various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @Nature_and_Race )
This post is 100% real.
"To know who rules over you, just figure out who you're not allowed to criticize."
Why is it nobody can say anything about Jews?( @AntiStar )
( @Felix_Krull )
@Nature_and_Race Is he related to that gay mulatto who larped as the POTUS a few years back?
( @CosmicWar )
@Felix_Krull Half brother if I'm remembering correctly. From what i saw he was pretty based back in the day calling out Big Mike's husband as a communist and such. @Nature_and_Race
( @Nicholas_Scholl )
Pretty embarrassing if blacks collectively wake up to the Jew before Whites do.
( @Nicholas_Scholl )
Seriously, what does that say about our race if blacks can perceive the Jewish threat before us?
Are we easier to manipulate or more naive?
I don't know what to fucking think anymore.
( @Nature_and_Race )
@Nicholas_Scholl -- Whites perceived the Jewish threat first. It's just that the media, and social media, don't ever give our people any airtime.
The fact that blacks are allowed to talk about Jews on TV and social media only proves my point. Blacks are still favored by the Jewish TV and social media networks, even when they're exposing the Jews.
( @RealAnnyIrish )
@Nature_and_Race The jews don't fear the blacks like they fear the White man.
( @Zealous_Apostle )
@Nicholas_Scholl @Nature_and_Race Blacks already had a near permanent mentality of being oppressed, all Kanye did was change the race of their oppressors. This mentality was of course cultivated by the Jews over decades, and now it's coming to bite them in the ass.
The one thing that's good about this is that the nigger-worshiping tendencies of white americans will probably make them more receptive to Kanye's message, being a nog himself.