
Watashi wa Toki #sexist #psycho reddit.com

Females are disgusting, because man cannot be relaxed with them

For get femoid, man must work and try hard (or just to be chad), to outcompete other men, but even in case of getting, no relaxation comes. Man still must work and try hard, for keeping that femoid, as if feels too relaxed, stupid cunt easy can escape and run to different man. Thats disgusting, femoids becoming tools of moder slavery, to keep man always on move, instead of sitting and just watching clouds. Two ways of solving it, one is making society more patriarchal and spiritual, so femoid by rules and laws will be forced to be with appointed man, but she still will be just nasty tamed animals. Real solution is creating genetically engineered or cyborg waifus, who made to be with only one particular man, finding him beautifull, loveable, and the only sexually atractive man for her, so he can has no worrries about competition and keeping cunt chained, but can just sit and relax, and not alone, but with cute adorable waifu of culture

Stonetoss #racist stonetoss.com


Image transcription
Panel 1
*A scientist talks to a racist with two brains in jars in the background
Scientist: Okay racist, can you guess which brain is white and which is black?
Panel 2
Racist: (grabbing a card) No, I can’t. You got me.
Panel 3
*The racist gets up his card on an easel. It shows two different bell curves.
Racist: Say, can you guess which I.Q. distribution is white and which is black?

Uglymuggly #sexist incels.is

[Venting] its very easy for foids

literally any foid can just go on (((online dating))) and have their pick of men to come fuck them and foids can abort if chad gets them pregnant. Meanwhile we are forced to live in celibacy and told that "rape" is the worst thing in the world. JFL

Bourbon #sexist incels.is

[JFL] [AWALT] What do foids even talk about??
What do normies usually talk about? especially with foids, i know a few male hobby topics like Guns, videogames and cars but i don't know how i would start a conversation about one of these i usually pushed myself into other guys' conversations mid way trough

and femoids? do they actually talk about anything besides sex? literally since i was 11-12 the first thing i overheard from 11 year old foids back then was that "sex is good because you burn a lot of calories" this was from a foid who was sending nudes to her 16 y/o BF who was chad (she was like 11-12)
all i was hearing from foids is topics about makeup and sex when i was in their vicinity, do these holes actually talk about anything besides that?

i've never had a longer interaction with a foid than the ones where i pay for groceries and say that i'm paying with a card or cash because i got ghosted or laughed at while trying

I've only overheard foids' conversations and they're all about either makeup or sex (when counting sex i count in talking about chad and rating males from 0-10)
They are so carefree and incompetent that they don't know anything else than the things they have been made to do, and that is to make cucks work for them by altering their appearance with makeup and rewarding these cucks with sex for their work and money (and sometimes not even rewarding them at all LMAO)

Tenshi #sexist #transphobia incels.is

so I was doing my daily research on baldness-related subjects on youtube and stumbled into this rabbit hole of trans foids I got quite curious about how it.

Can you guys believe this shit? Retarded foids paying thousands of dollars to end up being manlets, framelets, balding, twink subhumans JFL. They're literally paying to be incels.

Some of them even go further and undergo surgeries to turn their pussies into micro dicks. I mean, I've heard of severe mental issues, but that is a whole new level of retardation.

OnlyTheGhosts #wingnut deviantart.com

OnlyTheGhosts: That's an interesting claim BUT WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?

An assertion without evidence is nothing more than baseless accusation.

I believe the count is around 600+ attacks by loony leftist nutters on Trump supporters. Maxine the loon has called for mob violence against Trump's side too. So has Hillary Clinton with her call for "uncivil" action. Unlike you, I can cite evidence
[a bunch of links]

Girl-called-Lola: "That's an interesting claim BUT WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?

An assertion without evidence is nothing more than baseless accusation."

Don't you read the news? Here ya go, sourced from all those totally unbiased news sites you like:
[more links]

Want some more reading?

"From 2008 to 2017, the study found perpetrators from all streams of right-wing extremists to be responsible for 71 percent of the extremist-perpetrated killings in the United States, followed by Islamic extremists at 26 percent and left-wing extremists, including anarchists and black nationalists, responsible for 3 percent of deaths."[another link]

OnlyTheGhosts: Great, so how does any of that excuse the hundreds of innocents attacked by Leftists, many bashed to the point of nearly dying?

I already cited links too. You ignored them.

Girl-called-Lola: It doesn't excuse anything Antifa does. My point is that people like you continually bitch and moan about Antifa 'acts of violence', yet you remain silent when a Trump supporter drives his car into a crowd of people. A Trump supporter killed an innocent women at a protest but you're more concerned that a "Dad Dares Daughter To Knock Off Guy’s MAGA Hat For 100 Bucks. She Does It"

"I already cited links too. You ignored them."

I didn't ignore them. What were you expecting? Am I supposed to comment on each one?

more repliesOnlyTheGhosts: Wrong, that's just YOU projecting and pretending people are saying shit which they are NOT saying. Stop making crap up and pretending other people are saying it. You do it because you can't cope with the logic and what they are REALLY SAYING. You can't make a decent argument, so you rely on insults and stupid claims pretending people are saying things WHICH THEY ARE NOT SAYING, YOU LIAR.

Trump supporters have rarely been violent in comparison the Leftists. That's why I posted those links WHICH YOU CONTINUE TO IGNORE.

You make a big fucking deal about ONE GUY - and ignore EVERYTHING ELSE.

It's just luck that none of these victims of Leftist thuggery died;
[more links]

There have been hundreds of acts of extreme violence by Leftist idiots against anyone and everyone who disagrees with them, or even just happens to be in the wrong place when these Leftist twits decide to play thuggery again. They lie all the damn time about their motivations, lie about what they do, and try to excuse their shitty attitude by screaming about white supremacy, or patriarchy, or some other made up nonsensical ideological bullshit that has zero relation to the real world.

Grow up.

Millions of other people are starting to actually wake up from the bullshit you continue to defend

Girl-called-Lola:"Wrong, that's just YOU projecting and pretending people are saying shit which they are NOT saying. Stop making crap up and pretending other people are saying it. You do it because you can't cope with the logic and what they are REALLY SAYING. You can't make a decent argument, so you rely on insults and stupid claims pretending people are saying things WHICH THEY ARE NOT SAYING, YOU LIAR."

Jeez calm down. What exactly am I lying about?

"Trump supporters have rarely been violent in comparison the Leftists. That's why I posted those links WHICH YOU CONTINUE TO IGNORE."

I looked at your links. Fact is a Trump supporter killed a innocent woman. That is a big deal.

"Millions of other people are starting to actually wake up from the bullshit you continue to defend"

And there's a twitter page called Trump Regrets - people who regret voting for Trump: [link]

OnlyTheGhosts: Waiting for you to deal with REAL VIOLENCE BY LEFTIST FUCKWITS.
[A heap of links]
IT IS NOT GOING AWAY. Answer it, deal with it, stop pretending it isn't there. You're defending thuggery.

Twitter has lots of fake accounts too. It's just text. Paid for clickers and bots easily do it. You can't debunk the thousands upon thousands of people who marched awhile back either.

DC Walkaway March to Civility
Brandon Straka speech
Stacey Dash - "It's not about the colour of our skin, it's not about our gender"

#WalkAway is accelerating
And it's absolutely fascinating to watch as larger numbers of people are awakening. They've started researching and thinking for themselves, risking enormous personal loss, as they begin to see through the lies of the Democrats, Establishment mainstream media, and the regressive Leftists deceitful narratives.
[many, many links]

Fact is ONE VICTIM IS FAR OUTWEIGHED BY THOUSANDS OF VICTIMS. You keep pretending that a single deranged loon is some kind of representation that makes it okay for THOUSANDS OF OTHER ACTS OF VIOLENCE against innocent people. Your moral compass is broken; get it fixed.

Girl-called-Lola: "Waiting for you to deal with REAL VIOLENCE BY LEFTIST FUCKWITS."

I'm not defending Antifa, they're a bunch of violent morons. When are you going to own up to the fact that right wing groups are also violent? When are you going to denounce them?

"Twitter has lots of fake accounts too. It's just text. Paid for clickers and bots easily do it."

Right, so everyone who says they regret voting for Trump is a bot? Weren't Trump supporters laughing at Leftists for making the very same claim?

"Fact is ONE VICTIM IS FAR OUTWEIGHED BY THOUSANDS OF VICTIMS. You keep pretending that a single deranged loon is some kind of representation that makes it okay for THOUSANDS OF OTHER ACTS OF VIOLENCE against innocent people. Your moral compass is broken; get it fixed."

My moral compass?! One dead victim far outweighs death threats on twitter, harassing someone wife at restaurant, sticking fingers in their salads, throwing chocolate milk at College Republicans, or someone getting their fucking hat knocked off.

[Note: It doesn’t stop here. The argument keeps on going.]

OnlyTheGhosts #conspiracy #ableist deviantart.com

No, it's actually brain damage. The 30% brain inflammation that's common is due to toxins in the brain. These toxins - especially mercury and aluminium - result in very fragile synapses. The synaptic pathways collapse, and the brain compensates by trying to create more pathways faster than they can collapse.

The 70% of Autistics with IQs in the 70s or below shows it's brain damage as well. 70s and below is called MENTALLY RETARDED RANGE.

Chart of mental redartation according to IQ


Level of RetardationIQ Range
MildLow 50s – 70s
ModerateMid 30s – low 50s
SevereLow 20s – mid 30s
ProfoundBelow 20 or 25

“…aluminium exposure is associated with the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines and with the development of chronic oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and glial activation or dysfunction; these changes in turn are associated with ASD.”

(Aluminium in vaccines causes BRAIN-DAMAGE linked to Autism!)


“The preponderance of the evidence indicates that mercury exposure is causal and/or contributory in ASD” (in other words, mercury – as in vaccines containing the organomercury compound Thimerosal, is linked to Autism)


“…the significant association between vaccination and NDDs all support the possibility that some aspect of the current vaccination program could be contributing to risks of childhood morbidity. Vaccination also remained significantly associated with NDD after controlling for other factors, whereas preterm birth, long considered a major risk factor for NDD, was not associated with NDD after controlling for the interaction between preterm birth and vaccination. In addition, preterm birth coupled with vaccination was associated with an apparent synergistic increase in the odds of NDD above that of vaccination alone.”

(NDD = refer to neurological damage, in other words *BRAIN-DAMAGE* )


Geier et al. 2014 J Biochem Pharmacol Res “The risk of neurodevelopmental disorders following a Thimerosal-preserved DTaP formulation in comparison to its Thimerosal-reduced formulation in the vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS)” 2:64.

“This study supports a significant relationship between increased organic-Hg exposure from Thimerosal-preserved childhood vaccines and the child’s subsequent risk of a ND diagnosis.


I can easily cite hundreds more.

Your crap calling what I'm saying "ableism" is just you using insults instead of dealing with the science.

I don't give a fuck about your better, kinder term. The scientists say RETARDED, that's NOT a slur. That's the term. I will not abide with politically-correct nutcases to dictate what "science" should say, any more than I would go along with the Soviet Union's propaganda or China's propaganda or North Korea's propaganda when they made anti-scientific claims.

OnlyTheGhosts #conspiracy #crackpot deviantart.com

Parent comment here for context: https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/136259188⁄4699963711

The WHO are also a gang of bullshitters, moron. They were exposed years ago too! Don't you pay any attention to the news????? (o.0)

Again, I already refuted that same crap with PEER REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC STUDIES. Strange that all you have are fallacious argument-by-authority but can't produce any scientific evidence, nor cite even a "credible" authority.

You're a special kind of stupid as the World Health Organization has already been exposed lying repeatedly, it's scandal-ridden, corrupt, and tied at the hip with the pharmaceutical industry.

Here's a summary of how the WHO vaccine scam with H1N1 worked:

Step 1) Exaggerate the risk: WHO hypes up the pandemic risk by declaring a phase 6 pandemic even when the mortality rate of the virus was so low that it could be halted with simple vitamin D supplements.

Step 2) Urge countries to stockpile: WHO urged nations around the world to stockpile H1N1 vaccines, calling it a "public health emergency."

Step 3) Collect the cash: Countries spend billions of dollars buying and stockpiling H1N1 vaccines while Big Pharma pockets the cash.

Step 4) Get your kickbacks: WHO advisors, meanwhile, collected their kickbacks from the vaccine manufacturers. Those kickbacks were intentionally kept secret.

Step 5) Keep people afraid: In order to keep demand for the vaccines as high as possible, WHO continued to flame the fears by warning that H1N1 was extremely dangerous and everybody should continue to get vaccinated. (The CDC echoed the same message in the USA.)

WHO advisors walked away with loads of cash, the drug companies stockpiled huge profits, and the taxpayers of nations around the world were left saddled with useless vaccines rotting on the shelves that had to be destroyed. Their advisors are on the take from the drug companies, and just about anything you're likely to hear from the World Health Organization originates with a profit motive rather than a commitment to public health. There has never been a single scientific study ever published showing that H1N1 vaccines worked. Not only was the H1N1 pandemic a fraud to begin with, but the medicine they claimed treated it was also based on fraud. And now we know the rest of the story of why it was all done: Kickbacks from Big Pharma, paid to advisors who told WHO to declare a pandemic.

You have zero evidence that the situation is any different with the HPV vaccine. If anything it has proven to be worse as the victims continue to pile up and the court cases grow in number.

You haven't cited a damn thing refuting any of those news stories either. You're citing a single link from an organisation that has already proven itself to be totally untrustworthy. That's plain idiotic of you, because *only a retarded gullible fuckwit like yourself would believe you!*

FuriusJorge/DarkBulb121 #conspiracy #elitist deviantart.com

Parent comment here for context: https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/840462142/4855436049

You blocked my DarkBulb121 acct? You are such a flaming, buttfucking pussy you actually blocked me from responding??? I'm arguing with a self neutering leftist.

I'll give you this last one & your self neutering ass can go eat a a bag of baby dicks for all I care.

Holy shit it was painful just getting through that post.

The simple fact is that most of us have been out in whatever you sad sheep are terrified by for half a year and we're doing fine. Evidence undeniable that C19 is nothing special. You NEED it to be bad to prop up your self esteem. Otherwise you've have to admit to yourself that as many have stated, you've been had, fooled, manipulated. You don't give a shit what I think about you but you yourself? Doubting your own ability to deduce such a clear sham from the truth? That doesn't sit well. Years spent in psychology were not wasted on me. I find human minds & how they're manipulated very interesting. When I realize something's being done to me without my knowledge I like to understand it clearly. You might consider learning some of that yourself.

" And trust me, if I were the one who was in charge, I would close all borders, put everyone in lockdown and get everyone tested to make sure no one had this virus before I let everyone go. That way, it would be over and done with. "
You'd be killed for it by the masses of your own constituency before getting very far with it. Your own military would turn on you. That's why we don't put people like you in charge.

If you can't understand that whatever you consider "TV" is how they're programming you don't even bother thinking about it. Sit back, enjoy your depopulation food, don't forget your soon to be mandated weekly vaxxine update or your daily fluoride regimen.

Answer this please: Do you even own a rifle? If someone provided you one could you even use it much less build or service your own? What happened to your freedom?

Worse yet what happened to your sense of freedom, your understanding of the word? Are you really alright with 24/7/365 surveillance? We're pretty big on Freedom of Speech and Right to Bear over here in the US. You will see civil war before the American citizen allows themselves to be pantsed from our right to defend.

Sheltering in shame, voluntary house arrest, senseless virtue signalling with useless masks made law in some places... you are a slave, a prisoner, a blind fool. You pussies are already dead you just don't know it. If SHTF over here people like you will be used to fertilize crops for people like me.