
Dr. Vernon Coleman #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist thetruthseeker.co.uk

It is the global warming hoax which is going to destroy us. It’s the mad green, fake environmentalists, sanctimonious and self-important, who are going to kill us by forcing us to cold turkey off fossil fuels and live in a cold, cruel world where the poorest will starve or freeze to death and where the chosen few, the self-appointed elite, will ignore reality, worship electricity and create a pseudoscientific crisis out of thin air in order to oppress, suppress and banish humanity, decency, dignity and respect from our lives.
Of course, the majority of the preening, self-satisfied, ignorant global warming cultists actually believe that the world is coming to an end. These middle class cultists are too stupid to realise that they are working for conspirators determined to take away our freedom and our humanity. <...> The mad cultists have been told that the planet won’t survive and that billions will die as the waters rise inexorably towards the heavens. There is, of course, no evidence for any of this. They started off by calling the plot `global warming’ but had to change the name of the scam when it became clear that the planet seemed to be getting cooler more often than it got warmer and they realised that calling it climate change would give them more scope And the whole scam was created decades ago to prepare for the Great Reset.
<...> .
And so the mad fools who terrified the world with a fake covid pandemic are now going to segue neatly, as I predicted, into scaring the world with the fake global warming pandemic which they devised back in the last century and which was designed to control and to kill and not to save or preserve. The Chinese style social credit system I have warned about is already here. Global warming will be used to tighten up the rules and oppress us still further. The loony pseudo-environmentalists are not benign or well-meaning. They are either ill-informed or stupid or malignant or all three. And they are our enemies.

Israel Shamir #racist #wingnut #conspiracy thetruthseeker.co.uk

We are trying our best to figure out – why is Jewry so keen to import as many Muslims to Europe and USA as possible, and at the same time prepare the Gaza genocide? Do they do it out of sheer idealism? Out of compassion (hard to believe)? Or out of silliness? Could it be that this calculating people didn’t take into account that Muslims might react to genocide against Palestinians? Granted, Europeans and Americans did their fair share of protesting, but Jews knew they could shut down the Goyim any time they wanted simply by uttering the magic Jewish spell “Holocaust – Auschwitz”.

Yet Jews understand better than anyone that their “fellow Semites” from the Middle East have not accepted the yoke of Holocaust Guilt. Jews are more aware than anyone that Muslims still chafe over the fact that their Palestinian brothers have been kept in an “open air concentration camp” for the last 50 years. So how can we explain the apparent tactical error when the ADL and other Jewish organizations twisted the arms of European and American leaders to accept hordes of fighting age Muslims just before an Israeli incursion into Gaza? Surely no! They do not make such mistakes!
Jews are professional victims. They are good at it. They are willing to play the bad guy, but only in stories where Jewry is eventually vindicated and expendable Jews martyred. Jewish leaders believe that revenge is best served cold. This answers the question of why they brought Muslim refugees to Europe and America in the first place. Unneeded, unwanted, unrequested (so much for democracy), at a time of growing poverty and debt, the economies bankrupt and populations largely jobless, this is the precise moment that the Jews ostentatiously dumped armies of Muslims into the West.
It’s not difficult to find a Muslim refugee of disturbed mind, to hand him a knife and push him out the door to amok attack. If he didn’t exist, then the Jews would have to create him. Muslim Golems do it with panache.

Les Visible #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #ableist thetruthseeker.co.uk

For years now… we have been talking about Materialism= Atheism= Satanism= Insanity= Cultural Implosion. The Sexual Force is the driving force that demonstrates through Materialism. In the early days, we had defined courtship rituals. We had appropriate soundtracks. We had romance in the air. It had its seasons… just like Spring for Nature.

Slowly… and then picking up speed, and then… now… on the verge of free-fall, The Sexual Nature was bent ever more and more out of shape, while being bent over on electronic media until The World began to look like the inside of Picasso’s mind after two weeks of huffing compressed air… Thunderbird wine… and McDonald’s Unhappy Meals from Door Dash.
Satanism is the religion of Materialism… when Materialism reaches a certain line on The Dial. This is how drag queens have become the poster freaks of our time. The single greatest imperative of Satanism is the despoliation of innocence, and that is why the drag queens are coming after the children.

Satanism does not have a compelling vision of some shining city on the hill. Satanism’s vision is either a total and unrestrained license or a Draconian totalitarianism.
Satanism exists to create worldwide disorder and a complete breakdown in culture and unity… where everything except Normality is permitted. Diversity is Perversity, Inclusion is Delusion, Harmony is Cacophony. These are interchangeable with, War is Peace… Freedom is Slavery… Ignorance is Strength.
When The Avatar comes he will set it all aright, as he has done so many times before. A recognition of The Sun as a portal to God, and a natural altar in the cathedral of Nature… will be returning into human understanding, once The Troubles have run their course… once The Darkness has lifted… once The World has been washed clean again of the workers of spiritual discord; the deceivers and killers of Hope and Brotherhood will be sent on their way.

Gilad Atzmon #conspiracy thetruthseeker.co.uk

Why Nick Cohen is A Jew, Always Been A Jew. And You Will Never Be a Jew

Every few years, pro Iraq war and enthusiastic Ziocon Nick Cohen, insists upon declaring that he is becoming a Jew as if he weren’t a Jew to begin with. Back in 2009, Cohen used the Jewish Chronicle to announce: “Hatred Is Turning Me Into A Jew”. One would expect that the conversion would be compete by now but yesterday Cohen used the Guardian to repeat his lie. The Guardian headline read: “Why I’m becoming a Jew and why you should, too.”

Read a few lines and you grasp that Cohen isn’t just a Jew, he is a stereotypical Zionist Jew. He embodies every problematic symptom associated with Jewish ID politics.

Cohen tells us that it took him 40 years “to become a Jew.” He wants us to believe that the fact that his father’s family abandoned Judaism made him into a qualified‘Goy’. In truth, most Jews abandoned Judaism a while back. Zionism was largely a secular movement led by Jewish atheists. Cohen adds that his mother andgrandmother weren’t Jewish either.

A prominent Guardian writer is ought to know that contemporary Jewishness is defined byidentity and identification and Nick Cohen has always identified with Jewishness and far worse, with Zion and the Zionist militancy.

In order to determine whether Cohen is a Zionist Jew or an ordinary Goy all you have to do is to read his words, “Whenever I hear Jews announce their hatred of Israel’s very existence, I suspect that underneath their loud bombast lies a quiet plea to the Islamists and neo-Nazis—”

The attempt to split the Muslim world into ‘bad Islamists’ and ‘kosher Muslims’ is a blatant Zionist binary strategy that makes it legitimate to kill innocent Muslims in the name of Coca Cola or Israel’s security. Like Nick Cohen I also tend to distrust the anti Zionists Jews. However, in the real world, Jews who announce their ‘hatred of Israel’ are not afraid of Neo Nazis. They, in most cases, want to relieve themselves of any association with the colossal crimes committed by the Jewish State and the global wars advocated by Nick Cohen, David Aaronovitch and the Jewish Lobby. This is more than reasonable.

Maybe Nick Cohen doesn’t realise that Judaism is just one Jewish religion amongst many. Since their emancipation, Jews have subscribed collectively to many religions. At various stages, Jews have believed in Bolshevism, Zionism, Atheism, Egotism (a la Ayn Rand), Free Market (a la Milton Friedman) , Human Rights (for everyone except the Goyim), Moral interventionism and it is nowwidely accepted that the Holocaust has become the most popular Jewish religion. In fact for a preceptto become a ‘Jewish religion’ all it has to do is to a facilitate a sense of choseness or exceptionalism.

Now tell me, Nick Cohen the Atheist, the Zionist, advocate of Blair’s criminal war in Iraq, Jewish chronicle writer, the avid follower of the Holocaust religion who fights the Hitlers in the Labour Party24/7, is he not a Jew? You judge.

And what about you, would you like to ‘become a Jew’ like Nick Cohen? Nick Cohen believes you should. This is probably the only non-Jewish aspect in Cohen’s verbal masturbation. Jews do not invite people to join their club. They like to keep a certain level of exclusivity.

Paul Eisen #racist thetruthseeker.co.uk

Holocaust Denier

It’s always worth defining your terms. Not that it does that much good – the inquisitors will see what they want to see and claim what they want to claim. But for the record here’s what I do and do not question. First, what I do not question:

· I do not question that the National Socialist regime brutally persecuted Jews.

· I do not question that Jews in Germany were discriminated against, violently assaulted, dispossessed, imprisoned in camps and expelled and that many Jews died as a result.

· I do not question that Jews in countries occupied by Germany or within the German sphere of influence were pitilessly assaulted, dispossessed and subjected to brutal deportations, many to forced labour camps where many hundreds of thousands died.

· I do not question that many Jews were executed by shooting in the East.

But enough of this negativity – here’s what I do question:

· I question that there ever was an official plan on the part of Hitler or any other part of the National Socialist regime systematically and physically to eliminate every Jew in Europe.

· I question that there ever existed homicidal gas-chambers.

· I question the figure of six million Jewish victims of the Nazi assault and I believe that the actual figure was significantly less.

And finally, one more thing I do not and do question: I do not question the horror of what was done to Jews by National Socialists or the right of Jews (including myself) to regard that horror any way they wish. I do, however, question their right to compel the rest of the world to feel the same.

Deny the Holocaust!

For my money, a child of six can see that something’s not right about the Holocaust narrative, and the science simply confirms what I already suspect. But I differ from the Holocaust Revisionists. They are scholars – historians and scientists who apply ‘truth and exactitude’ to determine the truth or otherwise of the Holocaust narrative. I’m no scholar. I care nothing for the chemical traces in brickwork or the topological evidence for mass graves. But I’ve read the literature, and it just doesn’t add up.

That Jews suffered greatly from 1933-1945 is not in question, but the notion of a premeditated, planned and industrial extermination of Europe’s Jews with its iconic gas-chambers and magical six million are all used to make the Holocaust not only special but also sacred. We are faced with a new, secular religion, a false god with astonishing power to command worship. And, like the Crucifixion with its Cross, Resurrection etc, the Holocaust has key and sacred elements – the exterminationist imperative, the gas chambers and the sacred six million. It is these that comprise the holy Holocaust which Jews, Zionists and others worship and which the revisionists refuse.

Nor is this a small matter. If it was, why the fuss, why the witch-hunt, why the imprisonment of David Irving, Ernst Zündel and Germar Rudolf? And it’s not just them. What may be a massive lie is being used to oppress pretty much all of humankind. The German and Austrian peoples who, we are told, conceived and perpetrated the slaughter; the Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Rumanian, Hungarian, peoples etc. who supposedly hosted, assisted in and cheered on the slaughter; the Americans, the British, the French, the Dutch, the Belgians, the Italians (but not the Danes and the Bulgarians) etc. who apparently didn’t do enough to stop the slaughter; the Swiss who earned out of the slaughter, and the entire Christian world who, it seems, created the faith-traditions and ideologies in which the slaughter could take place, and now the Palestinian, Arab and Muslim peoples who seemingly want to perpetrate a new slaughter – in fact, the Holocaust oppresses the entire non-Jewish world and indeed much of the Jewish world as well. Stand up and have done with it.

So here’s something else. The Holocaust revisionist scholars and researchers are dedicated and skilled students of historical evidence, and for them‘Holocaust denier’ is but a term of abuse to be hurled as ‘witch’ might have been hurled in the Middle Ages. But for me, ‘Holocaust Denier’ is a label I accept. This is not because I don’t think anything bad happened to Jews at the hands of the National Socialists – for what it’s worth the real story of brutal ethnic cleansing moves me far more than any ‘Holocaust’ – and it’s certainly not because I think any such assault is right and proper. No, I deny the Holocaust because, as constituted, exploited and enforced, the Holocaust narrative is a false and abusive god, and I wish to put as much moral distance between it and myself as I can.

Truth Seeker #conspiracy thetruthseeker.co.uk

Some dispute the notion that the hand signals pictured here are really satanic gestures, claiming instead that they are flaunted as as signals of support by University of Texas Longhorns fans. But so many prominent individuals have been pictured making the "hook 'em horns" sign that one really has to ask: is it a coincidence that George Bush, his wife and daughters, plus Bill Clinton and Al Gore to name but a few who have been photographed making the gesture, are all such big fans of the University of Texas Longhorns?

Henry Makow, #conspiracy thetruthseeker.co.uk


I've said this before but it's more true than ever. A satanic cult (Illuminism) is undermining our family identity to render us isolated, childless, sex-obsessed, dysfunctional, and docile.

I am referring to the Masonic Rothschild-Rockefeller cult-cartel that runs Europe and America and is behind Communism and Feminism. Destroying marriage and family was a plank in their Communist Manifesto (1848) and now is part of their satanic NWO.

We don't recognize that society is becoming gay because we think of homosexuality in terms of same-sex attraction. If we redefine it as "inability to bond with a member of the opposite sex for purposes of procreation," the gay trend is clear.

The American marriage rate has dropped almost 50% since 1970. Thirty seven percent of American children do not live with both biological parents, the highest percentage among Western nations, compared to 9% in 1965.

Almost 40% of children were born out of wedlock in 2005 compared to 8% in 1965.

Only one-in-four households consist of married couples with children, compared to two-in-four in 1960.

"The United States has the weakest families in the Western world because we have the highest divorce rate and the highest rate of solo parenting," says Rutgers Sociology Professor David Popenoe.

A defining characteristic of homosexuality is sexual promiscuity. Since media induced "sexual liberation," society has become obsessed with sex and all human relations have been degraded. (See my "Is this Gay Behavior Sick?" and "Playboy and the (Homo) Sexual Revolution."

Now the educational system is actually promoting sex to children. In Winnipeg where I live, a father complained this week that a public health teacher told his 12-year-old daughter's class to have sex at age 13. They were taught about flavored condoms and shown graphic pictures that appalled the children.

This action exposes the public school system for what it has become: an instrument of mass corruption, indoctrination and child abuse. With 13-year-olds told to have sex, is it any wonder they are inviting adult predators to their homes? (See "NBC Dateline: To Catch a Predator") How long will it be before pedophilia is legalized?

A strong marriage is the foundation of a family. Girls today will reach marital age feeling jaded and abused, and possibly already will have a child. Compare this to just 50-years-ago when sex was consecrated for marriage and family.

Schools are actually teaching children to adopt the gay lifestyle and experiment with gay sex. Courts are upholding the
right of schools to debauch children over their parents' objections.