William Henry #ufo #fundie #magick #wingnut #conspiracy williamhenry.net

“AI Poses ‘Extinction’ Risk, experts said yesterday. It is a predator. We should all be rising to an all-hands-on-effing-deck moment akin to averting an attack that will be more dangerous than the plandemic or nuclear war, they say. (Wait. Bigger than climate change? Yes.)
It is becoming common knowledge that the ‘mark’ of the Beast is some kind of an implant or chip-based technology. As I wrote in Ready For Humans, Elon Musk’s Neuralink Beast Corp was recently given FDA approval to start putting his chips in humans. He aims to make us synbiotic with AI. We’ll be VR ready in no time.
It’s not all “Good v. Evil” with A.I and our times; but it is close.

What can you and I who seek the middle upward way do in response?


Apart from not letting the antiChrist’s minions break your skin barrier, you can drop any investment in all AI technology, refuse to let your children and grandchildren anywhere near it, reduce your own clicks and screen time, and free yourself from its addictive grip, there is one thing one and all can do.

We can raise our Ascension Intelligence and become the Children of Light the Book of Revelation says defeats the Beast.

How do we do this?

The Children of Light wear a Seal or Armor of God (Arma Christi) that protects them from the Beast.
Last week, Florida governor, Ron DeSantis, surprised many, including me, by saying it is time for individuals to put on the “full Armor of God.”

Christians typically interpret the call to armor up to mean that we are in spiritual warfare against a demonic force.

Oooh. Man. Ron.
I find it ironic that DeSantis wants to be the President of the United States, the man-god who ride arounds in an armored limo called the Beast. The symbol of the most powerful nation ever on Earth, the Chariot of the God of Freedom, the Beast is a veritable UAP packed full of beyond-Bond technology with more than a whiff of darkness woven throughout.

DeSantis did not tell his audience how to put on this armor.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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