
Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman #fundie #homophobia myspace.com

Q. But how does someone’s homosexual “marriage” threaten everyone else’s families?

A. Gay activists are not asking for just one homosexual marriage, even though they often personalize it by saying, “Don’t you interfere with my family and I won’t interfere with yours.” What the activists want is a new national policy saying that no longer is a mom and a dad any better than two moms or two dads. That policy would turn some very important principles upside down:

Marriage would become merely an emotional relationship that is flexible enough to include any grouping of loving adults. If it is fair for two men or two women to marry, why not three, or five, or 17? The terms “husband” and “wife” would become merely words with no meaning.

Parenthood would consist of any number of emotionally attached people who care for kids. “Mother” and “father” would become only words.

Gender would become nothing. The same-sex proposition cannot tolerate the idea that any real, deep and necessary differences exist between the sexes. It must rest on a “Mister Potato Head theory” of gender difference (same core, just interchangeable body parts). If real differences did exist, then men would need women and women would need men. Our children would learn that sexual differences are like mere personality types. Wait until your kids start bringing those papers home from school.

Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman #fundie myspace.com

Q. But heterosexuals can marry according to their sexual orientation. Why shouldn’t homosexuals be allowed to marry according to their orientation?

A. Then nature itself is intolerant. Marriage has not been “imposed” upon culture by some religious institution or government power from which it needs to be “set free.” It was established by God, is enforced by the nature which God bestowed upon mankind, and we tamper with it at our own peril.

Here’s what is intolerant. Same-sex “marriage” is being forced upon us by a small, but elite, group of individuals dressed in black robes—judges—who say that thousands of years of human history have simply been wrong. That is a very arrogant notion that will bring great harm to our culture.

Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman #fundie myspace.com

Q. Isn’t it true that what kids need most are loving parents, regardless of whether it’s a mother or father?

A. No. A child needs a loving mother and father. A wealth of research over the past 30 years has shown us this. (However, same-sex marriage and parenting intentionally deprive children of a mother or father.) The most loving mother in the world cannot teach a little boy how to be a man. Likewise, the most loving man cannot teach a little girl how to be a woman. A gay man cannot teach his son how to love and care for a woman. A lesbian cannot teach her daughter how to love a man or know what to look for in a good husband. Is love enough to help two gay dads guide their daughter through her first menstrual cycle? Like a mom, they cannot comfort her by sharing their first experience. Little boys and girls need the loving daily influence of both male and female parents to become who they are meant to be.

Q. Isn’t that cruel?

A. That’s only because of the times in which we live. Our society prizes what seems fair, more than what is true. Children truly need both a mom and a dad. It is cruel to intentionally deny them this. The research supporting this is both substantial and unequivocal!

Kurtis William Rock #fundie myspace.com

Sad Story here
Newly engaged couple (Dr. & Nurses Aide) killed by a "good Christian" who was DUI at 18 (legal here is 19) & partying with a 14 & 16 year old girl

From his MySpace page

god made me wut i am today... MY LORD AND SAVIOR: thank you for never giving up on me. I know that you will always forgive me and you will love me no matter what mistakes I make. You have helped me get through everything and used the things that have happened to me in my past for the better. I love you so much for dying to pay for my sins. LIFE IS HARD SO DEATH MUST BE EAZY I know I will see you in heaven one day When I say "I am christian"I'm not shouting "I am saved"I am whispering "I was lost"That's why I chose this way.WhenI say "I am christian"I don't speak of this with pride.I'm confessing that I stumble,needing God to be my guide. When I say "I am christian"I'm not trying to be strong.I'm professing that I'm weak,When I say "I am christian"I still feel the sting of pain.I have my share of heartaches,which is why I speak HIS name. When I say "I am christian"Ido not wish to judge.I have no authority;I only know I'm loved

Demendred #fundie myspace.com

First of all the policy of the seperation of church and state is not a guiding principle of this nation. It was merely a comment made by Jefferson in a private letter to a friend, which has been harped on by liberals. Secondly there is no need to utter profanity to get your point across. Thirdly Obama never states examples either, he merely throws out pretty words which any liberal will refuse to examine lest they be deemed not liberal enough. Fourthly, not sure that is a word but it works, Obama's so called branch of Islam is openly devoted to destroying the "white race", and Christianity. His religious leader has made this point many times in his sermons. Fifthly, again it works, the First Amendament only states that the government may not establish laws respecting a religion, or forbidding it. It does not give carte blanch for evil. The final point to mention is that this is only the latest in a series of talks on the issue. Watch them all for the whole of his argument.

MaxxRidarr #racist myspace.com

Why the fuck are there black people here anyway? I mean, God made this a santuary for the Wite Master Race as the Bible says and for no reason the niggers are here too! What, they got tired of Africa and swam over the ocean? Probably why they call them Wetbacks.

Jerrocco #fundie myspace.com

Truth is what I heard from Hovind.

Everytime there is a UFO sighting, the government plays it down and call it something else. After 400 peolpe saw the same Unidentified thing, it's just a reflection of a star to the government.

All you get from the government is half answered questions and riddles.

This goes out to the guy trying to explain that the earth is flat.
If you have been educated in the United states, you will obey the philosopy of this govenrment and thats if you want to go far.

Every curriculum and course subject that public govenrment funded school's will have you believe what they want.

I was first educated Biblically, I believe we come from dirt, another scientific and proven discovery first in the Bible.

dan #fundie myspace.com

If the Biblical God isn't real, why do Jews exist? I'm referring to the ethnic group, not the religion.

the Jews unswervingly hold to the Old Testament account of their origin since day 1. Are they lying?

Bongothe: D.R.A.C.O. #fundie myspace.com

well guys you dont have to be a roket scientist to know this well Jesus is know to exist by the works still written in the stone around Rome and the big fuss he caussed you coud go to any Romen temple and there is probably something ritten asking something like who's Jesus its verry simple lol i dont know how you guys dint know this....

Chris Nadz #fundie myspace.com

[On the gay marriage slogan, "Marriage is about love, not gender."]

If marriage is about love then why are you trying to argue that people should have the right to get married based on their sexual preference?

Robert #fundie myspace.com

[Responding to "It's heartless to say that people with AIDS either deserve it or only have it to make their parents suffer."]

It's heartless to say it's heartless. You are prejudging. IF I have spiritual insight THAT WHAT I SAID IS TRUE>...then that makes you nothing more than wrong.

Robert #fundie myspace.com

ONE THING FOR SURE from a CHristians perspective...it [HIV] came about because of a perversion and spread from there through other sexually promiscuous people who did it with that person etc.

[Do you have any idea how many children die from HIV each year?]

Children who get it from toilet seats? NO...from parents who were promiscuous. And this had to do with..what? THE SINS OF THE PARENTS WILL be visited on the children (as a reminder to the parents of the destruction their acts bring that THEY might repent and cry out to God instead of going the same way...) Meanwhile... God can heal and deliver ALL who cry out to him. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA>..hell...any idea at all how many people GOD DELIVERED FROM DISEASES THIS YEAR???

Brian Michael C #fundie myspace.com

[Replying to someone calling Hilter a faggot]

Conquering almost all of Europe and taking on the entire world and almost winning doesnt sound much like the work of a fag to me. Hitler was someone to reckon with, he no doubt made his mark on history forever. And to top it all off this man did all this with a battered country which he himself rose up.

Hitler is also no doubt, probably the most famous person next to Jesus that most people know world wide.

Will humanity remember your name after you die? So whose really the fag.

Brian Michael C #fundie myspace.com

[This is not sarcasm]

Im voting in the conservatives in January, then we Canadians will start truly supporting our great ally to the south. We must become as Italy and Germany were during WW2, and walk in step, never disagreeing, never breaking our bond. Nothing must divide us! And when Bush says it is time to go to war, it is we Canadians duty to say "YES SIR!" Grab a gun, and commence the process of killing the godless enemies of freedom.

And If Bush says, "Canada it is time for you to join the United States" then we must say "Oh thank you Bush for allowing us the privilege to join your great country, " we will then bring our American friends gifts and write them a thank you card for letting us join them in their greatness.

Any who disagree with what I have just said should be considered enemies of freedom. Because You are opposing all that is good. And You will be remembered when we begin bringing freedom to the world; which in other words means, not a good thing for you.

Dunker #fundie myspace.com

if you have taken any sort of theoretical physics, you would know that, physicists believe there are at least 27 dimensions, not the usual 4 which we know. Possibly the soul lives in one of those?

tony #fundie myspace.com

You could of people were claiming the world was going to end before world war 1&2 but that's ignorance, because neither of those wars STARTED IN ISRAEL and Ignorance is not bliss! No powers were trying to destroy Israel in either of these wars were they? What happened when the Nazi's tried to destroy the Jews they in turn were destroyed.

another glimpse of the madman across the water #fundie myspace.com

well i didn't read the entire thread, cuz it's past my bedtime. but i do indeed use astrology in my life as a tool. i don't say that i believe in it, cuz i don't find it a thing subject to belief or disbelief. it's like saying that i believe in my car running if i fill the gas tank.

['In another post, same thread']

i don't know how it works. i only know that it does. but here is what i think.

the human body is subject to the laws of electricity and gravity. the planets and stars have a gravitational effect on electricity. this is also why i believe that the moon has an effect on people's moods - and if you don't buy that one, ask any 911 dispatcher what full moons are like.

JON #fundie myspace.com

first off all, science can't prove everything. fuck scientific proof. why the hell can't a scientist give me the anatimy of a soul? or tell me why oppsite charges attract. or why a proton and electron will be drawn to each other? and you can awnser that, then why is that the awnser? [...]

how does logic explain why you should be a good person?[...]

explain to me why a 4year old can have faith in santa and the easter bunny, but you cant believe in the very being that is the soul reason for your existence.

Brian Michael C #fundie myspace.com

['If you live in Virginia then you probably know that the General Assembly has passed the Anti-Gay Marriage bill. The issue will make it to the ballots in November, where Virginians can finally remove gay marriage once and for all! Please help us stand united in this war against homosexuality. As Republicans, we must all stand together!']

And remember; just shoot them in the head...they dont go down otherwise. And if you get bit, you can kiss your being straight away.

ez #fundie myspace.com

[After documents came out showing that the army kidnaps Iraqi woman to use as leverage against suspected insurgents.]

Fuck em, they did 9/11, we don't want that shit going down, better them then us, our boys gotta do what they gotta do, they beheaded hosties, hell, damn right we are torturing their ass, giving them a taste of their own medicine, except we don't publicize it, because of the pussy ass "Humaine" Liberals.

Steve (NagZul) #fundie myspace.com

['Embryos are not people in that they are not self-aware, sentient, or perceptive.']

Can you actauly say that in the right mind?
Abortion should'nt be decided by the scientificaly minded ppl with no heart...
It may not be considered murder scienificaly.
It still is murder to a person who would be fully fuctional in the future...

IM saying this from experience, I servived the abortion halocaust...
Yet there were many ppl aborted the year 1987 that could have been my friend..

misspent youth #fundie myspace.com

I'm not dissing ne1, do u guys know there was one of the largest gay pride parades scheduled for new orleans the week of katrina?, yeah the lord does work in mysterious ways.. a land corrupt and without god will pay the price, wake up and smell the redemtion while there is still time.

Got it goin on like Donkey Kong #fundie myspace.com

['Yea, how selfless of God to create people he knew would go to hell just for being born, and then to come down, martyr himself, and go back up to heaven just so he could let a few people in. Unlike God, no one has to die for my mother to forgive me']

WHERE THE HELL DID U EVER COME UP WITH THAT TOTALLY WRONG STATEMENT?? they r not impossible to follow, however we r born sinners, thats y u repent!!!!! AND HOW THE HECK DID U GET OFF SAYIN THAT GOD DOES NOT FORGIVE AND UR LOVED ONES DONT!!!! hypothetical question, say u go off and u kill 15 ppl just becuz u thought u would, say they were 15 of ur family members, i highly doubt ur family would EVER forgive u, but god would, god forgives everythign!!!!!!HOW CAN U SAY THAT WITH A CLEAR CONCSIENCE??? seriously go get a bible and read it, cuz u need help that only god ccan give

Kyle #fundie myspace.com

many people say that we should grant marriage rights to gay people, God made Marriage for a man and a woman (genesis 2:24) and many people are saying that gays can be christians! Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13 say that it is detestable and that they must be put to death. gay people cant be christians, gay people are people living in sin and they should be treated as such, now i'm not saying we should hate gay people and go around harassing them or hurting them, we should hate the sin but love the sinner (in a non-gay way).

This life has been no holiday... #fundie myspace.com

[Because there is no such thing as a Christian deconvert]

i believe we Christian have an "edge" that the atheists don't have...they argue with us against God using their "knowledge" of what they have gathered from science textbooks growing up though school....well, a lot of us Christians have read these textbooks also, but our edge is that we read our Bible also, so we've seen the issue from both sides, unlike atheists who only know what they've heard....

ArcherX #fundie myspace.com

I wish. I just got about 200$ worth of DVDs from his site to watch. I might just buy some AIG DVDs as well, while I'm at it. Ken Ham is really good too. I Might even buy another Grant R. Jeffrey read also. I know Behe's "Darwin's Black Box" is my next read.

Ahhh, good times ahead. Good knowledge too.

ArcherX #fundie myspace.com

And this is why people like you, have way too much time on your little hands.

This is the pinnacle of Ad Hominem. Nice touch.

I see that you still have nothing better to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!................................

Kahalachan #fundie myspace.com

[On abortion]

I have a penis women do not. Women have no right to tell me that I can't use my penis to rape little boys.

I'm supporting gender doesn't have anything to do with morality.

You would claim that I am harming the little boys with my penis that you don't have.

I claim that women are killing human life with the womb I don't have.

ArcherX #fundie myspace.com

[After I posted Luffy's comment regarding Archer's mysterious "!!!!." construction.]

Oh no, I must have slipped and put a period at the end. Nice way to prove your weak theory of Evilution.

NO PROOF again. Just the same old Ad Hominem.

Scot #fundie myspace.com

God is loving and he is just and law breakers will pay the punishment for there crimes.

God is good, He is also just. Does a good and just judge let guilty murderers go? If he did, isnt it true he would be a corrupt judge? God is not corrupt, it is His goodness and justice that will make sure justice is served.


I guess you still don't get it all say it again s l o w e r.

Jesus, who knew no sin, took your punishment by dying on the cross. He shed His blood, and suffered a horrible death in your place, by taking your sins upon Himself. He was wounded for your trasngressions, He was bruised for your iniquities. In other words, you did the crime, He paid the fine.

Kahalachan #fundie myspace.com

If you marry, then you can only divorce based on infidelity.

[So you don't think that it's ok to divorce because of domestic abuse or spousal rape?]

I think it's OK but wrong. The wrong isn't in trying to get away from harm. The wrong occured when you made a lifetime oath and broke it.

Mike AKA Bboy Holy Fire AKA Lee Hyun Woo #racist myspace.com

[Pulling a Godwin on <a href="http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c197/oo7masters/150.jpg" target="_blank"> this picture</a> after a silly comment about how that kid is probably selling drugs.]

So are you for racist comments just as long as it is in a joking manner??? Hey look at that nigger over there he's probably going to amount to a criminal hahah hahaha, this is funny Sierra?? This is justified just as long as it's in a joking tone??? I don't see your reasoning in this Sierra, the Nazi's probably made many jokes about Jews right before they raped a raw Jewish lady who just gave birth, and play football with her newborn as the ball right after

Cardboard Samuria #fundie myspace.com

[On why there was little progress in mathematics after Christianity came to power.]

There was little useful math left to be learned, mainly the stuff we learn in Calculus. Interesting methods and formulas, but nothing practical. There were a few that were discovered to be useful to most people.

Josh #fundie myspace.com

hey, I don't know if you know much about it or not... I've been thoroughly baffled but realize that its time for action. bush and kerry are both alumni of "skull and bones" a secret society at yale. the last election was staged. at least that little fact screams it.

alex jones infiltrated the bohemian grove and got lots of footage of our world leaders being satanic. which is cool.

fox news has footage of both kerry and bush admitting they were part of the secret society.

basically there is a satanic organization of the elite running our government and media. and I'm not a fool for a conspiracy theory. I gotta call a spade a spade.

there is no publicity of any of this because the entire media is with them. we can't go to the news, or the police, or anybody except maybe church officials.

ArcherX #fundie myspace.com

[In a thread about the Vatican denouncing "Intelligent" Design]

Wow, that's great for Catholics, but I'm a Christian and I could care less what the Catholic Church thinks.

['you idiot... Catholics are christians. They were the first christian church. If you were a christian before the Reformation...you were a catholic.']

Not in my book. I really don't care what you believe. I don't listen to the Catholic Church and neither does my whole denomination of the Foursquare. I don't, my Pastor doesn't and the head of the Foursquare Church doesn't. We follow Jesus not the pope or his church.

Thanks for playing, I'm sorry you are wrong.

Drew #fundie myspace.com

[After making a bigoted comment about how atheists lack humility, and being told that it's not very humble to pretend to know the thoughts of all atheists.]

Well I dont know all of that, so that is why I used the word mostly, because for most of the athiests, what I said is true.

[Most Christians are Nazis. Prove me wrong.]

hmm, I dont salute hitler and I am not a communist. My word is all the you can get unless you want to come and see my lifestyle to know.

ArcherX #fundie myspace.com

[Another fundy proving every religion ever]

If Creation/ID and the Bible was so weak and had no truth at all, then it would be dismissed easy by all and especially by all scientists, Christian, Muslim and the like also, because truth is truth and the truth stands alone. This is why it has not been dismissed. If the Bible and the Claim of Creation is such a fable, then it should have no one to believe in it, but it does and it has more plaussibility than Evolution.

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