
David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

There's not a more damnable religion in the world than the demonic Catholic Church. This includes BOTH the Roman Catholic religion headquartered in Vatican City, Rome; and the Russian Orthodox Catholic church headquartered in Moscow, Russia. There's not a dime's difference between the two religions, as far as Catholicism is concerned. Both branches of Catholicism worship Mary, idolize their sinful priests, teach sacraments for salvation, and are an ungodly prisonhouse of religion!

May I say, kindly but truthfully, Mary (Jesus' biological mother) was a dirty, rotten, hell-deserving sinner! Mary needed to trust Jesus as her Savior too, or she would have burned in Hell forever, where all Christ-rejecters go!

If you type the following words into Google's search engine (using parenthesis, to find the exact quote): “The Catholic church is of the Devil,” of the 11 results that come back, the first three results are from my ministry websites. And of the 11 results, my ministry websites come up 5 times. That is sad! Oh, I think it is great that my websites come up first. In fact, I think that's pretty cool! What makes me sad is that other Christians are not contending for the faith. If you add the word “Baptist” outside of the parenthesis, my websites appear in 6 of the 11 results. I think that is tragic! I really do. Why aren't Christians exposing the cult of Catholicism? Oh, I understand that there are other existing articles and websites exposing the Catholic religion, but I find it disturbing that the phrase, “THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS OF THE DEVIL,” to be so unpopular among Christians today. The phrase “OF THE DEVIL” appears 17 times in the New Testament of the King James Bible. The English Standard Version (ESV) promoted and sold by Bob Jones University reduces it down to only 7 times. The ungodly corrupt New International Version (NIV) reduces mention of that key phrase down to only 5 times. And the bastardized satanic Easy-To-Read Version (ERV) promoted, used and sold by the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam mentions “OF THE DEVIL” only ONE TIME!!! Need I say more? These corrupt Bible versions are OF THE DEVIL, as is the reprobate SATANIC CATHOLIC RELIGION!!!

David J. Stewart #quack lovethetruth.com

By simply eating one normal meal a day, and replacing the other meals with very low amounts of sugars and carbohydrates, I was able to lower my blood sugar from 250-375 mg/dl to an astonishing 104-157 in just one week!!! ONE WEEK!!! And I didn't do anything risky, unsafe or crazy!!! I didn't have to take any potentially life threatening prescription drugs!!! My diabetes doctor said that even if I planned to lose weight over the months to come to bring my sugar level down, it was absolutely essential that he give me DRUGS to immediately get my sugar under control! He portrayed my high sugar as a life-threatening, dire and dangerous situation (and he was correct about the dangers of high blood sugar); BUT HE WAS TOTALLY IGNORANT of the simplest way in the world, and 100% natural, of lowering my blood sugar virtually overnight by over 200 mg/dl—by simply eating one normal meal a day, and then having a giant salad (1/2 head of lettuce with 12 cherry tomatoes, a teaspoon of bacon bits, 2 teaspoons of salad dressing, a teaspoon of Parmesan and a teaspoon of cheddar cheese) for dinner, and some oatmeal and an apple for breakfast. I took control of my own health overnight, literally, and I did it on my own before my diabetes doctor killed me with DRUGS!!!

I am a firm believer in homeopathic medicine. I have seen it work firsthand, and it is legitimate science and medicine. The average drug-dealing doctor is what is called an “allopathic” doctor, who only treats the patient's symptoms. The “homeopathic” doctor however, treats who whole body. If you ever go to an allopathic doctor who cannot help you, please go see a homeopathic doctor and you just might be amazed.

You can cure your own diabetes in just one week! Start now by eating a big salad. Any type of lettuce is fine. Go easy on the dressing. Add some bacon bits, red vinegar perhaps, and definitely a diced up fresh avocado. Drink at least a pint of fresh water (not toxic tap water). Also, cucumber slices during the afternoon, sprinkled with sea salt, will do wonders to lower your blood sugar!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

If you research the truth about the New World Order, then you'll understand that gun confiscation is vital to the sinister plans of the Luciferian elite. A good crash course on the NWO are two things. The first is a helpful book by Commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959) called, “PAWNS IN THE GAME” (here's the complete .PDF book). Another helpful resource is Alex Jones' awesome 2:19 hour eye-opening video, “ENDGAME!” I hear woefully naive youth today saying that banning guns is a good idea, but they have never seen their loved ones tortured and murdered by communists; such as, the 1,700,000 beautiful Cambodians butchered under Pol Pot. ...

When a country has The Right to Bear Arms, They are Citizens; When a nation is disarmed they become subjects.

Few Americans today understand the gravity of the situation, especially young people. The Globalists are extremely evil people, who will kill, steal and destroy whatever they must, in order to obtain their New World Order! If the Devil's gang don't get their way, you can definitely expect to see bus bombings and other horrifying terrorist attacks, to frighten the American people into submission. The 9/11 World Trade Center Attacks were plotted and orchestrated by the Luciferian elite, clearly evidenced by their boasting at the 911 Ground Zero Memorial. Those same ungodly reprobates, criminals of criminals, have placed their Masonic occult symbols on every U.S. one-dollar bill since 1935.

Freemasonry is of the Devil, a Satanic cult! Wicked Freemasons control America, evidenced by their symbol, an giant erect phallus, aka, The Washington Monument in Washington DC. By the way (and you couldn't make this stuff up), The Washington Monument is 666 feet tall, and 666 inches wide, and is the same exact ratio as Nebuchadnezzar's golden image in Daniel. This evidences that the Satanic conspiracy for a New World Order has been in existence for millenniums. I believe this is what the Scriptures refer to as “For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way” (2nd Thessalonians 2:7). As believers, we do not fret nor fear; but rather, we are as wise as serpents and the Holy Bible says, not being ignorant of the Devil's methods and devices. Satan is the god of this evil world (2nd Corinthians 4:3-4). So rejoice, Oh Christian, for we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ our Lord!

This is all about the forming satanic New World Order. Thankfully, the wicked may be winning now in the short term, but the battle is the Lords! The Devil and the world are already losers! Our duty as believers is to fear God and keep His commandments. The Globalists behind the subversion of the United States are going to relentlessly continue trying to disarm Americans. There will be more false flag terror attacks! Ephesians 6:12-13 says that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but “against the rulers of the darkness of this world”! Please read my article, “Lies, Lies, And More Lies!”

Again, Sandy Hook was just another False Flag Terror Attack intended to take away guns and disarm Americans! Some historians believe that Roman Emperor, Nero, deliberately set fire to Rome in 64 AD to demonize and blame Christians, to persecute and kill them! Likewise, some historians claim that Adolf Hitler in 1933 ordered fire set to the Reichstag, the German parliament, to blame and go after the communists. False flag terror attacks are nothing new. The Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995 was irrefutable a false flag attack! Likewise, the 2007 London Bombing in a train station were also irrefutably a false flag attack!

Sandy Hook is all about disarming Americans! Gradually, little by little, guns will become increasingly difficult for law-abiding U.S. citizens to own!!! Of course, street gangs, thugs and criminals will always have access to guns, leaving everyone else without the means to adequately defend themselves! By the time the local cops arrive, you and/or your loved ones will be burglarized, raped and dead!!! Kennesaw, Georgia, PROVES that guns ownership works!!! The law in that city requires all citizens to own a gun, and their city is virtually crime-free, one of the safest places in America to live!!! In your face all you leftist kooks, quacks and queers!!!

Former state trooper, Wolfgang Halbig, is an American hero for exposing the hoax of Sandy Hook; and I applaud him greatly and respectfully! Thank you Sir for your valor, resolve and zeal for THE TRUTH! The harsh way that the authorities have shunned, demonized and crucified Mr. Halbig in the media is further PROOF of a conspiracy to whitewash the truth about Sandy Hook. Ecclesiastes 5:8, “If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they.”

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

Getting back to the book I read today by Dr. Henry Makow, on page 164 he explains how Zionists are using the false accusation of “Anti-Semitism” to demonize anyone who dares to question the New World Order. ...

“Anti-Semitism used to refer to a racial prejudice against Jews. Now 'hate' is a code word for something else: Opposition to Zionism, a political program that even many Jews find repugnant. ”

SOURCE: Dr. Henry Makow, “Illuminati 2: Deceit And Seduction,” pg. 164.

This grand deception has been extremely effective to silence the churches and crush anybody who dares to tell the truth today. This matter is very important for Christians to understand, so you won't be drawn into the satanic New World Order. What is the New World Order? In short, it is the Beast system of the coming Antichrist, as foretold in the Book of Revelation. The “old” world centered around family values, patriotism, faith in God, individualism and honoring one's parents. In order to achieve a “new” world order, all these things MUST be destroyed.

I'm giving you links so you can see that what I say is true! All of the sick perversion that teenagers are seeing in music videos today, which parents are completely oblivious to these days in this wicked generation, are intentionally designed to sexualize your child. Satan knows that if he can influence your child to commit sexual immorality at a young age, he has ruined their entire life. Sex is the God of satanism! It is not mere coincidence that Hollywood, video games and music videos are saturated with blood, gore, torture and sexuality, which are all core elements of satanism!!! Listen parents, Satan wants your child! The Devil always comes to us as a beautiful liar. The Devil comes to innocent teenagers as Taylor Swift in a white dress, but she is a hellbound satanic whore! This ungodly, sicko, perverted, Christ-hating, perverse generation, laughs and scoffs at my preaching, but when you are 75 years old you won't be laughing, when you see where it all ends, when you're about to enter into eternity and face your Creator!!!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

Another thing that makes it obvious that Sandy Hook was a hoax are all the defamation lawsuits against Alex Jones for saying that Sandy Hook was a hoax, allegedly by the parents of the victims. Who does that? Watch the testimonies of the parents giving their sob stories (search YouTube), and objectively watch their facial expressions, assuming they are lying, and you'll see how phony they are. There is no sincerity at all.

I vividly remember that in the few years following the 2001 NYC Trade Tower Attacks, Fox News was the headquarters for the news and information for 911. Bill O'Reilly in particular was vicious toward anyone who dared even question the Bush Administration or what really happened on 911. I remember that Bill continually demonized former Minnesota governor, Jesse Ventura, for merely asking very good questions. I remember one of Jesse's questions was: “HOW DO TWO PLANES BRING DOWN THREE BUILDINGS?” The answer is obviously they cannot! WTC buildings 1, 2 and 7 were imploded by a demolition team in typical symmetrical precision and timing. Demolition explosive teams commonly refer to this practice as “pulling” a building! They “pulled” those three WTC buildings!!!

Fox News are paid professional liars! Bill O'Reilly's net worth is estimate at $25,000,000! The same is true of Sean Hannity, another stooge for the rich! You cannot trust nor believe anything Fox News, CNN or the mainstream newsmedia tell you. Remember, Luciferians (aka, “Globalists” or the “Illuminati”) control the entire media (news, Hollywood, Walt Disney, magazines, video games, internet, et cetera). Please read the insightful article, THE POWER OF PROPAGANDA!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

Wake up parents! There is a conspiracy to brainwash your child with Godless New World Order thinking. Public School children are being taught that it's ok to fornicate, and they're being given condoms to encourage them to fornicate. And then Planned Parenthood is going to be right there at school to kill the baby, without the parents even knowing. By law in many states today, a child can have an abortion without parental consent. Yet, that same child needs a parent's permission to go on a school field trip. The Globalists are making it as easy as possible for young girls to get abortions, and they're infiltrating the Public Schools to brainwash and corrupt children's morals. Without the God of the Bible, a child has no moral compass to guide them. Children today have been robbed of all sense of genuine morality.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

Why Sandy Hook? Globalists Want to Disarm Americans!

This is What Evil Happened in 1936 Spain When Citizen's Private Gun Ownership Was Banned (“The people found themselves helpless... forced to register and surrender arms!”). This is what Sandy Hook is all about... GUN CONTROL AND CONFISCATION!!! The Globalists want your guns! They want to disarm the American people!!! This is why they plotted and orchestrated the Sandy Hook shootings. The Globalists have a secret agenda to build their New World Order (which will be the Beast system of the coming Antichrist). This is why the Globalists plotted and orchestrated the Vietnam War, Oklahoma City Bombing (1995), 911 WTC Attacks (2001), London Train Bombings (2007), et cetera.

Globalists used the 911 WTC Attacks to justify going to war against Afghanistan and Iraq (both countries have lost their sovereignty are now controlled by the Globalists). The Illuminati also used the 911 Attacks to justify setting up a domestic Police State in the United States (the creation of Homeland Security, TSA sticking their hands down citizen's pants, intrusive check points, new unconstitutional Patriot Act laws, et cetera). These fake terrorist events are commonly known as “False Flag Terror Attacks,” intended to manipulate public opinion to achieve secret NWO agendas.

Sandy Hook and other false flag attacks are what I believe the Bible calls, “lying wonders.” 2nd Thessalonians 2:9-10, “Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” The Luciferian-worshipping Globalists have increasingly bought-up, consolidated and controlled the mainstream media for the past century, increasingly consolidating and taking over. The dark agenda behind Sandy Hook is gun control. The Globalists want to ban guns and disarm Americans!!! They will in time disarm most Americans. Incrementally, the government is making it harder and harder to own a gun and purchase ammunition, going after gun shops for crimes committed with guns sold. Sadly, that same government refuses to put the Holy Bible back into children's lives in America's classrooms. Morality cannot be legislated! There are already millions of laws, codes and regulations in existence in the United States, and yet crime is still running rampant and waxing worse each day!

Take a look at the ABNORMAL amount of counter-news being generated on the internet to thwart truth-tellers about the alleged Sandy Hook shootings. I remember that there used to be a bunch of truthful videos in the months following Sandy Hook, but now it has all been replaced with LYING PROPAGANDA!!! You have to understand the nature of psyops (i.e., using information as a weapon). When I wrote and published an article exposing Taylor Swift's raunchy and perverted music videos, showing (THE TRUTH) how Satanists are using Miss Swift to further their cause; shortly thereafter a FALSE news story was fabricated by someone (that spread like wildfire in the mainstream media), claiming that Taylor Swift was a high priestess in the Church of Satan.

That is a classic psyops tactic, to defeat and obscure a TRUTHFUL article (that the masses of society would reasonably believe), with a BIG LIE so bizarre and silly that no one would take it seriously. The CIA does this type of abusive manipulation all the time to people, to discredit them, so no one will listen to THE TRUTH! Again, take a look at the abundance of counter-information concerning Sandy Hook on the internet, and it will become clear to any honest person that a major whitewash, cover-up and smear campaign is under way to silence truth-tellers!

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

Realizing that people are sinful by nature would cause us to place Bible-reading and prayer back into the public-school system. Is it any wonder why so many children are growing up to be heathen citizens? I mean...is a little decent Bible and prayer time going to hurt the kids in school? No, it would be great for them! The kids are being brain-washed with evolution, why is the story of creation banned? Is not evolution the religious belief of atheists? By the way, atheism IS a religion (it is a belief is it not?). So who's fooling who? Everyone has beliefs, and those beliefs affect their frame-of-mind to make decisions.

So when you think of it, there is no such thing as separation of religion and state. People think the terms "church" and "religion" are synonymous, they aren't. There are MANY religions today that have no church, no building, no organized meeting place (the New Age religion is a good example). Ironically, atheists meet in their various non-profit organizations but are not considered a church because they claim not to be religious. Here's THE TRUTH friend, atheists are VERY RELIGIOUS (that is--they have very strong beliefs). This great misnomer has given the atheists and other heathen organizations an unfair advantage over churches.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

We are all part of the Illuminati cult system, whether we like it or not, because it is being FORCED upon us. Even if you and I decide not to go along with the Illuminati system, our neighbours, government leaders, doctors, colleges, webhosting providers, and even churches in nearly every case will succumb!!! We are the slaves! We as Americans have adopted the illusion of freedom. If you consider “freedom” having to go into debt (like a hamster on a treadmill for 30-40 years) to pay down a mortgage, then you have a pretty lousy concept of freedom my friend. I say that kindly.

Over 11,000,000 Americans over the age of 65 live all alone. That's no doubt due to the lucrative divorce cult-ure in our nation, which is caused by the Luciferian agenda to destroy the God-ordained institutions of marriage and family. Lawyers and judges are greedy, thuggish and ungodly predators in America. If you've ever been the victim of an ugly divorce, then you understand the inexplicable emotional trauma, unbearable emotional pain, tremendous feeling of loss and betrayal, and the justified fear of remarrying again for worry of going through the entire nightmare again! Marriage is a big risk in America!

Here is a brief quote taken from the earlier quote by Dr. Makow...

If you wish to escape the ravages of modern life, understand mankind is satanically possessed.

We have been inducted into the lowest ranks of a satanic cult based on Jewish Cabalism, the Illuminati (i.e., Freemasonry.)

Essentially Cabalism is about turning the natural and moral order upside down (i.e. "revolution") so that evil is good, lies are truth, sick is healthy and unnatural is natural. The goal is replace God (the Creator's Design) with Lucifer who represents the interests and perversions of Cabalists. As you can imagine, this is insane.

Increasingly Western society is an open air mental asylum run by psychopaths. If you take your cues from society, (education, the mass media) you will become dysfunctional or insane. This is how a satanic cult controls and exploits its members — by making them sick (while convincing them they are healthy.)

See more at: http://henrymakow.com/ten_signs_we_are_satanically_p.html#sthash.LpDuH2rQ.dpuf

So true, so true! These days going to a doctor is risky business. Guaranteed, he'll prescribe drugs to you, drugs that in many cases actually make the patient worse! In nearly every case, doctors have not taken the drugs that they prescribe, so despite their acquired head knowledge from school, they have no experiential knowledge whatsoever dealing with the dangerous side-effects of the drugs they're testing on you! You're their Guinea Pig! Our whole American society is designed today to make you obese, sick and strung-out on a cocktail of prescription drugs! It's all about money and turning the public into zombies!

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

I know I have the Holy Spirit of the Lord in me, because I am upset over the filth in our society today. Something is wrong with any professed Christian who is indifferent toward the wickedness in our society, churches and government today. I am an imperfect sinner myself. I have made stupid mistakes and decisions in life. Satan has tempted me and tried to ruin me, just as he does all men and women. We are all sinners by nature and by choice. Genesis 8:21, “And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.” Young people already have a sinful nature. The perverted music videos and worldly music inspires youth to sin, stirring up unholy desires and lusts in teenager's hearts.

1st Peter 2:11, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.” Taylor Swift is not gracious and she has no true honor. Proverbs 11:16a, “A gracious woman retaineth honour...” Swift is about as gracious a beautified pig. Taylor Swift and her worldly fans downplay her evil works as “just being human,” but in reality, it is all calculated, crafted and crammed down the public's throat by Luciferians to destroy America!!! The man of sin is coming, the Antichrist, and to be welcomed, the world's masses must become lovers of homosexuality, perversion, public nudity, new age philosophy, and all manner of wickedness.

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

Look at these unreasonable thug cops, and the evasive authorities, and the horrible way they mistreat Wolfgang Halbig, a former state trooper who dared to ask questions about what happened at Sandy Hook. ...


The very way the authorities have shunned him, demonized him, shut him out and even criminalized him, clearly evidence that Sandy Hook was a massive hoax! Halbig makes 100% good sense. He is asking very simple questions, that every parent would ask. As Halbig points out, 27 children were declared dead in 8 minutes and no ambulances were called. Who does that? Portable restrooms were ordered the day before the alleged Sandy Hook shooting!!! Someone pre-ordered a big machine that displayed electronic messages, which read: “Check-in Here!” Who would order this for a shooting event?

I've looked at the videos, which YouTube has relentlessly censored. YouTube is owned by Google and they (very much) DO censor THE TRUTH!!! We are fighting an information war, not only in the secular world, but also in the churches. Effectively, the battle over the inspiration of the Word of God is a fight over WHICH AUTHORITY can be trusted? Before the year 1881 there was only ONE ENGLISH BIBLE TRANSLATION SOURCE, the Textus Receptus! Westcott and Hort raised up and introduced a SECOND AUTHORITY in 1881, which contradicted the first, final and only true authority, which is God's Word! So since 1881 the world has has TWO AUTHORITIES!!! Consequently, a THIRD AUTHORITY is needed (which is modern-day scholars) to decide which of the first TWO authorities can be trusted. This is humanism and apostasy, which religious colleges like Bob Jones University are guilty of supporting, sanctioning, selling, using and tolerating! The ONLY authority that a born-again believer needs is the King James Bible!!!!!!!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

Wikipedia provides the following information about the Illuminati, but implies that any workings of the group still today is only a “conspiracy theory” and not factual...

The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both historical and modern, and both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers specifically to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776.

In modern times it is also used to refer to a purported conspiratorial organization which acts as a shadowy "power behind the throne", allegedly controlling world affairs through present day governments and corporations, usually as a modern incarnation or continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati. In this context, the Illuminati are believed to be the masterminds behind events that will lead to the establishment of a New World Order.

Wikipedia has locked the article, preventing anyone from telling the truth about the matter. Wikipedia is effectively censoring the truth about the Illuminati. If you want proof of secret societies at work in modern times to achieve world government, look no further than the words of David Rockefeller concerning the controlled newsmedia...

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."

"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

SOURCE: David Rockefeller, Bilderberger Meeting, Baden, Germany, June 1991

In American, tyranny has been wrapped in a flag and people are worshipping it. We have forsaken God and in exchange have sought sustenance, security, and guidance from the government. Those who will not obey God will be oppressed by tyrants. The U.S. is going into a Police State. A nation cannot be salvaged that refuses to repent and turn back to God (2nd Chronicles 7:14). Millions of Americans are now waking up to the reality of tyranny, and tension is building. When the pressure-cooker blows, the Banksters will bring in foreign troops to march on American soil and harshly prosecute any resistance to their oppression and tyranny. Many Americans will be killed in battle. We won't stand a chance against them. God has promised to heal our nation, but only if we'll turn our faces toward Him in prayer, forsaking our sins, and humility. The problem is that Americans are too sinfully proud and infatuated with their sins to obey God.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

ABOVE: Bohemian Grove, a secret society of elite devil worshippers and homosexuals who meet every July just north of San Francisco. President Richard Nixon said it was “the most faggy G_ddamned thing you could ever imagine.” Former attendees included such men as Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr., Henry Kissinger, Walter Cronkite, Alan Greenspan, Jimmy Carter and Colin Powell, to name just a few.

At the Bohemian Grove, the world's top leaders meet every summer just north of San FranSICKO, for an orgy of sexual depravity and debauchery. The meeting features an occult ceremony invoking the god of Bohemia, where a 40-foot owl is worshipped, and a human being is sacrificed in effigy. Many people question if the sacrifice is a real human being. We simply do not know. Actual witches gather outside the gates of the club during its festivities, holding séances and performing witchcraft rituals. Please watch the excellent 2:02 hour eye-opening video by Alex Jones titled, “DARK SECRETS: INSIDE BOHEMIAN GROVE.” Folks, this is not television, we're talking about real life events here! Our government's leaders and the highest ranking whose who of every industry and profession meet together each year at Bohemian Grove to worship Moloch (Baal). They invoke the spirit of Satan!

Hollywood is saturated with satanism and the occult. I'm surprised that there is not more information online, considering the massive depth of satanism in our American culture. Human sacrifice is commonplace in the United States and Europe. Every year 50,000 children disappear without a trace in the United States. Shockingly, many of those children are lost by Child Protection Services (CPS). Please watch this disheartening video of Senator Nancy Schafer courageously exposing CPS kidnapping of children for cash incentives, and a massive epidemic of child sexual abuse within the CPS system. Mrs. Schafer and her husband were brutally murdered in 2010 for exposing the child molesting ring operating through the CPS system in the United States.

WARNING: THE FOLLOWING MOVIE CLIP IS HORRIFYING. In 2006, a disturbing movie was produced starring Nicolas Cage titled, “THE WICKER MAN” (this is a brief clip of the film). I didn't play the entire clip, because Mr. Cage sinfully takes the holy Lord's name in vain. This is one of the creepiest films ever made! The frightening thing is that everything in the movie is a 100% accurate portrayal of witchcraft, Baphomet, yin-yang, the phallic symbol (obelisk), goddess worship, the occult and satanism. The female dominated occult group torture Nicolas Cage, breaking both of his legs with a sledge hammer. They then put a bee's helmet over his head and fill it full of several hundred stinging bees, which sting his eyes swollen and blind him. The torture continues and he is injected with adrenaline by the head witch to prevent him from fainting. He is dragged and locked inside a giant Wickerman, which is then set ablaze by his own biological daughter. Nicolas Cage is sacrificed to the goddess, burned alive while screaming and begging for mercy. The cold-hearted crowd laughs and cheers as an innocent man burns to death, and then the film ends. Creepy!

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

I was being prepped for surgery. I had called Dr. Rebecca Rosemann and asked if what to do with my wallet, whether I needed an ID, et cetera. She said to bring my wallet and ID and that the hospital would put it securely in a safe during my surgery. What she didn't tell me is that some thug security guard would violate my person and privacy, empting my wallet piece-by-piece, writing every item of content down. I felt like I was being raped. The operating room technicians had already put about 40 wires on my body, preparing the monitoring equipment for surgery. When I was married, my wife wouldn't even go into my wallet, because she felt awkward going into my personal stuff. That is how she felt. She respected my person. That is the way we ought to treat each other.

The ungodly Caucasian security guard at Cedars-Sinai didn't ask for my permission. He just opened my wallet and started removing items, one by one. What a selfish person! As he would remove and look at the dozens of cards and items, he would sometimes look at me, like he was analyzing each item and forming an opinion. I was being prepped for surgery, so my brain wasn't as aware as I normally would have been. I had never been in a situation like that before. I am still hurt and upset about what happened. I love God's promise in Matthew 7:1-2 and verse 12, to judge men according to how they treat others. I pray for God to avenge me of that wicked insensitive security guard. No doubt he would say he was just “doing his job,” like Herod's henchman who murdered thousands of innocent little children (they were just doing their job too!).

At a minimum, the guard should have asked for my permission, and explained to me what he was required to do, not just rape me! I was sitting right there, fully conscious, and he could have shown me a little respect. Instead, in typical thug guard fashion, he just did whatever he wanted with zero respect for me as a human being. That man brought shame upon his mother and father, evidencing that they raised a careless, brute, inconsiderate, brat for a boy. Some of the worse evils in this world are done by irresponsible people who claim to just be “doing their job.” Just because something is your job doesn't make it right to abuse others, humiliate them, nor does it give you the right to be a heartless thug! People have feelings. Monsters are real! I have nothing good to say about Cedars-Sinai Hospital. Please don't get surgery there people of Guam! Cedars-Sinai Hospital is so popular with Hollywood celebrities that the hospital owners couldn't care less about the little guy, the common man, the average Joe, nobodies like me!

Matthew 25:40, “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

That ungodly security guard emotionally raped me in the hospital that day. I was very distressed. My heart was crushed. While in surgery, the emotional trauma from what the guard did affected me. After the surgery, the operating room nurse said that my heart was racing at top speed, and they had to slow it down. I am fully convinced to this day that it was the emotional trauma inflicted by that insensitive, thug, bastard security guard at Cedars-Sinai Hospital that caused my heart to race 100 miles an hour during surgery. I HAD BEEN RAPED! That is exactly how I felt. I pray for God to avenge me, and I want to see that guard held accountable before God on Judgment Day. I pray dear Lord Jesus Christ, please, that it would be so!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

I have no doubt whatsoever that Sandy Hook was a massive hoax, for several reasons! Look at this phony piece of trash, an actor, one of the alleged "fathers of the shooting victims," laughing and all smiles; but then he turns on the sad face and act for the cameras...


The Luciferian elite, liberals, Bohemian Grove queers, phallic worshiping Freemasons and ungodly criminals behind the subversion of the United States are evil beyond description or comprehension! Hell will be hot enough!!!

Paid actors were paid well to stage Sandy Hook. Literally of the several dozen links I've made to YouTube videos exposing Sandy Hook as a massive hoax, over 95% of them have been banned by YouTube, censored and removed! I haven't seen that kind of cover-up since the 911 fraudulent attacks! I wish I had the power to put those actors in prison for the rest of their lives, and I would! God will punish them MUCH WORSE! Phonies! Remember, Hollywood actors get paid to cry, pretend and be convincing every day on camera, and they DO!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

Take a look at the creepy advertisement to the right, for news journalist Glenn Beck's new book, “Liars: How Progressives Exploit Our Fear For Power And Control.” Notice the All-Seeing-Eye, a popular occult symbol used by puppets of the Illuminati. What this means is that Glenn Beck is part of the establishment. Beck is a devout Mormon, a false sex-religion rooted in Jewish Kaballah. There is a very close connection between Mormons and Freemasons, sharing the same basic rituals. Glenn Beck is communicating with other occultists by displaying the satanic All-Seeing-Eye. Beck is letting other occultists know that he is working for the Illuminati, serving Lucifer, and is loyal to the hidden Luciferian powers behind the scenes.

Shills like Glenn Beck are being promoted as “truth-tellers,” as a means of controlled opposition for the Luciferian movers and shakers. Check and you'll see that Glenn Beck never tells us anything new, unless it is harmless information. The truths that Beck is supposed “exposing” have been circulating on the internet for many years. For example, Beck did a whole show exposing the U.S. Federal Reserve Banking System—a massive fraud since 1913—but it's nothing new. I read that Fox News fired him over the matter. That does seem odd. However, it wouldn't surprise if they did, to keep the illusion going that Beck is a friend of the American public. Beck is influencing millions of Americans. The all-Seeing-Eye that he displays speaks volumes!

Glenn Beck works for the Illuminati. Beck's net worth is at $90,000,000. Serving the Devil pays well! We're the slaves at the bottom of the pyramid. You've got the Luciferian high priests at the top (the capstone). Then you've got the supervisors in the middle of the pyramid, who keep the masses of slaves under control at the bottom. Puppets like Mr. Beck work for the Luciferians behind the scenes. Please don't be deceived. Beck will pretend like he is your friend as a fellow American. He'll tell the truth about known issues, giving the false impression that he is a truth-teller. But then when the time comes, when the Luciferians behind the scenes really need him, Beck will lead his followers right into the New World Order. Don't trust him! Again, look at that creepy All Seeing Eye in the above image. It shows who Glenn Beck works for!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

Construction worker is one of the most dangerous job in the world. Those guys work outdoors, 100-stories up. Can you imagine? Construction workers have one of the roughest jobs there is. I get sick seeing a woman holding a flag, getting paid as much as the rugged men who are doing all the work. So I don't glorify police the way many people do. They sit in warm squad cars and frequent the donut shop. Many of them are fat slobs. Cops should be fired when they become overly obese. I have no sympathy for most police, none! They bully people, act like jerks, stick their chest in people's faces with that badge, abusing their power.

Look at the picture of the militarized thug cop in the back. He looks like he wants to kill somebody. He's holding a machine gun. This is New York today! If you bought into the big lie that some crazy Muslims were behind the 911 attacks, then you are really gullible. Any moron can figure out that 2 planes cannot bring down 3 buildings. No plane ever struck World Trade Center (WTC) building # 7, yet it imploded in perfect symmetrical form to the ground in just 6.5 seconds! WTC was a block north of WTC's 1 and 2 that fell. It was the globalists who planned and orchestrated the 911 attacks (evidenced by a mountain of concrete evidence, and by their own statements to the media).

"This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."

—David Rockefeller, speaking at the UN, Sept. 14, 1994.

The New World Order (NWO) is upon us!!!

We now have an insane court system in our nation, and a militarized police force that has been trained to be INTOLERANT... intolerant toward husbands... intolerant toward fathers... intolerant toward parents... intolerant toward patriots... intolerant toward Christians!!! It's getting scary to be a father, husband, patriot or Christian in the United States these days. Is that sad?

I just watched DIE AMERICA DIE! by Pastor Texe Marrs (you've got to see this!). Folks, we're in big trouble! The Illuminati Plan to Murder America, Confiscate Its Wealth, and Make Red China Leader of the New World Order!

David J. Stewart #sexist lovethetruth.com

Feminism has turned American women into monsters. Literally, it's nothing less than monstrous the way some wives turn against their husbands, savagely going after him in court like a predatory wild animal. America's court system is rigged, controlled by agendas, and as heathen as Satan. American courts do NOT recognize a husband's right as the head of his home and marriage. People are imperfect. No marriage is perfect. Women get pushy and emotional. Men get frustrated and upset. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then please stop reading because your not going to understand anything else. I hope you're not an idiot. If you are, get right with God. If you give God your heart, He'll comb the kinks out of your head.

I sincerely believe that a husband and wife should make a Christian commitment to each other, to never call the police on each other unless you want to see your marriage destroyed.

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

I have been so discouraged by Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, because I needed them but they didn't need me, and I gave my heart, money and soul away to others at the church in God's love for the year I was there in 2014, and I was excited to share THE TRUTH of the free Gospel of grace (they teach Lordship Salvation) and the Word of God (they use the Satanic Easy-To-Read Version) with everyone I could; consequently, I was called “a cult” (along with Dr. Jack Hyles over the King James Bible debate) and forced out of my HBC church family, abandoned by Harvest and when I tried in loneliness and desperation to go back in 2017, I was cold-heartedly told by the senior and associate pastors to “go elsewhere”!

Well, I have nowhere else to go and don't go to church anymore, but that's on them! I know what loneliness feels like. I know what rejection by my Christian peers feels like! My wife divorced me in 2006 and I have lived along for 12 years. I was hoping to find a Christian wife at Harvest, but they couldn't care less about me, nor what happens to me.

Kindly, there was a man named Ben Fieldhouse who once attended Harvest Baptist Church. He had some marriage problems, which you can read online. Ben was a member of Harvest. When his marriage problems turned legal, he went and commit suicide in 2010. They didn't find his bodily remains until 2 years later in 2012, on the cliffline at Ritidian Point on Guam. My heart goes out to Ben. He was only 49 years old; I am now 51. Ben was 5' 6"; I am 5' 7". Ben was 140 pounds; I am 150 pounds. Ben loved walking; I love walking. Ben was Caucasian; I am Caucasian. I cannot help wonder if Ben felt unloved by Harvest Baptist Church like I do. I mean, he was a member of their church family; but in his darkest hour of life he went and killed himself. Was there not one person at HBC that he could reach out to for help? I guess not, just like me. I'm just a nobody to Harvest's pastors and staff, just a troublemaker, a nuisance, a sinner that should just disappear like Ben.

You know, the ministry is about loving and helping people, not salaries and growing the church. I once heard the senior pastor say they are interested in obeying, not growing. That's sounds good, but if he really meant what he said, then he would care about his hurting Christian brother, and not set me at nought.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

I stopped injecting myself with insulin! Even when I was injecting myself with 40 units per day of insulin, after a few weeks of usage it had only lowered my blood sugar to around 170-200! I don't care what my (former) doctor says, I KNOW that the daily insulin injections made my toe and foot go numb. By naturally eating one normal meal a day, and then eating a big salad for dinner, and perhaps an apple and a little cottage cheese for breakfast, I lowered my blood sugar to 112 mg/dl. It could have been that the insulin brought out the diabetic numbness that was already in progress, I don't know. But what I do know is that I wasn't having any symptoms of diabetes until I took the insulin. SO DON'T TAKE THE INSULIN! You don't need to, just change your diet! Remember, I'm not a doctor, so take my advice at your own risk.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com


1. Rothschilds of London and Berlin

2. Lazard Brothers of Paris

3. Israel Moses Seaf of Italy

4. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of Germany and New York

5. Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany

6. Lehman Brothers of New York

7. Goldman, Sachs of New York

8. Rockefeller Brothers of New York

All of the above listed men are Jews, and are by far, the wealthiest. Note that ALL are also "foreign" with established headquarters in Europe even the ones in New York are only "branches" of European establishments. There are an additional three hundred people, approximately, mostly relatives, who hold stock or shares, and they comprise the ownership of this monster, the massive wealth of which is beyond man's comprehension.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia lovethetruth.com

The homosexual lifestyle is really a “deathstyle.” Statistics Reveal 83% Of Homosexuals Have Had Sex With More Than 50 Partners (Gay love?) It is not surprising that America's fornicating “hook-up” culture no longer see the harm of homosexuality. Married couples, who honor God in a committed heterosexual relationship with each other, clearly see the horrible reality of homosexuality. However, the younger generation (who've have been indoctrinated by Hollywood and Walt Disney to have pre-marital sex, with dozens if not hundreds of sex partners) are desensitized to the awfulness of homosexuality. Satanic influences like Taylor Swift are destroying our youth. Homosexuality nearly always means having dozens, hundreds, even thousands of sex partners. The statistics cannot be erased! A disgusting 28% of homosexuals admitted to having over 1,000 sexual partners! Only an adulterer or fornicator with dozens of sex partners would see no harm, or defend, homosexuality (because they're all in the same boat)! Now you understand why Satan is relentlessly pushing sex, sex, sex on young people today, to demoralize them, so they'll go along with homosexuality, then incest and pedophilia, and ultimately sell their souls to worship (sexual perversion in the churches) the man of sin, the Anti-Christ! Think I'm kidding? Read about The Naked Cowboy (a pastor at Hillsong Church). Or how about this naked pastor in Virginia?

Think about this. If someone truly wanted to hurt you, they would hurt those whom you love. Usually this is a person's family. Well, Satan hates God and wants to hurt Him, so the Devil hurts the object of God's love, which is mankind. Satan loves to hurt God's children, the born-again Christian believer, to hurt the heart of our great God. Satan wants to destroy you my friend, because God loves you! God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked!

Our nation's pulpits died in the 1980's. Although fundamentalism surged for a time in the 1970's and thousands of Baptist churches were going strong by the late 1970's, the popularity of the new International Version (NIV) killed the churches, removing their authority. “PREACHING WITH AUTHORITY!” (MP3 sermon by Brother Roloff). America is going to hell. Sadly, too many youth today are bratty, undisciplined, lacking personal character, rude, bitter toward authority, sexually perverse, mentally confused, irresponsible, spiritually ignorant and without respect for elders. They are not saved! No one has told them about the Lord Jesus Christ.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

There is a dark agenda at work. History bears witness that the wealthy Rothschilds knew as early as the late 19th century that they were going to invade Palestine and give the land back to the Jews. The Rothschilds bought-up much land prior to World War II in Palestine. The number of 6,000,000 holocausted Jews was already being circulated in the late 1930's. World Wars I and II were planned way back in the 19th century, evidenced by Albert Pike's Masonic writings. World War III has also been planned. Read the preceding link, containing creepy quotes from Grandmaster Albert Pike, who died in 1891. Satan's generational plot for a New World Order has been in the works since the tower and city of Babel in Genesis 11:1-11.

David J. Stewart #racist lovethetruth.com

I've have had two neck surgeries, using the conventional means. The first surgery in 2009 was an ACDF (Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion) at C5-C6-C7, which did nothing to make me better. Six months after the surgery I started having increasing radiating pain down my right arm and leg. An MRI showed that Cedars-Sinai Hospital did the bare minimum and didn't do the surgery correctly. California's Medical Board blew me off and didn't care, delaying and ignoring my complaint, protecting Cedars (a Jewish owned hospital). I gave up. Cedars brags about having the lowest down-time after surgery. Yeah, because they throw patients out the door who aren't ready to be discharged. I was still bleeding from where my catheter was removed, was dizzy, felt stabbing pain in my chest, and told them I wasn't ready to leave. I was literally shoved into a taxi-cab and left to die. I ended up back in the Emergency Room that night. Cedars is bad news!

They also did the bare minimum on my neck, failing to remove a bone spur (causing spinal stenosis) where they did surgery. By doing the bare-minimum it greatly reduces Cedar-Sinai's risk of any complications. That's how they selfishly keep their statistics high; it's numbers over patients! They left the bone spur in my neck when they could have repaired it. The surgeon was from India, which in my opinion is nothing more than cheap outsourced labor. If you're rich and Jewish, then you get a skilled Caucasian doctor. Refuse their minimal-skilled, welfare doctors from India and Pakistan!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

The average church today makes God puke (Revelation 3:15-16). This includes most Baptist churches as well. It used to be that Baptists were the closest to the Holy Bible, but not anymore. I have a big Independent Baptist church down the street from me. They promote homosexual Walt Disney to their religious school's thousand students. Their female staff members are allowed to wear pants (aka, the Bob Jones University and Moody Bible Institute crowd). They use satanic Bible revisions. “Eeny, meeny, miny, moe... Let's see, which Bible version will I read from today?” They promote unsaved reprobates like Dr. John MacArthur and Evangelist Paul Washer. What a shame! God hates lukewarm churches!!! Nobody gets upset over things anymore, but we need to!!! I get upset when I see our children being led into satanism by wicked sinners like Taylor Swift. She's just a highly paid puppet, a voluntary servant of evil, who has sold her soul to Satan. Truthfully, Taylor Swift is an evil person. She has made a career of destroying girl's lives.

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

We have become a spiritually sick society, praising and uplifting the most despicable, vile and ungodly reprobates as mentors for our youth. Here's what one foolish mama says about toxic tramp, Taylor Swift. This woman is either blinded by Satan, or a phony trying to bolster up Swift as being something she is not. TAYLOR SWIFT IS NOT A GOOD ROLE MODEL FOR GIRLS!!! Not unless you intend for your daughter to live for the Devil. You're not a good success in life unless God's says you're a good success. I Don't Want To Be A Success (an awesome MP3 sermon by Dr. Jack Hyles). From reading the article from which the quote below is taken, it is quite obvious that this is deliberate propaganda. This alleged mother is trying to do damage control, cleaning up Miss Swift's morally reprehensible public image. This foolish mother is calling evil good...

“I don't need to tell you that most of the young ladies in Hollywood do not dress, how do I say, appropriate for their age. Taylor breaks that mold too. Sure, she'll show a little skin here and there, but I've never looked at her outfit and said to myself, 'No daughter of mine will be caught dead wearing something like that.' Her style tastefully fits her age and always has — and it's one that I feel sets a good example for girls.”

SOURCE: Taylor Swift, You're My Daughter's First Celeb Crush — 10 Reasons I'm OK With That!

What, are you insane lady? Look at the vile photo above (I don't need to tell you what it looks like she's doing)... are you OK with that type of debasing perverted behavior in her music videos for your kids!!! If so, you are as bad as she is, an ungodly reprobate! Truly, Americans have lost their minds! Proverbs 26:8, “As he that bindeth a stone in a sling, so is he that giveth honour to a fool.” I checked today and Taylor Swift has 59,000,000 followers on Twitter. That is sad, really sad! What does that say about our nation today? It evidences how far away from God we are as a people. It shows the depths of darkness into which we have sunk as a culture. Hugh Hefner's Playboy filth started in 1954 in the United States. This debasing of girls and women into mere sex objects, is the foundation of the HOMO (sexual) revolution in America. Playboy And The (Homo) Sexual Revolution (Playboy is the manifesto of the counterculture). Instead of honoring the Biblical institution of a monogamous and heterosexual marriage, sex today has been reduced to a mere form of entertainment in America. This is woeful wickedness!!!

Taylor Swift is nothing more than a glamour whore! If you have to look to the cesspool of iniquity in Hollywood in comparison, to make Taylor Swift look good, that doesn't say much. Would you rather eat food from the garbage pail, or a dog's butt. That's about as sensible as the preceding mother comparing Taylor Swift to the dungheap of Hollywood as a good role model. Swift is a bimbo! She is arrogant and has no fear of God.

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

Taylor Swift is praised by the wicked masses because she is a sex symbol, promiscuous, sensual, sassy, defiant, has an attitude, rich, young, pretty, successful... but never a mention is made about her obeying God. Who cares about God, right? Today's youth are being taught to have all the wrong goals and priorities in life. Taylor Swift is a Godless heathen spoiled brat! Miss Swift dresses like a bedroom whore, with that gleam in her eye, wearing low-cut blouses, miniskirts, singing about extramarital relationships; but she never praises God, never sings about the honorability of marriage, never praises the virtues of avoiding premarital sex, never sings about chastity or virtue, never praises abstinence from booze, et cetera. How does she use her incredible influence to help anyone for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake? Obviously, she doesn't!

Young girls, Taylor Swift doesn't care about you, so she'll never tell you what I'm about to tell you—IF YOU HAVE PREMARITAL SEX, YOU'RE GOING TO GET BURNED!!! You young girls are going to end up pregnant, alone and left with the choice of murdering your child or raising the baby by yourself (or with a secondary father). Your life will be ruined, while she lives high on the hog with her $300,000,000!!! Taylor Swift is nothing but big trouble! Please don't give her your money! Luciferians are her bosses! I'm not just taking about Taylor Swift, I'm talking about every mainstream entertainer today, including HollyWEIRD and the music industry. Even the so-called Contemporary Christian music (CCM) industry is infected and contaminated with New World Order satanism.

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com


Above: Even children's shows have been saturated with New Age occultism, all conditioning the masses to receive the coming antichrist. This stuff is real folks! It's actually very simple, and nothing to be scared about if you're a born again Christian. 1st John 4:4 states, "Greater is He (Jesus) that is in you than he that is in the world." The god of this world is no match for the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. That's why the church will be removed from the world before the Tribulation period (i.e., a Pretribulation rapture), because we'll expose the antichrist on the spot if we're still here.

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

I tell you Biblically, you and I are as sinful as the most promiscuous homosexual in the world! You and I are just as wicked as Adolf Hitler! We are all woeful sinners, deserving of God's wrath against us in the Lake of Fire forever! Romans 3:9-11, “What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin; As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.”

There is only one difference between all of us. There is only one difference between those ungodly reprobate homosexuals who were murdered in Orlando, and the millions of sinful Christians who attend church every Sunday across America—and that difference is the imputed righteousness of God which comes only by faith in Jesus Christ! If you are a born-again Christian, the only claim to righteousness that you have is God's imputed righteousness!!! Without the imputed righteousness of God, IN GOD'S SIGHT you'd be just as filthy, wicked, dirty, rotten, contemptible and loathsome as the vilest sodomite, drug addict, child molester, thieving, murderous, thug in history!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

When naive parents show support for ungodly entertainers and immoral influences like Taylor Swift, it shows their total ignorance. It shows that they are worldly and have unbiblical views. That dumb mama whom I quoted earlier says concerning Taylor Swift, “Sure, she'll show a little skin here and there,” like it's no big deal to be promiscuous and sensual in public. That's her sinful opinion, not God's! It is not OK to show a little skin here and there (and Miss Swift shows A LOT OF SKIN, INCLUDING HER THIGHS AND BUTTOCKS!). When people downplay things that are sinful, it shows that Satan has captured them. 2nd Timothy 2:25-26, “In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.”

Folks, you need to ban Taylor Swift in your home! She is not welcome! Tell your children boldly and uncompromisingly, “No way, we're serving the Lord not the Devil, Taylor Swift is serving the Devil, and you're not idolizing her!” Joshua 24:15, “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” If you're living right in the Lord mom and dad, then it'll be easier for your children to follow you. Get into a good Bible-preaching church if you're not in one. Get your teens involved in a church youth group. If you teach your children to do right from their early years, then you won't have as many problems when they're teens. Don't enroll them into a Godless public school (which are atheist indoctrination centers). If a church uses any Bible besides (or in addition to) the King James Bible, RUN AWAY!!! Don't let the Devil corrupt your family with the satanic modern Bible revisions!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

Mr. Phelps was trying to express the truth that we deserve to suffer as a nation because of our wickedness! And I tell you friend, Americas days of liberty and freedom are numbered! God won't be mocked! Judgment day is coming!!! Our time of reckoning is assuredly coming for our sinful idolatry, pride, indifference, drunkenness, abortion, pornography, rock and roll, drug abuse, public nudity, Hollywood adultery, Walt Disney pedophilia, shady business practices, dishonest banks, cruel imprisonment, lying politicians and every form of evil imaginable!!! Again, I don't agree with Pastor Phelps' cruel methods, but he would probably say that, “Drastic times call for drastic measures!” What is worse, holding up offensive signs that incite hate, or murdering precious little children in the womb? So you see, it's all truly a matter of perspective.

The Bible forewarns of coming “perilous (difficult to endure) times” in the last days, when men shall “become lovers of their own selves” (2nd Timothy 3:1-2). In other words, when men choose for themselves what is good and evil instead of God (as outlined in His Holy Word), then man's opinion becomes the law of the land. Since man's opinion keeps changing, so also do man's laws! And as men drift further and further away from a holy God

The same can be said about Pastor Jimenez' harsh comments in June about the Orlando killings at a homosexual nightclub. Which is worse, offending the public by expressing one's desire to see Leviticus 20:13 become a reality in 2016; or disobeying God by committing the sin of homosexuality, permit sodomites to get married, and God forbid, place adoptive children under their care? Your answer will solely depend upon your relationship with the Word of God. Leviticus 20:13, “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

This slutty photo of Taylor Swift is a screen-capture from her YouTube video titled, “Tim McGraw.” This was her first music video produced from what I understand. She looks like a Playboy centerfold. This is from a music video for young children and teen girls. I had to edit the photo, blocking out the sensual negligee that she is wearing, which is extremely suggestive in nature and revealing. Throughout the video, Swift is laying on the ground as if waiting for her husband to have sex with her on her wedding night, sensually gyrating and making promiscuous gestures that only should be shared between a married couple in their private bed. If I had my way, Taylor Swift would be in prison, and the Luciferians who produce her videos. Taylor Swift's lascivious music videos are damnable wickedness, straight from the pits of Hell!!!

1st Peter 2:11, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.”

Satanists are Intentionally Attacking and Corrupting Our Children

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

I plead with you to learn to think for yourself. This is why Jesus commanded for us to SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES in John 5:39. It is tragic that billions of lost souls are followers of religion. There are over 1,000,000,000 Catholics! There are over 1,000,000,000 Muslims! There are hundreds-of-millions of Hindus! According to the Word of God, the Bible, none of those people are saved, because they reject Jesus as the Christ (John 3:16-18,36; John 14:6; Acts 4:10-12; 1st John 2:22). Religion is a road to Hell. Salvation is NOT found in any religion; but rather, in a Person—The Lord Jesus Christ!

I plead with you to turn off the TV and go to visit some alternative news websites, such as infowars.com, informationclearinghouse.info, lewrockwell.com, truthnews.us, eagleforum.org, and others to learn the TRUTH about what's going on in the world today. Every American needs to read the writings of Rep. Ron Paul, one of few Congressman who faithfully serves the public. The truth is available, if you want it. You have to want to remain ignorant nowadays to remain in darkness, because the truth is so obvious to those who break away from the mainstream newsmedia. Think for yourself! William Guy Carr decided to think for himself decade ago, and before he died thankfully authored several eye-opening books to wake up the public, including PAWNS IN THE GAME. You'll learn things in this book that no public school teacher will eve tell you, like the fact that every major war since the Revolutionary War has been started, nurtured and financed on BOTH sides by an International Banking Cartel (the same families who control The Council On Foreign Relations and the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank in America).

Another great work to open your eyes is by Myron Fagan, THE ILLUMINATI AND THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS. There are two types of people in the world—those who love the truth and cannot live without it—and those who couldn't care less and choose to live in ignorance and complacency. The biggest problem in America today is apathy, but who cares (pun intended!). I challenge you to become a seeker of truth. The Bible teaches in 2nd Thessalonians 2:9-10 that the Antichrist will deceive the masses of this world because they do not love the truth... “Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.”

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

Eddie Van Halen serves Satan!!! Eddie states: “Yeah, I thank God on my knees that I’m alive and obviously to be sober and to be working with my son. I’m so damn blessed it’s beyond words.”[1] Yes, he is blessed by God for all those things, but how has Eddie Van Halen shown his gratitude to God? If Mr. Van Halen was truly thankful, then he wouldn't use his God-given talent to promote the production and sale of pornography.[2] I say that humbly, for I am a sinner just like Eddie or anyone else. My intent is not to condemn Eddie, because the Word of God condemns all mankind for our sins. We are all sinners by nature and by choice. Albeit, no man is truly thankful to God who knowingly plays his guitar for pornographic movies. I have no right to condemn anyone for their sins, but I do have a Biblical mandate as a Christian to refute (Greek: elencho, “to expose”) all works of darkness. Ephesians 5:11, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” Eddie Van Halen's works are of the Devil.

It is unthinkable that some wicked person would dare to make a smutty porno film, and call it “Sacred Sin.” How evil! Sin is never sacred!!! The word “sacred” means “worthy of religious veneration.” Literally, sex is the God of satanism, evidenced by singer Taylor Swift's perverted videos. Rock and roll worships sex! John Oates of Hall & Oates rightly says, “Rock music is 99% sex!” The Holy Bible warns that the judgment of God comes upon all sexual immorality. Hebrews 13:4, “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” Colossians 3:5-6, “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience.”

I get creeped out just hearing Van Halen perform their works of darkness, and I rejoice that God has spared me from that kind of a lonesome life of serving the Devil. I praise God for the godly influences in my life when I was a young teenager. I praise God for the Bill Rice Ranch in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, where I attended multiple years as a teen. I wish every young person could know what it's like to attend a Christian camp, attend a Christian school with teachers who care about you, and attend a fundamental Baptist church (where you are loved and hear God's Word preached from the King James Bible weekly). Eddie Van Halen's life is so empty, yet he foolishly thinks he has been blessed. Eddie brags that his years have been full of life, yet his future is so grim looking without Jesus Christ as his Savior. The Catholic church is of the Devil—a religious front for unrepentant sinners who want to feel secure in their false hope—leading religious people into the fires of Hell. Catholicism is a cruel hoax!

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

Jane Fonda does not accept the truth of the Gospel. She has never repented of her false religion. If she did repent, she would believe the Gospel. Instead, Jane openly admits her New Age beliefs, stating that she believes Jesus Christ was merely “every form of spiritual expression.” She states, “I believe that Christ was the personal incarnation of the divine wisdom in everything, including every form of spiritual expression.” This is the core belief of the demonic New Age movement. In a similar way, Jane Fonda is a modern-day Alice Bailey (who mentioned Christ 666 times in her book, “The Externalisation Of The Hierarchy”). Bailey never openly admits that she is speaking of the Antichrist, and an unlearned person might fall for her deception; but a learned Christian believer can see right through her masquerade.

Miss Fonda is correct that there are people all over the country who feel as she does (AND THEY ARE ALL WRONG!). They desire to practice Christ's teachings on loving thy neighbour, forgiveness and not condemning others; but they reject the Biblical teachings of the Gospel, repentance, sin, salvation, Christ's deity, the Godhead and the need to be born-again!!! Clearly, these people are not true Christians. You can't just twist the Word of God, change the rules, and do things your own way. It doesn't work like that. 1st John 2:22, “Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.” Jane Fonda denies Jesus as the Christ, God incarnate, born of a virgin, Who lived a sinless life, and died in our place on the cross. It is not enough to simply live according to the life of Christ, following His good character and love.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia lovethetruth.com

Everywhere in American society today Christians are being demonized and shunned (as if they are doing something wrong) to speak openly against the gay community and the sin of homosexuality. We as believers in Christ are doing the right thing not to accept homosexuality as being “normal.” It is perversion. If you love the Lord, the ungodly world will hate you. 2nd Timothy 3:12, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” Any professed Christian, who shows even the least amount of support for homosexuality and the gay movement, is not right with God. I say that kindly. We hear a lot of talk about the problem of intolerance, but the real problem is tolerance for sin and wickedness in society, church and the home. This is why we are told in Hebrews 3:13, “But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.” The longer that sin is tolerated, the harder one's heart becomes toward it. This is why America is in such a rotten mess today, because we have tolerated wrong doing for so long.

Dr. Bob Jones is very correct that many people have stopped believing in a literal Hell, because of tolerance for sin. People don't recognize evil things (like abortion, homosexuality, public nudity, gossip, drunkenness, fornication and theft) as sin anymore. The great need of the hour is preaching preachers, who cry aloud against the sins of this generation!!! The average church today doesn't preach against sin at all, and evil is tolerated. When's the last time that you heard a preacher preach against the evils of abortion. Abortion is cold-blooded murder!!! Homosexuality is a filthy sin! Sodomites and lesbians are perverts! Tell the truth! And there is a literal place called Hell, that burns with fire and brimstone (Revelation 21:8), where all Christ-rejecters will spend eternity in inexplicable suffering and torment.

People often accuse God of being intolerant, and He is concerning sin. But my friend, I marvel when I consider how tolerant God has been toward our wickedness in the United States. We have spit in God's face for decades as a nation—banning the Holy Bible from the schools, children dishonoring their parents, divorce, ungodly Hollywood movies, taking the Lord's name in vain, women stripping naked in public, committing sexual immorality, murdering our babies, and then doing it all over again and again! Now children have to share restrooms with transvestites! Only a fool would expect God to bless America today! I pray for God to curse this rotten nation and give us what we deserve.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

Hillary is a known lesbian, a devil on two legs, who will say anything to deceive the public. She has been expressing her demonic liberal views for decades, saying that “it takes a village” to raise a child instead of parents. Globalists want to take away parental rights, so they can indoctrinate every child to become a slave of the New World Order. The fact that multitudes of Americans are supportive of Hillary shows just how far gone, wicked and indifferent our nation has become. Sadly, people no longer care if someone has a criminal reputation. The average American is totally unaware that they are the victim of a psyops campaign to indoctrinate them to support evil. Whistleblower! magazine (published by World Net Daily), praises the Clintons as “America's First Crime Family,” turning them into celebrities. By openly admitting these crimes as if they were no big deal, it lulls most Americans into a comatose state of apathy. It's all been planned that way by CIA psyops programs, MK-Ultra mind-programming, Hollywood brainwashing, et cetera. There is an information war going on against the American public, and the Illuminati are winning!

Let's hope that I'm wrong about Hillary becoming U.S. president. Isaiah 3:12, “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.” Notice that when women lead men, they cause the people to err. Hillary will lead America to total ruin. If you think President's Reagan, Bush Sr. Clinton, Bush Jr. and Obama were bad, you haven't seen anything yet. Now that same-sex perversion is legal, if elected Hillary will go after American's Bill of Rights. She will attack our First Amendment right to speech. It's simply a matter of time until anti-hate-speech laws are enacted to criminalize faithful Bible preachers and other truth-tellers. Websites like mine will one day be censored by the government and webhosting companies forced to comply. They'll just suspend websites until all outlawed content is removed. It will happen eventually, just as it has already happened in communist China, Spain and North Korea.

As far as I can tell, Donald Trump is a front for the Clintons, and the Clintons are a front for the Bush family. If Trump gets elected, guaranteed he will continue the agendas of the Illuminati. I'm not making this up... Barbara Bush is the purported daughter of Aleister Crowley. I first learned that in a disturbing documentary film I purchased titled, “Aleister Crowley: The Beast 666!” I did some homework and it indeed appears to be true! Is that creepy or what? In my opinion it really doesn't matter who gets elected, Trump and the Clintons are very close. Either way, the Devil will be our next U.S. President!!! Don't think for one second that Mr. Trump will change anything for the better. America is doomed unless our churches repent and turn back to the King James Bible and the simplicity that is in Christ, instead of the popular “Lordship Salvation” heresy! It is a false Gospel to require people to turn from sin to be saved. Jesus bore the full burden of our sins on Calvary's cross, so we wouldn't have to in Hell. Here's an excellent sermon.

Since we've already had a Democrat U.S. President for 8-years, it would seem time for a switch to the Republican party. This is the norm! I really have a hard time seeing Donald Trump running the White House, but hey I never would have thought a Hollywood movie star named Ronald Reagan would have either. The truth is that a chimpanzee could do a better job than all recent U.S. Presidents. At least the chimp wouldn't have plundered us deeper into national debt! It's just my opinion that the Illuminati would be taking a risk to let Mr. Trump into the White House, unless he's blackmailable. Hillary is 100% blackmailable. If she stepped out of line, the Luciferian movers and shakers could have her and Bill locked away in a prison for 1,000 years overnight for their crimes. Lucifer Infects The Movers And Shakers (Dr. Charles Lawson; excellent teaching exposing Satan & New World Order).

I'm not saying for sure that I know Hillary will be elected. I have no idea. It just seems to me that since the Clintons were involved over their heads in the cocaine trafficking through Mena, Arkansas, while Bill Clinton was governor, they know as much as anyone in the Devil's Luciferian elite. Hillary would be the logical choice for the Illuminati to continue their crime spree! Whose Donald Trump?

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

The Devil recruits people in every generation to worship and serve him, in exchange for wealth, pleasures and the glory of this world. These wicked people are called Luciferians! (which include the Illuminati, Hollywood, the mainstream media, et cetera).

There is a hierarchal satanic power structure. The Great Pyramid pictured to the right can be divided into three sections. The top capstone is the ruling Luciferian elite. The upper portion of the pyramid base are the supervisors (top politicians, educators, newsmedia moguls, CEO's, religious leaders and other top influential figures). And then the major portion of the pyramid base are the slaves of humanity. We are now living in the end times (as foretold by the dreams God gave to Nebuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel), in which Luciferians are preparing the world to embrace the coming man of sin, the Antichrist.

In order to prepare the masses of the world to receive the “man of sin” (2nd Thessalonians 2:3), they must become a people tolerate of sin. This is why in western civilization we are seeing all the stops being pulled out, flooding society with all manner of licentiousness, perversion, amoral behavior (no morals), violence, bigotry against Christians, massive theft and dishonesty. “The Trouble With A Transgendered Generation” (a needful red-hot sermon by Dr. Phil Kidd). The first leader of the World Health Organization (WHO) was a sick-minded liberal named, Gregory Brock Chisholm (1896-1971) said in 1954 that the intentions of the Luciferian elite are to destroy the traditional family, individualism, Christianity and national sovereignty to achieve World Government (aka, a New World Order)...

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

If you are type II diabetic, like me, this may perhaps be the most important article you ever read concerning your health. I can help you tremendously! I have nothing to sell. I am a born-again Christian and I want to help as many people as I can. You'll love me after reading this article if you have type II diabetes. But before I begin, please understand that I am not a professional health advisor in any capacity. I'm not a doctor and have no training or license whatsoever, so consider what I say at your own risk. There, now that I have made a disclaimer, now I can help you in ways that your doctor WON'T and CAN'T!


So the doctor suggested that I inject myself in the fatty part of the abdomen with insulin every day. I agreed, figuring it couldn't hurt anything. HE HAD SCARED ME ABOUT THE DANGERS OF HIGH SUGAR. And I was scared, so I wasn't willing to take risky drugs. He assured me that the insulin didn't have the same risky side-effects of the other diabetic drugs. He started me on 20 units per day, increasing the dosage by 2 more units every 3 days. I had worked the dosage up over the next few weeks to 40 units per day. (The insulin is stored in the refrigerator to prevent spoilage.) But my left foot was going numb (particularly the big toe), tingling and I could feel the discomfort increasing as I increased the insulin dosage every few days. When the numbness and tingling in my left toe became quite obvious, I said, “Forget this!” I stopped injecting myself! No more insulin.

I tried to contact my diabetic doctor to tell him, but he never called me back. His answering machine was full. I left a message at the front desk, but no one returned my phone calls. That's really bad! When I finally met with my diabetes doctor weeks later, he said that he had never heard of insulin making the toes go numb, and he said it couldn't do that. But I am the Guinea Pig, and I'm telling you that it did!!! I was reading online that doctors don't even know how high blood sugar damages nerve endings. They think it has something to do with the blood, but THEY DON'T KNOW!!! Doctors don't know half as much as they arrogantly think they know. I'm telling you, doctors will kill you if you let them. The worst thing that you can do is blindly trust a doctor, just taking whatever prescription drugs that he gives you, without at least reading online about what you are putting into your mouth. It could kill you.


I am taking two amino acids: acetyl-l carnitine (1000 mg) and lipoic acid (600 mg). You can buy them at any health store. I purchased mine at Vitamin World. (They come in the specified dosages, taken twice daily.) I take mine usually on an empty stomach (as recommended). I also bought a combined formula (400/200 mg respectively). The product is advertised to support healthy nerve function and also it supports sugar metabolism (helps digest sugar). I researched online (please do the same) and found that homeopathic doctors recommend this amino acids to treat and even cure nerve damage. I figured, “Hey, what do I have to lose?” They're only amino acids, which are found in all foods (you're just getting a high dosage of needed nutrients for a specific need). I sincerely 10,000 times trust natural medicine over the drug-dealing quack doctors that are murdering people with drugs for greedy Big Pharma companies!


I am a firm believer in homeopathic medicine. I have seen it work firsthand, and it is legitimate science and medicine. The average drug-dealing doctor is what is called an “allopathic” doctor, who only treats the patient's symptoms. The “homeopathic” doctor however, treats who whole body. If you ever go to an allopathic doctor who cannot help you, please go see a homeopathic doctor and you just might be amazed.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

Cartoonist Jack Chick has just released a new religious tract titled, “UNTHINKABLE.” It is indeed unthinkable! In the awful tract Mr. Chick praises a Jew who funded the American Revolution named Haym Solomon. Jack Chick says in his tract about Haym Solomon, and I quote, “He deeply loved the American people and God chose this precious Jew to finance the American Revolution and save the nation.” Kindly, Jack Chick is naive of true American history and the Illuminati. Haym Solomon was a Jewish agent of the Rothschild empire, who was instrumental in financing the Masonic beginnings of the United States. In reality, Jack Chick is praising an agent of the Illuminati, and supporting the Luciferian New World Order by supporting present-day Illuminati Israel. History evidences this truth.

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

The Bill Of Rights and U.S. Constitution only outline our God-given rights. If we disobey God, then we forfeit our right to liberty and freedom. Liberty is a gift from God, the privilege to make our own decisions. Freedom is the reward for making the right decisions. Rights Are Granted By God, Earned On The Battlefield, And Kept By Fighting To Keep Them! We have been making all the wrong decisions (i.e., banning the Bible and prayer in schools, legalizing abortion, legalizing pornography, legalizing same-sex marriage, no fault divorce, et cetera) for so long, that we are LOSING our freedoms and liberties. Why should God bless America? We murder our children in the womb. Now in 2016 children and Christians are being forced to use transgendered restrooms. As of June 26, 2015 same-sex perversion is legal in all 50 states. (In 1962 homosexuality was a punishable crime in all 50 states!) God hasn't changed, our wicked nation has! America will become a Godless communist totalitarian police state over the next 25-years. I assure you of that!!!

President John Adams saw the handwriting on the wall centuries ago. We've been hearing a lot in the newsmedia in recent years about the inadequacy of the U.S. Constitution for these changing times. It is true, because no agreement, constitution or manuscript mankind could ever put together could govern a wicked, out of control, thankless, naked, amoral, adulterous, arrogant, people!!!

Americans have lost their fear of God. No doubt this is why all Hollywood movies take the Lord's name in vain, showing utter contempt and disregard for the God of Heaven, earth and the universe!!! American society is turning further away from God each day! The consequences have been devastating! Faith in God is synonymous with freedom, liberty and God's blessings. Television incrementally becomes worse and worse. Music keeps becoming more degenerate—using foul street language, vulgarity and contempt for all authority. Our entire nation is becoming one giant crime slum. Fear of being a victim of crime is epidemic across the United States. The CIA has admitted to drug-trafficking into the U.S., which has destroyed millions of lives. The U.S. prison system is a lucrative crooked business, kept packed to capacity by the drug industry. Prisons And Profits (things they don't want you to know). The Caging Of America. The Corrections Corporation of America is Evil. Truly, morality cannot be legislated.

The Luciferians behind the subversion of America are sandwiching Americans between top and bottom. They traffic the drugs into the country, and then pass laws maximizing prison sentences for citizens convicted of drug crimes. We've become so accustomed to wickedness and perversion in America that parents are no longer phased, angered or determined to do something about it. Here's a classic example of what I'm talking about—Taylor Swift committing abominable promiscuous acts on camera in her music videos, which is leading our teens into sexual perversion, lasciviousness and premarital sex. This leads to unwanted pregnancies out of wedlock, abortion, a life of fornication, fewer people getting married, cohabitation, sexually transmitted venereal diseases, et cetera. There i absolutely no way that Taylor Swift's shameful behavior can be excused or justified. The not so obvious truth behind such filthy music videos (which has been going on in the music industry for the past 50 years), is that Luciferians are promoting satanism through the music industry. Read the preceding article about Taylor Swift to learn the ugly truth.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

If you think it is only a conspiracy theory that the CIA is trafficking massive quantities of opium and cocaine into the United States, you are dead wrong — It is a PROVEN and WELL DOCUMENTED FACT friend (Lots more documentation). Let's start with California Congresswoman, Maxine Waters. She has taken trips to drug-infested countries like Nicaragua to investigate and document what our own CIA is doing to fight drug trafficking into the US, absolutely nothing! Maxine says, "There is no war on drugs going on in America today!"

She is doing everything possible to stop the CIA from further destroying south Los Angeles with tons and tons of drugs being trafficked in at an alarming rate. This is not some nut on the internet saying these things, this is a respectable congresswoman of the United States of America!!! And might I add, I am proud of her for taking a stand (Psalm 94:16)!

The CIA should be renamed the "Cocaine Import Agency." Book after book has been written about this present-day evil.

Al Qaeda = CIA = Cocaine Import Agency

The American people have fallen hook, line and sinker for everything that the global elite have thrown at them. I hate to say it, but it's the best word... Americans are just plain STUPID!

Georgia Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney, has also exposed the CIA's involvement in illegal drug-trafficking in the U.S. It's common knowledge that Afghanistan yields a yearly supply of opium (with a street value of $500,000,000,000). Don't believe the lying propaganda about the U.S. military burning poppy fields, our boys are over there protecting those crops!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

Albert Pike (1809-1891) predicted three world wars. He predicated WWI and WWII accurately! This is because the Illuminati (the Luciferian elite behind the New World Order) planned this all out before the founding of America. In 1775, Adam Weishaupt (Illuminati founder) laid out his blueprint for World Government. A year later America was birthed in 1776, with the secret destiny of ushering in a New Order of the Ages. Yes, as difficult as it may be to wrap your brain around the idea, the United States was founded by occult Freemasons with the intent of furthering the ancient mystery religion and global domination by the Devil. This is not hard to grasp if you learn about the tower and city of Babel in Genesis 11:1-11. The Great Pyramid of Gaza in Egypt was deliberately left unfinished (missing the capstone), which signifies the unfinished New World Order that was foiled by God at Babel. Why did it take mankind 5,800 years to achieve the industrial revolutionary of the 18th and 19th centuries? The only reasonable answer is that God's sovereign plan wasn't ready yet. James 1:17, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”

Albert Pike, an occult leader in the secret society of Freemasonry, foretold in detail how World War III would unfold. He said the Arab nations and Israel would go to war, and the world would be drawn into the conflict. It is happening before our very eyes. Christians ought not take sides between Israel and the Arabs, but love them all with God's unconditional love. We are seeing and hearing much about Muslim terrorists and sleeper cells at work in the United States. This is all part of the Luciferian conspiracy to destroy all existing government and religions. Europe is under Muslim siege. France is gone. England is almost gone! The EU bureaucrats have allied with Islam! We're going to see a lot more terrorist attacks by Muslims in Europe and the United States. Hillary Clinton said (if elected as President) she wants to bring 1,0000,000 Muslim refugees into the U.S. her first year. They're bringing in military aged men. If elected, she'll bring in 5,000,000 Muslims!!! America is being overthrown!

Pervert sodomite sex is being forced on Americans, just like a mob of homosexuals in Genesis 19:1-11 tried to break Lot's down door and rape Heaven's angels! Transgenders and homosexuals are now openly welcomed into the military. It's wickedness! Russia is in full resistance to Globalism. Russians are banning GMO foods! They're paying people to have children! All Hades is breaking loose on the planet. We are seeing a war on western civilization!!! This is all leading into World War III and a New World Order, which will be the Beast system of the coming Antichrist. Yes, friend, we are now living in the Biblical end times. I'd say by 2050 we'll see WWIII (if not much sooner). If you don't believe it, learn about Daniel's prophecy. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

Evangelist Lester Roloff saw clearly over half a century ago that that three evils would destroy America—drunkenness, abortion and homosexuality. Please hear, “Steps In The Degeneration Of Our Nation” (MP3 sermon by Brother Roloff). The answer to America is not more guns or the willingness to use them. We've already seen where Civil War leads, between 1860-1865! I do support gun ownership, as deadly force is sometimes the only language that tyrants understand. The 2nd Amendment is our only protection to ensure that the government honors the other nine amendments in our Bill of Rights. In 1936 Spain, “The people found themselves helpless... forced to register & surrender arms!” Watch the video clip, as the Communists shoot innocent citizens in the head, and their bodies fall into the graves which they literally dug for themselves!!!

And by the way we are U.S. “citizens,” not military “civilians.” The people of Spain never should have surrendered their guns to the government! The Bloody History Of Communism Over The Past Century (a 2:08 hour full documentary). Do you know the name of the only European country who were left alone during the World War II conflict? It was Switzerland. Yes, the Swiss, who were known for their infatuation with guns. Shooting is a family activity in Switzerland. From the earliest age, Swiss children are taught to respect, handle and use firearms!

History always repeats itself! If you don't think that your American wife and daughters couldn't be gang raped by invading thugs, and your American sons tortured and murdered, and American fathers enslaved as caged animals, think again my friend!!! Please read Dr. Ron Paul's insightful article, “IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE!” Shameful secretary of state, the butcher of Waco, Janet Reno, said it is not a matter of if, but when, American's guns will be confiscated. You should be very worried why the government wants to take away your guns so badly! Now it looks like Hillary Clinton will be our next commander and thief in the White House in 2017. She is Janet Reno's lesbian clone, and she will take away everyone's guns, at gunpoint if necessary! All of these false flag public shootings; such as Sandy Hook and now it appears also the Orlando incident, will be used to demonize gun owners and confiscate their weapons.

Know this friend, unarmed citizens effectively have no rights in America! Remember that! Likewise, if you cannot afford to pay tens-of-thousands-of-dollars to hire an attorney, effectively you have no rights in the United States! If Child Protection Services (CPS) targets your family and accuses poor parents of neglect, you are not entitled to a free attorney (as provided for in your Bill of Rights). The thug government gets around the 6th Amendment by charging parents with neglect, which is not legally considered a crime. The state fully knows that hardly any parents can afford to hire an attorney (which are ll very expensive), so by charging the parents with an administrative offense instead of a crime, they can easily confiscate your children and put them up for adoption, drugging and then raping them (even in government custody). There's a special place in Hell for CPS thugs, judges, lawyers and everyone involved who ruin families! You have seen the definition of “evil” until you've met an administrative CPS judge! What scum and filth! America has one of the worst legal systems in history, caging human beings like animals, and then calling it “humane treatment.” Proverbs 12:10, “A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.” The average animal at the zoo in America has a much better life than the average incarnated inmate. God will punish the punishers!

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

I grew up in Chicago (Logan Square) in the heart of the big city. I used to hunt Super Rats (as big as a cat) in the alley with my Daisy BB gun rifle, and I thought that was fun. In Heaven I want to go bear hunting! That sounds so cool! In July of 2016 an armed 38-year-old career law enforcement officer was knocked off his bicycle and mauled to death by a hungry grizzly bear in Montana! Neo-evangelical preachers go deer hunting, but fundamentalists go bear hunting! Amen! I'm just kidding about that last statement. I love a Baptist preacher who hunts bears! That's my kind of man's man preacher! I remember seeing the 1976 movie “Grizzly” as a kid, and I've had a healthy fear of bears ever since! That reminds me of a joke that I heard years ago. On the way home from church, two teenage boys see a big roaring grizzly bear and one boy starts changing footwear to put on his running shoes. The other boy says, “Do you really think you can outrun that bear?” His friend replies, “I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun you!” Amen! So always wear good running shoes if you're in bear country!

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

According to Romans 4:2-6, Abraham was saved by faith without works! According to Acts 12:43, Old Testament saints were saved by faith in the coming Messiah. According to Hebrews 4:2, Moses preached the Gospel. Hebrews 4:10-11 teaches us that New and Old Testament saints alike are saved by resting completely in Jesus Christ, Who is our Sabbath. Hebrews 4:10-11, “For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.” Obviously, resting is the opposite of works. We simply rest our faith in Jesus to be saved. JESUS PAID IT ALL!

One of the Devil's greatest methods of deception is to hide truth amongst lies. We saw this psyops tactic used by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) to cover-up the 9/11 attacks. The CIA are the secret police of the international banking cabal. The CIA started Homeland Security after the 9/11 attacks. The CIA murdered President John F. Kennedy. Dark Legacy: CIA Kingpin George H. Bush And The Murder Of President John F. Kennedy. It is true that two planes flew into two WTC buildings. That's what the Luciferians behind the New World Order wanted you to see. What they didn't want you to see were the thermite charges (bombs) placed months in advance by a professional demolition team. This was accomplished by a private electronic security company called Securacom, managed by the U.S. president's younger brother, Marvin Bush. The same electronics security company was overseeing airport security in Dulles International Airport on 9/11. You couldn't make this bizarre stuff up! I am always amazed at the bold ignorance of people, who haven't done the least bit of research but refuse to believe anything they aren't spoon-fed by the newsmedia.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

[Re. the Orlando massacre]

There's actually speculation that the shootings were a false flag terror attack. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (one of my favorite truth-tellers) is raising suspicions that no one may have died at all, as part of a false flag staged terror attack to further conspire to confiscate American's guns. Veterans Today (an awesome website) agrees with Paul Craig Roberts. Please read Dr. Robert's intriguing June 14, 2016 article titled, “Orlando Shooting: Still No Evidence!”

Based on my research, I am fully convinced that no one died at Sandy Hook, which was a massive staged CIA fraud, but I haven't researched any conclusions regarding the Orlando shootings. It wouldn't surprise me at all if it turns out to have been falsely staged. The Illuminati desperately want to confiscate American's guns, and then we will be helpless against them! 1936 Spain (“The people found themselves helpless... forced to register & surrender arms!”).

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia lovethetruth.com

Don't be too hard on Brother Jimenez, because he is standing on the Lord's side. If you think homosexuals ought not be executed by the government, then you do not believe the Holy Bible. This is nothing to do with hatred or bigotry. Homosexuality is a morally reprehensible sin in God's site. Several big name preachers of mega-churches agree with God's Word in Leviticus 20:13...

Why Is the Media Ignoring Ted Cruz’s Embrace of ‘Kill the Gays’ Pastor?

Michelangelo Signorile | November 12, 2015

Last weekend Senator Ted Cruz, along with fellow GOP presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal, spoke at a conference in Des Moines headed up by a man who advocates the execution of gay people — per his interpretation of the bible — and who made his call for mass extermination once again, onstage at the event, the National Religious Liberties Conference. Pastor Kevin Swanson has said in the past that Christians should attend gay weddings and hold up signs telling the newly married gay and lesbian couples that they “should be put to death.” ...

SOURCE: Why Is the Media Ignoring Ted Cruz’s Embrace of ‘Kill the Gays’ Pastor?

God made His laws to protect the innocent, to protect families and to safeguard society. Homosexuality deprives a child of a normal family. It is cruelty to force a child into a so-called “new kind of family” with two lesbians and no fatherly image in the home. Homosexuals statistically never live in a monogamous relationship with one mate; but rather, have intimacy with thousands of sex partners. Statistics Reveal 83% Of Homosexuals Have Had Sex With More Than 50 Partners (Gay love?) It is insane! When men disobey God, bad things always happen. Wicked people blame God for the starvation, war and the problems in the world, but mankind has caused his own problems because of greed, selfishness and his own foolish choices.

The homosexual lifestyle is really a “deathstyle.” Statistics Reveal 83% Of Homosexuals Have Had Sex With More Than 50 Partners (Gay love?) It is not surprising that America's fornicating “hook-up” culture no longer see the harm of homosexuality. Married couples, who honor God in a committed heterosexual relationship with each other, clearly see the horrible reality of homosexuality. However, the younger generation (who've have been indoctrinated by Hollywood and Walt Disney to have pre-marital sex, with dozens if not hundreds of sex partners) are desensitized to the awfulness of homosexuality. Satanic influences like Taylor Swift are destroying our youth. Homosexuality nearly always means having dozens, hundreds, even thousands of sex partners. The statistics cannot be erased! A disgusting 28% of homosexuals admitted to having over 1,000 sexual partners! Only an adulterer or fornicator with dozens of sex partners would see no harm, or defend, homosexuality (because they're all in the same boat)! Now you understand why Satan is relentlessly pushing sex, sex, sex on young people today, to demoralize them, so they'll go along with homosexuality, then incest and pedophilia, and ultimately sell their souls to worship the man of sin, the Anti-Christ!

Think about this. If someone truly wanted to hurt you, they would hurt those whom you love. Usually this is a person's family. Well, Satan hates God and wants to hurt Him, so the Devil hurts the object of God's love, which is mankind. Satan loves to hurt God's children, the born-again Christian believer, to hurt the heart of our great God. Satan wants to destroy you my friend, because God loves you! God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked!

Not All Homosexuals are Pedophiles, But They are in the Same Sex Pervert Camp

Pastor Jimenez stated: “Every sodomite's a pedophile!” Despite being downplayed by the secular media as a false fact, The Family Research Council has actually done research evidencing that there is a definite link between homosexuals and pedophile tendencies. For example: Homosexual literature is saturated with themes of pedophilia. A study on pedophilia in the Psychiatric Journal of the University of Ottawa reported:

“According to the literature, findings of a two-to-one ratio of heterosexual to homosexual pedophiles have been documented.” —John M. W. Bradford, et al., "The Heterogeneity/Homogeneity of Pedophilia," Psychiatric Journal of the University of Ottawa 13 (1988): 225. Elsewhere the study notes: "Researchers have variously estimated the incidence of homosexual pedophilia between 19 percent and 33 percent of reported molestations," p. 218.

Statistically, pastor Jimenez is telling THE TRUTH. And there's plenty of evidence to indict homosexuality as a perverse deathstyle!!! There is an undeniably creepy link between homosexual perversion and child sex, and Hollywood is ground zero for child molestation...

Actor Elijah Wood Says: Hollywood Full Of 'Organized' Child Sex Abuse (We've known it all along!)

I went to search Google for a photo of a “homosexual pimp” for my article and I kid you not... Joel Osteen's photo came up! Ha, ha, ha! Figures! She-boy!

David J. Stewart #fundie #transphobia #homophobia lovethetruth.com

The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are being torn apart between liberals and conservatives in U.S. courts. The immoral mess in America today is our own creation. If men will not be ruled by God, then they will be governed by tyrants. This whole transgendered bathroom nightmare today is about satanic mind control. The Luciferians behind the subversion of the United States want to condition everyone to accept their enslavement.

That is why TSA are sticking their hands down U.S. citizen's pants and blouses at all U.S. airports. Mothers are being made to drink their own bottled breast milk. The elderly disabled are being forced to remove their diapers. You are the enemy America! Our nation's founding fathers never could have envisioned a future time when men's urinals would be installed in ladies' restrooms! God forgive us! The Devil is the author of confusion! This is why he publishes hundreds of different English Bible revisions. This is why there are hundreds of different religious denominations. This is why Acts 19:32, “Some therefore cried one thing, and some another: for the assembly was confused; and the more part knew not wherefore they were come together.” America's churches are confused. One preacher says this, and another preacher says that. Most neo-evangelical churches tolerate dozens of different Bible versions. What utter confusion! This is not of the Lord.

The answer to 1984 is 33 AD! Another civil war or revolutionary war won't restore faith in God in our nation. The answer is not in the White House. The Gospel is the only answer!!! This nation is beginning to embrace sodomy, satanism, pedophilia and bestiality! Those U.S. Supreme Court judges in Washington D.C. need to understand that they must one day appear in God's courtroom. Men don't fear God anymore. There is a heresy being taught these days which says to reverence and respect God, but not literally fear Him. My friend, we ought to actually be afraid of God and what He will do to us if we disobey Him!!! Genesis 18:25b, “Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?”

We need revival in the United States. Everywhere we go these days, we are finding transvestites, dyke lesbians and effeminate wimps! It is not uncommon to see two men kissing each other on TV, which is an abomination. The television networks ABC, CBS and NBC are pumping homosexual filth into homes across America. Walt Disney is controlled by Satan, which regularly promotes premarital sex, teen glamour girls and homosexuality. Two men or two women kissing each other is sickening! It is morally reprehensible!!! Romans 1:32, “Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” Homosexuality is worthy of capital punishment (Leviticus 20:13). We are living in a warped generation that doesn't see anything sinful about homosexuality, knowing that the Holy Bible condemns all sexual immorality (Colossians 3:5-6; 1st Peter 2:11; Jude 1:7).

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

There is a large AntiChrist religious event being promoted by the ecumenical ministry, “PULSE” (founded by evangelist Nick Hall), which is planned to happen on July 16, 2016. The event is calling for one million religious people to gather in Washington D.C. on July 16, 2016 in the name of “Jesus.” About 30 religious leaders are scheduled to speak, including the demonic Pope himself. The event is being promoted as “The largest Jesus gathering in history.” Notice the worldly music in the previous shameful video... Uh huh, pimp, pimp, uh, huh, get-down-daddy-o, pimp, pimp, uh, huh! What rot! This is the ghetto spiritual condition of today's apostate churches! WE ARE LIVING IN SICK AND WICKED TIMES! The Devil's hip hop, street gang, worldly music has no place in the churches!

Nick Hall is advertising his upcoming ecumenical event on July 16th with the motto: “The World Sees Division, But We Can Change That!” They are also using the slogan: “JESUS CHANGES EVERYTHING!” Nick Hall says:

“Jesus said that His followers are family. We believe that it is time for a family gathering,” he also said in an official statement. “It’s not about what divides us, but about the one who unites us—Jesus. The world sees division. We can change that.”

SOURCE: https://coercioncode.com/2016/06/13/together-2016-nick-hall-to-meet-with-pope-francis-in-rome/

So according to Nick Hall, Roman Catholics are Jesus' family since they follow Jesus. What satanism!!! I do not believe Nick Hall is saved. If he is calling Catholics Jesus' family, then Mr. Hall obviously doesn't know what it means to be a born-again believer. Roman Catholicism is a false religion that can only last until the casket, then you're on your own without a Savior! Jesus warned in John 3:3, “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Catholics errantly teach that salvation is found in the Catholic Church, and that water baptism is the door into the Church. In sharp contrast, the Holy Bible teaches that Jesus is the only way to the Father (John 14:6), the only door into the sheepfold according to John 10:9, “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” It is true that Jesus changes everything, but until the Catholics trust Jesus instead of Mary, they won't be saved.

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