©H.I.R.M. J.M. Sovereign: Godsent™ #crackpot #moonbat #conspiracy #mammon amazon.com

Are you sick and tired of the government interfering with your life? Have you had enough of being railroaded by the system? Have you ever wondered if there really is a way to protect your freedom and your privacy from predatory public servants? Well there is!!! TITLE 4 FLAG SAYS YOU'RE SCHWAG! The Sovereign Citizen's Handbook is the ultimate legal self-defense strategy guide! If you are looking for the peaceful solution to "the government problem", your quest is complete. If you want to know how to prove your case in court without going to law school, this book will show you how!! If you are serious and really want to know how to cut "the government" out of your life forever, this book is the essential sovereignty checklist!!! So fire your public pretender and get the latest and greatest version of TITLE 4 FLAG SAYS YOU'RE SCHWAG! The Sovereign Citizen's Handbook!!! Dispelling the mystery of law and the legal process.
©H.I.R.M. J.M. Sovereign: Godsent™ A prince on the 9 Sacred paths of Catholic, Buddha Rasta, Tao, Maya, Jain, Shivaite, Vaishnava, and Eckankar, he has traveled the world in search of priceless wisdom, humor, melody and artifacts. He has learned the most confidential knowledge and has been given the keys to the Kingdom of God, by the enlightened masters, which he gives entrance to you here, in this book. He has never owned a weapon in his life. Shown the path of ahimsa(non-violence) at an early age, he is a lover of music and art, who has traveled the world to dance with friends at over 400 Grateful Dead shows in 5 countries. Surviving repeated attacks at shows and on the streets, by public employees, and noting the patterns of abuse and the damage done, he concluded that the World needed a treatise on Sovereignty and Reservation of Sovereign Rights. With the Investment of 24 years of field research and litigation along with 8 years of networking and writing, Godsent has turned the nation on its ear.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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