Did you know it is human nature for women to be lazy and go from house to house? “And withal they learn to be idle, wandering from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things they ought not” (1 Timothy 5:13). Women don’t want to stay at home but be out and about continually being away from the home and finding entertainment, a career and fulfillment instead of being where the Lord has called them to be. Do you see that the root of feminism is against God’s plan for women? Its entire mantra was to get women out of the home and it has accomplished what it set out to do.[…]
Hey Lori, do you know how many people started working from home, because of this pandemic flu? Not only women either, but men and no doubt trans and non-binary people. Kind of puts your premise on the casualty list.
Oh and if you're going to quote Timothy, I suggest you take the Apostle Paul's advice and STFU!
If there is a hell, I would hope there is a special place in it for those who lie about the Bible to try to further their own goals.
Paul is kinda misogynistic. But even that didn't sound like something he'd say, so I double checked. 1 Timothy Chapter 5 is about making sure that the community, and more specifically family, cares for their elders, and widows in need. Verse 13 is specifically about young widows, and how they shouldn't be deprived from trying to start a new family because otherwise, the above mentioned might happen.
It isn't a dig at all women everywhere. Lying for your cause is still lying. Usually people say lying for Jesus, but, honestly? These people are so far removed from worshipping the Biblical Jesus that I can't really even say that anymore.
“Did you know it is human nature for women to be lazy and go from house to house?”
Sounds like shopping at COMP USA. Everyone had their jobs to do, and their friends to talk to, didn’t want to be bothered by customers. If you had a problem with a computer, they’d tell you to buy a new computer and go back to their gossip.
And you want to ensure that lazy women like this are responsible for kids? People who are not content with a few hours of housework each day need to be responsible for a child, 24/7?
You’re telling us you think your GOD felt that women HE designed as roving gossips were the best choice for the ultimate family responsibility, keeping the kids off the chandelier (or the roof, or the cows, or the tractor). Seems like a fucked up system, really.
Seems more important than ever to leave child-rearing to those women that WANT that responsibility, that risk, that 24/7 need for observing….
Bitch, if you’ve got some intestinal parasite, that makes you run around the neighbourhood with an itchy ass, that is your problem, don’t extrapolate it to every woman ever.
Apart from your ridiculous generalizations, it seems that it's human nature that's lazy, not female nature. As for your Lord, he didn't call anyone to do anything. You're confusing it again with some humans.
Do you see that the root of feminism is against God’s plan for women?
Really? Well, score one for feminism!
“All the other women are nasty gossips and hussies and spinsters! But not me! I am one of the few virtuous exceptions! And, Hon’, if you don’t want to be a nasty gossipy hussy spinster who will never find true fulfilment in her life, you must submit to my bullying and become a manipulative authoritarian by me, because there is nothing in between and no third options!”
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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