
Batjon #transphobia therpgsite.com

Of course a recent discussion of the Altered Carbon RPG by Hunters Games and Renegade Game Studio devolved into accusations by the RPG.net mod staff that the author of the books that the tv show and RPG is based on made transphobic comments because he made the actual scientific statement that people are born into one of two binary genders.

Eirikrautha #dunning-kruger therpgsite.com

Quote from: fixable on October 31, 2020, 04:00:43 AM
“Those proposing games like RaHoWa and Myfarog have points of view that can cause active harm to others.”

harm /härm/ noun: physical injury, especially that which is deliberately inflicted.

Bullshit. No one has ever been hurt by a roleplaying game (unless someone threw a 1st edition Warhammer RPG book at them... they were heavy enough to maim you). Ever. Someone might have been offended, or angered, or embarrassed, or annoyed. But those are emotions. Only the most spoiled, narcissistic, never-matured man-children would even dream of asserting that mental discomfort is the same as physical injury. Your mental comfort is not anyone else's problem, nor is your mental discomfort "harm."

Ideas cannot "harm" anyone by definition. Ideas can be evil, reprehensible, immoral, offensive, and disgusting (like fascism or Marxism/communism). They cannot cause harm. Only the direct physical actions of people can. And unless you can come up with examples of an RPG book that literally says "find a tranny in your neighborhood and beat them up," you can't even justify a claim of RPGs encouraging or promoting harm.

Mjollnir #elitist therpgsite.com

The Right memes to Truth, the Left memes to Power.

I can hear it in your voice Pundit, just how much these people's hypocrisy gets under your skin. Some people are aligned towards the Truth by their nature, to others the Truth only has value inasmuch as it's useful to them, it has no intrinsic value.

There's a natural impulse to want to show the contradictions and flaws in their belief system, but the problem is is that they don't actually believe anything. They will "believe" whatever is convenient, whatever they expect to be rewarded and validated for believing, and whatever they think will grant them status and power for believing

kreegan #racist #pratt therpgsite.com

And what of Pinnacle Entertainment Group? Sure, they rewrote the Deadlands backstory, but supposedly there is a logical reason for doing so? Other than that, I haven't seen any woke pandering from them. I'd say at worst, yellow?

Pinnacle is yellow. They aren't like WotC or Evil Hat but they do pander occasionally. In addition to changing Deadlands, they also caved to the outrage brigade over the Science Fiction Companion cover and made sure the art in the new Savage Worlds core book was focused on not showing too many white guys.

Once you bend the knee, you'll spend the rest of your life on your knees, just waiting for the executioner's blade.

Reckall #pratt #dunning-kruger therpgsite.com

"In recent years, many writers, including writers of color"

...You need to specify this because writers of color are special, I guess. Nice crypto-racism right there. Why no mention of, let's say, Japanese writers? Or, more importantly, Israeli writers like Hunter C. Eden? It seemed a big thing only a few paragraphs ago. Maybe you don't mention them because it turns out that Jews can appreciate Lovecraft just fine? (much more than you, it seems, and much more able than you in understanding how his "anti-Semitism" was actually not so clear-cut: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/arts-letters/articles/my-favorite-anti-semite-h-p-lovecraft). Or maybe because in Israel they consider anti-Semitic the very works by authors of color you are pimping? https://www.timesofisrael.com/why-does-hbos-anti-racist-lovecraft-country-stumble-into-anti-semitic-tropes/

(Incidentally, I found those links while doing the internet research you asked for. Strange how things turn out sometimes…)

All of this for a game that is:

"More Aliens and Terminator, less Shadow over Innsmouth, it’s a game where instead of becoming a howling fool when faced with the terrifying truth of nightmare creatures from beyond space and time, you pick up a twelve-gauge and do what needs doing. Your job is to save the future, not to sit in a corner screaming and clawing your eyeballs out."

I.e. whose designers either don't understand or don't want to contemplate that Lovecraft's main poetic was Cosmic Horror - not racism. People who, instead of creating their own mythology which expresses their own views, never in the life will ditch Lovecraft. Because Lovecraft sells a lot, especially today. And, sure, Lovecraft must burn in Hell, but one must be crazy to ditch the Lovecraft train when you can jump on it, lazily repaint it with "progressive" ideas and rush to a publisher with your uncreative RPG.

What a pathetic, ignorant mess. And in two pages! That's the real mind bending" reality behind "Fate of Cthulhu": a game that wants to be "woke" and ends up being lazy, derivative, anaemic, hypocrite. And racist.