Positron #transphobia #dunning-kruger kiwifarms.net

Corrupt Cali judge stripped conscientious father of custody of his son, using false analogy: "If your son is so fragile that he'd be mentally damaged if he is confronted about his delusion, will you insist on him getting help?"


TikTok to ban videos in support of "conversion therapy". How about yeeting your teets?

Conversion therapies has been "tried" but never really clinically "tested" -- there is no commonly agreed protocol to "test". To say it doesn't work is like saying randomly hacking the brain does not cure brain tumor. Also keep in mind that we are now seeing a new types of gender confusion -- ROGD -- that transsexual activists simply forbid researchers to investigate.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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