind of the supposed most evil man in history,” Liardi wrote. “And yes, I read Adolf Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’. I quickly realized that I was not being given all of the facts — that what passes for history is merely rehashed propaganda from the war.”

Liardi also seems to draw a link between Jewish and globalist interests, referring to the government supporting globalism as “kosher.”

“If you have no identity, one will be installed into you by the kosher forces of The State. Make no mistake, they may say that they are for ‘multiculturalism’ ‘diversity’ and ‘equality’ but their actions would say otherwise. This is the ideology that brought us colonialism, slavery and the chain stores of suburbia. This is our current world—the world of Globalism,” Liardi wrote.

p. nile schwartz #conspiracy forward.com

[Comment on a thread about David Duke]

Bosnian Serb leaders have nothing to apologize for, and even if you had a scintilla of knowledge on the US's big-lie policy in that region, whereby the US attacked Serbs with jihadists and then calls their self defense a 'genocide', you'd comprehend this. But it's no surprise that you don't even comprehend that Duke is a leftwing tool that the left uses to tarnish anti-government movements.

Dr. Mordechai Kedar #fundie forward.com

"The only thing that can deter terrorists, like those who kidnapped the children and killed them, is the knowledge that their sister or mother will be raped." This assertion was made by Middle East scholar Dr. Mordechai Kedar of Bar-Ilan University on an Israel Radio program. "It sounds very bad, but that's the Middle East," added Kedar, of Bar-Ilan's Department of Arabic.


"You have to understand the culture in which we live," said Kedar. "The only thing that deters [Hamas leaders] is a threat to the connection between their heads and their shoulders." When presenter Yossi Hadar asked if that "could filter down" the organizations' ranks, Kedar replied: "No, because lower down the considerations are different. Terrorists like those who kidnapped the children and killed them - the only thing that deters them is if they know that their sister or their mother will be raped in the event that they are caught. What can you do, that's the culture in which we live."

bgl #fundie forward.com

[Commenting on an article about Jewish-non Jewish intermarried burials]

There is only one role for the non-Jew in the synagogue - employee. If a Jew decides to abandon the faith by intermarrying (and that IS abandoning the faith, make no mistake about it) burial in a secular cemetery is one of the consequences. If you want to live and die as a Jew, then marry one. end of discussion.

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