Louis Alexandre Berthier , Iblis & nazgul #sexist blackpill.club

(Louis Alexandre Berthier)
Alt-right tradcucks and white-women worship.


I have repeatedly mocked alt-righters and their white-women worship, but I got a good laugh after I saw this on a tradcuck forum. These idiots believe that white women will support their movement for sake of the "aryan race" and "muh traditions". When will they realize that white women are the kind of a creature that will walk over their dead bodies in the first chance they get? These alt-rightcels are angry because they are lonely and take their anger out of unfortunate ethics. They think all this is due to blacks/mexicans instead of women and their hypergamy. Pathetic!

They think that white foids are forced by Jews to be degenerate whores and that they secretly all desire to be the trad housewives of some truecel. :laughagr:

Yes white femoids are racists. Yes white femoids can be on your side. Yes white femoids are nazis. Yes white foids are privileged and have power.

But, nazism is a dead end, traditionalism is a psyop, conservatism is a CIA planned operation. White femoids don't lose time with white losers, they prefer to associate with people with influence and power, like they always did. They are just assets for those that have money. White foids will never descend and help homeless whites, they simply assume the homeless are unworthy pieces of shit. White foids can see you while you d1e, they don't utter a word, they just let you perish and suffer.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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