various commenters #wingnut #quack

( @MorpheusMAGA )

spoilerExcuse my ignorance, but are any
unvaccinated people getting Bell's
palsy, shingles, blood clots, monkey
pox, myocarditis, or dying suddenly
with SADS? Just curious.

( @Benchot34 )

spoilerVaccines will do the job
slowly and quietly.
Hardly anyone will
even know it's a

( @gallianoj )
@MorpheusMAGA You can only ask if people are vaxed when they are trying to get into a restaurant, or trying to get a job, or join the military, etc... But it is politically incorrect to ask it, if they die suddenly or get heart problems, clots or palsy, etc... It's part of the hypnosis.

( @Obarry57 )
@MorpheusMAGA as for myself, 65 and never had any shots including flu shots, still in great shape. Never wore a mask, saw through that bullshit in the beginning

( @page_e )
Shedding of the vaccinated is a reality and is contagious.

( @PearlsAndAmmo )

Can confirm as I work around a lot of jabbed. I’ve noted physiological abnormalities that differ from when I was fully remote and not exposed to them.


( @Conserevets )
@MorpheusMAGA We don't know why?

( @VioletDerick )
@MorpheusMAGA no. as a matter of fact, none of those things are impacting those of us who refused to take this injection of poison

( @Muzungu )


For a while, if you had recently (within 14 days) received the Kung Flu Jab and died or had any serious illness you were considered “unvaccinated”.

It was their trick to changing the statistics.



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