various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @Nature_and_Race )
If our government tells you an event happened, question it.
If our government tells you someone is or was evil, question it.
Our government has proven itself, time and time again, to be habitual liars and warpers and distorters of truth and history.
( @JohnNotnofx )
@Nature_and_Race There is no way that Joe Biden composed that tweet. It contains complete sentences.
( @TheFamilyFriend )
@JohnNotnofx @Nature_and_Race likely the words to put down were provided by his jewish staff.
( @pysek )
@Nature_and_Race hahah this nigger wasn't even ELECTED, they had to lie about that, too lol
( @Cornwell1776 )
@Nature_and_Race I was already 100% certain Hitler was the good guy. This just made it 150%.
( @AngieVDW )
@Nature_and_Race Everything the illegitimite president & pedo-jew says, but turned around. Inverted truth. It's a jew-thing.
( @Skully_B0NES )
@Nature_and_Race one thing that weirded me out even before I was red pilled was the fact that they NEVER bring up the USSR death toll (which is almost quadruple the "6 million").
Course once you learn that 99% of the time the whole of WW2 is used as a guilt trip by jews, the pieces fall into place.
( @SneakyWino )
@Nature_and_Race Hahaha - if you have to say it happened this far after the fact, it probably didn't happen. But we know that. I hope Hitler has his reputation restored to whatever it truly should be. Seems like we are heading towards the light and the truth.
( @PoopyPatriot )
@Nature_and_Race I wonder if a jew typed this