Cynthia #fundie #wingnut

I am 70 years old!! I have seen America go through so many changes. As the baby boomer generation we were very blessed. We got to experience the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA at its very best. We grew up in a Christian environment, for the most part. Safe secure, happy and blessed. Even the poorest citizens enjoyed many blessings unknown to the rest of the world. EVERYONE wanted to live HERE!
I saw many changes in my life time, but the pace of change has escalated now to such a point it leaves your head spinning. The world I see today looks NOTHING LIKE the world in which we grew up. Quite frankly, at this point, the world is pretty scary. For anyone who does not know the LORD, it must be terrifying!

Everyone today is in a perpetual rat race. Chasing after things that do not satisfy.
I purchased some books I thought might help me figure out what I need to change to bring in a better income. I would read them all the way to the end only to discover that they ended up telling me to do what the Rich people are doing: 1) Move all you money offshore (of course I knew that was WRONG, and I was certain not even legal. Besides the fact that I did not have any money to move) 2) Call on the Ancient Ascended Masters for wisdom and guidance. WHAT??? That is right folks. That is what they recommended and that is what they said the RICH PEOPLE DO.

Well, my Daddy didn’t raise any fools. I knew better than that. Calling on SPIRITS is evil. Forbidden and DANGEROUS! No matter who they claim to be they are not from GOD. The only spirits you can be talking to are demonic spirits. Unless you are talking to the Holy Spirit. You would have no problem knowing the difference. One leads to GOD and the other leads you to HELL.

Anyway, that is a big reason why so many people today have fallen away from GOD and are serving MAMMON/MONEY. They chose to put their faith in the World’s system instead pf trusting GOD and learning to be happy with what He provides.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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