puupi #psycho #sexist mmo-champion.com

on the story of a child bride who poisoned her adult husband and his friends

The people shot in school shootings are not all (often not at all - victims of columbine shooting had not bullied the shooters, despite their claim that revenge was the cause) people who bullied the shooters. I absolutley think that a violent reaction to systematic violent bullying and abuse is understandable. Just not when you shoot people who have nothing to do with it. In this case, the "friends of the guy" who were killed make it a little less justifyable, but they were still celebrating alongside him and likely took part in / attended the marriage.

So you think that guy who just stabbed 22 people is a hero?

No. I don't think this girl is a hero either. If those 22 people had all brutally bullied and victimised that guy physically / emotionally, then you could say his reaction was understandable. That is almost certainally not the case though. Many of those people will have had nothing to do with it whatsoever. Please stop trying to twist my words

No, murder is not justifiable.

Hell, I was bullied in school. I've had my ass kicked. I've felt physical and mental pain during school. No, I definitely don't see justifiable that I stabbed or shot even the biggest bully.

Rape is an awful thing, but it just another form of physical violation. Getting hit by a fist in the face and kicked to the head, stomach and back are much more dangerous than having a penis inside your vagina.

You really don't think it's insulting to suggest 50% of Nigerian girls aren't smart enough to just run away? If only you were there to tell them that all of their problems could be solved if they hop on a bus.

Well it's insulting to suggest that all Nigerian girls are unhappy with the marriage culture there and getting forcibly married is a reason to murder people.



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