“What appears to be happening is that AI has picked up the idea”
The goal with most AI developers is More data. More and more and more data. Not necessarily GOOD data.
They pour bullshit into the AIs as much as anything else. So we still need humans to vet the ideas. And the people vetting AI output is usually computer majors, not biologists.
So, whatever AI you’re depending may parrot your ideas, but it’s certainly not validating them.
I asked an AI to design a steam-powered llama-shearing machine. I got a steam-powered llama. But it was sheared, i guess. No fur on the copper plates or rivets.
“that genetic science requires 45 to 225 million years to cover the genetic ground”
No, sweetie, that’s not genetic science. That’s a very poor estimate of how many possible random variations there are, and pretending they have to occur sequentially, and just pulling frequency numbers out of your ass.
And then pretending you’ve criticized the actual science.
It’s adorable, but it’s just a waste of time.
"and it’s definitely closer to 225 million”
Yeah, like that.
"but we already know that the geo-evolutionary timescale may be limited to only three million years.”
How do we know this, kid?
“So, it’s interesting to see that AI appears to already have a better grasp on evolution than the average biologist,”
No. It has no GRASP. It has inputs, and it’s trained to sort them into outputs. It’s about as smart as a deck of Tarot cards or a Magic 8-Ball.
Someone told it X, Y, and Z, and when it wrote something stringing those together, into A, B, anc C, a computer specialist said that B was the better of the three.
Do not trust it as actual scientific research, even if it agrees with your bias.
“although it’s not that surprising since we already knew that biologists are not very intelligent, given that they have the lowest IQs of all the scientists.”
You have a cite for that? Or just figure that you’re too smart for evolution, therefore biologists must be dumber than you are?
"And while AI is innumerate,”
It’s a computer. Numbers is what it does.
You mean the database doesn’t match your prejudices.
Big whoop, neither does the real world.