jewzyfloozy88 #quack #transphobia


Bro he was born in 96….why does he look that damn old?

He’s my age wtf. I have a trimmed beard that makes me look a couple years older maybe but I thought this guy was in his 40’s or something like Chris Chan.

He's a fucking year younger than me and he would look like some creepy uncle standing next to me. Idk what hormones do but I thought estrogen helps with skin a bit. Idk.

HE'S ONLY A YEAR OLDER THAN ME. I thought he was like in his thirties

I've got this theory (with absolutely zero evidence to back it up) that something hormonal is fucked with a lot of these men. Like, beyond the basic "my brain is female but I'm male" or the "I get off on myself as a woman/girl". The seem to share physical features: some kind of male pattern baldness, what appears to be a beer gut, and (I hesitate to use this because it isn't really quantifiable at all) a potato face that makes them look 10-15 years older than they actually are.

I don't know if it's a vegan/vegetarian diet, or something fucked they're born with, or some other external factor I'm not accounting for. But why the hell do so damn many of them look like Danny DeVito in drag?



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