
Red Pill Poet #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy redpillpoems.substack.com

Short on cogitation long on repetition
a sense-drilled-out-of-him curriculum victim;
an overschooled fool methodically misled
by the expertly misleading system
An academic yes-man
an accomplished parrot
a tenured automaton an educated dope;
a paragon of learning
by means of mindless rote

he beamed with pride at the letters
that like a tether of weathered chain
he never failed to unspool
into the depths at the end of his name.

He beamed at the mere sight and thought
of all these sought-after alphabetic links
that anchored his claim to scholastic fame
as he basked in the summa cum light
of having earned the conspicuous right

to trumpet these the jargon-ingesting proof
and hoop-jumping culmination
of his collegiate-cartel-sanctioned
ersatz education
an impeccably vetted adept
at scientific/semantic perversion;
one of mental corruption's illustrious
preeminent accredited merchants

and having evolved into all of these
nothing would prevent
much less impede his speedy ascent

to that prestigious catbird seat that perch
reserved for the highest high priest
and current dispenser-in-chief
of certified quackery

in the graduate factory's fabulous faculty
of pseudo-scientific studies.

A model indoctrinator
an ideological clown
a doctrine bound buffoon;
an inquiry despising curiosity deterring
conformity enforcing goon

our star so-called scholar
— while pretending to defend and foster
all things enlightened and liberal —
was secretly sworn to thwart critical thinking

being as he was a big deal
in the well-dissembled field
of advanced enhancement of blinkering.

Red Pill Poet #wingnut #conspiracy redpillpoems.substack.com


War on reason war on logic
war on wisdom war on knowledge
wars on honesty and facts and proof.
War on history and its sister memory
war on the elderly war on the youth.

War on transparency war on the truth
wars on freedom of thought and of speech.
War on the person war on the family
war on the poor war on humanity
and wars on liberty justice and peace

but never a war on these wars or on war
while the devil's sedulous next-level whores
find themselves howling for more without cease.

As unsurprising as the rising sun later setting
the sad fact is this pack of rabid jackals
also finds itself yelping

for more and more-effective mental shackles
to further nurture the ignorance of the sheep
strengthen their weakness deepen their sleep
and quell any notion they might be holding
of bolting from their pens and running free;

finds itself yelping for more of anything
to cull or otherwise silence members of the flock
who dare to pause just long enough to take stock

Its trusted goons rubbing salt in our wounds
with a smug celebration of supranational force
the psychopathocracy — as ever the beast
behind all these undeclared wars —
raised a great toast to its dutiful thugs

with a tip of its glass to this last but not least
war on all those opposed to being poked
and plied with its cutting-edge health-wrecking drugs

as informed consent and bodily autonomy
were however implausibly suddenly cast
as criminally selfish relics of a just-as-suddenly
decreed-to-be-primitive immediate past.

Both drunk on the punch of utopian delusions
and imbued with the hubris of technocratic madness
the reigning god-complex-addled parasitic classes

— consistent with their overriding guiding principle
that the ends invariably justify the means —
were unfailingly disdainfully deaf
to their human playthings' painful screams.

Red Pill Poet #wingnut #conspiracy redpillpoems.substack.com

atop the list of reasons for refusing the red
pill sits the following cluster of fears:
the fear of losing
our soothing carefully cultured worldview
our cherished illusions our treasured myths
should our sanctified paradigms
suffer the catastrophic shocks
of seismic psychic shifts

the fear of losing faith in our beliefs
belief in authority trust in our chiefs;
of losing the approval pride and prestige
we derive from our tribe;

of losing the luxury of blindly relying
on the autopilot of our hive-mind bias
and the facile validation it implicitly provides;

of losing the ability to guiltlessly choose
authorized lies over unsanctioned truths
and with it the potential to revel
in less-than-ethical careers;
of losing the herd-conferred comfort
of groupthink-bolstered safety in numbers
the searing fear of becoming
victims of shunning
cast out for simply succumbing
to the stunning confusion
that sure as the turning of tides would ensue
from learning the disturbing unsavoury truth

a visceral fear of being forced to accept
that in fact we've been thoroughly duped;
of finding ourselves compelled
to somehow muster the gumption
to acknowledge our folly in having embraced
misplaced loyalties and false assumptions

the primal fear of being stripped
of so much we identify with and to which
our senses of self self-worth and purpose
are inextricably linked;
and lastly
the ghastly dread of being swallowed whole
by the excruciating pain of shame
that racks our souls
as our smugly-unexamined self-satisfied lives
implode on inspection
their deceptions exposed
now naked as babes to our unshuttered eyes.

Red Pill Poet #wingnut #conspiracy redpillpoems.substack.com


It all began with the slow but certain
dropping of the curtain on reason
followed without delay
by a withering campaign aimed
at desensitizing a disoriented people;

at inuring
a dumbed-down run-down humanity
to what would have until recently
been unequivocally seen as insanity.

Lied to their faces again and again
without the faintest of traces of shame
by teams of elite gaslighting freaks
and useful-idiot apparatchik assholes

the plebs were led up the steps
of the Great Reset's camouflaged scaffold

and even as the ropes
were slipped 'round their necks
and their throats felt the pressure

they were told and re-told
these tyrannical measures
were fully for the good of them all

— even as the trap door floor
was about to give way to space;
about to launch their terminal fall.

Squarely unaware
of their diabolically-plotted
well-dissembled destination
they'd marched in righteous robotic lockstep
to the gaping gates of Self-Extermination

— marched as if mindless subservience
were the virtue they held in highest esteem;
as if their god had always been
the pied piper of all things suitably suicidal
sustainably-synthetic net-zero fake-green;

as though nothing gave them more pleasure
than pleasing their prison-planet masters
who no matter how vile
they'd been trained to see as their betters.


much of the above was only a dream
because something unforeseen
by the techno-utopian planners
had happened on the way to the gallows;

because while all the paid-for whores
that formed the mockingbird media
were dutifully on board
— as were of course
the gamut of parasitic classes —

the far larger part
of the lower-class masses
— sensing something was darkly amiss —
had refused to join the ruinous march
to the promised heart of decarbonized bliss.