schrodingercoper #psycho #sexist

[Blackpill] Most cucks suppress their attraction for young foids to feel better about themselves

I think what makes us different is that we're allowed to actually speak freely here. Here you can actually say that you are attracted to jbs, here you can say you have a 2 inch penis, and no one will care about it because we're all subhuman anyway. most of us have nothing to lose.

NO man would be able to resist an attractive 14-15 year old foid. The only reason everyone seems to think we are perverts is because we are one of the only groups on the internet who can be honest about what we want and what we have. No one with a job or other position would dare to speak about feeling an attraction to young females due to the risk of losing their status, but I can assure you that every dude who isn't a gay feels this regularly but chooses to suppress it if there are other things at stake.

Attraction to neoteny is hardwired in the male brain, because it ensures the best quality for reproduction.

This is something that foids can not understand because of obvious reasons and is why they are more offended by topics like this.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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