BasesAndAcids #conspiracy #crackpot
There are many examples of this, too many to list to be honest. But the one I'd like to focus on is the Starbucks fiasco that just recently took place.
The police did nothing wrong.
The Manager did nothing wrong.
No one in authority did anything wrong.
Furthermore the police who responded were the most polite and professional police officers I've ever seen caught on film.
There was no violence.
There was no hostile or condescending tone.
There was no racial profiling.
There was just two officers doing their jobs.
Do you know who did do wrong?
The two gentlemen who not only refused to buy anything at the store, but also refused to leave when asked to by management.
That is one count Loitering and one count Trespassing, WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW!
It doesn't matter how minor this infraction is.
Misdemeanors or not, laws are laws!
I honestly cannot comprehend how any racial minority is going to overcome the already massive hurdle of racism when dysfunctional idealistic sheep keep hammering down the darkies with such a powerful condescending and limited world view!