Meus #crackpot #racist
Non-whites are sheep.
Whites are wolves.
It really is that simple. For example: Bullying as bad as in white countries barely exists in brown countries. Indians don't bully each other to fucking death. Other tribes simply can't afford to victimize their own.
Whites have an aggressive predator personality. No amount of BLM, leftism, equality propaganda etc. change that fact. If anything it is just a thin coat of paint covering a totalitarian, ignorant interior that is buried deep inside. They believe it just as much as they would have believed Nazi propaganda if they lived in Germany. They believe in leftism like in an ideology.
The fact that this empathy and tolerance shit has to be taught whites and reinforced 24/7 only shows that it doesn't come naturally to them like the rest of the world. It has to be instructed from above.
This has downsides too. Whites are easier to deceive and control than other tribes. Predators like wolves are hyper-focused on 1 target, but don't see anything around them (hunter eyes) which makes it easy for someone to fool them. Non-whites are like sheep and have a wider view (prey eyes). If you told them to make the Nazi salute and die in Russia they would just laugh at you, but the wolves believe that garbage because of their hyper-focus. Hell it is even reflected in appearance.
Jews are neither sheep, nor wolves. They're parasites who profit from both sides. They use the fucking wolves to devour the sheep and starve the wolves to death to sell their fur.