rally2xs #wingnut m.slashdot.org
There's a Fix for [Salesforce outsourcing their dev team]
Simply abolish the income taxes. I mean, all of them - personal, corporate, capital gains, self-employment, payroll, estate, alternative minimum - all of them. Repeal the 16th Amendment. We can give Trump's tariff-centric approach a try. If that doesn't work out, then we could go to the luxury tax on new items (not used) for sale at retail (not wholesale) and services called the FairTax. As a luxury tax, the poor don't pay a penny, unlike the often-proposed counter to the FairTax, the VAT, which is regressive as hell. The FairTax is progressive. Moreso than the income taxes when the payroll taxes are considered.
But without income taxes, workers become cheaper because they do not feel so poor when they don't have to their money taken by income taxes, and employer's don't have to cough up 7.65% of employee's earnings and send it to Washington as the "Employer's Share" of payroll taxes and the employees once again don't feel so poor when they don't see 7.65% of their earnings taken for "payroll taxes." And the FairTax fully funds Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid forever - there would be no such things as those programs going bankrupt.
The FairTax is HR25 in the house. Write.