
Fschmidt #racist #wingnut mikraite.org

To any sane person, Black Lives Matter (BLM) must seem bizarre. It is a racist Marxist movement pretending to help blacks but actually hurts blacks and everyone else. Where would such a crazy idea come from?

I know the answer because I attended orthodox synagogue and I understand Judaism. Judaism is the source of the ideas behind BLM. Judaism is a racist religion that pretends to be anti-racist. So now let's compare BLM with Judaism.

BLM accuses anyone who disagrees with it of being racist against blacks. Judaism accuses anyone who disagrees with it of being antisemites.

BLM takes advantage of useful idiot whites and Muslims to support BLM to their own detriment. Judaism does the same with stupid Protestants.

Both BLM and Judaism are working to destroy western civilization. BLM is just a Jewish tool for this purpose. It is supported by Globalist and Leftist Jews. Hopefully this explains what BLM is all about.

OmegaKV #psycho #sexist mikraite.org

I remember watching a movie that dramatized a wedding in India between a 15 year old girl and an 80 year old man. In the movie it showed the girl crying and the intent was to make the audience feel bad for the girl. At the time I did feel bad, and I felt like it was barbaric that such things took place in parts of the world.

However my perspective has since changed. I do still understand why a 15 year old girl of any culture would be averse to marrying an 80 year old man. But if I were ever to find myself in the position of an 80 year old man being wed to a 15 year old girl, I would absolutely go through with the wedding, despite the girl's unwillingness. I would feel fully justified in doing so, even though I know it disgusts her. I would say "it's about time" and then proceed to have sex with her, consensual or nonconsensual, and then I would inseminate her with the intent of impregnating her, and propagating my genes.

I have suffered enough. If I ever get the opportunity to sexually ravage a prime teen without consequences, I would absolutely take advantage of it, without hesitating because of her feelings or her unwillingness to go through with it. I have suffered more than she has. I am better than she is. Consensual or not, I deserve to be able to sexually ravage and inseminate her.

fschdmidt #god-complex #psycho #conspiracy mikraite.org

(Title: How to kill modern scum)

While shooting modern scum has an undeniable emotional appeal, I do not recommend it because of the legal repercussions. But what if I told you that there is a legal means to kill modern scum that is far more effective than shooting them?

By far the most effective way to kill modern scum is to support the Democratic Party. Let's give credit where credit is due. No one else has come close to killing as many modern scum as the Democratic Party has. Just with the covid vaccines, they have killed millions of modern scum and this number is sure to rise significantly. By defunding the police and effectively legalizing crime, they have killed many ghetto modern scum. By allowing fentanyl and other drugs freely into this country, they have killed many more modern scum through drug overdoses. By promoting trans ideology in school, they will prevent many modern scum from reproducing. And thanks to sanctions on Russia, we can expect many modern scum to freeze to death in Europe and millions to starve in poor countries all over the world. So God bless the Democratic Party who are likely to kill more modern scum than I dreamed possible.
Arkian - A Eugenic Intentional Ethnicity

Fschmidt #psycho mikraite.org

Muslims in the West clearly ignore God and submit to Satan. This can be seen in their blind obedience to the satanic western covid dictates. My thinking was that regardless of how good Islam is as a religion, if Muslims consistently refuse to support goodness then I cannot support Muslims.

But now the Taliban have shown that at least some Muslims are willing to fight for goodness. The Taliban have successfully expelled the forces of the satanic global elite from their country. And the Taliban seem to reject covid tyranny. The Taliban do not wear masks, do not socially distance, do not implement lockdowns, do not suppress free speech on health issues, and seem likely to reject the covid vaccines. Afghanistan is now one of the only countries in the world not under satanic control.

All this makes me wonder whether my Suggestion for an Intentional Ethnicity is right to only test Old Testament knowledge. Maybe testing Quran knowledge should be an alternative. Please let me know what you think.

fschmidt #wingnut #conspiracy #quack mikraite.org

The most shocking thing about this presidential election is how unprepared conservatives are for a Biden victory. Today's Democratic Party combines with worst aspects of communism and nazism. Democrats are as hostile to small business as communists and as racist as nazis. And they are as intolerant of individual freedom as both. If Democrats take over the government, America will soon resemble the USSR and Nazi Germany. So anyone who values freedom should be thinking about where to flee to if Biden wins.

I haven't done any actual research on where to move, but if Biden wins, the first thing I will do is to visit the Lake Chapala area in Mexico. It has a large expat community and is conveniently located an hour south of Guadalajara, so it seems like a place worth checking out. Mexico is one of the few countries that doesn't have any travel restrictions based on Covid lies.

fschmidt #fundie mikraite.org

Secularism doesn't work. You call your site "Voice of Reason" but in fact most people don't have the intelligence to reason, so they shouldn't even try. Instead, they should respect tradition and religion. If they do try to reason, the result will be nothing more than rationalization of their instincts, because this is all that they are intellectually capable of doing. So then the question becomes how to make such people respect religion over their own dysfunctional minds. The first answer is to have a powerful alpha-male god since humans (and most primates) are wired to respect an alpha-male leader. I would say that the god of Islam is the most alpha of all gods. And the second answer is to provide religious exercises for people to remember their religion. The Old Testament provides the sabbath which is useful for intelligent people who can use this time to think, but is less useful for those of low intelligence. Again, Islam is optimal here with its 5 daily prayers which consist of repeatedly bowing before God, the act of bowing being the primary expression of submission for humans (and most primates). So I would say that Islam today isn't far from ideal, it just needs a few tweaks to make it less fatalistic.

fschmidt #fundie mikraite.org

Modern culture is evil. If you don't agree with this, let me save you some time and suggest that you stop reading here. This post discusses alternatives to modern culture on the assumption that you reject modern culture because it is evil. What are the alternatives to modern culture? Before discussing alternatives that I think can work, I will discuss alternatives that don't work.

Politics doesn't work. Moral people are an insignificant minority in all nations today. And never in history has a nation been made moral through politics. Politics is useful in a society formed by moral people. In such a society, politics can help implement the will of these moral people. This is how America worked before it became evil. But in an evil society, politics is just a contest for power, nothing more.

Modern Christianity doesn't work. Modern Christianity is all faith and no works, which means no morality. The main practical difference between a modern Christian and an atheist is that the modern Christian violates the third commandment while the atheist doesn't, making the atheist slightly less sinful than the modern Christian. I discussed in detail what went wrong with modern Christianity in The Rise and Fall of Christian Culture.

Modern Catholicism doesn't work. To a large degree, what went wrong with Protestantism has infected Catholicism. The current Pope is a total disaster. But Catholicism was essentially doomed by the Second Vatican Council which fully gave in to modern culture.

White nationalism doesn't work. No racial movement in history has succeeded without religious backing. White nationalists who want success should copy the most successful racial movement, namely Judaism. This means that white nationalists need to pick a religion for their movement. Until they do so, they are a hopeless bunch.

That completes the important options that don't work. Now let's consider options that work. History shows that all good cultures are supported by a good religion. How can one judge if a religion is good and strong enough to resist modern culture? One superficial way to judge that I have found to be very effective is just to ask whether men and women sit separately during religious service. Religions that have maintained this separation have shown that they are strong enough to resist modern culture

Orthodox Judaism works well if you are a racist jew. I am jewish but not racist, so Judaism doesn't work for me. For non-jewish racists, Orthodox Judaism is a model well worth copying.

Orthodox Christianity may work in some conditions. Mainstream Orthodox Christianity does not work in the West because it is too weak of a religion to withstand modern culture. This can be seen by the fact that the sexes are mixed in service. Historically, Orthodox Christianity has always partnered with a government that supports it, so this seems to be the condition in which it works. Currently, the obvious candidate is Orthodox Christianity in Russia where it has government backing. I haven't been to Russia, so I can't say for sure how well this works, but I think this is an option well worth investigating for Christians.

True Orthodox Christianity is a variant of Orthodox Christianity that looks interesting and may actually work in the West. But it is small and its future is uncertain. Here is a very good set of videos explaining the idea.

Conservative Mennonism is an excellent alternative for Christians. All of traditional Anabaptism is sound, but the conservative Mennonites seem to have found the optimal balance. They don't reject all modern technology as Old Order Anabaptists do (like the Amish), but they still do a good job keeping modern culture out. They are serious Christians, serious about following Jesus's teachings. The book Brethren Thinking written by an unconventional Old Order Anabaptist provides a highly intelligent introduction to Anabaptist thinking. The book An Introduction to Old Order and Conservative Mennonite Groups provides a good overview of the Mennonite variants. I specifically recommend the Mennonite groups classified as "Ultra-Conservatives" on page 162 of this book. You can find a Mennonite church near you using this map. If you have any more questions about Mennonites, you can ask on this Mennonite forum.

Islam is an alternative worth investigating. While Islam has issues today, it has worked well in the past. And it still at least upholds basic moral traditions. I believe that Islam is the religion that is most likely to have a reformation and become the next successful culture. But to judge Islam for yourself, you should visit your local mosque and read the Quran.

Mikraite is the alternative that I have chosen. None of the above options work for me because I am not a jewish racist and not Christian. So I worked with some like-minded people to form a moral religion based on the Old Testament. You can read more in What is a Mikraite?.

fschmidt #fundie mikraite.org

Whether one calls the negative anti-morals of modern culture morality is just a semantic question. I do call this negative morality because I don't know how else to describe it. Of course patriarchy is required in any positive moral system.

Andromeda07734 #fundie mikraite.org

Only patriarchal moral values count as morality

Patriarchal moral values = Natural Law/Divine Law/Biblical Law/Koranic Law

Matriarchy - the antithesis of the above. (Some might call it legal positivism which allow such ideas as Transnational Progressivism to contaminate the body politic. Transnational Progressivism can only be pushed on a society that has already been corrupted by feminism.)

What is the purpose of patriarchal moral values? Group solidarity.

What is the nature of matriarchy? Degeneracy and then the defeat of the group by a group practising patriarchal moral values.

What is the essence of patriarchy? Moral restraint.

What is the essence of matriarchy? Sexual liberation.

fschmidt #fundie mikraite.org

In Defense of Feminism

Here I will defend feminism, but not for the typical reasons. In order to understand this post, you must understand these two previous posts of mine:

Human Evolution where I explain why women in feminist cultures are attracted to stupid immoral men.

The Rise and Fall of Christian Culture where I explain how American Christianity failed in the 1800s, meaning lost the ability to impose morality.

In the "Human Evolution" post I explained that women simply choose the type of man who is evolutionarily optimal in the current environment. Let me take this one step further. Probably the most important thing for a woman is which men she has sex with, because this will determine the future success of her genes. Because this is so important, one can reasonably assume that a significant part of a woman's brain is dedicated to this issue. This means that women can intuitively determine which men are genetically "good" much better than men can using analytical reasoning. In other words, men have no right to doubt women's mating choices in terms of genetic suitability. When a woman says that a man is "hot", she is unquestionably correct that he is a good genetic choice in her current environment. And when a woman says that a man is a (genetic) loser, she is also unquestionably correct in her current environment.

One of the worst things that can happen to a woman is mating with a genetically unsuitable man. A woman can only have a limited number of children, so who she chooses to be the father of those children is critical. Mating with an unsuitable man is almost like the loss of a child because that child's genetic future is bleak. The word to express this tragedy is "rape". Men badly misunderstand rape because we interpret it from a male perspective. We think that the critical element is violence. This is because for men, violence is a huge risk for our genetic future since many men are killed through violence. But for women, this simply isn't the case. Violence plays a much smaller role in the genetic success of women. So now let's consider a woman in modern culture. If a violent thug forces this woman to have sex with him, is this rape? No it isn't because the violent thug is well suited genetically for modern culture. So there is no issue of mating with a genetically unsuitable man. Now let's consider the case of this woman being seduced into sex by a nice guy who studied seduction techniques. This clearly is rape since nice guys are genetically unsuitable for modern culture. Whether the sex was violently forced or voluntary is irrelevant, all that matters is the quality of the man's genes. In modern culture, any sex with a nice guy is rape regardless of the circumstances because nice guys have unsuitable genes for modern culture.

Throughout history, women have depended on society to protect them including protecting them from rape. Men in society have always played a role in protecting women from mating with unsuitable men. But of course it is ultimately up to women to decide what types of men are unsuitable. In an effective patriarchal society where promiscuity is heavily punished, intelligent moral men are optimal and stupid immoral men are unsuitable. In such a society, women expect society to protect them from stupid immoral men. And similarly, in modern culture where stupid immoral men are optimal and intelligent moral men are unsuitable, women expect society to protect them from intelligent moral men. In both cases, the motive is exactly the same, to protect women from rape, namely sex with unsuitable men. This is why modern society is currently implementing all these strange sexual consent laws. These laws are very well designed to protect women from intelligent moral men.

At this point it should be clear why feminism makes sense for women in modern culture. All feminism is really about is allowing women in modern culture to mate with genetically good men and avoid mating with genetically bad men. Why should women be prevented from this? But now let's move away from women's perspective and consider what is best for humanity.

The optimal society is a moral patriarchal society. In such a society, promiscuity (outside of prostitution) is strictly limited. Women are expected to virgins at marriage. Adultery (sex with another man's wife) is severely punished with the guilty being removed from the gene pool one way or another. Seducing virgins is also punished. In such a society, moral men are the optimal mating choice for women. So women in this society will be attracted to moral men and will consider immoral men to be losers. There is absolutely no chance of feminism occurring in such a society because women there simply wouldn't want it.

Now let's consider what happens when such an optimal society starts to break down. What happens is that for some reason society loses its ability to enforce sexual morality. This means that promiscuity and adultery become a viable evolutionary strategy for men. Women realize this, and these immoral men become exciting for women. And so the evolutionary decay of the society begins.

Feminism is the natural expression of women's changing mating preference in a decaying society. But let's imagine that we could magically eliminate feminism. Would this be better for humanity? I believe that what this would look like is America almost permanently stuck in the 1950s. As I explained in "The Rise and Fall of Christian Culture", American culture began to break down in the 1800s when religion went from encouraging people to follow Jesus's moral teaching to simply having a personal relationship with Jesus. With such a change, it was inevitable that society would lose focus on the core issues of sexual morality, and lose the ability of effective enforcement. In the 1950s, America retained the facade of a moral culture, but underneath society was breaking down. Women clearly expressed sexual excitement for "bad boys" in movies. And I am certain that this must have corresponded to a rising adultery rate. Without feminism, the facade could have remained intact for centuries, with moral men continuing to find wives but these wives cheating on them and having illegitimate children with immoral men. The genetic breakdown of society would have been much slower, but the ultimate result would have been the same. So instead of taking decades for society to call apart, it would have taken centuries. Which is preferable? I think it is preferable for a morally broken society to fall apart as quickly as possible so that it can be replaced by something else. Feminism doesn't change the end result, it only speeds it up. And so I support feminism.

What about the poor suffering moral men in modern culture who can't get women? One can read the complaints of these men all over the internet. If you suggest options to these men like using a prostitute or looking abroad, they will tell you that they want validation. Any moral man who wants validation from a woman in modern culture is simply a moron who deserves to suffer and die without reproducing. Unlike feminists, he hasn't slightest understanding of evolution. The only sound evolutionary strategy for moral men is to join together to form moral patriarchal societies. Such societies are evolutionarily superior to modern culture. When modern culture has decayed sufficiently, a good moral patriarchal culture should attack modern culture and slaughter all of its men for the genetic good of humanity.

If a woman from the modern culture calls a moral man a loser, the correct response is "I would be a loser if I were a member of your culture, but I am not. My culture is superior to your culture and my culture will eventually destroy your culture." Intelligent moral men must reject modern culture and find an alternative. And from the perspective of an alternative culture, we can recognize feminism as a good thing that is helping to destroy our enemy, namely modern culture.

(Submitter's note: Emphasis added)

fschmidt #fundie mikraite.org

Mikraites attempt to follow an old book, the Old Testament, as an alternative to modern culture. The word "Mikra" means Old Testament in Hebrew. Unlike the New Testament and the Quran, the Old Testament does not require faith. It only requires moral action. This makes Mikraite a real alternative to faith-based religions. We also think that the fact that modern culture hates the Old Testament more than any other book is a good sign that the Old Testament is a very good book.

The Old Testament specifically supports trust ("You must not act deceptively or lie to one another." - Leviticus 19:11) and cooperation ("love your neighbor as yourself" - Leviticus 19:18, "If you come across your enemy's stray ox or donkey, you must return it to him. If you see the donkey of someone who hates you lying helpless under its load, and you want to refrain from helping it, you must help with it." - Exodus 23:4-5). We are a very small group, but we are serious about helping each other succeed in business and in personal life. You will not find anything like this level of cooperation in modern culture.

We have chosen a set of five required practices which we believe will select for good people and exclude bad people.

1. Keep the Sabbath.
2. Dress modestly.
3. Have no tattoos.
4. Keep Passover.
5. Make the Mikraite Declaration.

We are not like Rabbinic Judaism which is based on the Talmud. Rabbinic Judaism defines members by who your mother is. We define a Mikraite as one who follows the five required practices. Unlike Rabbinic Judaism, we consider God to be reasonable and understandable. Deuteronomy 6:24 makes clear that the commandments are for our benefit, and therefore we can analyze the commandments based on how they benefit us.

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