Forevery0ung12 #sexist
Why women are incapable to lead men, corporations and turn into tyrants.
The reason why women are tyrants is because they have authority without responsibility. It's inherent that they are incapable of taking responsibility for their actions. Therefore women with any authority or power will be tyrants. Give a 12 year old girl power over you and see how that ends. Just look at spoiled children how they behave. Women are children, they stop developing physically at 16 and mentally between the start and end of puberty. Ask yourself what a child will do and you will start to read women like a book.
There are some exceptions however and that is women at the very end of the bell curve with extreme male brains and high IQ. They develop some characteristics of men but the vast majority of them are not interested in men, but either other women or asexual.
A good example of this is Lisa Su, the CEO of AMD. Sure, gotten alot of credit for shit she hasn't done but to be frank, she's one of the most successful CEOs at this time. Doesn't mean that she is as capable as a man, just that she is one in a 1000 with extreme male brain. I don't think she has children, but she does have a husband. This doesn't make her a nawalt however, she just inherited by mutation some features of men.
Men are capable of ruling and being kings, women always are either controlled heavily by counsel or turn to tyrants.
This is why women shouldn't vote or have anything to do with politics, and certainly not rule. Womens only purpose in life has always been to bear children, take care of infants and toddlers to the age of 5 and do monotonous tasks such as sewing or picking berries. Ever wondered why women are obsessed with monotonous tasks such as sewing, crosswords and the like? Because they evolved to.
Women were made for making babies and taking care of the helpless and men were made to do EVERYTHING else, that is why women are only good at things that are correlated with child birth, flexibility being one of them. Another one is distinguishing color, which was helpful for finding and picking berries and the like in the hunting gathering phase of humanity (this is the only thing that isn't directly correlated to child birth that I can think of).
Women are inferior to men, but hating them for simply being children is silly. Most people that are angry and in the redpill rage stage have been lied to and their ideas doesn't correlate with reality. Women, like children, should be taken care of, but in the current climate the state does that for us through our money and crucify men so we're incapable of doing our jobs without putting our lives on the line. This doesn't benefit men nor women, but women are the majority of voters and very short sighted and this cannot end until men take womens rights away or they lose them naturally when we run out of money.
Not much new here, but had to gather my thoughts and see if I missed something. Hopefully this helps someone out there.
It's a rough life out there, take care.