various commenters #wingnut

( End Wokeness )
Hot take: Western colonialism was a net positive for 3rd world countries

( @UseCmnSensePlz )
And intake of 3rd world migrants has a net negative for developed countries. It checks outđź’Ż.

( @BigPoppaSwan )
Think about the vast infrastructural developments, modern educational systems, legal frameworks, and advances in medicine that many colonies benefited from. Had it not been for the colonizers, many of these nations might have lagged far behind in these aspects.

( @DrGoodnightt )
That’s one thing that can’t be denied. Brits brought class to a lot of these regions. At least for a while.

( @Username_btw )
Modernizing, bringing law and order. Shouldn't be a hot take.

( @AndrewC21108551 )
Correct. Name a 3rd world hole that wasn’t uplifted after western colonization. And name one that improved after “decolonization”.

( @OlympusMons99 )
Without European colonialism the world wouldn't exist! Not the countries, not the institutions, not abstract rights that make the world as people perceive it!

( @lefthas0class )
Absolutely!! Whites make communities thrive

( @fonty012 )
Colonization was a good thing for 3rd world countries.

( @HaikusFromUnder )
Are you suggesting that a country having a moral, Christian framework, somehow fundamentally improves the quality of life for the inhabitants... but that would mean perhaps that God is some sort of omnipotent logos of goodness that when embodied produces a life worth living. 🤔



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