various commenters #wingnut #crackpot #pratt

(Jerome O'mara)
You don't know what fascism is. If you did you would know that conservatives and Trump supporters are not fascist, but Democrats are. Fascism is a form of socialism and only the democrats love socialism

(Della Navarro)
Conservatives haven't changed. We have still believed the same ideologies for centuries: Slavery is wrong, discrimination is bad. If you look back into history, you will see the Conservative party wasn't the one who fought to KEEP slavery or Jim Crow....

(Darryl Peterson)
If they are insane, they become liberals. Insanity and liberalism go together.

(Diana Rodriguez)
@ R M
the slaveholders were ALL democrats. The Indigenous People's (use the correct term if you are going to refer to our people) genocide in this country was brought to you by DEMOCRAT ANDREW JACKSON.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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