Jared Taylor #racist amren.com
The heart of the book is a series of interviews with leading figures and activists of contemporary nationalism, including Jared Taylor, who reportedly told the author:
Our species is tribal. It is normal to prefer the culture, manners and way of life of one’s own people. That is why, despite the government’s great efforts to encourage immigration and racial mixture, Americans remain for the most part separate. . . . It is obvious that diversity—of language, religion, ethnicity, but above all diversity of race—is an endless source of conflict. My book White Identity is a detailed description of the problems resulting from diversity and from Americans’ refusal to face them. The United States has gone very far in the matter of diversity, and I hope that France—a country I know, admire and love—will not repeat the same mistakes.
Mr. Taylor explained that some Italians and Poles, like American blacks, have retained a group consciousness that white Americans have mostly lost, but noted that whites have not always lived like this:
The coherence of our culture is well illustrated by ancient Greece or the Gothic Age which reflected societies that had a common purpose and lasting values. People like me are motivated by that culture and that heritage. My race has an inherent value that obliges us, biologically and culturally, to want to survive . . . . For us, there is no alternative to being white. But whites have the peculiarity of being altruistic. This altruism expressed itself in white involvement in the Civil Rights movement for blacks . . . . Whites think they are proving themselves virtuous by being altruists. This white altruism is specific to my race, and it is a handicap.