HighestHorse #crackpot #wingnut #fundie reddit.com

HighestHorse: The leader of my church says GOD wants the true shape of his Earth revealed to the people and Donald Trump is going to reveal it LIVE on TV on Christmas Day! Hallelujah! Soon globetards will be locked away for their lunacy!

zMrAnonymous: What gives you that impression?

HighestHorse: That's what my pastor says Gods plan is. I'm so excited :).

I can't wait to see the globetards admit they were wrong.

zMrAnonymous: Hmm. That would be the day.

HighestHorse: Where is your faith? Do you doubt your God and God loving President?

HighestHorse: Soon we will be validated! Can I get an AMEN?🙏📿✝️ 3:16



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