Bill Yount #fundie #wingnut #magick

I couldn't believe God would say such a thing:

"Your government is one of My greatest harvest fields. Pray it into My kingdom and remember, those politicians were on the same cross when I died, right next to you."

"You mean we should love the Democrats and Republicans?" I said.

"I don't see Democrats and Republicans; I only see lost men and lost women on both sides of the aisle," He said. "You see men as trees walking. Saul, who had Christians murdered, was not beyond my reach. I changed His name to apostle Paul and surprised My people in his day by writing most of the New Testament through him. I want to change more names."

Pray More in the Spirit This Coming Year

"Speaking in tongues is a gift of the Spirit. Holding your tongue is a fruit of the Spirit." —Unknown

While I was praying in tongues, it sounded like Chinese.

"Lord, what is this?" I asked.

"You are praying for China," He told me.

"You mean China that's on the news?"

He gave me more names on that list, but I can't release them, for it would start a riot in the body of Christ. If you would like to know who is on God's Most Wanted list, make a list of people you don't want to pray for and put your worst enemy on it.

Beware: Sometimes God puts gems in our enemies. As we love them, we discover the rubies and diamonds.

As you pray for your enemies, God's pen moves to write their story. And He's not through writing yours, either. Until we learn not to rejoice when our enemies fall, God will keep raising them back up until we do (Prov. 24:17-18).

I think we have it backward. We need to win friends instead of arguments.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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