“How do creationists explain why whales still have leftovers of their hind limbs? It serves no function.”
Creationists believe we are seeing evidence of ID in the left over hind limbs of whales, which shows robust design. Rather than evolution, we see many designs packaged into the genome to enable different designs to manifest as the environmental conditions changed. These changes aren’t mutations and natural selection, for this is way too inefficient, but it is programmed to switch based on environmental factors.
According to Creationists, the oceans were very shallow before the flood so the hind legs served a purpose of helping whales become dislodged should they find themselves in very shallow waters. Also, some scientists say it helped with mating so that too may be an additional function that it performed.
God in designing life, has intelligently designed life with a multitude of designs in the genome which can be switched on or off by environmental factors. After the flood, the need for the hind legs became unnecessary because of the deep oceans so the hind legs shrunk away allowing the flow of resources to flow to other critical organs. Rather than evidence for evolution, this is evidence of ID. A prediction of ID is that over time we will see that mutations are not the cause of this change but biological triggers are switched on or off by environmental factors enabling different designs to manifest themselves for different environments. Just like some creatures loose their sight when they start living in dark caves, so the whale lost it’s hind legs when they were no longer needed. Again, this is evidence for design and not evolution.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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