BondiBlue & pennygadget #transphobia

( BondiBlue )
“People” magazine did a trans retcon of Kathleen Turner’s role on “Friends”
I bought this week’s issue of People that had a cover story about Matthew Perry. In the article are remarks about his passing from those outside the main Friends cast who knew him and worked with him: [...]

Kathleen Turner is also on the page that excerpts famous co-stars’ mini-eulogies for Perry, and for years she was listed as having played the role of Chandler’s father (who had a sex change operation — or maybe he didn’t, maybe he just went the Mulvaney route — and became a burlesque performer in Vegas, which is really the place that “drag storytime” belongs). But now the role has been completely “de-gendered,” such that Turner is simply described as having played Chandler’s “trans parent.” Not his father.

Hollywood is Hollywood, for sure, but it’s staggering how sweeping these forced language changes have been implemented — the publication deliberately omits the sexed reality of what a “trans parent” (AGP dad, in this case) actually is. TRAs, TIMs especially, really, really don’t want anyone to acknowledge that underneath it all, they are still MEN. (The very female Ms. Turner and her husky screen-siren / torch-singer voice notwithstanding, the character of Mister Bing in the story is quite obviously a man.)

So if Chandler never had a “father,” just a “trans parent,” was he conceived by midichlorians or something? (“Luke, I am your sperm provider”?) Was there a lost episode titled “The One Where Chandler’s Uterus-Having Parent Has a Virgin Birth”? It’s only a small snippet in a sidebar of the article, but it just reinforces how stupid, so blatantly obvious in its inherent contradictions and absurdities, this entire ideology is.

“Could you BE any more transparent?”

( pennygadget )
They're seriously afraid of misgendering a fictional character from a 20 year old TV show?

I saw this happen once when someone was talking about Rockos Modern Life in a review. The character of Ralph Bighead became a TIM in the movie that was released in 2020. So the person referencing an episode made in the 1990s insisted on referring to the obviously male character as "Ed's daughter" and "she".

Its bad enough when we have to cater to IRL gender-specials by rewriting history. Now we have to cater to FICTIONAL ones as well!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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