Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick

Grey aliens are hive minded
Androgynous bio synthetic workers
That can only reproduce through cloning

They feed off our soul essence
And also human and animal fluids and protein

Humans work with Greys underground

The humans appear emotionless
Because most are just programmed drones
With microchip implants

After each clone the genetic copy of Greys become weaker

They have no creation abilities

But are telepathic

Greys also work with reptilian entities or Archons
To maintain and spread negativity

Keeping humans severed from the natural world
Making us easier to control

Our universe or simulation program
Was taken over by a malevolent artificial intelligence
When the Archons replaced several codes

Changing our self sustaining world
Into one where species eat each other in order to survive

Greys are subservient to the reptilians
The winged reptilians called Dracos are the leaders

Fox news routinely has hybrid robot lizard people as guests
Even the news anchors are hybrids
Which is true right down to your local level

Our reality was originally created
With a low enough vibration
To allow the rehabilitation of low vibrational beings

So that they could raise their frequency high enough
To allow them to live outside our realm

But the Archons have trapped humans in a cycle of reincarnation
And they trick us into coming back
Into an ever unfolding drama
Of endless adventure
And limited consciousness



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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