if any of you use reddit, I highly suggest you join r/Relationship_Advice, and especially r/Rape. The blackpills there, be they women falling in love with their rapists, or at least developing rape kinks, cucking their beta husbands, and so on, are abundant. Here's two I was just reading.
“I’m dealing with a lot of haunting thoughts surrounding my physical arousal in situations of harassment/assault (tw)”
“My girlfriend (F24)was raped 6 months ago. Recently found out that she had cheated on me (M31) before with her attacker."
My question is, why do women not understand that men will do what it takes to get sex? If sexuality assualting you is what it takes to make you hyper sexual enough to spread your legs, men will take that root. This is why gender segregation is needed. I cannot tell you how many of these stories I come across that wouldn't happen if gender mixing and ESPECIALLY if alcohol/part culture didn't exist.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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