Henry Delacroix #racist #wingnut identitydixie.com
[From "So You Want To Build A Mannerbund"]
It is one of the most used terms in our sphere. It is something that frightens the left. It is a means to build a tribe, develop a society and seed a civilization. It is a way for men to raid, control or dominate a territory. It is something many segments of the dissident right discusses building offline. It is the mannerbund.
Whether explicitly using the term or not, all pieces of the right that are on the edge of the Overton Window our outside of it discuss attempts at networking that involve building what amounts to a trusted mannerbund. It would be useful to research what it takes to make a mannerbund work. It cannot just be beers and a posting career. For no more than ten dollars, one can read up on, arguably, the greatest mannerbund created of all time: the [I]Afrikaner Broederbond[/I].
The Broederbond was a secret society exclusively made up of Calvinist Afrikaner males. Its origins were very modest. It was eighteen young men coming together to discuss the state of the Afrikaner people. In 1921, they decided to make it an official secret society with roughly forty men. This was a society of men who within a generation would capture a national government and proceed to run it for the next forty years.
This was a group that transitioned from a more culturally focused society to a secret society that was bent on capturing power and using it for the benefit of its people. Who were its people? In short, the Afrikaners were the bad euros of South Africa who worked the land, were sharpshooting frontiers types, and pioneers who were battered and eventually defeated by the British Empire in a series of events. Major cultural and social events were the Great Trek or Voortrek, when Boers first were expelled from the Cape Colony by Anglos, and the two, brutal Boer Wars, when Boers were finally crushed by the Anglos all thanks to diamond and gold discoveries. For a recent historical survey of South Africa’s formation, Diamonds, Gold and War is a fair book on this process. These were tough people tied to the land ruled over by an occupation government of Anglos who imposed their culture and ways on them while lording political power over the economically and politically dispossessed Afrikaners.
The year 1948 is the key for the Broederbond. In that year, the 1948 election allowed them to assume control of the national government and not look back until they stabbed their people in the stomach decades later. Each Prime Minister or President from 1948 until the end of apartheid had been a broeder. Once they won electoral victory, they took the nearly 3,000 Broederbond members and dispersed them throughout key government agencies. These men also knew other politically reliable or sympathetic men to place in charge of key nodes. These nodes were often nodes in control of hiring and firing employees. They removed obstacles and unreliable individuals. Personnel is policy. They had the personnel to enact policy.
They made mistakes, too. They did not have ideological firmness. They softened up. They allowed the thirst for cheap labor to suck in bigger immigration populations that created more problems. They tied their rationale for rule to a church, nominally their church, but ultimately, outside of their total control. This would hurt them later on as apartheid became a hotter topic. It is curious to read how the global ostracism in sporting events bothered them. One could argue they should have allowed mixed teams for PR purposes to the globe or that they never should have cared for lame international global events for something as dumb as sport. They also fell for the dumb right wing idea that you leave the opponent’s institutions intact because principles or something abstract. They did not shut down Anglo universities. They did not shut down the Anglo press. In short, compared to the communists, they did not have the will to neuter their internal enemies or encourage them to emigrate.
Some observers note how the Afrikaners gave in just before they could secure sovereignty as the commodities source for China as the industrial giant grew. China did fund communist insurgents, but the situation was changing in the ’90s for China. South Africa sending resources to neuter the effects of BDS by the West would have worked. The end of apartheid was right before China took off, but even then, BDS did not cause the Afrikaners to give in. They did it to themselves.
The Broederbond was at the vanguard of ending apartheid. Their leaders had been softening for years, supporting policy changes and debating others that a decade earlier would have never been considered. In 1978, their leader Gerrit Viljoen had decided with the inner council that transitioning to a future with a black president was going to happen, and they would lead it. This was an elite betrayal of the population it had proclaimed for decades to be representing. The year 1978 is interesting as this was the year when the big leak of Broederbond internal documents that was the source for the major news expose and book on the Broederbond was released. Thousands of members were doxed, so to speak, and one wonders if this was a coordinated operation by the inner council to put a shinier face on their secret organization as things heated up in the republic. One believes they ultimately wanted to be accepted by the West more than lead and build an awesome civilization of their own. Rather than a hermit kingdom, they chose to be enriched by the global elite as they knifed the small Afrikaners in the back.