Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick
I had long ago come to terms with the fact that “Westworld” was far from science fiction. Forced to begrudgingly admit that many of the public figures we see featured on television and in movies, and much of the general population for that matter, are in fact non human. I believe that what we are faced with is a mix of hybrid human offspring from the efforts hybridization program(Alien abduction phenomenon)of the Fallen entities. Along with what is a separate race of Cannanite Repitilian Shapeshifers, which admittedly may or may not the be same group as these Fallen Angels. These guys have been around for a long time.
But in contrast to these Fallen and/or Reptilian creatures, there is something else entirely that’s been in play. These demonic creatures and the humans loyal to them, have been feverishly working to fabricate and mass manufacture what are 100% synthetic and completely soulless human Robotoids. They seem to have been continuously introducing them into society for at least the past 50 years. But most likely have been doing this in some form or another since ancient times. There are accounts of Golums dating as far back as dynastic China, pre-Roman Greece and ancient India.
Not something that was ever originally a Fallen demonic entity, disembodied Nephilim Hybrid, or the previously organic consciousness of a human that’s been copied over into the vessel. Some of them are purely robotic in nature. That being said, I believe that any of these synthetic vessels, no matter what they were originally intended to be used for, can be commandeered and absconded at any time by these Fallen legion spirit entities & disembodied Nephilim hybrids.